3-8 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. June 28. 1976 DEMâ€"winding, _hand-carved oak Stairways, wood-burning ï¬replaces. ‘ BESTâ€"full air-conditioning. Total mrercom. 3 bathrooms. _5 I5th â€"-down Ihe lane to a 19th cen- tury mill pond, where kids colch {ish iodoy. BEST. thIâ€"odiocent lo a golf and com- try club. BEST- BEST. DENâ€"spacious prestige homes, extra large lots. BESTâ€"o BENâ€"a c0mmunily built around Dwn landscaped pork. BEST- Ma’s am, THE CEDARWOOD This romantic but intenser practical haven can be yours in one of Toronto’s most desirable settings, nestled with a full walkout basement on just about the last true ravine lot in captivity. You’ll be the envy of your friends everywhere. Invite them to sip tea on your broad back balcony. Let them intoxicate themselves with the commending view up and down the winding valley below. lnside again let them see the warm friendly life style your family enjoys in this five bedroom home with its charming entry foyer leading to main floor den, plus family room. More than 3,350 square feet on the upper two floors, not to mention all the fun space down the open spiral staircase to the high bright walkout basement opening to the terraced rear gardens and pool area. Where? Would you believe it, in the Bayview-Steeles area? One of eight now under construction, of twenty-three distinctive homes at this strategic north side location. Speak now and you can probably have possession of your choice for your new residence late this summer. Prices of the first eight range from $105,900.00 to $130,900.00 with first mortgages up to $74,000.00 at 10% % for those who hurry! Check with us for other locations. THE POSSIBLE DREAM WWW If only the best is for you, it’s in Joan Watson 881-5377 Evgs. 293-6558 A Sequel to the Canaa'iana Series in The Stone Fem IN OUR OPINION-COME SEE FOR YOURSELF c1751! ' 5&9 ‘ffgzes its The Southkeep Mk I The Savoy Mk I BEST- 5‘25 1 â€"prices for opening sole $10,- 000 to $20,000 less 1han similar homes. Utb I â€"no comparable village setting anywhere in Metro, including Boyview. DENâ€"ideal transportation, via Bo- thurst or Yonge. GO-Bus. BEST- BEST- 5th I â€"-of all area house investments, homes in Pleasantville, over a quarter century, have increased more in value than anywhere in Metro. thlâ€"only 35 custom homes this year. Sale begins or $1 19,500. BEST‘ BEST. â€"Besf trade-up dealâ€" $119,500 7 ROOM. $33,900 200' treed homesite, needs work. Terms. MUST BE SOLD Spacious 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. garage, many extras included; Don Mulls â€" Steeles townhouse. Only 354,750. Low down payment Call 2238960. 2 ACRES NEAR IAPLE 7 room ranch bungalow. Famin room, 2 ï¬replaces, 3 baths, double garage. Many extras. Call In's Essex 223-8960. NEW $45,900. Detached 3 bedroom brick bungalow, 75’ x 200‘ homesite. Full basement. R.I. fireplace. Choice of decor. North of Bradford. NEWSMSOO. 4 bedroom sidesplit, family room, walk-out & fireplace. Attached garage. Town water & sewers. NEW $69,900 1 acre. 3 bedroom unique, family room, walk-out 8: fireplace. Attached 2 car garage. Commanding view. Easy commuting. 3344799 ‘clw52 Richmond Hill 8 room family home. 2 baths, family room. garage. Only $57,900. Near Hillcresl Mail Your down payment considered. Call 22} 8960. “mu '5" ITURGITZ - IUL (SHIE [TD MALT“ I CHARLES Additional commercial buildings on approximately 2 acres. $57,300. 705-426-9631 W 8 BEDROOMS RESIDENCE REALTY LTD., REALTOR 4 BEDROOMS clw52 clw52 Permanent home situated in a resort area. May be used as summer property as well. 45 minutes from Toronto on a spring fed lake. Asking $34,900. FULLY SERVICED INDUSTRIAL SITES IN RICHMOND HILL STOUFFVILLE AREA We arrange or purchase conventional and high' ratio ist & 2nd mortgages for residential and commercial properties, as well as interim builders loans all at com- petitive rates. UXBRIDGE SOUTH 10 Acres, 10 per cent Mortgage A truly beautiful property with 715’ fron- tage on paved road. Redwood bungalow of exceptional construction, 3 bedrooms, ensuite bath plus a full 4â€"piece bath, 11’ stone fireplace, beamed cathedral ceilings, all rooms panelled in different woods, carpeted throughout, all-electric, hydro $58 p.m., high walkout basement, patio, small log cabin, large asparagus beds, land mostly rolling meadow adjoins a ZOOâ€"acre forest. 