Rod Graham swam his best ever times to notch his first gold with a smashing 100 metres freestyle race for boys 13 - 14 years of age. He also got a bronze in the 100 metres IM and a silver in the 100 metres fly. Leslie Foord also won a gold with a great backstroke effort in the 50 metres backstroke race for girls 10 and under. Karen Wood continued her great form by win- Gordie Wood got a gold in the 200 metres freestyle event for boys 11 and 12 with his sister Karen narrowly missing two golds when she swam outside 8 times to get A certificates in the 50' metres fly and Individual Medley events for girls 10 and under. A great family efforts Hill swimmers were more than good hosts as they also won their fair share of gold. silver and bronze medals. and the High Points Trophy. RICHMOND HILL â€" Richmond Hill Aquatic Club‘s Annual two day B meet was a spectacular success. attracting over 1400 entries from 18 other clubs. TWO-day swim meez‘ termed ’big’ success 10265 Yonge St Richmond Hill 884-8854 Representing Sun Life in the Community since 1957 Hill Belles get to ’A’ ball finals B-2 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 9. 1976 Representative Jay Branch of the Richmond Hill Aquatic (‘lub comes up for air here before getting back in Smlife Kenneth T. Ham Senior fcxirxTAu‘A oming up for air Steve Davey got the club‘s fourth A certificate when he competed in the senior breaststroke 100 metres event. Bonnie also got a bronze when she placed third in the 100 metres freestyle for girls 13 - 14 years of age and a cer- tificate for the 100 metres fly. ning two silver medals for the 100 metres freestyle and breaststroke events Bonnnie Branch con~ tinued to keep the Hillers in the medals line up when she got a silver medal for the 200 metres Individual Medley. Blu mark Heating 8. Air Conditioning Co. 960 ALNESS ST. UNIT 3, DOWNSVIEW 661â€"8940 To arrange an interview please call Mr. E. G. (Ed) Paul IMPERIAL OIL LTD., 1150 Finch Ave. West. Downsview, Ontario. We have a service station available for the right individual. Here's your chance to be in business for yourself and proï¬t from your own efforts and decisions as an Essa Dealer. A modest investment is required. TOP OF THE “NE 2 TON 24,000 BTU'S (enirui Air (ondiiioning Indvding IS' Refrigeration line, (oil and thermostat BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY AS AN ESSO DEALER 661-1010 or 800-261-0740 All inquiries held in strict conï¬dence race at the weekend‘s big local swim meet. The locals did pretty good. too. "mulled The fact that Hill swimmers won so many medals is also a tribute to the coaching methods of coach John Ciniglio and his assistant Glenna Fee. The season officially ends next Sunday with the last Pennant Meet. When the points were totalled up following the gruelling two day event, it was appropriately enough, a Hill swimmer who came out tops in his age group, Rodney Graham. in his first year with the club. was the winner of the High Points Trophy â€" a good way to end a great meet. (PhoOo by Hogg) It will be sponsored by the Richmond Hill Dynes Jeweller Fastball team with a view toward raising money to assist the financing of various sports organizations in the community. RICHMOND HILL â€" The first annual Com- munity Sports Night. draw and dance, will be held June 18 at Richmond Hill Arena. Proceeds will go to the Rams Provincial Junior Chinguacousy previ ously won the ‘B championship. The same Burlington went on to meet the Chinguacousy Sweeties in the grand championship game under the lights at the town park and were defeated in a seesaw battle. Big community night has prizes, prizes Enter Burlington Then along came Burlington in the ‘A‘ series and that club jumped on Karen Mclnnis and Kathy Chepelsky for Richmond Hill put up a fine showing winning the first two games by 18-5 over Bridlewood and 10-0 0 v e r a n o t h e r Chinguacousy team Belles. The Richmond Hill Bell Canada Novice Girls made it all the way to the ‘A' finals in their own annual softball tour- nament here Saturday before bowing out to Burlington. I3II "WWI, 4Dr. Sedan,auto matic, 6 cylinder. Lic. No. AWA O16. IUIJ Batelllte Hegel, 2 Seat Wagon, V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio. Lic, No. AHT 050‘ 1971 Hornet. 1973 Sgtellite Regal, auto., power steering, radio wheels. Lic. No. JPU 411. 1972 Dart Swinger, V8 automatic. Dower stee Lic. No. FUE 791' 1974 Dodge Monaco 2 Dr. Htp V8 automatic, power steerinq, DOWeI V8 automatic: power steering, power brakes, radio, defogget. Lic. No. HE 903 1973 Hornet Hatchback 2 Dr Htp., V8 auto'matic, power steeï¬rqg,‘ power brakes, radio, vinyl roof, power windows. Lic. No. BRN 551. V8 automatic, power steering, radi‘o‘ Lic. NO. HZE 672 REGISTRATION for TOWN RESI- DENTS will be held on Saturday, June 12th, from 10 am. - 3 pm. NON-RESIDENTS may register at the pool on Monday, June 14th, afterQam. The pool is located one block north of Carville Road, on Avenue Road. 194.39% W092 Dr- Hso lain vallalll UUSIBT, 2 Dr. Coupe, automatic, power steering, radio, defogger. Lic. No. JJD 049. 