Contest offers poetry prize SAN FRANCISCO â€" World of Poetry, a monthly newsletter for poets, is awarding a grand prize of $1,776 in the US. Bicentennial poetry contest, it was announced last week by contest director Joseph Mellon. Said Mellon: “We are Deadline for the contest looking for poetic talent of is July 31. I||||IllIlllllllllllllllllllll||IlllllllllllIllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllIllIIII|IIIllIllllllllllllllllllllll IllIIlllllIllIIII||||I"IIIIIIIlIlllllIllllIIIHIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllll|lllIllIIIIllIllllllllllllllllll THORNHILL â€"â€" Two- year-old Jessica Taylor didn't express in words New playground gets Jessica ’3 appro val The Environmental Assessment Board intends to devote the first day of the public hearings to dealing with preliminary matters related to future scheduling and procedures of these public hearings. Such preliminary matters will include, but may not necessarily be restricted to, hearing submissions regarding adjournment, exchange of technical reports, order of calling evidence, order of priority of cross- examination, fixing of dates where necessary for the calling of special witnesses and SETTING AND ANNOUNCING A DATE AND PROBABLE PERIOD OF TIME FOR THE ENTIRE HEARINGS. ANY PERSON WISHING TO MAKE REPRESENTATIONS TO THE BOARD REGARDING THESE MATTERS OR WISHING TO PARTICIPATE IN THESE HEARINGS SHOULD ATTEND OR BE REPRESENTED ON THE FIRST DAY. THE BOARD DOES NOT INTEND TO PUBLISH ANY FURTHER NOTICE REGARDING THESE HEARINGS. Playground By Marilyn McDonald The hearings will be held on July 6, 1976, at 10:00 o'clock in the morning local time in the Maple Community Centre, 10190 Keele Street, Maple, Ontario. Crawford Allied Industries Limited T. M. Murphy, Secretary, Environmental Assessment Board 5th Floor, 1 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1K7 Superior Sand, Gravel and Supplies Limited application for la waste disposal sité (respprce recovery) as follows: Plans of the proposed waste disposal sites will be available for examination and inspection during normal business hours in the ofï¬ce of the Clerk of the RegiOnal Municipality of York, 62 Bayview Avenue, Newmarket, Ontario, in the ofï¬ce of the Clerk of the Town of Vaughan, 2141 Major Mackenzie Drive, Maple, Ontario, and in the office of the Secretary of the Environmental Assessment Board. The Environmental Protection Act, 1971, (5.0 Chapter 86, as amended) The Environmental Assessment Board will conduct public hearings to obtain information and to hear the views of the public so that it can make recommen- dations in respect of the proposed waste disposal sites. Written and oral submissions may be made to the Board at the hearings. The Board will not consider any submissions regarding the proposals alter the hearings have been closed. Phone: (41 til-9652531 The Ministry of the Environment has received appli cations for waste disposal sites for landfilling as follows: Applicant Crawford Allied Industries Limited Applicant MARKKIEJMAN, D. P. M. The Wellington Medical Centre 25 Wellington Street. West Markham, Ontario (Highway 7 and 48) vvvv hanins HFPFI The Ministry of the Environment has received an STATUTORY REFERENCES â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. June 23, 1976 the opening of his new office 71mm Telephone 294-9294 Environmental Assessment Board NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS WASTE DISPOSAL SITES Regional Municipality of York Town of Vaughan is pleased to announce Hours: By Appointment PODIATRY for the practice of Portions of Lots 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, Concession Ill, Town of Vaughan, Regional Municipality of York. Part of west-half of Lots 22, 23, 24 and 25, Concession Ill, Town of Vaughan, Regional Municipality of York. Location Part of west-half of Lot 22, Concession lll, Town of Vaughan, Regional Municipality of York. Location begihs'HERE! In good, how she felt about the newly opened creative playground at Baythorn Public School, but her obvious enjoyment spoke volumes Rules and official entry forms can be obtained by writing to: World of Poetry, 801 Portola Dr., Drawer 11, San Fran- sisco, California, 94127. every kind (and on every subject) and expect 1976 to be a year of exciting discoveries.