16 minutes by car or car and train to Union Station. Private sale $119,000 in- cludes stove, fridge, freezer, washer, dryer, drapes. Vendor would take $85,000 1st mortgage at only 10 per cent, to $34,000 down. Phone 1-852-7115. KING TWP. Immediate possession offered for this immaculate older home on a concession road readily accessible to Hwys. 400 or 9. School buses pass the door and lots. of room for a garden on treed lot 100’ x-200’. Ket- tleby Village is within 1/2 mile. There are 3 to 4 bedrooms and a large diningroom. Oversized double garage. Quiet for an older family â€" room for play for youngsters. Offered at $75,000. Call G.M. Armstrong. TOWNHOUSE â€" RICHMOND HILL FIRST TIME OFFERED â€" 2 storey brick, attached garage, 2 washrooms, 4 ap- pliances, family size kitchen. patio. Asking only $53,900.00. CALL ED ROGERS NEWMARKET MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED, 2 bedroom twin home, interior completely remodelled, fridge, stove, washer, broadloom, patio, many extras. TO VIEW CALL ED ROGERS. 887-5026 A DIVISION OF 889-7877 895-862] NEWMARKET Gerry Meharg Ltd., Realtor TORONTO grmgtrnng Call: C.K. (KEN) lE FEUVERE Moffat Dunlap R. E. Ltd. 889â€"5651 - 884-2377 - 773-4391 Tankoos Yarmon Ltd. Owner will build for lease CALL GRACE BIRD 640-4063 - 297-2283 8 King St. East, Toronto 363-5086 or 884-3905 or your own Broker Members of York County. Ontario 8: Canadian Association of Real Estate Boards MORTGAGE SERVICES ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIM|TED MANAGER 727-1511 clw52 CIWSZ ":42 6 room ranch bungalow with attached garage and good size rooms throughout. Centrally located near schools, shopping etc. Priced to sell at only $64,900. Buy now â€" have the home finished to your choice of colors etc. For further information, call 884â€"5422 NEWMARKET Now Being Built â€" Brick KING CITY $114,500 8 room 2 storey. double garage, lot 100‘ x 180'. main floot laundry, 4 piece ensuite and walk-in clothes closet off huge master bedroom, fireplace in sunken family room. Lu Dobson. 881-5940. Res. 833-5544. 3 bedroom bungalow. New electric heating and plumbing. 4 new ap- pliances. Paved drive. $60,900. SUPER SUPER [INK $74,500. Charming unique and different at Yonge - Carville Rd. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, huge livingroom. has cathedral ceiling, sunken diningroom, main floor family room, plus den, eat-in kitchen, attached garage. Easy terms. Call anytime, Nada Ladi, 226-5363 HWYJlYONGE LOT 85'1233' 365.900. 2 bedroom starter home, full basement. garage. fireplace. Trees! Trees! Trees! For more in- formation call Zoltan Ladi. 226-5363. RICHMOND HILL 3 bedroom bungalow. 37,000 down. Quiet street. Garage. 10% pct first mortgage. Lu Dobson. or Dave Hodges, 881-5940. HORIH RICHMOND HILL CHOICE OF NEW HOMES Yonge â€" Elgin Mills â€" Oxford Sts.‘ Custom built 34 bedrooms, 3 baths‘ central air. choice of ceramic tiles colors, etc. Call Zoltan Ladi. 226. 5363. MURPHY Older brick bungalow. separate din- ingroom, modern bath and kitchen. pantry, summer kitchen, broadloom, natural wood finish, several stain glass windows, oil hot water heat, large ooen attic. new root nool size lot, quiet street, close to downtown shops, churches, schools etc. Owner consider holding mortgage. $52,900. 110 Raglan Street 12895-6518 ch45? Priced to sell. 4 bedroom sidesplit. 100' x 190' lot. 101/4 pct. mortgage. Garage. Rec room. Dave Hodges or Lu Dohson, 881-5940. «inn ï¬rmstmng u ........... s ..................... THORNHILL TOWNHOMES Starting $51,900. 