Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Jun 1976, B10

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Bâ€"10 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 9. 1976 Help Wanted / SECRETARY T’pISt'Bmkkeep” Registered Sidewalk And Patio grabs Articles for Sale M Boating EXERCISE bicycle. reasonable. 884-2732. like new. chSO I989 35 H.P. MERCURY MOTOR. I4 FT. ALUMINUM BOAT AND TRAILER. 14' Mahogany Boat 25 H.P. MOTOR, TRAILER $900.0r best ottef FULL OR PART TIME For Thornhill ollice Call evenings VIKING 30" range. 585. Inglis portable dish washer. $100. Will 8925. PLUS 5 H.P. THOMAS MOTOR, 4 W Egfino new, NEVER USED. CHOOL BOARD AD' "Ly :ErTeEctzchTIlleiooflsfis's.6:057:37” cleD Aheer.m.sst-un “w” REQUIRED IN F§ICE FOR DUTIES AS ciwso DAYS,WEEKENDSO cmso TION O , â€"â€"_â€"_â€"â€" . MINISTRA SUpERINTENDANT OF Small pm 9,... We, 5,,“ mm Traders SECRETARY TO SCHOOLS. children’s clothing and other elegant iunk. Sat, June 12th. W to 3 p.m. 102 Weslwood Lane. Thornhlll. clwso HOUSE PAINTER EXPERIENCED Steady PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. - noon. INDUSTRIAL . CAST STONE LTD. 51 OBSERVATORY LANE. RICHMOND HILL W50 Nursing Home CALL BEFORE II P.M. 851-2849 clw$0 Commanchie Sales Special this month on TRUCK CAPS FROM $239.AND UP The successful applicant will be a person with initiative who is willing to accept responSIbllIty and have good typing and shorthand skills. _____________ AIR-CONDITIONER. 7500 B.T.U. Reasonable. Evgs. 884-5270. TYPEWRITERS. adders. calculators. sales, servrce. ren-l APPLY TO: MR. P. 'N. F. SMITH Employment Mature Operator CONTENTS GARAGE SALE Slit-“"7233: 77;________â€"___ Required tor Philips 350 Billing CAR ESSENTIAL Machine and other related duties C010,. TV, livingroom suite, collee SWIMMING POOL. less than i OFFICE MANAGER Sat.,June12th 881-2075 " P""'°'i°e'12li.'ofe'””' ""‘eg, '*° ‘.‘"’"‘ ""‘es' '3'” '°'°3°-m- XESLSLZ'7.71'332251‘1‘vaoi'5l‘fs‘1 chan elier. e c. - . . . . . I YORK REGION ROMAN CATHOLIC 743 2555 2131;288:128- K mile north of Stouffwlle Sideroad 5 _ - IOJWESTWOODLANE. . ' ‘ . CM 889 4833 m... cm, mom... CW 3333;335:4197"9‘"’~Pig; on Yonge St., Oak Ridges. 773-4120 SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD 21 Dunlop Street. Richmond Hill, Ont. WEEKEND ‘ HELP WANTED ion dairy larm in Woodbridge â€" we presently havelxgfle area- Musl have own several ‘over'portatlon and be 18 years or clwso CLERK TYPIST 85l-Id76 BEFORE 9 P.M. clwso PERSON TO CLEAN RECREATIONAL VEHICLES INTERESTING POSITIONS available for both per manent and temporary help. Good future potential and 1 1 ISI re uired IOT TOWIII exc n eneis. PARTTIME Accum e w q g g .°""C,‘e"k/}‘ .t 297-3542.... food distributors ' 79's 5 'â€"â€"â€"’â€",ERMANEN, O Dicta Typists O Shorthand Secretary 0 Jr. and Sr. Accounting Clerks 0 Switchboard Operators o Bookkeepers RECEPTIONIST â€" TYPIST Own car .-1 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 884-6944 cm. WAITRESS WAITER REQUIRED FULL TIME 7 a.m. - 4pm. Must have experience Some knowledge of accounts receivable and ac- counts payable an asset. Excellent future. Location: Keele and Hwy. 7 669-9465 Miss Baker Call Halfway House CIWSO SPRAY PAINTER Some experience with industrial wood and metal finishing RICHMOND HILL M. DAVIDSON 884-2359 PCHAMBERMAID Steady Part Time Saturdays and Sundays 889-7442 ' SUMMER RELIEF TELLER Required by Local Cahartered Bank upholstery business. 