REASONABLE Sleepsd ALSO 4 HJ". McCULLV MOTOR Call aner:p.m. LIONEL'S HARDTOP TRAILERS, new l97_6 Aerodynamic design :5 engineered especially 90 save you money. SPRING FEVER SALE McKenzie Camping Au'omavic. Michelin radials, also snows. Asking 5500. 19,000 miles. Good cundi'ion. CALL AFTER 6 P.M. Trim iMerior, big 6 engine. auloma'ic vransmission. Ex- cellen' condi'ion. 30.000 miles. Ceniï¬ed. $7150 or hes. oHer‘ Call anyï¬me‘ 884-0947 cmas 1973 Comet Deluxe Trailers Limited HWY. 7 AT BAYVIEW 889-1831 415'Kennedv Rd.. S. M Eglimoq 266-5812 1970 CHEV 1969 BUICK 1967 VALIANT Factory Reconditioned UtIIIty Vans SIZES 4’ X6‘ AND 4' X 7’ Axle capacity â€"3,500 lbs. New 15" tires. New wheel bearings, springs, lights and paint job. Bonded aluminum plywood panels with aluminum fenders 14' CEDARSTRIP BOAT :réii/iriéraflwweether protection. All this has been recently eompleted to put these trailers in a like- new condition. Prices start at $500. Chrysler Boats Chrysler Outboard Motors 1972 Firenza SL JULY, AUGUST BOOKED All other dates still available 65 Buick Electra Convertible 69 HARDTOP TENT TRAILER EMPRESS MOTOR HOME 22' FOR RENT 35 h.p. Johnson. 5500 SALES & SERVICE - Reid Mower, Marine & Sports 884-7716 881-2384 SAVE GAS SMALL WITH ICE BOX AND HARVIE’S USED CARS 773-5473 Travel Trailer LOOKING FOR A GOOD USED CAR 0R TRUCK? BUY WITH CONFIDENCE CALL DOUG MCLEOD 70 DATSUN 1971 Austin America 0R BETTER STILL, DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND All Certified AS IS. BEST OFFER 7.2%??? or 519-742â€"2934 884-6632 884-8489 883-3093 887-5202 (After 5 p.m.) 889-4717 884-5628 Don Reid Sales & Service Evgs. 727-9703 887-5391 889-4302 BEST OFFER STANDARD Cenilied. S750 33,000 miles PRIVATE 16 Industrial Rd., Richmond Hill TRAILERS Cars & Trucks clwdfl clw48 884-4026 Clwda clw4e Boating clwde clwafl clwds clwda <2de7 Trailers clwu Generator. Air-condifloned Compleve. 13,000 mi. $18,000. “#7889 Evinrude, 'raifer. Call Bob, 884- 3105. plw“ 12‘ ALUMINUM-BOAT. Good as new. 884mm. (:1de BOAT, 16' libreglas. motor 65 H.P CLEARANCE SALE 6 CYLINDER. POWER BRAKES Model LP 110, 7 sleeper. Fridge, 3 burner s'ove, sink, privacy drapes, stored indoors. Price 833-6669 a door, AM-FM stereo. Low mileage. Excellent condilion. HARDTOP CAMPER la n. A-l condition. Many options Rustprooled. Kep' indoors. TRUCK CAPS SALE $229 UP Good running order. As is. $200 Add-A-Room, propane. hydro, spare tire. opens 00 10'. $1,000. 884-4625 Evgs. 72 RENAULT 16 AUTOMATIC 72 RENAULT 12 STATIONWAGON 72 RENAULT 12 SEDAN 71 RENAULT 12 (Choice of 2). All priced for quick sale 1970MeteorRideau 75 GREMLIN X 71 VOLKSWAGEN WINDOW VAN 74 SWINGER Motor Home 29' 14’ FIBERGLASS SAILBOAT 73 Audi 100 LS Evgs. 888-1785 73 WlNNEBAGO MOTOR HOME GREENWOOD GARAGE 75 CHEVROLET Law mileage. A-l condition FULLY EQUIPPEDJSOO 14' SPORTSPAL CANOE $12.5 884-7949 11263 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL Woods Hardtop Camper All sizes and colors Old Hwy. 7 and Bayview THOR NHILL 88948]! CAMPING TRAILERS 884-8841 773-4444 889-4688 884-0568 condition. Best ouer‘ 884-0568 EXTRAS. $3,100 881-2390 881-5044 884-9605 AFTER 5 P,M ELCAMINO Mter LIONEL clwde c2w47 clwu clwflB c2w47 (“V48 clw48 c1w47 clwu c2w47 c3wa7 c2w47 emu Radials. Air. Excellent condition 52,000. or best offer. 71 Datsun 240-2 lrom Chis 1972 Dodge Window Van. Trailer hitch and wiring set-up. an v-a. Body professionally cleaned. New painl. $2.900. non Yonge 59., Richmond Hill. 884- 9609. c2w47 AUTOMATIC PS. -P.B., SEATS 50,000 miles. Vinyl fool. $850. or hes! alter. 832-1007 6 cylinder. automatic. power during, sun root, 5,000 miles. 