CRUSHED STONE, SAND CONCREYE GRAVEL. ETC. Delivered in small quantities ï¬le-£76477] or TOP soil for sale. 3 bushels lor 5L sauna p2w49 LAWN maintenance and clean up. can John 889.2957. c2w49 TREES, shrubs. garden supplies, complete landscape service. Endean Nurseries Lid. Growing since 1892. 10870 Yonge 51., Rich- mond HHI. 884-5996. cdw" SWimming' Canning. Pans... A"Chery, Cram, Gui-trips AgesHols $60. WEEKLY INCLUDES TRANSPORTATION. CUSTOM FARMING LAWNMOWERS repaired. Brlng iv 10 J and B Lawnmower repair. Reasonable. mh Ave., 884-8630. c2w49 LOAM â€"â€" TOP SOILâ€"MANURE Specially mixed garden soil FREE â€"male kitten. 880-1342 FREE Kitten, 2 months old, 90 a good home. 8334574 alter 6 p.m. ROSE, LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE Rototilling 889-2362 m4 Top Quality Nursery Sod Cu! Fresh by the Hour De||vered promptly to your home by Radio Dispatched Trucks MOUNT PLEASANT SOD FARMS RESERVATIONS TAKEN FROM JULY 151’. CALL EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. GROOMING â€" bv lully qualiï¬ed and experienced personnel BOARDING â€" In our new modern Iacilities which are tooally climave controlled and give each dog private indoor and outdoor ac- commoda'ions. Av "Campsieview Collies" we have been involved in breeding and showing lor ls years. We now oiler lhal experience on an all-breed basis to give your dog the care and attention required while away from home. WE OFFER TOTAL SERVICE FOR YOUR PET OR SHOW QUALITY DOG. "CAMPING WITH A PURPOSE DOGS AND CATS BOARDED Driveway Gravel HAY SWATHING, BALING WEED CUTTING “Campsieview Kennels (Reg.)“ 0n Hwy. 9, 4 mi. west of Schomberg 0.C.A. Accredited 439-3104 BELHAVEN TURF FARMS LTD. R. R. l. NEWMARKET, ONT. 889-5494 WHOLESALE 0R RETAIL GROWERS OF N0. 1 MERION AND NUGGETT MIXED BLUEGRASS SPEEDY DELIVERY OR EIELD LOADED FOR PICK-UP ORDERS Don't seed it. "SOD" it for an instant lawn. GRASS - WEED CUTTING CAREFUL SUPERVISION O.C.A. ACCREDITED. REASONABLE. NEW HARDWOOD RAILROAD TIES C. L. KNAPPHT LANDSCAPING SERVES EAST METRO Swimming, Ponies, Crafts Hikes, Mini Farm. Ages, 5'0 IO 6" x 8" x 8' â€"6" x 6" x B' PHONE MON. TO FRI. DAYS I - 476-3422 EVGS. I 4764931 Pet Stock THE LIBERAL classifieds 884-1105 -1106 Qaydgning and Supplies LARGE AND SMALL ACREAGE DAY CAMP Markham Area. FRASER LAKE CAMP BANCROFT .L. Knappett 884-3089 11 IN AND OUTDOOR RUNS GLENBROOK Angus and Eila MacDonald R. R. 4, TOTTENHAM 773-5742 832-8840 884-3089 884-3089 Camps 881-4260 439-3104 FOR SALE SOD 0f 936-3114 or 936-4864 Toron'o 364-0847 czwso cleO (SW49 ciw" cdwso clwdy ":40 ":48 c1w50 clwso "<5! Nelp keep your pet cool and comiurtable with a clip and a bath THE PooaéLE SCENE 80 English and Western saddles, bridles, hallers, bools, blankels, pads, elc., musl be sold by Public Aucliol1._ MONDAY, JUNE 14 THE PROPERTY OF D a. B SALES Everything mus! be sold! Com- ple'e Tack Shop inventory. EVERYONE WELCOME FOR INFORMATION PHONE 1440-4198 DEALERS: You can't afford to miss in AMATEUR WESTERN HORSE SHOW HELD JUNE 12TH BAR "L" STOCKFARM Hot Weather is Here INSTANT PRINTING “9-7821 FREE to good home or Iarm â€" spayed black Lab and Newioundland, 1 years old. 854A #712. cle() congenial a'mosphere an 4 acre landscaped Io'. Saddles, Riding Equipment $40,000 INVENTORY Morning classes for chilgren 3': to 5 VEII’S. BROOKE ST.» THORNHILL SHELTIE PUPPIES The Printing Place 10088 Yonge 51., Richmond Hill 884-5587 Miscellaneous WALDORF NURSERY SCHOOL Priva'e - semi-private rooms Pnoio Copying â€" 10c Printing 00 every description Hwy. 27 & 7 NEW & USED TACK FOR SALE Rest Homes HORSES BOARDED IN KLEINBURGâ€"MAPLE AREA STANDING HAY BY THE ACRE VALLEYVI EW REST HOME Pet Stock