picked up promptly. Fondirect line call Long Distance and a§k foi Zenith 32800.}xcall anytime, Ed Peconi 8. Son, Woodville, Ont Ucencef NBC 324066. . Articles Wanted 6 months old. 3,000 miles. (East 3500 new. Will sell for 3300‘ Fully licensed. ‘ ‘ new rings, crank use. brake shots. and drive chains. $825. DEAD or crippled~ farm anjmals. PIANO wanted. Approximately 31005 3150. 222â€"7088. _ HcZZ HIGHEST cash prices orktradevvalue paidvtor housatul of furniture and appliahces. Brice's Furniture. 363- 1954. ‘ , ‘ucla 72 EVINRUDE HIGH PERFORMANCE. . OUTBOARD 135 PLUS HP. . 16 ft. fibreglass runabout, Mailer and accessories ~~ mm&hmh WANTED FOR SCRAP 12' ALUMINUM ‘ PETERBOROUGH PRINCECRAFT hand controls, windshield, 18 My Johns0n mater. Trailev. CALL MRS. MINER 889-7624 OR 895-7841 V CERTIFIED Best oflet. Must sell. Call after 5 pm. 727-5868. c2w53 14' CHRYSLER, convertible lop. 60 H.P. Chrysler motor. trailer, extras. Purchased new 1975. used only 15 hours. 1-8846987 or 1-705-657- 3506 Wed. -Sunday. nclw53 - will sell you W x 32’ above ground Modullr Redwood Pool :9 surlllce prlce ol $3,090. Savings ol $2,100. "75 model. call 416-625 2719, days or evenings, called MINI BIKES & MOTORCYCLES SWIMMING pool {or sale. Moving 2 LAIDLAW BLVD. MARKHAM - 294-3650 Leading Manuncmrer and distributor has above ground Alumlnum Pools Ian over lrom "75 season, v, PRICE, guaran‘ Mod lnuallnlon and verms. Call Creel! Manager collect, Muslssauga days or evenings. 416- 625-3819. ":32 Marine Discounters! CR 125 Elisnor Articles for Sale ‘TYPEWRITERS, adders. calculators, sales, service, ran his. Newrnarkec Busine’ss' Machines, 497 Timothy Sf.’ Newmarket. 895-7621. "can 75 YAMAHA 100 . Chrysler Boats Chrysler Outboard Motors TEAKWOOD Living-Dining-Bedrooms. Designs in Teak. 457 Markham lids Allencoun Plaza. Richmond Hill - 804-3750 KITCHEN set, 5-piece, $140. or best offer. 881-4476. clw53 JOHN’S MARINELAND 889-2915 Evgs. .Freo Esolmaf‘es. Alumina! siding, winums, doors, akvnirï¬gs. 084â€"4358 or 032-1319. uu 'IILL WALLS, BETHESDA‘ 16’ CRESTLINER Motorcycle; RIDING LAWN MOWER WANTED 881-5342 , 60 HP. MOTOR AND TRAILER MOPED‘ CYCLE Commando Interstate 750 1972 NORTON Reid Mower, Marine 8. Sports 884-7716 881-2384 See anytimg aflet 6 pm 885-3756 AFTER 5 PM $1.900. 0R BEST OFFER 833-5370 NEW CONDITION Less than 200 miles YORK ALUMINUM SAVE ON 1975 BOATS & MOIORS 888-1998 74 HONDA 'CRESTLINERS 'DORAL 0THUNDERCRAFT MERCURY 0U7: BOARDS & INBOARDS Every boat, motor 8. accassory discounted Top Prices 889-0353 884-3795 Boating SALES & SERVICE s2,400 223-8439 SWIMMING POOL Sï¬CRIFICE CARAIELA clw53 6M3 clw53 clw53 c2w5‘2 clw53 c2w53 ch 52 "d9 wifli new insulated cap: 8,000 miles. 360 ~ 2 barrel Pow bmkés, automatic. Still undet warranty“ Mutt sell. $5.000. cmum. 63,000 orlglml miles. 51,050. or best ofler. Aner$:30p.m. Power steering. power brakes. Air. Roof rack Radials. 74 Grand Torino ‘ Wagon, 400 Engine‘ Running condition. New tires. As is or for parts. 41,606 ’m'iie's.’ Kircnndiiinnel AM-I FM tape deck. Michelin tires. Roof rack Top condition. .rq KING “0.. 2 MI. WT 0F VONGE 81’. .773-1260 DOHERTY‘ MOTORS 727-3322. czws: 28,000 miles. Showroom condition Mags. extras. Must be seen. , ASKING $3.800. $10,900. CITATION. 19 FT. 3.950 miles. Sleeps 6. Steve, fridge. furnace. Many extras. Suitable for small car, Add-A-Room. Refrigeratot, stainless steel sink. 2 burner stove. Many extras. Speclnliling in v.w. body work Ind general repairs. coco SELECTION 0% QUALITY RECONDITIONED‘ Camporoynds a! Pigeon Lake 50'x60’. mes. 3-way hook Ufs swimming pool, playground, s 95 nervear Salesâ€"ParIsâ€"Accessoriesâ€"Re- palrsâ€"Hiochesâ€"Roll-Ups Awnings a. Sterne 72 DATSUN 2402 1971 PLYMOUTH FURY 111 74 MOTOR HOME YAMAHA 500. 833â€"6853 72 Dodge Pick-Up % Ton $2,200 1975 FORD ' 3/4 TON PICK-UP 66 Buick Special 1974 YAMAHA RD 350. Excellent condition. 