884-2189 PERMANENT PERSON FRIDAY King Twp. Aâ€"I EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 884-6944 ciwso SECRETARY - RECEPTIONIST. I p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Good typist. Permanent. 226-0860. L. J. Fleck. Realtor. 4997 Yonge St. ch50 226-4194 ch50 PATIENT RECEPTION CLERK Full time position available in Patient Reception area involving typing and documentation at patient information on admission to hospital. Must be available tor day. evening and weekend shilt. APPLY TO: PART Time Reliet in Retiremen Home. Must be unattached an mature. Pleasant new surroun- dings. For appointment call 884- 9248. clwso Personnel Dept. YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL 10 Trench St., Richmond Hill 883-2250 MAINTENANCE person tor Park- way Hotel. Presentable mature person lor permanent position. Call Mr. Latimer at 88l-2l2l . cleO KITCHEN helper tor evenings at Parkway Hotel. Permanent position call Mr. Cummings. Bal- 2I2I. clw50 EXPERIENCED carpenters and brick layers required. Must have transportation. 884-9379 or 889- 2075. "€47 HOUSEKEEPER To make up bedrooms at Parkway Hotel. Permanent position. CALL MR. LATIMER 881-2121 SALES help. Part time. Nights and weekends. Experience not necessary. Mature. Bayview Variety.884-Jdl7. Articles for Sale RADIAL SAW rlwcn An Automobile Dealership in Richmond Hill requires a person thoroughly lamiliar with all phases 01 ac- counting and be able to work with a minimum ol supervision. Only experienced need apply 884-8126 SUPERINTENDENT FOR SHOPPING CENTRE Dealership electronic accounting experience is prelerable but not essential. IF YOU FEEL YOU HAVE THESE QUALIFICATIONS. REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY PLEASEMNEI 10” Almost new MR. PAUL DAYSHIFT.GOODWAGESAND FRINGE 881'2819 EYES- BENEFITS WARBECK _______cw_v:o_ Applyinpersonto Sat. June 12th II a.m.todpJn. 92M Bayview at loth 2 households combined to make a large variety ot items. clw50 FITTER WELDER REQUIRED BY PROGRESSIVE CONVEYOR AND PACKAGING MACHINE MANUFACTURER. MR. M. DIMATTEO Hillcrest Mall Management Office 9350 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Clerk-Typist Clwso GARAGE SALE Sat., June 12th ll Woodward Ave.. Thornhill From l0a.m. 889-1153 LOAM & MANURE FOR SALE Must have several years ex- perience and able to read blueprints. USUAL COMPANY BENEFITS General Conveyor required by local Chartered Bank WOESASTLEIEAVE U dwgreigeb THORNHILL .' se a oors EXPERIENCE PREFERRED 889.7811 cw """“ we. GARAGE SALE Saturday, June 12 9A.M. 87 Markham Road (corner Ruggles and Markham) Rich- mond Hill. 884-8126 STORE CLERK REQUIRED Ila.m.106p.m. VANGUARD PHARMACY MAPLE 832-2225 CIWSO clw50 Swimming Pool Wholesaler Must dispose ol 197$ aluminum, pools in stock. sacrilice price lori desperately needed lactory clwso warehouse space Brand new! swimming pools include walk raround deck. lence. tiller. and ,warranty CARPENTERS (2) required for rough and trim work CALL FRANK AFTER 5 P.M. 884-4220 COMPANY REQUIRES Ambitious Persons 3 part time and 2 lull time tor day or evening in this area. . . Size 15‘ x 27' H.088 cash or terms. Temporary Office Clerk ..9.’:EE..92§9. Wanted by construction I my company located ____ Woodbine-Steeles area. Some typing required. Ability to work with figures. ' cleO SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE Reliable Person to care tor 2 children. 