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The Liberal, 19 May 1976, C3

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10.00 am. â€" Bible School Classes for all ages 11.00 am -- Morning Service 7.00 pm. â€" Evening Service Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8.00 pm. STARTINGMAYvTH Courses Specially for Famules and tor Indlviduals‘ 8:00 am. â€" EUCHARIST 10:30 a.m. â€" EUCHARIST. Worshlp Service. Church School and Nursery. Choose Your Course as Listed on Church Notice Board. In 1964 I attended the first Canadian Prayer breakfast in Ottawa. “Our Father. save us from ourselves. We have turned from you to go our selfish way. We have broken your comâ€" mandments and denied your truth. We have left your altar to serve the false gods of money. pleasure and power. Now darkness gathers around us and we are confused in our councils. Fill us with new faith. new strength and new courage, that we may win the battle for peace. Be swift to save us, dear God. before the darkness falls.“ WEDNESDAY 10:00 a.rn. and 7 EUCHARIST An Old Fashioned Country Church on the Edge of the City Prime Minister Lester Pearson read from the In 1932 he had talked with U.S. president Franklin Roosevelt about the necessity for Christian principles in business and political life. In 1953. President Dwight Eisenhower at- tended the first Presidential Prayer Breakfast in Washington. He prayed: The movement grew. Queens and presidents began to ask him to start groups. ANGLICAN The Prayer Breakfast movement grew out of the dream of a Norwegian minister, Dr; Abraham Vereide. In 1935 he helped form the national Comâ€" mittee for Christian Leadership. The chairman was Leonard Reilly, chairman of the Ontario Science Centre. Lieutenant Governor Pauline McGibbon and Premier William Davis also brought greetings from the Ontario legislature. Representatives of the political parties took part by reading from the Scriptures and the ad- dress was given by Douglas Gonder. retired vice-president of Canadian National Railways. The closing prayer was led by Andrew Kniewasser, president of the Invest- ment Dealers Association of Canada. Twelve hundred people gathered before 8 am. in the Canadian Room of the Royal York Hotel. RICHMOND HILL â€" On May 5 I attended the seventh annual Ontario Leadership Prayer Breakfast. FAMILY EDUCATION PROGRAM Sundays9:15a.m.[010:15a.m A nation relies on prayer Bv Rev. Gordon Hunter Pastorates: Melville United (‘hurch .ocust llill United (‘hurch PREACHING THE OLD 800K THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH BAPTIST Rev. 8.1. McSpadden Pastor: Phone 884-7859 Rev. Fred Jackson 884-2418 SUNDAY. MAY 23. 1976 Comer of Weldrick Road and Bathurst Street ST. MARY'S ANGUCAN Yonge St. at Vaughan Rd Richmond Hill EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHARISMATIC RENEWAL FELLOWSHIP FRIDAYS â€" 8.00 PM. EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH 15 MacKAY DR, 889-6789 TESTIMONY, TEACHlNG PRAYER. PRAISE RECTOR Rev‘ Bernard Barrett 884-1394 ALL WELCOME Church Scho Teachers and year of Christian Theme ~ "THE S A special Guest, Rev. John Mpaaei, distinguished minister â€" translator, from Kenya, â€" TUESDAYS â€" 5.30-8.30 P.M. FAMILY NIGHT Piogrammes for Nursery. Happy Hour, Junior Boys: Christian Semce Brigade, Pioneet Guls. Youth and Adult Studies. Presbyterian New blood. new ideas. and new enthusiasm are needed. the auxiliary SUNDAY 9.45 AM. â€" Church School For Bus. Ministry, call 881-2818 11.00 AM. â€" Moming Worship WEDNESDAY 7.30 PM. â€" Mid-Week Bible Study "The Hours of Worship are Precious" WELCOME! If Scouting is going to continue in the area, parents of boys in the movement must be en- couraged to support group activities. The speaker was the French minister of justice and he said, “A man is never so tall as when he kneels before God, never so great as when he humbles himself before the Almighty." The closing prayer was by a Roman Catholic Priest: “Our Father. as one of your priests I just want to say that my faith has been restored this morning. That this has taken place and that it is the ministry of laymen. causes rejoicing in my heart." The National Prayer breakfast. held now annually. has as its Nine of the 11 active auxiliaries in the district were represented at the meeting. Each gave an annual report. telling how the group raised money for Scouting. catered to father and son banquets and supported Scouting activities. All members agreed there has been an un: fortunate general decline in auxiliary support. Fewer members are attending meetings and supporting Scout work. Most groups also are in need of Scout. Cub and Venturer leaders. Scouts RICHMOND HILL â€" The York Summit District committee for ladies' auxiliaries had its annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Helen Todd, Church St. South. Rich- mond Hill. Mrs. Todd is a member of the Boy Scouts of Canada Provincial Committee and has given much of her time for many years to Scouting activities in the area. Ernie Marshall, a Venturer leader and advisor to the men's district committee. showed slides taken at the Norway Jamboree last summer which was at- tended by 17,000 boys. Some 13,000 Scouts and Venturers at this big event were from Canada. New Testament Minister â€" Rev. Robert Shorten 00 A.M. â€" Morning Worship ST. JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 0xf0rd Street (Member. Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Revt Dana H. Lamb 8A,, 8.0., Minister 883-1834 â€" 884.3091 223-8247 9:45 Sunday School, all ages 11.00 am. Pastor E. Cmben 700 pm “The Shantymen, SUNDAY 884.1831 Organist & Choit Director Mr. Richard PhlIIIpS 0 h UNITED Denon:in:|rtions RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge & Centre Streets 884-1301 SUNDAY. MAY 23 PRAYER MEETING 7.30 pm. â€" Tuesdays â€" Everyone Welcome â€" Minister Rev. William Wallace RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright St. Rev‘ E. Corbett. Pastor Mr G‘ Whitmore, Asst. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Serv MAY CHOO Rec arkmg IHRIST Service at 10.30 am. and 5.00 pm SUNDAY. MAY 23, 1976 Wednesdays 9.30 am. â€" Warship Service M 10.30 am â€" Sunday Church School THURSDAYS Place broiler in reheated over, 2 to 4 in- ches below source of heat. Broil without turning, from 6 to 10 minutes, depending on thickness of fillets. 9.30 am. â€" Sunday Church School Baste with sauce during cooking. When flesh is Lay fillets on creased foil on broiler pan, brush or pour the above mixture on the fish‘ 11.00 am, â€" Worship Service The fillets may be any kind. Bullhead, ling, Whitefish are very nice done this way, but any fish fillets are good. 2 lbs. fillets '4 cup melted butter or margarine 2 tbls. lemon.juice 1 tsp. salt, shake of pepper and paprika 1 tbls. each, chopped fresh chives, parsley and mint (optional). Menu planning on a tight budget can be made more interesting if fish dishes are included from time to time. The fine flavour of Whitefish has been ap- preciated for centuries. The taste never loses its appeal and it is an exâ€" cellent source of protein. There are over 1,500 boys registered in Scouting activities in the York Summit area. There is to be a National Jamboree in Prince Edward Island next summer. If local boys are going to par- ticipate they must have the suport of greater Enjoy fish fillets 9.50 am â€" Family Sunday School 11 am; â€" Morning WOIShlp. 730 pm â€" Evening Inspiration One person expressed it this way: "These are people who ask not so much who is right as what is right; men who recognize that persons representatives agreed purpose the dedication of our nation and her leaders to God. People in positions of responsibility from all spheres of Canadian life, regardless of political or religious affiliation. come together in the spirit of ChEist to reflect on the spiritual heritage of Canada. LUTHERAN need leaders from the churches Weekly Home Bible Studies SUNDAY. MAY 2 ZION LUTHERAN (2 miles south of Maple) Rev. James S. Dauphinee VucePastor â€" 884-5264 J. S. DAUPHINEE. PASTOR SUNDAY. MAY 23. 1976 BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister Rev. D. VanderBoom ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN 10131 Baywew Avenue .M.Th. â€" 889-5225 THE MISSIONARY CHURCH GORMLEY Rev. Cecil Rosenbelger Faster â€" 887-5846 148 Thomridge D! Than-mill A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE Broiled Fillets SATURDAY 9.30 am â€" Sabbath School 11.00 am. â€" Divine Worship "0 Come let us worship V the our Maket.” Psalm 95:6 VIEW: "IT IS WRITTEN" 9.00 am. Sunday. Channel 22 9.30 am. Sunday. Channel 11 884-5029 Rev. Robert C. Quick 884-6629 SUNDAY. MAY 23‘ 1976 9.45 am. â€"Sunday School Free Bus Call 884-1759 11.00 am. â€" Morning WOIShID The GldEOHS In Charge 600 pm. â€" Moody Selence Fllm "TIME AND ETERNITY" Wednesdays â€" Midweek Semce Adults and teens THURSDAYS - Ladies” Coffee Cup Blble Study RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL 24 Oak Ave., Richvale SUNDAY. MAY 23. 1976 9.30 am. â€" The Lord's Supper 11.00 am â€" Family Bible Hour 1100 am. â€" Sunday School. Kindergarten to Gtade 6. Bible School for Glade 7 and up. 7.00 pm. â€" Evening Service TUESDAY 8 00 pm. â€" Bible Study and Prayer without principles are dangerous. and that principles without per- sons are useless; but that persons plus principles are the great assets everywhere." Listen to "The Voice of Prophecy‘ Sunday 10 am. CKFH Anyone interested in Scouting. who enjoys youth work. and who has the time to give to this activity is asked to call district commissioner Ron Sautman, 889-7871 or Ron Harding, assistant district commissioner, 884-5423. Add 1 can tomato soup, 14 cup water. 