Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Jun 1976, B9

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Bayview - Markham $12,000. down to ex- cellent financing. Attractive brick detached bungalow. 3 good sized bedrooms. Large kitchen. Private lot. Garage. Lu Dobson, or Dave Hodges, 881-5940. King City Executive $114,500 â€"â€" 8 room, 2 storey split, 100’ x 180’ lot. 4-piece master ensuite. Family room with walk-out and fireplace. Spacious modern kitchen, 2 car garage. Excellent 101/2 pct. mortgage. Lu Dobson, 881-5940. Res. 833-5544. FACTORY space, 1.500 sq. (1. outdoor storagegloo and up. 389. ,4917. me Richmond HI” $71,900. 3 bedroom plus den. Large kitchen. Walk-out to balcony off master. Separate diningroom. Finished rec room, garage. Lu Dobson or Dave Hodges, 881-5940. 4,800 to 11,000 Sq. Ft. 889-6161 _‘ I DtDlâ€"{ull air-conditioning. Total mlercom. 3 bathrooms. BEST- Utblâ€"winding, hand-carved 00k slairwoys, wood-burning lireploces. [SD | â€"odiacenI lo a golf and coun- try club. BEST‘ l5th â€"-down the lane to c1 1% cen- tury mill pond, where kids colch fish jodoy. BEST. BEST. thlâ€"spocious prestige homes, extra large lols. BEST- fitDIâ€"o communin built around its own landscaped pork. BEST. INDUSTRIAL SPACE was 100' x 190' Lot CENTRAL LOCAT|ON RICHMOND HILL 889-7151 or 889-0728 FOR LEASE 750 SQ. FT. FOR RENT THE LIBERAL classifieds 884-1105 .1106 THE CEDARWOOD At Yunge & Hwy. 7 MR MAme DR If only the best is for you, it’s in é’leasanfville STEHES AVF fl Joan Watson 881-5377 Evgs. 293-6558 Industrial Space For Rent ST REE'I’ clw53 c0453 IN OUR OPINION-COME SEE FOR YOURSELF dMllé’gQ/ib 300 sq. ft. office, air-conditioned, broadloomed, drapm. 5,000 or 10,000 Sq. Ft. 16’ Clear Ceiling $1.50 net, net RICHMOND HILL YOUR EQUITY IN YOUR HOME IS IDLE BORROWING POWER. USE IT. - Consolidate Bank, Finance C0,. and Charge Accounts - Reduce Monthly Payments by 50 percent or More FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CALL BARBARA FLEMING A T T [N 7' [HIV HUME OWNERS Open Second Mortgages Available from 13% TOTAL PRICE $30,000. 10140 Yonge St. Richmond Hill 884-0677 773-5268 WEI/MORE FINANCIAL 1 TD. R eal Estate CONTACT INNOVATIVE FRANCHISE CONCEPTS LTD. 482-2335 Business Opportunity INDUSTRIAL MALL Existing Yonge St. Franchise location for sale. PIZZAVILLE Woodbine-Steeles Area 1,200 sq. ft. Units IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 889-2756 BEST- BESTâ€"prices for opening sale $10,- 000 lo $20,000 less than similar homes. btb I â€"na comparable village setting anywhere in Metro, including Bayview. BEST- btblâ€"ideol transportation, via Ba- thurst or Yonge. GO-Bus. BEST- BEST- btblâ€"of all area house investments, homes in Pleasantville, over a quarter century, have increased mere in value than anywhere in Metro. BEST‘ MIDIâ€"only 35 custom homes this year. Sole begins at 3! 19,500. â€"Best trade-up dealâ€" (Between 8 a.m. & S p.m.) No franchise fee. Mortgages 881-3893 $119,500 c2w52 "€36 tic“ Rooms to Rent Shared Accomg, YOUNG man has 2 bédroom apartment to share, fully furnished‘ Thornhill alea. Available im- mediately. 3140‘ month, everything incIuded. 