8 and I2. while mother works during July Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground and Au ust. t-d k. v CAR NECESSARY houseworgk. Must 6:261:91: swino. MUSt have 9v”) Aluminum Pools left over trom Earn $4.50toso.50 BamursLHwy‘ 7' u-ansportatlon 1975 season, ‘1 PRICE, guaran- an hour- teed installation and terms. Call 895-6532 mega-2118 M Call 495-6533 ggg$wazczzssuA3155 Selling Out Displaced by New Airport Unable to relocate We are going out of business. We have several thousand tropical plants. succulents. cacti. vines. ivys and flowering plants. Plant your Terrariums or deGOr- ate your home at reasonable prices. Free advice I. Greftegreff Greenhouses Corner of 17th Ave Markham - Pickering Townllne 294-5634 7 YE OLDE SECOND HAND SHOP GREEN AND WHITE BARN BEHIND LOBLAWS IN SOUTH AURORA SHOPPING CENTRE. For the cottage or rec room, we have chesterlields and chairs lrom $30. up. stoves lrom 525. m3. kitchen tables and chairs lrom s70. beds trom SIS. radios trom Slo. TVs trom $35. record players lrom $10 and l0.000 more articles and antiques. We have windows. sinks. doors. saddles â€" name it â€" we have it. FREE PICK-UP 727-8823 clwso ' Beautiful Quilts Made To Order Sofa Light Sat, June Quilted Placemats. Reasonable prices. Lookers welcome. Ruth. 773-4097 c2wso Blue Sectional New-SL795. NEW CONDITION. Evgs. 884- 6564 clwso GARAGE SALE 12th to a.m. to 4 p.m. 73 Westwood Lane. Thornhill Bicycles. dishes. chairs. doors, vacuum cleaner. Barbeque. Water Soltener. Sinks. etc. Teak, including box mattress. $350 clw50 ' $995. COLONIAL 4 chairs. Spade) $45 889-8023 SMALL. MODERN 9-PIECE Diningroom Light mahogany; solid wood GOOD CONDITION. $290. 225-5754 cm... 832-8967 RaspberFy Canes Strawberry Plants Perennials 884-3255 CONN ORGAN With strummer. A-l condition 833-6304 W... CABINET $135 2 rockers. miscellaneous items. (Dalton and 884-6705 POOL FILTER - 18 FT. CARTRIDGE TYPE c2w49 BEDROOM SUITE spring and clw50 clwso GUN other ch50 cleO Suite Chesterfield t-PIECE Suite Good Condition $300 OR BEST OFFER 881-2162 GARAGE SALE Sat. June 12th I9 PEARSON AVE.. THORNHILL Household articles. clothing. etc. iewellery. clwso Bedroom Curtains Brand new. Iloor length. semi sheer, champagne color. Made tor two separate windows. could be ioined for one wall ellect. Best otter. 889-2217 a... BICYCLES. Used. Girls’.773447l. Boys' and clwso Fibreglas Offcuts Large bags at dense high quality industrial ollcuts. l2” long. ‘12” to 3“ wide. Suitable for insulation and sound absorption ol attics and walls. $3. PER BAG 889-0218 BICYCLES 2 Hi-Rise 884-1908 RUBBER STAMPS Several type laces to choose lromr 7 including Script. Block letters. Outline and Signature. Fast service. Call "The Liberal” 884- 8l77 "C42 CANADIAN BRASS BEDS AND HEADBOARDS All sizes including canopy. Double - $375. and up. 8118 Yonge Street, Thornhill. 881-4075 , ALUMINUM doors. suit cottage. 35 x 84; 32 x 78. Bed, 47“. Hall runner. Large tricycle. Child's desk and chair. Dishwasher. Mini Spin. 884-7524. clwso GAS stove. 