8844862. c1w53 CUSTOM 1/2 TON CLEAN USED TRAILERS TRUCK CAP SALE FROM 8205 For Sale or Rent MOST COMPLETE TRAILER CENTRE ALL WORK GUARANTEED 65 CHEVELLE 73 GRAND TORINO WAGON APACHE SOLID STATE TRAVEL TRAILER Sleeps 8 â€" all conveniences. ‘150.00 Call 883-1306 VOLKSWAGEN SALE KING CITY TRAILERS ALL MODELS IN STOCK AT BETTER THAN EVER PRICESI 884-9406 AFTER 5:30 PM EXCELLENT CONDITION $200 OR BEST OFFER 10’ TRAILER Power steering, radio AS IS, $150. or best after 67 VALIANT 727-3527 884-2979 495-1404 ' Slide-In Camper, loaded $2,495 884-2753 884-3662 887-5904 884-7233 887-5904 UNCERTIFIED ASKING 3195‘ 71 FORD 3357639 E2w51 PALLISTER’S TRUCK KAP CENTRE Truck Tops $219 & up Slid-ln Kits for Trucks $289 773-5075 71 SPRITE 727-9885 Cars & Trucks M otorCycles c1w53 clw53 c2w53 clw53 clw53 72 Yonge StV. N. (north end) Oak Ridges c2w531 c1w53 c1w53 clw53 c2w52 clw53 clw53 c2w53 Trailers (Beds and Tables) 773-5167 clw53 383, ‘ barrel. ‘ speed. Very good condition. $1.300. 32,000 miles. 318 auto, power S-B Ceitified. Best offer‘ Q 66 CHEV IMPALA 884-2068 Evgs. CHALLENGER 1973 , 5 CYLINDER, 3-SFEED OVERDRIVE Tape, FM, rust proof. 19,300 miles 52,800 Evgs. 884-2800 Good condition. Automatic. Radio 47.000 original miles. 72 DODGE DEMON 4 DOOR HARDTOP Runs well. Needs brake' linings Grabbet' green. Black roof. Un‘ certified. Extra snow tires on rims‘ $200. ..â€"'.:.â€"â€"â€"-â€". ......._...4..__.... .. IWCKENZIQ : iCampianraileoE 40 mpg. A good runner haul Reconditioned. Recent mator over- Powersmeï¬ng,powerbmke& mcon dMMw, $1695 72 RENAULT R12 STATIONWAGON '1974 VW SUPER BEERE McKenzie Camping TRUCK CAPS SALE‘ $229 UP "76 LIONEL’S NARDTOP TRAILERS, new Aerodynlmlc dulgn ls engineered especially '0 save you money. YAMAHA 1969 80 cc. (Trail use.) Needs clutch work. 350, 889-7710, 3 Beds Good condition. Asking $400 Mechanically A-l Requires body wodL Best offer HWY. 7 AT BAYVIEW uO-IIJI 475 Kennedy mt. S. M Egllmon 26615.†clwso Woods Tent Top Bustle Back With Canopy 69 CHEVROLET 71 FORD PINTO 67 BARACUDA FASTBACK $595 Certified GREENWOOD GARAGE 70 LAURENTIAN PONTIAC, 1975 GREMLIN $1495 71 RENAULT R10 Trailers Limited S‘andani 6. Good condition $1,650. 2 DOOR HARDTOP Petfect condition. Certified 889-4294 AFTER 4:30 SPRING FEVER SALE SAVE GAS SUN BUG. SUN ROOF A-l condition. 82.500. 88942440 484-9141 11262 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL TRAILERS FROM $1,665 All sites and color; Old Hwy. 1 and Bavview THOR NHILL» 889-1931 (:5 Between 6 -8 pm 884-6354 884-5887 69 CAMARO 883-1584 889-7074 884-8841 773-4444 889-9632 833-5060 clw53 c1w53 c1w53 c2w53 c1w53 clw53 clw53 clw53 c1w53 c1w53 cfw 53' €5w53 clw53 clw53‘ Coming Events JUNE 30, Wednesday. Teston United Church Strawberry Festival, 4:30 to 8 pm. Salad plate, strawberries and home baking. Mutts 34‘ Children $1.50. c2w52 ;BRASS beds â€" a country non um. All sizes 'and styles (includinï¬ 'Oueens). Open all weekends. 9994 Keele 5L, Mlple 831-2567, 936-3056. "(45‘ THE Gryphon Theatre Company, July 5 - Sept. 4, at Geargian College Theatle, (Hwy. 400 at Duckworth SL. Banie), 8:30 pm. , Thurs. Matinee 2 pm. "Harvey" by Mary Chase. July 5 JULY 4th. Sunday. 10 - 5 pm. Antique Show and Sale. 106 Centre Street, East. (Off Yonge) Richmond Hill. 20 Dealers. Bargains Galore! . 10. Box office at Theatre. 705.728- 1951. clw53 LEARN to Fly. Introduc'ory flight 35. Toronto Airways L'd., But- tonvllle Airport, 291-1412. ":32 BRASS. copper; antiques repolished. Brass beds, en. Blitex. 755-785]. ":29 ma CHEV mu Ion pick-up. In good candnion. Radio, nower brakes. snow ï¬res. 034-1047. clw53 1966 PONTIAC, Excellent condition. Best offer. 881-1228‘ c2w53 Qntiqueï¬ 8c Qtl 1967 CHEVELLE. Good running condition. $175. Call 630-7979 afte! 6 pm. c1w53 1973 CHRYSLER. Town and Country Wagon. Air. full power, excellent condition, certified. $2895. 