881-3756. c1w53 FURNISHED room in quiet house young working man. 889-2822. 'FURNISHED. Close co Iran- sponaiion. Men only. all-9427 after 5 pm. "cu BACHELOR apartment, se|f~ contained, unfurnished, parking‘ Private enhance. 884-1788. clw53 FURNISHED room. centlal Richmond Hill. Close to Yonge and tran- sportation. Gentlemen. 8843312 FURNISHEQ room, gentlemen ptefened. No puking. 884-6305 WORNHILL close to Yonge. fur- nished bed sitting room. Suitable for senio: citizen. 881-3606 c2w53 FURNISHED room for rent‘ Aesthestic surroundings. Call after 6 pm. 832- 8848. c1w53 3 BEDROOM apartment. Fully broadloomed‘ Close to Richmond Heights Plaza. 884-9233. clw53 A FURNISHED room, cooking lacimies, Central Richmond Hill. TTC a! corner. 824-9853 alter £- p.m. "c2? WANTED â€" female m share 2 bedroom apartment. Partly fur- nished, Richmond HilI. Phone after 5 pm. 884-4717 clw53 2 Bedroom apaflmeM tor July m, and Augus' 159. Ram includes lriage, flow, heat. hydro 2k. Near Richmond Heights Centre, a! 46 Laverock Avenue. CALL SUPT. HOUSE to let. 4 bedroom bungalow on V2 acre in King Twp. 5 minutes from GO Train. Aluminum siding, new furnace, pump and soft water. Wall to wall broadloom in livingroom, cushion floor in kitchen. recently redecorated throughout, detached garage, no appliances. Extended lease available Occupancy im- mediately. For further details and appointment phone Mrs. Miller. 889 8383‘ clw53 MARKHAM RD. â€" Bayview. 2 bedroom apartments. Available immediately. 884.0977. clw53 BACHELOR apartment, fumished, central. Cool. Sepatate entrance. Private home. Suit 1 responsible person. non smoket. 884-1986. HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, central air- conditioning, all appliances. References required. 883-1957 Evgs, clw53 A beautiful 2 bedroom upper duplex FURNISHED basement apartment. suitable lov teachets, nurses. or clean working couple, adults only. no pets. 340, week. 889-4400. clw53 Bmadloom throughout. Suit 2 or 3 adults. No pets. 888-1923. c1w53 2 STOREY brick 3 bedroom 3450. per month. 884-5788. c1w53 SUBLET 2 bedroom apartment. 3270. Thornhill. 8898060 days. 889-8721 Evgs. clw53 BASEMENT apartment for rent. 884‘ 5360. $175 monthly. clw53 Richmond Hill 2 bedrom Bungalow $250. Thornhill 3 bedroom Townhouse $400 Newmarket 3 bedroom Home $350. Willowdale 1 bedroom Apartment $225. Richmond Hill 4 bedrooms, Half acre $525. Woodbridge 1 4 bedrooms, 5 acres $550. Finch-Leslie 3 bedrooms. Townhouse $415. erlowdale 1 bedroom Basement $35. week Newmarket 3 bedroom House 3375. Finch-Bathurst 1 bedroom Apartment 3215. Aurora 2bedrooms and den $312. Kleinburg 3 bedrooms 2 car garage 3525‘ FOR MANY MORE CURRENT OFFERINGS SEE US TODAY (fee charged) LIBERAL ADVERTISERS 1 bedroom Apartment $227 King City ADULT BUILDING HOUSES! APARTMENTS! ROOMS! "RESIDENTIAL RENTALS" Apartment for Rent MOON RIVER 3 Bedroom cottage. All conveniences. 