Livestock REASONABLE RATES WANTED TO RENT Mrs. Schmidt DOBERMAN PUPPIES Stouffville Stockyards Half Terrier Nursery Séhools 8834307 (Across lrom A a. W) Centre at Town) "(-12 PUREBREDSWO 851-1208 884-5360 $25 773-5952 832-2688 881-1611 a!5p,m.a' 14784221 c4wl7 c1w50 c1w50 c1w50 c2w50 c1w50 clwso c2w50 aw" WANTED â€" Babysitter â€" Rich- mond Hillor Newmarke' area. 9 â€" 5. Five days per week. Call Mrs. Miner 395434! or 889-76N. cleO WILL do babysming in my nome, Richmond Hill area, 5 days weekly. HM meals for web. Good supervision. Call alter 6 p.m., ask for Nancy, 8844:1155. c2w50 Domestic Help Wanted DAY Care wanted in Oak Ridges, near Yonge 50., and Sunset Beach Rd. 773-4469 aner 6 p.m. c2w49 DUTCH lady requires housework. 384-6034. clw50 GRASS CUTTING. Pool main 'enance. Ken Kinnear. 884-7729. THORNHILL housekeeper warned, daily a.m. Monday â€"â€" Friday‘ Begin September. Hiring now. Excellent salary. 889-2076. 8 hours weekly. arrange own schedule. Light duties. DAV care given in mv home, any age. 884-8709. (clwso MOTHER'S Summer Helpers, live in, many available. 421-1549. c3w48 THORNHILLAREA Live out. Mid June, '1 girls 2 months and 3 years old. Light housekeeping. Musl be reliable. Relerences please. DAYS 881-5725 MOTHER'S Helper, 2 or 3 days a week for entire summer. Near German Mills arm-1.8814169. RELIABLE and experienced cleaning woman for every other Thursday. Bayview Fairways. 881-0626. cleO to babysit 2~year-old girl, live No housework. Weekends 0". 881-0618 CLEANING lady, week. Cal|884-9617. YONGE AND ELLERSLIE Morning and Aflernoon sessions can now Ior September 221-8373 or 116-6138 To make up bedrooms at Parkway Hotel. Permanent position. DAYSPRING NURSERY SCHOOL Nanny-Housekeeper We require mature duct cleaners tull time with mechanical skills to clean grease exhausts and air conditioning ducts. The work is dirty â€" coveralls provided. Hours vary â€"â€" night work involved. No long hair as we work around machinery, Must have excellent command at the English language. Thornhill, Richmond Hill or willowdale location a must required every Wednesday Thornhlll. 889-7250 Salaried position wilh a luture. IF YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES APPLY AT: MCDONALD’S CLEANING LADY Help Wanted Employment Wanted DEPENDABLE CLEANING LADY COUNTER HELP 884-8456 S20. REFERENCES CALL AFTER 7 P.M. HOUSEKEEPER CALL 889-7210 Middle Aged Lady Required Day Care Day Care Wanted CALL MR. LATIMER Duct Cleaning FOR APPOINTMENT EVENING: demon 884-7380 Part Time 881-2121 Amer 8 pm WORK PART TIME one day per cleO 3-Hour Shifts Available. 11230-2230 0 COMPLETE TRAINING 0 FREE FOOD AND UNIFORMS 0 GOOD WAGES AND REGULAR REVIEWS c2w48 c1w49 c2w50 Clw50 chso cleO c2w50 cleO c3w49 clwso Hc39 AT MCDONALD‘S HOME MAKERS with automobiles are needed in the Gormley, Markham, Stouffville. Bethesda. Claremont, Aurora, Newmarket, Bradford, Richmond Hill, King City. Maple. Thornhill, Oak Ridges, Schomberg, Sutton and Keswick areas. ENERGETIC, SELFâ€"STARTER. GIRL â€" BOY FOR OFFICE SUPPLY AND PRINTING COM- PANY. Send name, age address, telephone number, ' type automobile, insurance company. hours available, on a post card to: If you can type, do simple bookkeeping, answer phone and take orders, then you are the person for STENOGRAPHER Who understands and appreciates the mechanics and operation of grinding wheat into flour using millstones. Must be able to meet and make welcome the general public. ‘ Needed to operate Water Powered Mill To perform general office duties with small industrial distributor at KeeIe-Hwy. 7 area. DEL|VERY STARTS ABOUT JUNE 28, 1976 Salary commensurate with experience KeeIe-Hwy. 7 Thornhill