' 881-3827 """ _ Franchise dealer for John Inglis, General Electric. Hoover Products, Black 8 Decker, Eureka. Service depot for Black & Decker. Hoover. Eureka 'Repairs to all makes. "°' 25-27 GUARDSMEN RD., THORNHILL GENERAL REPAIRS TO ALL AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN CARS Specializing in repais to Volkswagen, Pasche, Audi, Toyota, Datsun, Volvo, Flat, Renault. British LeyIand. Complete electronic mneups. brakes, vansmissions, engines, from ends; VEHICLE INSPEC TIOIII STA TIDII/ LICENSED MECHANICS 0N DUTY 10% OFF WITH THIS AD. 881-5545 mm THORNHILL TRUCK & AUTO REPAIR CENTRE LIMITED 41 Maple Avenue Unit 12 _ THORNHILL, ONT. 889-5334 727-4681 Bookkeeping 8. Accounting Services APPLIANCE SALES 81 SERVICE LESLIE APPLIANCE 68 YONGE ST. S. AURORA O ACCOUNTING SERVICES 0 BOOKKEEPING O INCOME TAX O PAYROLL SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIRS CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD Complete set of books u to ‘ - - balance 9 and meludmg ma] 881-4422 Used Small Appliances VRADIS GARAGE HANS BUTT Home Improvements Eavesh'oughing Italian & German spoken 8894106 em in ALCAN ALUMINUM After 7:30 pm Aluminum Siding Advertisi seyves Regional Aluminum Products MY HOME 0R YOUR OFFICE 889-0402 Ben Mar Discount Limited 9010 YONGE STREET Richvale, Ontario . For small businesses SIDING SOFFIT FASCIA EAVESTROUGH 889-7250 889-5683 Bookkeeping and Secretarial Services COLLISION â€" REFINISHING COMPLETE MECHANICAL REPAIRS Typing of resumes, essays, reports ALL WORK GUARANTEED Aluminum Products Appliance Segvicg North of No.7 Highway Auto Repairs 727-8311 Auto Body Bookkeeping 773-4265 EN] the service you need for ‘home or business in this "CH ":23 Refrigerators. freezers. ranges, dishwashers, dryers. lAi‘i Conditioning] Conditioning ANY MAKE OR MODEL. INSTALLATION, SERVICE & REPAIR. BOOKKEEPING 8- INCOME TAX STORM DOORS WINDOWS AWNINGS PATIO DOORS ACCOUNTING MANAGEMENY BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Full Range of Services INCOME TAX KENNETH M. PAL 889-1377 tfcl ALLIED APPUANCE SERVICES Repairs to All Makes FOR THE SMALL BUSINESS J. C. HUGHES EVGS. 884-8217 DAYS 773-5056 BOOKKEEPING Central Air 884-7530 884-5807 889-0452 c5w49 "£38 tfcl9 Nc36 "c3! "€45 "(I9 ":23 I Contractors I . EXCAVATION WORK . B A s E M E N T s 0 SEWERS 0, DUMP TRUCKS | 99mg"!!! Asphalt - Concrete Residential - Commercial SUN DECKS, SAUNAS, FENCES RENOVATION, ETC. Free estimaie or by «he hour CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS Free Estimates ' John Bareta & Son Contracting 889-6344 ":45 Hourly or contract . HEAVY MACHINERY MOVING REASONABLE RATES MIDWAY GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ALL HOME IMPROVEMENTS RECREATION ROOMS PORCHES. ADDITIONS KITCHENSHETC. SPECIAL!!! $42.50 Joscelyn Laughlin Harper, Tory & Associates Reasonable Rates Richmond Hill Contracting Co Ltd. Chartered Accountants 10355 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill. Ont. 88444746 9| Geneva Street St. Catharines. Ont. 684-1177 HAVE 2 ACRE LOT IN KING CITY. WOULD CUSTOM BUILD TO YOUR REQUIREMENTS STEAM CLEANING PROCESS CARPENTER LEONARD R. ROSENBERG 8; ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants 887-5720 â€" 889-2741 84 Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL†Fast. efficient service FOR ANYNDRMAL SIZE CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR A. J. BODOGH LTD. AURORA 727-5544 GENERAL CARPENTRY $32.50 Leonards Floor Cleaning 61 Oxford St., Richmond Hill, Ontario 884-6477 881-0431 888-1005 CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ‘ Er ADDITIONS 889-6064 Evgs. Carpet-UphoIstery Cleaning 883-1 288 CARPET LAYING Any Living room. Dining room and adjoining