20” Hardwick. less than I year old. Can be converted to propane. $125. or best otter. 495- 6267 or Evgs. 884-6596. clw50 RUG. wool twist. turquoise, 9 x ll. underpadding. Like new. $50. 889- 2206. cleO FOLDING bicycle. Great tor cottage. s35. 773.447l. clwso 8 HABITAT style chairs with rush seats. $15. each. Small hall table S60. Pine church pew. 10' long. 889- 8662 atterSp.m. clwso MAHOGANY lath century design drum table, gold tooled leather top and sides. turned central column. splayed leet. unusual $375.00; Antique Victorian spit, ideal tor tireplace.- $50.00; Cottee table. mahogany. 18th century design. tan leather top. 5115.00.- All-wool Karastan 6' x 9' orange rug. “50.00; Other items. 8818385 alter 6p.m. clw§0 __._.__._.. CUSTOM built Bar with built-in planter and overhanging grass root siso. Hairdresser’s heavy duty dryer with chair s75. Hydraulic hair styling chair. also rectines. s25. Oceana Electric Organ H20. IS -â€" J' Cement Curbs. Items in top notch condition, 297- 4580. cleO ____..__.__ WASHER-SPINNER. Apartment- cottage sile, Simplicity. avocado. 2 year guarantee. Motor tran- smission. 5150. Phone 884-70ll. clwso __â€"_â€"__.â€" POOL, 15‘ diameter x 42" deep. above-ground and all accessories. Girl's bike. 3-speed. Phone alter 4 p.m. 887-4923. ch50 ________ la’ CANOE Polypropolene as new. slso. Alter s p.m. 084.6194. ch50 _â€"____.__ WOODEN cap tor 8' pick up truck box. $25. 8834564 alter 6 p.m. __________ RUGS, 2 mauve and purple shag rugs with underpads. 9 x l2 and s x 9. S75 lor 2. 889-4109 after 2 p.m. nclwso 'FOR SALE â€" Electric Chord Organ to key, Orcana; l2 Gauge Shot Gun. Winchester; Auto Harp l5 chord. almost new. strap. picks. tuner included; G.A.F. Movie Proiector; 8 8. Super 8 MM. automatic rewind movie screen. adiustable; Electric Editor. almost new. Contact: R. G. Goddard. 884-0207 a.m. or evenings. plwso __'_â€"-â€"â€"â€" GARDEN Tractor with plough. scultler. and disc. Phone alter 6 p.m.832-II38. CIwSO ______4_ AIR Conditioner. 5.000 BTU's. new condition, S120. Stereo record player. built into cabinet. $50. 884‘ 3800. cleO _________. S H A G r u g . SHAG rug. 9 x 12. colour Melon with underlay. $65. 884-1231. CleO __,_â€"____â€" ROUND pool 24' x 4' deep. Brand new still in carton. Asking 5550 Reg. $850. 88441903. Clw50 M“ SWIMMING POOL. Deluxe, redwood. above ground pool. lo’ x 24'. One yr. old. Repossessed by bank, sacrilice. "2 price. Call Mr. Harvey. collect. days or evenings. 4T6-625-88I9. tlc38 ____’__d STAUFFER couch exerciser. Table top electric baker. toaster and grill. Black Angus electric roaster. baker and grill with electric rotisserie. All in A-i condition. 884-2286 or call at 72 Centre St. West. Richmond Hill. clw49 ________â€"_â€" PICNIC table, Phone 8894692 evenings. clw50 __._____’_____ TYPEWRITER. Smith Corona. electric portable I2" carriage. Brand new. 773-4041. c2w$0 _/ WASHER and dryer. apartment size Inglis. Almost new. $460. 773- 4322. cle __’_â€"â€"â€"â€" STOVE. 30" G.E. Portable stereo. Vacuum. Bathroom sinlv with chrome legs. Reasonable. 8844529. chSO _â€"__.____â€"â€" BOX trailer. almost new. Sl25. 889- 4524. clw50 RANGETTE. 23" relrigerator, 1‘ bed and mattress. small table and 2 chairs. dresser. wardrobe closet. humidifier. All reasonable. 