884- 0249. c1w53 1975 CAMARO V-8. Ziebarted. Good price. 884-9445. Evgs‘ clw53 2 door‘ Good condition. 289 V-8, Power brakes, power steering, Asking $800. or best offer. Call Bill, 881-1332. Evgs.. mm 2 door, bucket seats. good running order, no certification 1965 RAMBLER Stationwagon 327 4- Barrel. As is. 884-7393. clw53 1975 GREMLIN, standard, 18,000 miles. Green. Best offer. 884-3417. 222-4063. c1w53 67 AMBASSADOR, Custom intetior. ExceIIent condition. Reasonable. 884‘8422. nclw52 ‘ 76,000 original miles ‘Needs body work otherwise excellent condition. 8250. 889-5076 70 Volkswagen Beetle. New. brakes. Interior like, new. As is, $500. 884- 7498. was 71 FORD LTD Brougham 4 doo: Hard Top Vinyl, V-8. power brakes, power steering, radio. snow tires. A-l condition, very clean‘ Cettified. Asking $1,200. Mter 4 pm. 884-3662. c3w50 1974 Datsun 8210 AUTOMATIC Power brakes. Clean car. $2,500. or best ofler‘ After 6 pm. call 889- 7311 MW“ Will accept El Camino or Ranchero on trade. 68 Ford LTD Wagon V-8 automatic Power steering, power blakes. Uncertified. Reasonable. Cars & Trucks 67 Buick Wildcat 56 THUNDERBIRD 70 LeManSUWagon Wood panelling. ' In excellent running condition $1,400. Convertible '66 Ford Galaxie 500 74 VOLKSWAGEN Super Beetle 66 CHEVROLET Evgs. 884-0543 1974 HORNET HATCHBACK BEAUTIFUL CONDITION A ircra ft 884-9025 or 884-0947 ExcelIem céndlvlon 4 Door. Certified. A-l condition. New brakes and tires 881-3134 884-2305 773-5340 881-0901 CERTIFIED clw53 clw53 clw53 clw53 c1w53 clw53 clw53' clw53 CIWS3 MR. AND MRS. R. ORMSTON are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Unda Marian to Paul Joseph Mulroy, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Mulroy, Don Mills. clw53 MR. and Mrs. 0. B. Smith, are plsed to announce the engagement of their daughter Gail Catherine. to Cameron Young. son of Mr. and Mr: 6‘ A. Young of Taronlo. Wedding to take place at St. Matthew's Church. Richmond Hill, September 10. 1976. c1w53 Cards of Thanks: WOLAK, â€" Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wolak are proud to announce the birth of their son, Jeffrey Michael, on June 11, 1976. A brother to Andrew and Bradley. clw53 TENNYSON â€" Jane and Tom an- nounce the birth of a 8 lb., 3% oz‘ son, Jamie Andrew, on June 15. 1976. at Port Perry Hospital. First grandson for Bev and Dick Brocklehurst. clw53 Mr. and Mrs. John Arsenault are happy to announce the marriage of their daughter. Catherine Marion to Allan Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward O'Brien, on Saturday, June 26. 1976 at Our Lady Queen of the World Church, Richmond Hill. clw53 T0 telatives and friends who so kindly sent me flowers, cards and gifts while in York Central Hospital. I would like to say a grateful thank you. Also to the Stall and Nurses and Dr. Pearl. â€"Mrs. Phyllis Clark. 0N behalf of Archie and myself, I would like to thank all those who sent cards and gifts, made visits or telephone calls and sent flowers. also the Doctors and Nurses while I was in York Central Hospital and the V.0.N. for their home care. â€" Mrs. Archie Cameron. plw53 WE would like to thank our relatives, friends and neighbours for all their kindness and thoughttulness, of cards and flowers, during the time before and the time since Jim's death. We would especially like to thank the doctors and nurses at Sick Childrens Hospital, Rev. Harold Martin and his wile, the UCW and the principal and teachers at Bayview High School. We will always remember the tribute shown to Jim's memory by certain students and wish to thank them and all others for their donations to the Cancer Society. â€" Jim’s Mother, Mrs. Isabelle Lowens and his sisters. Barbara Ann and Maryelane. clw53 CAMERON, John Bruce â€" In loving memOry of John BIUCC Cameron, who passed away July 8th, 1972. GARBUTT, In loving memmy of a dear husband and father. Jack, who passed away July 2nd, 1975‘ Ethel McRae Dance. Administrauix with Will Annexed of the Estate of Bruce Wyatt Dance. by her solicitor. Robert H. Blackburn, co Messrs, Stong 8. Blackburn, 10350 Yonge Sheet, Suite 206, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4G 388. Treasured forever, in our memory.