1 week only â€" 3175. July. For Rent 884-2475 10077 YONGE ST‘ RICHMOND HILL MUSKOKA 884-1416 c1w53 clw53 c2w53 clw53 clw53 c1w53 required for government car on monthly basis in private garage or supervised commercial parking â€" reply to: Ollice in charge, Canada Agriculture, Richmond Hill. 883-1609: or oiher accommodation, required for out-oMown students attending ":9 King campus of Seneca College. Good farm home needed for fatm dog. Australian Sheppard. Obedience trained. Good watchdog. Very gentle and Ioveable, Owner moving. Room or room and board. or othet accommodation, required 101 outcl- town students attending the King Campus of Seneca CoIIege. YOUNG couple require 'wo bedroom basement apanmem lor mid August or Sep'. 15!. Phone m. 5364. c3w51 Pair of prescviption sunglasses between Lion’s Hall on Centre Street and Pugsley. Saturday¢ June 18th. Reward. 884-82842 QUALIFIED teachet will tutor child. Speciality remedial reading. 889- 7759, clw53 Wanted to R ent ALTERATIONS, men’s. ladies' and children's. etc. Fast. Reasonable. 864-1918., "C41 LOST â€" Black dog. medium size, with white markings. child’s pet Bay- view-Malkham Rd. 884-8581. c1w53 THE POODLE SCENE BACKGAMMON â€" Anyone interested in playing for fun I will teach you. Call Penny anytime, 884-0939‘ ROOM OR ROOM AND BOARD ROOM 0: basement apartment for single male. $100. month. 889-7875 after 6 pm. Bruce. c1w53 3 bedrooms, Balsam Lake, attractive beach, large yard. 364-6595 DOEi myone In (your Varnin haw a drinklng problem? Call Alanon. 366-4072 "cu DO you have 5 drinking around I! so AA can heln. wmo Box at. Richmond Hill. or call “7.559! SISAL BALER TWINE DOGS AND CATS BOARDED Dressmaking POODLE CLIPPING PET GROOMING & ACCESSORIES 10088 Yonge St. Richmond Hill About 2,000 Bales either old or new Delivered to barn No. 7 Hwy. Must be good HAY WANTED INDOOR PARKING Vacation Properties Lost & Found For restotation of antique car‘ SENECA PHONE: 834-9901,Ext.254 GARAGE SPACE Phone: HE‘S-9901‘ Ext. 254 CAli ANYTIME 466-8156 J 773-5680 Pet Stock Half Collie. half Shepherd IN AND OUTDOOR RUNS Livestock 489-2587 Tutoring Personal Between 6 â€"8 pm COTTAGE 883-1584 881-4260 884-5587 $10 each 881-5342 URGENT 10.000 FT. 40 LBS. PER BALE PUPPIES After 5 pm ALANON $11.75 LOST 775-7737 tfc52 clw53 c1w53 c2w53 c6w52 “was c1w53 c1w53 "c5" C2w 52 CZISZ "cu "[53 Consignment of new furniture. appli- ances. household goods. All new items are guaranteed by the man- ulacturer. Bedroom suites, kitchens, drmng room, hwng room, lamps. rockers, recliners, stereos. televrsrons. auto accessones. blcycles. ornaments. tools plus many more Items. personal and household. Terms. Cash. Chargex. Mastercharge, cheques with ID Stan Edwards & Al Rowand. Auc- tanEEI’S. 857-3454 For experienced designs, estimates, pruning and construction call Leo Staffom 884-8034, Up to 2 pm. and anytime after 6 pm. The sale consists of David Brown 990 diesel tractorw/DB. loader 8. cab; Nuffield Universal four diesel tractor; tillage. 8| laying equip; 1949 Ford 1 ton stake truck (as is); shop equips & misc. tools; 2 Holst Heifers. l - Jersey Heifer all due Aug. householdlurniture & antimes TERMS: Cash day ol sale - Cheques iii/identification. Nothing to be removed until settled for. ACCIDENTS: Neither the Owner nor the Auct will be responsible lor accr- dents or property loss. ERNIE SEVERN. Auct. R.R.l Alliston. Iel‘ 7054354467. Mm: a LAWN MOWERS repaired. Bring it to J and B Lawnmower tepair. Reasonable. 