881- 0270. ' cleO DINING table. round, 4 chairs. 2 leaves. Beautilut set. Excellent condition. Asking 5425. 223-8757 alter 5:30 p.m. nclwso Bicycle â€"â€" CCM Cheetah Girl‘s 20“, Purple. J-speed. Banana seat. high handlebars. Almost new. $50 or best otter. CHILD’S SKIS 43“ Almost new. $30. 884-3622 alter a p.m. c3w50 ‘ 75 YAMAHA 650 2 PCE. tangerine vinyl davenport set. $75. or best otter. 884-0l lo. clwso ._’___.â€"â€"â€" 4 CHROME slot wheels. 4 tires E70 It It. I spare tire on regular rim. All in good condition. 889-8200. clw50 ________â€"_â€"â€" TEAKWOOD Livmg-Dining-Bedrooms. Designs in Teak, 457 Markham Rd . Allencourt Plaxa. Richmond Hill â€" 884-3750 KITCHEN table with 4 chairs. 884- 6373 atterdp.m. nclwso TVPEWRITER. Smith Corona. electric portable II" carriage. Brand new. 773-404l. ch-to DISHWASHER, Kenmore. top loader. Asking $75.883-162l. clw50 AW N I N G S. 4 Louvered. 887-5517. FOR Fuller Brush merchandise In the Thornhill area. call 889-0827. clw50 Aluminum clwso BED and springs. single. Maple wood. 925. Excellent condition. 884-1884. ch50 BED chesterlield and chair. Good condition. Electric heater. pole type. 8844283. clw50 CENTRE Meat Market. l9t Sheppard East. Home Freer orders. 22l-6000. Ilcl9 ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings. railings. siding, sotlit systems. trough. Free estimates. Ron Woods 8844514. ttctt YORK ALUMINUM Free Estimates. Alumlno'm siding. windows. doors. awnings. 884-4558 or 832-13l9. ttcS TEAKWOOD Burma Scan- dinavian turniture. bedroom. diningroom. llvingroom. coltee tables. Brand new. Very reasonable. 1441-4177. tcho SEWING machine, portable Zig Zag. 7 years old, all attachments including embroidery cams. $65. 773-4002 Evgs. clw50 _____.â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" SWIMMING pool tor sale. Moving - will sell you 16' x 32' above ground Modular Redwood Pool at sacrilice price at $3.000. Savings at S2,I00. I975 model. call 016-625- 2719. days or evenings. collect. tlc39 Articles Wanted HIGHEST cash prices or trade value paid tor houselul ot tur- niture and appliances. Brice's FurnitureJoJ-ltsd. tlcla PIANO wanted. Approximately S100. - 5150. 222-7088. ":22 Cars & Trucks Top Prices 889-0353 WANTED â€" Mattresses (2) 36” x 72", dresser with mirror. $10 range. 222-5410. 8324040 clw49 flc28 WANTED â€"â€" Tricycle tor 3-4 year old. 8844170. clw50 DEAD or crippled lorm animals. nicked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask tor ZENITH 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi 8. Son. Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C66. ttc29 Motorcycles TRAIL BIKE 80 cc. 773-5117 73 TRIUMPH TRIDENT 750 $1,150 884-8449 cm. CARABELA MINI BIKES 8t MOTORCYCLES BILL WALLS, BETHESDA 888-1998 2100 MILES Excellent condition. Certitied 833-5995 KING CITY clw$0 72 Hodaka 125 MX New Wisco piston. ported. polished. pipe. trick suspension. plus extras. $500. MARK,MORNINGS 884-5719 C2W50 Boating 55H.P. CHRYSLER MOTOR VALIANT BOAT CUSTOM TRAILER 884-2550 ciwso Chrysler Boats Chrysler Outboard Motors SALES & SERVICE Reid Mower, Marine & Sports 884-7716 881-2384 clwso CAMPING TRAILERS TRUCK CAPS SALE $229 UP All sixes and colors Old Hwy. 7 and Bayview THOR NHILL 889-1831 c4w49 Tent Trailer WOODS ADVENTURER Only used 1 summer 5400. 884-9710 FOR RENT NEW TRAVEL TRAILER. 