1974 Newport Custom Htp., V8 automatic, power st 1975 Valiant Duster, 1975 Charger S.E. V8 Auto, Power stes lam manger o.:. 2 Dr. Htp, V8 Auto, Power steering, power brakes, radio, factory air conditioning. Lic. No. JVK 806 RICHMOND HILL â€" ovse 1a ' 000000 000000 For Program Information: 8846651 :4 mm awmger, 2 Dr. Htp, automatic, power steering, radio. No. FUE 791 $229500 RICHVALE POOL SWIMMING LESSONS FOR CHILDREN & ADULTS £2 2 TOWN 0F 5‘; ,3 RICHMOND HILL Parks & Recreation the The tickets may be obtained at the arena by calling 884-1368 or from any member of the three involved teams. Tickets ére $20 each and admit two persons and include two refresh- ments. The evening will feature a first prize draw of $3500: second prize of $1,000: and third prize of $500. The draw will be held at 11 pm A team, Dynes Jewellers Junior B's. Each team scored two runs in the seventh. For the Belles it was Heather Moore singling and scoring on Susie McWatt's triple followed by a Kathy Chepelsky single which scored Susie. Extra inning After one extra inning of scoreless hall the S-run rally Richmond Hill rallied for five‘runs in the bottom of the sixth to tie the game at 7-7. Hits by Kathy Chepelsky. Janie Stephenson. Rhonda Maclnnis. and Patti O‘Sullivan combined with walks to Susie McWatt. Kathy Trumbull and Jan Allder. plus an error. allowed the Hill girls to make it a new ballgame. The Hill girls settled down after that and it was a battle through the next four innings with each team counting two runs five big runs inning. ZDr mag s169500 s299500 $5395‘m s269500 $28950“ $3295“ s3695no $349500 the first _ .......... I1uo\. I ullllllls. Big romp The (Thinguacousy 10-0 Richmond Hill put the romp was sweet revenge score out of reach in the Big gun for the Belles was Susie McWatt with a homer, triple and double in four times at bat. Karen McInnis pitched three superb innings before tiring as Kathy Chepelsky came in to finish off the fourth and fifth innings, Burlington club scored three runs with one out in the top of the ninth three consecutive hits and a sacrifice to win the game. Richmond Hill opened their tournament with an 18-5 drubbing of Bridlewood in a game called after {our and a half inning on the 10-run lead rule. The Belles had jumped into an early 6â€"0 lead after two innings and just kept rolling. fwilson niblett DRAW AT 11:00 PM. SPONSORED BY Dynes Jewellers Senior Fastball Team Rams Provincial Playing Junior "A" Hockey Club Play Out of Richmond Hill Arena Dynes Jewellers Junior "B" Hockey Club Playing Out of Bond Lake Arena TICKETS $20.00 EACH Admits 2 persons and includes 2 refreshments 1st Prize. . . . . . . . .'. . . $3,300†2nd Prize.. .. s1,000oo 3rd Prize..............$500°° PICK UP YOUR TICKET FROM ANY MEMBER OF THE 3 TEAMS OR AT THE ARENA OR CALL 884-1368 SUPPORT COMMUNITY SPORTS 1ST ANNUAL SPORTS NIGHT ‘ f _DBAW AND DANCE AT RICHMOND'HILL ARENA 10675 YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL MMWMWWMNMGMACM FRIDAY,JUNE 18th 1976‘ DROP IN NOW...WH|LE SELECTION IS AT ITS BEST at 8:00 pm. They added two more in the third on hits by Heather Moore and Janie Stephenson and some excellent base running. Richmond Hill jumped into a 4-0 in the first on hits by Kathy (‘hepelsky and Susie McWatt. a walk to Debbie Ceballo and a (‘hinguacousy error on a drive to right field by Janie Stephenson. Different story this timeout. for Richmond Hill who had been trounced by the same team in a round robin tourney the week before by 22-1. Pam Maclnnis pitched four innings allowing only one hit with Kathy (‘hepelsky coming on to throw no-hit ball for in- ning in a game called via the 10-run rule. 889-5435 KLEINBURG â€" Boyd Conservation Field Centre. on the banks of the Humber River Valley. will be open for public viewing Sunday from 2:304:30 pm. The Boyd centre is a 2,100-acre outdoor classroom for students Boyd Park Open Sun. The Richmond Hill lineâ€" up comprised Debbie Ceballo. Karen Wells. Marie McLean. Karen Mclnnis. Patti O‘Sullivan. Kathy Trumbull. Pam Ma'cInnis. Wendy Palmer, Jan Allder. fifth on hits by Janie Stephenson. Heather Moore, Wendy Palmer. and a homerun blast by Terry Wells. mum-ncorucwlb may register at Centennial Pool on Monday, June 21st, after 9 am. For Program Information: 8845651 Entrance from SE. corner of Arena. NON-RESIDENTS may register CENTENNIAL POOL SWIMMING LESSONS FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS REGISTRATION for TOWN RESI- DENTS will be held on Saturday, June 19th, from 10 am. - 3 pm. at the Town Arena (Richmond Hill Room). CHEV-OLDS TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Parks & Recreation The centre is situated three-fourths of a mile north of the entrance to Boyd Conservation Area, off Islington Avenue. and adults. established as a cooperative project of the Metro Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and area school boards. Other teams in the tournament included Owen Sound, Brampton, and Cedar Hill. Novices range from 11 to 12 years of age. Coaches are Pat O'Sullivan and Al Allder. Terry Wells, Susie McWatt. Janie Stephenson. Heather Moore. Kathy Chepelsky. Rhonda MacInnis.