†Sadly missed by Mr. and Mrs. Fred King and Family. c1w53 Always in our hearts and sadly missed - by wife Nonie, Delia and Jan, clw53 DATED at Richmond Hill, this 23rd day of June, 1976. In the Estate of Bruce Wyatt Dance All persons having claims against the Estate of the late Bruce Wyatt Dance. of the Town of Richmond Hill. in the Regional Municipality of York, who died on or about the 24th day of April, 1976, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of July, 1976, after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable for any person of whogé claim she shall not then have notice. GREER, Joseph Edward â€" Passed away suddenly, in Quebec, as the result of a car accident, on June 14. 1976, in his 38th year, beloved husband of Evelyn Gail Golding. loving father of Penny, Tara and Timmy, son of Mrs. Edna Greer, six brothers and six sisters Funeral and interment in Shawville, Quebec, June 17th. clw53 TOWNER, Wired - Suddenly at York Central Hospital on Sunday, June 27th, 1976. Beloved husband of Betty Durston of Rich- mond Hill Dear father of Stephen and Beth (Mrs. John McKinnon), Rested at the Marshte Funeral Home Richmond Hill. Interment was held at the Highland Memory Gardens Cemetery At St. Andrew‘s Hospital, Midland, on Tuesday. June 22, 1976, Thomas Garbult, 0!. Victoria Harbour, in his 89th year, beloved husband of the late Laura Crowhurst, dear lather of Wilfred. Ruth, (Mrs. F. Blades) and the late Tom Jr also survived by 6 grandchildren and l4 great grandchildren. Rested at the M. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge St. (at Hwy 78), Thornhill. Service was held in the chapel Friday at 2 pm. Interment Prospect Cemetery. I, Cedric Gullison, will not be responsible as of this date Wed- nesday. June 30, 1976. for any debts incurred in my name without my written consent. clw53 GARBUTT, TThomas In Memoriam ‘Just as you were, you will always ngagement Marriage NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Births Deaths Legal c1w53 c3w53 mm Altemate evenings (from 4:30 pm.) and weekends. Receptionist - Typist TYPING REQUIRED 83m. to 5 pm, 4 days weekly Please reply in own handmiting, giving full particulars and salary required “BOX 79 “THE LIBERAL†Mature Receptionist (Between 9 a.m. and 4:30 pm.) 7750 BAYVIEW AVE. THORNHILL For appointment call This is a spooky, when-the-animals-take-over tale in the tradition of DuMaurier’s, The Birds and Herzog‘s The Swarm. In Calder’s version a lonely college professor, unfairly battered by life. adopts a stray pup for company. Unknown to him, the animal is an experimental strain, laboratory bred to maximize its intelligence and savagery. After an ugly incident in which a child is almost chewed to death, the dog escapes, becomes the leader of a pack of mongrels, and then . . . (Fiction) CLEANING PERSON REQUIRED Mr. Hartley, a reporter for the Globe and Mail has written a superior thriller with an exceptionally sophisticated plot. A nest of inflamed terrorists who believe they are destroying a gigantic international business corporation, is actually being coolly, cynically controlled by another immense com- mercial power acting from secret motives of its own. The hero of the novel, a mild academic who has been tricked into co-operating with the demented plans of the radicals, discovers finally that he is the only person left who has the power to check the Viking Process. (Fiction) All