2 tsp. lemon juice, lg tsp thyme, dash of pepper. I came home a little prouder to be a Canadian and more conscious that our nation‘s roots are spiritual. numbers of leaders and‘ parents. Serve with quarter wedges of lemon. ‘ Whitefish Fillets in TomatoSoup In saucepan cook 1'2 sliced medium onion, 12 sliced medium green pepper in 2 tbls. shor- tening until tender. Fry in hot butter. (be careful not to burn but- ter), until crispy and golden brown. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. As we rose to sing "O Canada" I was reminded again that while our national anthem begins as a hymn to the nation. it goes on in the next two verses to be a prayer to God for Canada and the world. 'When the Hon. Pauline McGibbon said, “we rely 4 tbls. milk 2 tbls. soya sauce 1 tbls. salt Dip fillets into liquid mixture. Roll fillets into very fine bread crumbs. Serve on hot platter garnished with slices of lemon, parsley and mint. Fried Whitefish Fillets 2 eggs 4 tbls 2 tbls: 1 tbls. CONCORD CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Rdr & No 7 Hwy. A Church 01 The New Testament Order A. E. Atkinson Minister â€" 669-1831 A, Young â€" Sec, 669-2784 SUNDAY SERVICES 9.45 am. â€" Bible School Classes for All Ages 11.00 am. â€" Morning Service 7.00 pm. â€" Communion Service WEDNESDAY 8.00 pm. â€" Bible Study opaque and will flake it is done. 'rouf'sauce over 1 lb. fish fillets arranged in shallow baking dish. Bake 350 degrees F. for 25 minutes or until fish is done. 2 lbs. fillets COME AND WORSHIP WITH US SUNDAY 12.30 pm. Watch "The Herald of Iruth T.V. Channel 3, Barrie RICHMOND HILL SEVENTHDAY ADVENTIST CHURCH. 80 Elgin Mills Road w Pastor E‘ L Anderson 8840451 RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH 212 Hlllsview Dr the Lord on prayer," I was made a little more confident of the future of Canada as a nation responsible to God and a people sharing our wealth with those less fortunate than ourselves. WOODBRIDGE â€"- Joanne Elizabeth Howden, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Howden, formerly of Maple. now of Woodbridge, will be among the graduates at the May 27 convocation at the University of Guelph. Science graduate '1} Joanne Howden ...wants to teach SHARON â€" Two historical displays prepared by Humber College students will be on view at Sharon Temple Museum in the village of Sharon from 10 am. to 5 pm. daily. opening Saturday and continuing to Labor Day. In the Temple itself, Johnny Canuck at Philadelphia makes use of reproductions of steel engravings from 100 year old copies of The Canadian Illustrated News showing Canada‘s contribution to the International Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876. The second display is in a log house on the grounds of the Temple complex. Making use of furniture, ceramics. metals and textiles, the students have recreated the atmosphere of the mid-19th century pioneer home. Sharon is on the third con- cession road in East Gwillimbury, north of Newmarket. HAMILTON â€" The Toronto and district square and round dance festival takes place at McMaster University Thursday 3 pm. to mignight, Friday 9 am. to 2 pm. and Saturday 9 am. to midnight. The public is invited to watch and par- ticipate. New displays at Sharon Dance festival North 01 Maple Slderud an Keel: Siren) south york region scheduled events Phone 889-4973 AURORA â€" A group of citizens concerned with enhancing the quality of life in Aurora has formed an organization, ENDOW AURORA Incorporated. and will be having a public meeting at 8 pm. May 26 in Vic- toria Hall, Mosley St. The speaker will be Murray Pound, York Regional Planner, who will discuss Aurora‘s position in the official regional plan. All are welcome. Memberships are available. For further information contact ENDOW Aurora Inc., Box 522, Aurora L4G 3L6. May 29 at 8:30 pm. Guests will include tenor Louis Danto and soprano Judith Labane. Tickets $3 and $4 available at Minkler Auditorium box office, 491-8877, Endow Aurora to help a child Non-profit organizations planning programs of interest to readers in Southern York may submit items for this column to Social Editor Margaret L-ade. "The Liberal", 10101 Yonge Street. Richmond gin: 884-8177 or 931-3373. Deéauh'é’is" 's"p.m. Friday. THE LIBERAL. Wednesdav. M SHOP & SAVE USE YOUR CHARGEX AND MASTER CHARGE CHARGE 19. 1976

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