33,895. Rus'prooied. Radio. Michelin tires. Excellent condition. CERTIF|ED H a.m. For Mr. 5 Mrs. J. ASCHWANDEN 1“ mile nonh ol Ringwood on Hwy. 43 (Bethesda Sideroad West 500 h.) Household cements. lull list next week. 35! Ram Air high performance engine. Loaded with extras. Yellow with black interior. Low mileage, mus! be seen. Private. Specializing in v.w. body work and general repairs. DOHERTY MOTORS 727-3322 r'lu-A 4 DOOR SEDAN. PS-PB V~8. 261000 miles, Excellent con di'ion. I974 DART Custom. Power steering. Rear window defogger. Excellen' condition. 47,000 miles. $3,700. 773-5037. nclw“ GOOD SELECTION OF QUALITY RECONDITIONED ALTERATIONS, men's. ladies' and children's, eOc. Fas'. Reasonable. 854-1918. "(:47 Saturday, June 12 Dressmaking 22,000 MILES Automatic. Mechanical Fitness Cars & Trucks UNCERTIFIED. BEST OFFER 71 RENAULT R10 1974 Ford Custom 66 DODGE STATIONWAGON 1970 VW BEETLE 71 OLDSMOBILE DELTA CUSTOM 73 DATSUN 610 ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1969 TORONADO VOLKSWAGEN SALE 1975 DODGE DART SWINGER EXCELLENT COND|TION $2,400. MAKE YOUR OWN CAMPER CERTIFIED.A-1 Low mileage. Reasonable 66 Olds Cutlass 1 Owner. Good Condninn 884-9545 Evgs. $2,8000R BEST OFFER Aunioneer DON BUR D 6404918 66 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 65 Mercury 66 Ponï¬ac GOOD CONDITION $200 0!? BEST OFFER Auctions CALL SCHOMBERG 8,000 Mi. Rustprooled VERY CLEAN 72 MACH I 68 VOLVO 1-895-4725 GOOD CONDITION 884-7732 889-0298 939-7287 884-2023 884-0568 75 Pinto Hatchback 889.2040 884-3331 881-2065 884-9627 884-6004 884-6589 Nobleton 859-4411 NEW EXHAUST 4 NEW SPRINGS NEW RADIATOR Uncermied $100 884-3751 58,000 MILES call alterspm (AnerJ P.M.) AFTER 4:30 As is. $100 $1,200 c2w47 c2w47 clwds c2w47 clw“ dwla clwas c2wl7 c2w47 clwda clwda C1w43 c2w48 clwla clwda clwu clwu c2w48 OPEN 6 A.M. ALL DAY Antiques, vegetables, cheese, meats, anything and everything Everyone welegme. FREE PARKING 1-640-3813 ~ Coming Events SATURDAY, June 19th. Rich- mond Hill Lion's Club auction at The Lion's Hall, Cen're Street, East. Richmond Hi“. 504-3359. BRASS beds 7- a «many ston Iull. All sizes and styles (including Queens). Open all weekends. 9994‘ Keele St. Maple 832-2567, 936-3056. "(65 BRASS. copper, antiques repolished. Brass beds, e'c‘ Briiex. 755~785L ":29 Sealed tenders clearly marked as to comems win he received by the Town Clerk at 8911 Woodbine Avenue, Markham. Ontario, no lay "an 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, June mn, 1976 THETOWNOFMARKHAM CONSTRUCTION OF AN AD- DITION TO THE MARKHAM HISTORICAL MUSEUM, HIGH- WAY 46, (NORTH OF HIGHWAY 7) MARKHAM. Tender terms and specifications may be obtained from the Building Department on receipt of a $10.00 non-relundable deposit. Lowest or any tender or any part at any tender not necessariiy accepted. WOODEN mantlepiece wim mirror $400. and pine gaveleg diningroom oable. $275. or besv olIer. Call after 7 p.rn. 534-1380. Sale of OIL PAINTINGS Brampton Livestock Exchange EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING Scarring a' 6 :30 p.m‘ SELLING ALL CLASSES OF LIVESTOCK Came, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, ponies, poultry and miscellaneous enacts. 3 miles north at Bramp'on, on No. 10 Hwy. a0 Snelgrove. DONALD W. REINHART. Proprietor and Auctioneer 843-107] gntiqueï¬ & @171 Stouffville, Ontario Auction and Flea Market: D. Allen, Chairman THURSDAY, JUNE 3. 1976 Tender Forms and Specifications are available from the Purchasing Department, 60 Wellington St. W‘, Aurora. Low bid or any tender not necessarily accepted. Enquiries: Nick Vollebregt at 889-0660, 887-5931. 