those who have enjoyed the novels of the Bronte sisters and all those who have been fascinated by their unusual lives â€" externally so bleak, internally so lavish â€" will be interested in this oversized, pictorial biography of the three writers. No other researcher has gathered together so many portraits, paintings and photographs of the girls, of other members of the family, and of places, buildings, friends and objects important to their story. The text, which is necessarily shorter than some of the detailed studies which have been published recently, nevertheless is well-written and includes all of the major events in the lives of the unlucky authors and their morbid brother. (Non- fiction) This is a glamorous photographic study of the half-deliberate, half-accidental methods which generated the uniquely influential Hollywood mystique. The text is perceptive and informative but remains incidental to the spectacular shots of the stars, starlets. stunt men, studios, directors and producers taken by Life magazine’s brilliantly talented photographers. (Nonâ€"fiction) Both of this Week’s non-fiction titles are magnificent oversized volumes composed almost entirely of superb and unusual photographs. The Brontes. by Brian Wilks The Dogs, by Robert Calder The Viking Process, by Norman Hartley MAPLE NURSING HOME Life Goes to the Movies. by the LifeTime editors Mrs. McCarnety, 889-1175 SHOULDICE HOSPITAL Assistant for Dental Office Experience preferred New Rotarians Required for CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY FULL 0R PART TIME Own transportation Help Wanted clw53 832-1368 A librarian looks av new Markham Library booki WANT TO HELP? I like children and have some spare time. What can I do? My kids are all in school now. What should I do? GOT A QUESTION? Where do I get job retraining? Where can I play chess? When do the Lions meet? Where can 1 ï¬nd help? I feel as a parent, that I am losing control of my anger. NEED A SERVICE? l need a credit counsellor. Where can I ï¬nd one? I'm 15 and pregnant. Where do I go now? York Central Hospital - Trench St. it Major Mackenzie, Richmond Hill Call 883234, 8832235. North Branch 7735341 GOT A QUESTION7 NEED A SERVICED WANT TO HELP? HELPMATE INFORMATION WEI. PROVIDE:- â€"Caring volunteers to help with everyday problems and emergencies â€"Friendly visiting and services to shut-ms. â€"lnlonnabon about commwuty resources. â€"Referral.to qualiï¬ed professionals when necessary All _serv1ces are provided by trained volunteers who will respect Lh HELPMATE INFORMATION by marga ret earring“?! c2w53 clw53 Richmond Hill Rotary Club inducted four new members at their meeting last Tuesday night: from left to right, Bill Law of Palmer Avenue, Richmond Hill; Dr. Paul Hood, Toronto; Dr. Joe Horvat, club president; Dinker Joshi, Tareyton: and Harry Gerber of Leisure Lane. Richmond Hill. WCTORMM GREY , THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 30. 1976 â€" B-ll 71L)! Ulllfl and TRUST COMPANY “Fitted to your Eye Doctor’s Préscription" 2 Locations to Serve You [0142 Yonge St. 884-1955 and 10350 Yonge St 884-2463 RICHMOND HILL MOSQUITO Er INSECT SPRAYING PHONE RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE & FORESTRY CO. LTD. Shop at the community money mart Eighty-seven years of experience is at your service to help you get the most for your money. it will pay you cvcryway to make Victoria and Grey your one-stop money centre. Save. . . invest . . . borrow. . ‘ secure â€"- laird Ruby, Manager 834- 1 107 Yesterday. . . today Victoria and Grey. Gordon S. Wood GLASSES 10355 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Hours: TUES‘, WED, THURS 9.3010 4.30 FRIDAY 9‘30 lo 630 SATURDAVS to 12 NOON ' 884-7774 PRESCRiPTlON OPTICIANS Serving Ontario since 7889 18 idenï¬al nature (Photo by N099)