3 or 4 bedrooms. Garage. Excellent financing. Prime location. Esther Back, 881-5940. clw52 Newmarket Sacrifice PRIVATE Ranch Bungalow featuring open fireplace, separate diningroom, quality broadloom, oversized double garage, rec room, new 2,400 sq. ft. horse barn, pond, lovely 10 acres, located just off Don Mills Rd., on a paved road. Asking $134,900. Call Clive McCall, 889-7877. One of the nicest Townhouses we have had the pleasure of presenting, quality broadloom throughout, privacy fence, 3 large bedrooms, paved drive, large 101/2 per cent mortgage and just steps to all conveniences. Asking $56,900. Call Clive McCall, 889-7877. clw52 Yonge-Steeles $5,300 DOWN PRIVATE SALE KUIV'B'C‘R 889-4237 TOM Realtor c2w5| clw52 Sidespm 4 bedrooms, 2 open "replaces, Lo? 75’ x 200' Ahached garage and tarpon. Owner can take back Is! mongago at lo per cent. $79,900. 4 BEDROOM House overlooking golf course. large lot. Call 486â€"4385 mornings. c1w5 RICHMOND HILL detached, 4 bedroom backsplit, available July lstl 3435‘ 884-7715. c1w52 PRIVATE 2 “may J bedroom, sunporth. Broadloom, Aurora $43,900 or best ' 727-8414 W bedrooms. July Isl 5729. HILLCREST Mall Town House, 1 SOUTH OF CARVILLE ROAD NORTH OF HWY, 78 BETWEEN YONGE ST, AND BATHURS] Richmond Hill 2 bedrom Bungalow 3250‘ Thornhill 3 bedroom Townhouse $400 Newmarket 3 bedroom Home $350, Willowdale l bedroom Apartment 3225. Richmond Hill 1 bedroom Apartment $227 King City 4 bedrooms, Half acre $525 Woodbridge 4 bedrobms. Finch-Leslie 3 bedrooms, Tawnhouse S415. Willowdale 1 bedroom Basement 535. week Newmarket 3 bedroom House 3375‘ Finch-Bathurst 1 bedroom Apartment $215. Aurora 2 bedrooms and den $312. Kleinburg 3 bedrooms 2 car garage 3525. FOR MANY MORE CURRENT OFFERINGS SEE US TODAY (fee charged) YOUR EQUITY IN YOUR HOME IS IDLE BORROWING POWER. USE IT. - Consolidate Bank, Finance Co., and Charge Accounts - Reduce Monthly Payments by 50 percent or More FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CALL BARBARA FLEMING ' A T T [N T l0/V HUME OWNERS Open Second Mortgages Available from 13% WANTED TO BUY HOUSES! APARTMENTS! ROOMS! "RESIDENTIAL RENTALS 10140 Yonge St. Richmond Hill 884-0677 773-5268 bringing people and real estate vogether ONE BUILDING LOT WE/VMURE FINANCIAL [T0, For Rent MUST SELL PRIVATE Phone 727-6001 884.6853 10077 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL 225-3173 5 acres $550 Mortgages c1w52 CleI 638- c2w51 c1w52 Call 661-3465 Wanted to Rent 3 BEDROOM house or apanmem in Richmond Hill. Call ,lack Barth, 834-441] or 773-52â€. c2w5'l 2 Bedroom apanmenv ior July Isl, and August Isl. Rem includes Iridge. soove, heat, hydro etc. Near Richmond Heigms Centre, at as Laverock Avenue. CALL SUPT. BACHELOR and 2 bedroom apartments available. Richmond Hill area. 384-8643. clwsl ONE bedroom apartment, modern klvchen, business people only. No pen or children. 884-0931. c2w5| 1 AND 3 bedroom apartments. Fully broadloomed. Close to Richmond Heights Plaza. 884-9233. clw52 ROOM or basement apartment for single male. $100. month, 8891875 after 6 pm Bruce. cleZ or omer accommodanon, required for out-oO-vown students attending the King Campus 06 Seneca Collega BUSINESS girl looking to share apartment with single girl. 8846068 Evgs. clw52 MATURE woman requires room and- or room and board in a’quiet private home near public transportation 832-1503 or 889-1623. clw52 3 bedrooms. Balsam Lake, attractuve beach large yard. FOR SALE â€" Cottage on Lake Scugog. lakefront. 3 bedrooms. furnished. hydm. 727-3510. clw52 BACHELOR apartment BACHELOR apartment, furnished. central. Cool. Separate entrance. Private home. Suit 1 responsible person. non smoker. 884-1986. RESPONSIBLE couple wanting to rent small farm house. References. Call after 6 pm; 486-3590. c1w52 YOUNG couple require two bedroom basement apartment tor mid August or Sept. Ist. Phone 881- 5364. chSI BUSINESS girl tequires small apartment in home, private enhance. 8846068 Evgs. clw52 Room 0! room and board, Or other accommodation, required for outof. town students attending the King Campus of Seneca College. BASEMENT Apartment Suitable lor couple‘ 8846431 clw52 ROOM OR ROOM AND BOARD GARAGE WANTED TO RENT ADULT BUILDING Vacation Properties PROFESSIONAL COUPLE DESIRE 2-3 BEDROOM HOUSE TO RENT GARAGE 0R STORAGE SPACE REQUIRED 884-8802 m SENECA P-HONE: m-9901,Exr.2sa Phone: 884-9901, Ext. 254 COTTAGE RICHVALE AREA for Sewember Is! 884-2475 773-5680 881-6407 After 5 pm c2w5l c2w51 <2w51 Ch 52 "(:36 c1w52 came c6w52 clw52