17 FT. Sleeps 5. Fully equipped. 585. week 221-0457 clwso c2w50 TRAILSTAR HARDTOP TENT TRAILER Well equipped. Includes canopy and spare. Electric brakes. Very good condition. Used total at 3 months. GOLDESNEFALCON Stove, 3-way retrigerotor. brakes. includes Reese hitch and brake control. 51,850. 880-4152 or 884-1559 clw50 COMPACT CAM PER Ideal tor small car. Sleeps 4 to 8. Has 8’ x W addition. Excellent condition. 5650. tirm. 884-5894 CIWSO Travel Trailer SMALL WITH ICE BOX AND P R O P A N E REASONABLE. 884-3093 STOVE. clwso APACHE ‘l’ent Trailer. Hardtop. seats and table. canopy. new tires. 081-5469. I975 EMPIRE MOTOR HOME. 898-1330. Newmarket. alter o p.m. WHY NOT BUY A NEW '76 76 PINTO PONYS $3,196.47 , 76 MAVERICKS $3,585.77 76 MUSTANGS $3,798.20 76 TORINOS $4,491.17 76 CUSTOM 5005 ADOOR $4,495.00 76 [-3-100 VAN 34,350.00 76 F â€" 100 $3,995.00 Freight and Preparations incl. DON LITTLE FORD DISCOUNT CORNER RICHMOND HILL assuos cm, ‘ VOLKSWAGEN SALE 6000 SELECTION V.W.‘s. and general repairs. ALL WORK GUARANTEED DOHERTY MOTORS 727-3322 c2w50 71 Renault R-lO 22.000 miles. Automatic. Mechanical Fitness. SL200. 884-9627 69 VOLKSWAGEN WINDOW VAN Excellent shape. Recent valve iob. New paint. Michelin Radials. “,595. 889-213801'895-3554 Alterop.m. c2w49 clwso 67 GMC 1/2 TON PICK-UP Automatic. Certilled. “75. 884-0759 clwso _____â€"_â€"â€"- 1969 FORD Van. 6 cylinder standard. ziebarted. radials. $1.295 or otter. It“ Chev Benin 6 cylinder automatic. 2 door. radio. 38.000 original miles. 5195. 884- 0249. c2w50 OF QUALITY RECONDITIONED Specialiting in v.w. body work I916 TRAILERS. design is englnoered ospoclolly to save you money. LIONEL'S HARDTOP now Aerodynamic SPRING FEVER SALE TRAILERS FROMIIJSS. McKenzie Camping Trailers Limited HWY. 7 AT BAVVIEWMI-INI 415 Kennedy Rd.. 5. ct Egllnton 26635812 ctw50 SALE OR RENT I975 I6.5 tI. Terry Trailer CALL BR IAN 884-6036 W â€"_____â€"â€"â€"â€" 15 LIONEL LP80 HAR DTO P Sleeps 6. Many extras. Excellent condition. Tape dock. Power convertor. AFTER 4 P.M. 884-5702 ciwso $10,900. 74 MOTOR HOME Citation. It ft. 3,950 miles. Sleeps 6. Many extras. 727-9885 a... PRIVATE 19' HOLIDAY TRAVEL TRAILER Extellent condition. 5 years old. lully equipped. $2.900. 881-1443 clwso House Trailer, 13' FLEETWING ' Wired tor l2 8. Ho volt. Sleeps 4. SIBeDS 6. 19“- EVSS- 0" weekends~ Carpeted. Exceptional condition. Clw5° Asking smvs. 773-4002 Alter 6 p.m. daily. chso __â€"__â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"_-"_â€"- 1973 MONTEGO $2,150 1969 BUICK with air conditioning $700 1970 CHEV $450 773-5473 Days 727-2613 Evgs. i HARVIE’S USED CARS 13.032 Yonge Street, OAK moor-3s W50 71 Renault R10 $795 Certified 69 Austin 1300 $495 Certified . GREENWOOD GARAGE 11263 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL 884-8841 773-4444 clw49 74 Dodge Custom MONACO 9 PASSENGER WAGON A-l condition 881-2819 Evgs. clw50 1974 MUSTANG 2 4CYLINDER Excellent condition. l8.500 miles. Leaving country. $2.900. 884-3426 ’___â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" 71 FORD LTD Brougham 4 door Hard Top Vinyl, V-8. power brakes. power steering. radio. snow tires. A-I condition, very clean. Certltled. Asking SLOW. clw50 AFTER 4 P.M. 884-3662 cmo

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