884-8131, 727-3141, Extension 255 SEALED TENDERS will be received at the Reception Desk, The York County Board of Education, Administrative Offices, 60 Wellington Street West, Aurora, until 4:00 pm. local time, BY ROY ROBSON MAY 291:30- 9:00 P.M. MAY 301:30 - 5:00 P.M. Exhibition and Many useful household items, 8 h.p. lawn tractor, humidifier, air-conditioner, bunk beds, diningroom table, buffet, office desk, range, 3/4 bedroom suite. Also some beatiful antique pieces. BACK O'THE HOUSE GALLERY Open Every Saturday All Year AUCTION TONIGHT WED., MAY 26TH THE YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION TENDER NO. 309 CARETAKING SERVICES 1976-77 AURORA HIGH SCHOOL STOUFFVILLE SALES BARN TENDERS 'FOR AUCTION SALE Auction will be held indoors if weather is bad. Col. Harold Johnson, Auctioneer 121 Keele St. KING CITY 9893 Leslie St., Richmond Hill (Just South of Markham Rd.) DIANE E.WHETTER. Town Clerk, Town 0! Markham. 89H Woodbine Avenue, Markham, On'ario VcldeI REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE 6 PM. SHARP Auctions Tenders c2w47 cams: c7wd5 c2w48 c7w42 Cards of Thanks Coming Events Sale includes Console dining room table with matching low bullet and 4 chairs,- hall table, hall stand; chestertield and chair.- bedroom suile other bed and bedroom lurniture; G.E. portable B.w‘ T.v.,- parlour table, dryer, stove, refrigerator; 1965 Galaxie 500 Ford, runs well, requires body work. To be sold uncertilied. Garden lraclor (2 wheel) and cultlvator. Lawn mower, small lathe; lable saw, garden and hand tools; oil lamp; wringer washer; and other misc. items. Terms Cash. Cheque with ID. GORDORR AUCTIONEER,833-6360 THURS. EVENING JUNE 3, 6:30 P.M. Auction Sale for Estate of the LATE FRED BOYS. No. 27 King Sideroad, Oak Ridges, 1/4 mile west of lights at No. 11. MR‘ and Mrs. Ernie Barre" cl 251 Harrygan Crescen', Richmond Hill, are happy to announce the engagemem 0! "wk daughter. Margarev Anne (Peggy), to Hugh, son 0! Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Robinson, 0! Batman. clwaa DELTA Lambda Chapter at Beta Sigma Phi wish to thank the Rich- mond Heights Plaza, The Rich- mond Hill Agricultural Society and all those who contributed to and supported their Spring Time Fashion Show. cums ZIEGLER. Dalene and Don are proud and happy to announce Ohe arrival of Keith Vaughn, 7 lbs., 3": 015., on May 14, I976. clw48 Suddenly at York Cenlral Hospilal, on Thursday, May 20m, 1976, in his and year. beloved husband ol 'Sarah Sco" and lalher ol Jean (Mrs. Ruben Elliom, grandfather of Jane! and Susan‘ Rested al the Marshall Funeral Home. Funeral service was held on Saturday, May 22nd at H a.m. Cremalion. MAY 29th, Saturday. Annual Rummage Sale a! Our Lady Queen at the World Church, Bayview Ave., at Crosby, l 'o 4 pm, c1w47 MAY 19, Saturday. Annual Spring Rummage and garage sale presented by Willowdale United Church Women, 00 be held in The Church Auditorium, 37? Kenneth Ave., 9:30 a.m. to I230 p.m. Bargain Hunters’ Bonanxa. c2w47 MacGREGOR. John STONE. Seward On Thursday, May 20, 1976. John MacGregor. beloved husband of Sarah Scott. dear lather ol Jean (Mrs. Robert Elliott) at Richmond Hill, and the late Ian. Rested a the Marshall Funeral Home Rich- mond Hill. Service was held on Saturday morning. Cremation. At King City Arena, lst road east at Keele St., all the King Road, opposite I.G.A. Sale includes: Dining room suite. 9 pieces (an exceptionally good old suite); old European pine armoire; top oi mail desk; small china cabinet; Jacques and Hayes bed; Jenny Lind spool bed; blanket box; primitive pine table; victrola; 2 hall stands, marble top washstand; brass bedstead; wooden chairs, treezer, refrigerator. clocks, oil lamp. carriagelamps. approx. 