Community Centre Branch APPLICANT SHOULD HAVE 2 YEARS’ LIBRARY EXPERIENCE AND SUPERVISORY CAPACITY. APPLYTO: The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Black Creek Pioneer Village 661-6684 MR. G. DYCE OR J. LYONS DELIVER TELEPHONE BOOKS Please do NOT call the telephone company SENIOR CLERICAL ASSISTANT SOME KNOWLEDGE 0F BOOKKEEPING NECESSARY SECRETARY D. D. A. LTD. POST OFFICE BOX 220. STATION T TORONTO, ONT. MGB 4A1 Full or Part Days Men or Women Over 18 years of age TOWN OF MARKHAM PUBLIC LlBRARlES Require Full Time MILLER 669-1429 669-9806 226-2864 for 8177 Yonge Street, Thomhill clwso clwso clwso ciw" aw" clwso MACHINE OPERATOR MATERIAL HANDLER! Some experience with metal band saw and small punch press helpful RICHMOND HILL M. DAVIDSON 884-2359 _. Duties will consist of correspondence, knowledge of bookkeeping required, invoicing. Manufacturing firm in Richmond Hill Must be bright, friendly, cheerful, outgoing and ability to get along with people. Salary commensurate with ability. experience and education. DUTIES: As a member of a nursing team, to provide sup portive services for residents. REQUIREMENTS: Must be in good health and physical condition with a proven ability to work and communicate with Senior Citizens. APPLY IN WRITING BEFORE JUNE17, 1976 T0: PERSONNEL CO-ORDINATOR THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK BOX 147. NEWMARKET. ONTARIO Applicants should be experienced with heavy equipment, accept shift work and preferably have a 4th Class certificate. Maintenance Fitter CHRYSLER EXPERIENCE Contact: T. Baird 884-8118 RICHMOND HILL CHRYSLER DODGE MECHANICS Required by Rolling Mill in Richmond Hill CLERK-TYPIST MATURE PERSON REQUIRED FOR WILLOWDALE OFFICE Local Financial Corporation FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT MR‘ AMENDOLA Accurate typist, receptionist and general office duties Girl/ Boy Friday MUST BE AN ACCURATE TYPIST SALARY TO BE NEGOTIATED FOR lNTERVIEW PHONE 889-7575 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL YORK MANOR HOME FOR THE AGED Medical Orderly: is taking applications for full time GENEROUS COMPANY PAID FRINGE BENEFITS WAGES $4.45 to $4.77 per hour Help Wanted 223-1850 884-8156 889-7316 Required by cleO clwso cleO CZW‘Q cnwso cleO dwso Students Wanted TO PRUNE CHRISTMAS TREES BEGINNING JUNE 21 FOR ABOUT THREE WEEKS. Give your name, age. grade, address and phone number. MUST LIVE WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE OF YONGE ST. REPLY TO BOX 85, DOWNSVIEW P.0. Richmond Heights Plaza. Richmond Hill ciwso With minimum of 5 years experience in electronic instruments, packaging, required by scientific instrument manufacturer. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 9. 1976 -- 3:9 LOCAL LAW OFFICE REQUIRES A CAREER MINDED INDIVIDUAL WITH EXCELLENT SHORTHAND AND 'I'YPING SKILLS. PREVIOUS OFFICE EXPERIENCE HELPFUL BUT NOT ESSENTIAL. WE WILL TRAIN YOU FOR THIS RESPONSIBLE POSITION. Earn Top Delivery Commission on Your Own “Liberal†Route Each Wednesday Morning ....Before School THORNHILL GERMAN MILLS BOYS AND GIRLS WE NEED YOU STEADY POSITION. EXCELLENT WAGES DRAFTS PERSON DESIGNER DON’T BE LEFT OUT! CALL TODAY Mr. Gord Eardley SHOE SALES CHESLER’S SHOES EXPERIENCED PART TIME HELP REQUIRED 881-4818 MECHANICS SECRETARY WILSON NIBLETT Call Mr. Schwarzbach Scotiabank TELLER PLEASE FORWARD RESUME T0 EXPERIENCED Must have own transportation Apply: Mr. John Gardner EXPERIENCED SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR MONDAY- FRIDAY 889-1942 884-0981 881-3373 Box 75 "The Liberal†10,675 Yonge Street RICHMOND HILL CLASS “A†669-2280 669-1829 Or Apply APPLY: CIWSO c2w49 c2w49 Ht" cleO clwso cmso