†1971 With 'an adult friend in tow, Jessica flitted from swing to slide. and back to a springing white horse, stopping only when a mature fellow, about 5 years old. told her the fireman’s pole was “just for kindergarten‘s.†Jessica’s brother, 5- year-old Matthew, qualified to test the pole because he's in kin- dergarten at Royal Orchard Public School. And he confirmed the HAVE YOU MET THIS MAN? next week's Liberal Meet him in What does Sears 24 hour shop_-by-phone servuce mean to YOU-n ‘Alsb inquire about our same day pick-up service’ phoï¬Ã© Sears A Sears account card is convenient to have when cash isn't on hand. And your purchases won't cost a penny extra if you pay in full within 30 days of bill- ing. This. plus our ‘satisfaction or money refunded' guarantee really takes the worry out of your shopping When you shop by phone. you get free home de- livery wherever we provide local service. And this really makes light work of your shopping. No struggling with heavy parcels or ploughing through crowds or bad weather. Let Sears do the hard work for you! Just relax in the comfort of your home and make your own unhurried buying decisions. Our 24 hour shop- by-phone service lets you order from our line lamin of catalogues and circulars anytime during the day Or night. Simply reach for the phone and call! Top service . . ‘Charge it’ . . . Convenience . . Richmond Hill and _Thornhill residents Helium-filled ballons were released from the turret around the sliding- pole after Markham Councillor Stan Daurio cut the blue-and-white polka dot ribbon to of- ficially open the However, while the older guys weren‘t looking, Jessica suc- cessfully negotiated the bottom half of the descent. slide down was “a lot of fun." Sales Service Leasung Hwy.11, Newmarket Toronto; playground last Thur- The school anticipates sday. anyone finding a balloon Cheering and waving, will call and let them the crowd watched the know. Cheering and waving, the crowd watched the ballons as they disap- peared in the east. 7 Each balloon carried the name of a primary student from Baythorn and the school’s telephone number. Longdistance “I hope they don‘t go too far," said school secretary May Cosentino, “or it’ll be long distance.†vSimpsons-Sears Ltd “We hope you’re going to spend a lot of happy hours this summer making use of your new playground." principal Higginson said to the assembly of children and a scattering of parents SINCE 1950 CUSTOM-HUM ES ADDITIONS IONS RENOVATION ALTERATIONS RESIDENTIAL â€" COMMERCIAL â€" INDUSTRIAL 884-9379 Searsgg METRO LIï¬ANSE NUMBER 8-1508 S ht 2 Sears IE9“ “A E CONTRACTORS Higginson introduced “real, live politician" Stan Daurio who said the person “most active in the project" at the local government level was town of Markham recreation director Bruce Holsworth. Department head recreation at the opening. “It takes a long time and a lot of patience to build something like this," said Councillor Daurio. Parents thanked “On behalf of the town of Markham and the community of Thornhill" during the opening ceremony. ' "ii ' fir. Sears new 16-page storewide circular filled with summer bargain buys galore for every member of your family. If you haven’t received your copy, pick one up at Sears today! Brian Wrigglesworth represented parks and recreation at the opening. “It takes a long time and a lot of patience to build something like this," said Councillor Daurio. Now out! 889-2075 Kitchen & Bathroom Re- modelling with all work under one contract, including Plumb- ing, Electrical, Floor, Partition Built-in Appliances, Vanities, Ceilings, Painting 8 Wall- paper 8 Carpets. MANUFACTURE OUR CABINETS Daurio thanked the parents â€" people like Don Henderson, Bruce Matson, Hector McNeil] and Dave Staples â€" who started the project more than two years ago. Parents' were assisted in the planning and designing by Baythom teacher Bonnie Dean and vice-principal Joan Piddick.