200 pieces at china, glass including Carnival. Depression, l7 pieces at Crown Dueal; Goolus glass; toilet set; cruet set. Moustache cup. Pictures etc. Many other misc. items of turniture and smaller items of interest to collectors and others. A very good altering. Terms cash. Cheques with ID. only. GORD ORR AUCTIONEER,833-6360 Suddenly at Lindsay on Tuesday, May 18. I976. Seward Stone beloved husband of Sarah, Anne Saville ol 352 Markham Road. Richmond Hill. Dear lather ol Mrs. Grace Calvin and William Harold Stone, loved by his live grandchildren. 4 great- grandchildren. Brother oi Sher- wood Stone ol Whitby and Mrs. Corinne Parks ot Lindsay. Rested at The Marshall Funeral Home Richmond Hill. Service was held Friday afternoon. Interment King City Cemetery. MacGREGOR. John S. L. G. Chapman Director of Education. ngagement SAT., MAY 29TH 12:30 P.M. AUCTION SALE Deaths Births clw-‘JB clwdfl ch48 MABBUTTâ€" In loving memory at a dear mother Emily who passed away May 30, 1969, and a dear lather George William, who passed away Aug 4, 1755. As time unlolds another year. Memories keep them ever near. Silent thoughts at times together, Hold memories me! will last lorever. Sadly missed by Florence and 'amilv' clde COSTOFF. William â€" In loving memory ol a dear husband. lather and grandlavher, William, who passed on May 29, 1952. “In tears we saw him sinking. We watched you lade away, Our heans were almosl broken, You laugh! so hard to stay. But when we saw you sleeping, So peacelully lree from pain, We could nol wish you back, To suller that again." Sadly missed by wile Ethel and Family. clwda They have a mild, never-bitter flavor and keep well in the refrigerator crisper for up to 10 days. Grown in Ontario greenhouses and sun- ripened under controlled conditions, they add a first taste of summer to early spring meals. Now is the best time to buy Ontario grown long English cucumbers, say food specialists at the Ontario Food Council. ministry of agriculture and food. Best Ontario cucumber time NOTICE is hereby given that to recover our charges in the amount of $5,770.63 for mechanical repairs and overhaul, under the provisions of The Mechanics’ Lien Act. Chapter 267, Section 48, there will be sold by public sale or auction, at the premises of Leggat Aviation (Ontario) Ltd., But- tonville Airport, Buttonville, Ontario, on June 2nd, 1976 at 10 am. in the forenoon, the goods listed below. If necessary the sale will continue until such goods are sold or our lien satisfied. The person whose name appears opposite the goods listed is liable to us for our charges. Name _ FRANK HORVATH ONE (“CONTINENTAL 0â€"470L ENGINE LEGGAT AVIATION (ONTARIO) LTD. by its solicitor, BRUCE M. RALPH 8A Finch Ave, West, Willowdale,0ntario. “was Maybe the Andrew Sisters weren't there, but the apple blossoms were certainly out at the farm of John Smithyes. of RR]. King. This unique orchard, where the apple trees are trained along wire like grape vines, was started nearly 30 years ago by E. G. Rolph. a pioneer in apple growing practices. With the apples within easy reach. it means easier Something NEWI Auto tune-ups and normal service done AT YOUR PLACE! Easily recognizable Minor tune-up includes: plugs. points. condenser E: sat up with latest cï¬aognostic equipment. AUCTION PUBLIC SALE MOBILE AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE AUTOTRAN 4495 881-3464 It's apple blossom time In Memoriam Legal COSTOFF â€" In loving memory 0! a dear lather and granula'her William