That Friday, a tour of Ottawa in- cluded a visit to the mint. the Rideau Canal. the stables where the horses used in the Mounties‘ Musical Ride are housed. and a run past the Trudeau‘s home on Sussex Drive. MAPLE â€" The Grade 8 students of George Bailey Public School were an excited group when their buses pulled away for Ottawa the morning of June 3. The first night there was swimming at the university. and afterwards a dance was held for all participating schools from across Ontario. Then they were on their way to check in at Carlton University for a three-day stay. Other lours included the Museum of Science and Technology and the Aeronautical Collection. 25th year June 15, John and June Perry celebrated 25 years of business in Maple. Many long-time customers attended the Perry‘s open house to have some fruit punch and homemade cookies. It was a small store when it first opened. George Robson used to say that you could put a feather duster down your belt. turn around. and the store would be dusted. But the atmosphere was congenial. Customers used to help lug heavy During a visit to parliament they heard John [Mefenbaker address the house. 0n the way they stopped for lunch and a tour of historic Fort Henry at Kingston. Kelly Stewart and Christy Pokarney provided details fo the trip. Pat Davis. who worked in the original Keele Street store. travelled down from Fenlon Falls for a visit. 0n the way home. a visit was made to Morrisburg and Upper Canada Village. ’Loca/ students tour Ottawa â€"4 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. June 23. 1976 .QSSUCIQTE STORE 0288 YONGE SW K tnnnnlnn TIRE 1 Correspondent Anne Fowler 832-1204 10288 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL 884-1196 The Perry's have kept in touch with many of these young people over the years. “They were not just employees but became friends", Mrs. Perry says. For several years the Perry’s could not afford to hire any staff but when they did‘ it was Nelson Kerr‘s daughter. Sue was was their first employee. A former pharmacist at the store is Gordon Davie who now has his own store in Uxbridge. Gordon started working as a student in the summer and boarded with the Perrys. Many Maple young people got their first job at Perry‘s and some of them showed for the anniversary. items up from the store‘s cellar Medical advances have made “the right to die†a major issue and raised anew the philosophical question of death‘s relation to life as a whole. Death: The Final Stage of Growth. by Elizabeth Kubler~Ross The author of On Death and Dying brings together 15 contributions which view death positively as the final stage of life and growth. Hospitals. other cultures and personal responses to death are among the topics considered. Death by Decision: the Medical. Moral, and Legal Dilemmas of Euthanasia. by Jerry B. Wilson. A philosopher examines euthanasia from the standpoint of Christian ethics and suggests moral guidelines for responding to terminal suffering. The Dilemmas of Euthanasia. edited by maple news Right to die dilemma examined By Don McFayden Branch Head Thornhill Community Centre Branch Markham Public Libraries After his graduation. he became manager of the store as John Perry was at that time reeve of Vaughan Town~ ship. Ken Sutton who was pharmacist with the Perry's King City Store (now Edward‘s Pharmacy) is still there. He stayed on through all the ownership changes. The Women‘s Liberation movement has come a long way since 1956 when June 27 the headline in the paper read: Sunday Sc}! “Woman manages Nobleton Store". anniversary This referred to Connie Desrochers who now works with John as a pharmacist. “Mm†_____ The Perrys. are well-known mem bers of the community, have con tributed a great deal. Maple residents wish them well and look forward to a golden anniversary at Perry‘s. Berry festival John A. Behnke and Sissela Bok Bok outlines the philosophical pros and cons and argues against legalizing active euthanasia. Other contributions provide information on: the social and professional attitudes towards euthanasia euthanasia A lecturer in bioethics makes distinctions among allowing patients to die. Since the right to die is also a medical-legal problem. he suggests a legally binding directive to stop treatment in certain circumstances. Someone You Love is Dying; a Guide The Right to Die: :1 Neurosurgeon Speaks of Death with (‘andon by Milton 1). Heifetz with Charles Mange] June 30 from 4:30 to 8 p.m., Teston and the legal aspects of discoveries United Church is holding its annual Strawberry Festival. For an admission price of $4 for adults and $1.50 for children under 12. they'll be serving all you can eat â€" salad plates, strawberries and home- baked goods. Anniversary At the 11 am. service, an ex traordinary man. Dr. Robert Rumball will be the special speaker. June 27. Teston United Church‘s Sunday School will mark its 103rd Dr. Rumball runs a year-round farm camp for emotionally disturbed deaf children, a youth hostel, and an ex- tensive foster home program through the church. Now minister for the Church for the Deaf in Toronto, Rumball is a former Argo football player. for Helping and Coping, by Martin Shepard Practical. specific information for dealing with the everyday realities of dying. The major point of the book is that honest and open communication is the most beneficial and useful means of dealing with death. The Way We Die: an Investigation of Death and Dying in America Today. by David K. Dempsey The author. a member of the professional advisory board of the Foundation of Thanatology. discusses the new science of thanatology. which» seeks to make the last stages of life rewarding and meaningful. He also discusses transplants, mourning, and life after death. Western Attitudes toward Death: from the Middle Ages to the Present. by Philippe Aries A wellâ€"known French writer of social history has distilled from the historical and literary records the essence of our attitudes to death over the past 10 centuries. CANADIAN TIRE CARD L John Frohlinger’s Grade 7 science class at German Mills School put theory into practice â€" learned how to plant trees and shrubs. and at the same time improved the appearance of their school ground, during a recent project. Leslie Tarves (left), gives a young spruce tree a thorough watering, while Laura Cleland tamps soil. Spruce-up time lOIKIYS [Pho'n Hogg)