Hall regardless of size All Types 493-3736 UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE CLEANING Chartered Accountants Custom Building Professionally Dane Carpet Cleaning Specializing in "(:36 "€46 "c 37 "c1 Remodelling Kitchens - Vanities Rec. Rooms TOP QUALITY WORK 0 Carpenter 0 Cabinet Maker 0 Home CUSTOM BUILT REC ROOMS BARS . GARAGES . P‘oncnes ADDITIONS I COTTAGES CEDAR FENCING UNUSUAL JOBS ’ All Types nI Carpemry Work K. A. SMITH CAR PENTRY Free Estimates Please Phone 884-1634 By Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) Ross 130 Centre St. w. - 884-1788' V. MAURITIS 889-9145 / Alf Catenaro CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Additions. Renovations & Rec. Rooms 83 Roseview Ave. Richmond Hill. Ont. Tel. 884-4171 H. S. WOLDENGA Carpentry Contractors Country Carpet 59mins Deep Steam Cleaning Belore I p.m. â€"Afler ADDITIONS REC ROOMS KITCHEN CUPBOA RDS, ETC. 884-3333 "< CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 10265 Yonge Street Phone: 884-8651-889‘8275 Carpentry CARPENTRY Metro Lic. B1864 Brian H. Cowen BOB ROSS CONTRACTING Knchens, Rec Rooms Additions, Renovations Carpet Installation†CUSTOM HOUSES FREE ESTIMATES Free Estimates Chartered Accountants T PRICE 8. SON 881L820!) 10.256 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Schom berg 939-2674 884-2092 CAR PETS, SOFAS. CHAIRS. ETC. REID & BRADLEY 881-3287 881 -5891 c4w31 TFC49 c5w49 "CW dedl "(:45 Hcdl "€14 Overflyeusean'ieuuhtt'saea 0 Electrical Installations 0 Appliance Repairs 0 Wiring ‘Reasonable, Experienced Fast Service TUNE-UPS mg ' " mm Car & Tyuclk Repairs 3‘ DUTCHIES Automotive Repairs LUD ELECTRIC Wry Reasonable Rates Guaranteed 8 mos, or 8,000 mi. Chain Link Fencing RESIDENTIAL 889-5533 Repairs to all makes 3. Models CARS a. TRUCKS Speciallxing in European cars OService. Maintenance and Installations RESIDENTIAL Metro Lic. E737 Spring Clean-Ups Pick-Up Truck Electricians 741 -9377 COMMERCIAL [NDUSTRIAL 79 OLD HWY. 7. Eu YHORNHILL 301-0557 MINOR & MAJOR For Free Estimates WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED 0 Home Repairs 0 Water Prooï¬ng 0 Concrete Work 0 Tree Removal Etc. Reasonable SAVE ! ! !on Soffk Facia noon, Window Awnings, Troughing and Accessories 669-1321 881-2421 884-4135 889-2987 Do It Yourself! Free Estimates Fencing House Painting Minn! Carpentry Landscaping Lawns, Basements. Garages Ask for Mark Hite A Student 884-8422 8840920 an 70 INsrAu. Quality Reynolds Siding in All Colors FREE INSTRUCTION MANUAL Aluninun Siding ‘5200 Pin so 88M363 Will HANDYMAN LaMar Sales 103 Kenhar Dr., Weston Culverts Open Tuesday and Thunday night. N" 3230 DJ“. ":49 CANADA CULVERT Corrugated Steel Culverts Manufactured 8. Stocked By TFC45 Handyman & METAL PRODUCTS LTD. 10525 Keele St, Maple "<32 ":36 (SW49 ":49 TFC46 "C45 l Landscaping I 881-5757 FERTILIZING PLANTING GARDENING PAINTING R. laFOND BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS Home Improvements Grounds & Building Maintenance WATERPROOF CONCRETE, ETC. CHIMNEY REPAIRS CONCRETE PATIO 0R PRECAST SLABS PORCHES - STEPS Also fine Custom Furniture 8! Furniture Repairs RECREATION ROOMS, PATIOS WINDOWSâ€" DOORS ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS CALL A 8: L RELIABLE AND REASONABLE Excellent workmanship BUILDING RENOVATIONS STONE WORK GENERAL REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS Residentialâ€"Commercial Industrial Call Anytime SIDEWALKS PLANTER BOXES Man will do Exterior Painting, Tree Removal and Pruning Home Improvements 8849689 and 898-1337 G. ROCKETT Call for Free Estimates HANDYMAN ;SMALL MOVING ROTOTILLING MDEL|VER|ES MIC MAC 833-5040 884-5227 889-4729 Basements 884-6162 881-0813 8847137 881 -5829 Carpentry