who passed away May 19, I952. Sadly missed along Iile's way. Quietly remembered every day. No longer in our like 10 share, But in our hear's, he's always there. Ever remembered by Reva, Nick and grandchildren. (:1de The thin skin on these cucumbers is a real plus. It‘s not waxed therefore it‘s edible. because of their length and uniform color. they are always wrapped in film to retain their moisture. Because you don‘t peel these long English cucumbers. there‘s no waste and they look more cooking York Central Hospital - Trench St. & Maior Mackenzie, Richmond Hill Call 883-2234, 883-2235, North Branch 773-5341 GOT A QUESTION? Where do I get job retraining? Where can I play chess? When do the Lions meet? Where can I find help? I feel as a parent, that Iam losing control of my anger NEED A SERVICE? I need a credit counsellor. Where can I find one? I‘m 15 and pregnant. Where do I go now? WANT TO HELP? I like children and have some spare time. What can I do? My kids are all in school now. What should I do? HElPMAT'E INFORMATION GOT A QUESTION? NEED A SERVICE? WANT TO HELP" lll-Il.P.\l:\TI-2 INFORMATION WILL PROVIDE:- ~ Caring volunteers to help with everyday problems and emergencies. ~ Friendly viSiting and services to shut-ins. ~ Information about community resources. â€" Relerral to qualified professionals when necessary; All services are provided by trained volunteers who will respect the con fidential nature of each request Slice cucumbers very thickly. Mix ytogurt, spices. salt and ‘sugar. Toss yogurt dressing with sliced cucumbers. ieaves or ‘2 tsp. dill (‘ucumber Salad weed- with Yogurt Dressing 1 long English greenhouse Cut unpeeled cucumber cucumber into paper thin slices. '2 cup yogurt Spread slices in one layer 14 tsp, ground mustard in a large shallow glass :4 {:p gsgiltmd cumm dish. Sprinkle with salt .1 tsp' su ar and set aside at room 4 p' g temperature for 20 ’ d . 2 green onions. choppe minutes- Top with chopped green onions. Chill thoroughly. Serve as a salad. Cucumbers in Sour Cream Dill Sauce 1 long English greenhouse cucumber 2 tsp. salt 1-3 cup sour cream 2 tbsp. white vinegar '4 tsp. sugar attractive too spraying, pruning and picking. Mr. Smithyes. who took over the orchard following the illness of Mr. Rolph. is seen checking some of the blossoms. When the apples go on sale in the fall. customers will have the choice of picking their own produce, or buying freshly-picked fruit. Makes 4 servings THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. May 26. 1976 â€" B-ll Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of and, in accordance with the Weed Control Act, 1972, Section 4, 14 and 20 and amendment thereof, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipality of Richmond Hill are destroyed by date of June lst, 1976 and throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed charging the costs against the land in taxes, as set out in the Act. The cooperation of all citizehs is earnestly éolicited DESTROY WEEDS Notice to Property Owners WEED INSPECTOR FRED BOVAIRD MUNICIPALITY OF RICHMOND HILL Coat the slices evenly with the sauce. Taste for seasoning Cover and refrigerate about 2 hours. Just before serving sprinkle with dill. In a small serving bowl, stir the sour cream, vinegar and sugar together until well combined. A handful at a time. squeeze cucumbers gently to remove excess liquid, pat them com- pletely dry with paper towels and drop them into the sour cream mixture. 1 tbsp. finely cut fresh dill leaves or ‘2 tsp. dill weed. TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Makes 4 servings (Photo by Hugo)