After 6 p.m. "m CALL RAY 884-9318 Kitchens LIC.E1373 Lic. 8342 COW“ c5w49 "(‘5 "cal c4w45 ":45 "C41 ":36 "c4! $844380 884-8505 85 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL "<36 .Siding .Eaveé o Soffit .Fascia o Shutters OAwnings 0 Windnwg O Railings I Doors FREE ESTIMATES JOHN MacPHEE LOGS NUMBERED AND DELIVERED T0 SITE. Home _ Improvements 10235 Yonge Street 745-4787 884-1551 773-4121 HOME ‘ AUTO ~ BUSINESS Reasonable Rates Free Estimates Fully Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability .Motor Vehicle Finance Service Telephone 727-9488-9 Rear 47 Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario. MacPHEE ALUMINUM 255â€"4222 Origian Pioneer [Optometrists I Corner Agency Limited CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES BUILT AND REPAIRED Free Estimates Expert Workmanship 20 years’ experience WALKER CONSTRUCTION TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES SALES - RENTALS L.H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hillâ€" 884-1745 "do . LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Lo Houges A. W. Kirchen, 0.0. Suite 204 Professional Bldg. 22 RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL By appointment Moving and Storage Log Houses HANDYMAN 8 TRUCK [CLARK Plain 5 Decorative Plasteï¬ng REPAIRS A SPECIALTY Free Esvimaies Insurance . barrow . Insurance Plastering - Thomhill Available for small moving jobs l02'.0 Yonge Street WAREHOUSE & FURNITURE SHOWROOM :;21E.\'FORD RD.. RICHMOND HILL 884-9295 884-9296 889-5729 Furniture. Office MOVING Supplies Social Stationery Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Saturday 488-7521 - 8893185 Office Machines Masonry Office Suppï¬es Plastering 773-5559 884-2882 M3952 LIFE Fully Insured 259-1672 "cio "€42 "C45 "£28 ":1 I 7 Photography Expenenced Student PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Roofing THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 16. 1976 â€" 3.5 HOME MAINTENANCE PA|NTING L DECORA'HNG Free Estima'es Photography Weddings & Portrait Studios 884-5702. EXCELLENT RATES Professional work guaranteed SIGNS & TRUCK LETTERING RALPH PETERSON 773-5012 cm" JOSEPH N. DURAND Plumbing & Electrical DEAL SERVICES 3899398 7734138 Kafl Bundschuh 884-4832 PROP: THOMAS HAGRIEVE Peter Elliott PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. Dunn 727-3303 Over 10 vears’ experience Specializing in Rooï¬ng. Repairs & R&Booï¬ng Now Is The Time! INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR Homes, Cottages or Industries All Work Guaranteed and Paperhanging Free Estimates 889-2163 Residential 0 Commercial 0 Industrial Specialbing in Bestwrmts and Taverns 24~Hour Drain Service 881-5804 RICHMOND HILL PLUMBING. HEATING AND DBAINS 889-2773 Painters PAINTING Roger Proulx 884-1650 Act quickly and phone day or night GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP PLUMBING & HEATING 884-3479 W395? Signs ARMAND PAVING & CONSTRUCTION 00. 889-4672 FOR A BETTER PAVING JOB Over 15 Years’ Experience Ask for Armand Ucci 881 -5738 Meuo Lic. P941 â€" Metro Lic. B3276 Plumbing, Heating "(I9 NC“ "<13 “(36 "c" "cl "WARN" I Tree Removal I B.J.'s Enterprises 8846036 0 Dangerous Elm Trees 0 Trimming â€" Pruning 0 Land Clearing _York . Sprung Semen ' TANDEM BUSHINGS Aurora 727-3121" $58.9wa 10% OFF ALL ITEMS FREE ESTIMATES Call Lorne Bridal 884-1712 W RICHMOND HILL HEATING AND PLUMBING REPAIRS Pool Installations “ And Repairs Patio and Comm wdrk ‘ kaQ shopping Harry Sanders «minimum 480 Paliset tires. 8. Electric Winch Swimming Pool LIBERAL OGVQFHSQFS CALL BRIAN 884-3202 Al Work Ewmfaod Painters EXTERIOR PAINTING 773-4310 D. LYON 727-5538 easier! 8840113 cove/50 NC“ "cu "($0 CAWSO IFCSU ":45 "CH c6148