18th Ave.. 8848630. LET US BUILD YOU A PIECE OF NATURAL GARDEN WITH SPECIAL STONE SETTING. You can have walerlalls. streams, etc. If is nol as coslly as you may lhlnk. A small walerlall indoor: could be your nalural humidifieq and make your raom more al- lraclive. AUCTION SALE FOR FRANK MEDON Lot 8, Con, 8 Vaughan Twp. The falm is situated on Hwy. 27. approx 4 miles'South of Kleinburg or V. mile North of No‘ 7 Hwy. on SATURDAY. JULY 10 at 12 NOON CENTRE ST. 1 Block East of Main St In Down- town Newmarket LOAMâ€"TOP SOILâ€"MANURE Specially mixed garden soil AUCTION SALE â€" Going Out of Busi- ness. Complete inventory to be sold by auction. Saturday. July 10m, 12 noon. Small appllances, antique furniture. used ollice lurnrture, assorted cards and wrapping paper Household paints and supplies. numerous car- pets. assorted colours. Ben-Mar Discount Limited, 9010 Yonge Street. Richvale, Ontario Auctioneer, Col. H. F. Johnson. tlw53 WED. EVENING JULY 7 AT 7.30 PM. Pick up in the field Don Mills â€" Bethesda Sideroad SOD FOR SALE AUCTION SALE CAREFUL SUPERVISION 0.C.A_ ACCREDITED. REASONABLE. SERVES EAST METRO Swimming, Ponies, Crafts Hikes, Mini Farm. Ages. 51°10 For Details and times call 884~8539 AT THE Newmarket Arena WATERFALLS LAWNS ROTOTILLING AND SODDING 889-2362 Qualified Simming Instructor STRAY’S NURSERY & LANDSCAPING 884-8859 936-2545 KNAPPETT'S LANDSCAPING DAY CAMP Markham Area. MEADOWVALE LANDSCAPING AND CONSTRUCTION GLENBROOK LEARN TO SWIM Gardening and Supplies Babies through to Adults Full Red Cross Program Private and semi-private lessons COMMENCING JULY 5th 884-3089 888-1947 439-3104 Camps Tutoring Auctions c2w53 nclw53 c2w52 c1w53 "€45 t1ch Hch c2w52 Swimming, Canoeing, Ponies, Archery, Crafts, Out-trips Ages9to 15 $60. WEEKLY INCLUDES TRANSPORTATION. LAWNSSODDED Garden manure delivered. “5‘ load. 416-476-3771 or CRUSHED STONE, SAND CONCRETE GRAVEL, ETC. Delivered in small quanmies TREES. shrubs, garden supplies, complete landscape service. Endean Nurseries Lid. Growing since 1891. 10870 Yonge 59., Rich- mond Hill. 884-5996. c4w49 SAL, JULY 3RD CLEARING AUCTION SALE For the late Aubrey Lopp At Cedar Grove (being 192 miles south of Hwy. 7 on the 10th Cone. Markham lwp.) (being 3 miles SE, of Markham). Contents of a "Private Machine Shop” and lurmture including metal lathe. 12" swing. Lincoln welder and cables. 2 hp. air compressor. medium size drill press. skate grind- ing machine. heavy duty anvil. forge. iointer, router. jacks. hoists. taps and dies. adjustable pipe dies. socket sets. torches. saw blades. grinding wheels. B 8. 5 motor. space heater and 100 gal tank, snow blower. 3 power lawn mowers, shop vacuum. fire extinguisher. stock clippers. tools of all kinds. also dressers. china cabinet, chest of drawers. 6 oak chairs. 5 antique chairs. drop leat table. number of crooks. number odd dishes. bed cpt.. mir- rors. Ozite carpet. pillows. blankets. spreads. organ stool, space saver couch. electric broom, polrsher. sweeper. Essotane 4 burner stove. Niagara Massage pad (like new). NOTE: Many. many Items not mentioned here. Make this sale a must. Property ex- proprrated, Refreshments â€" Sale 1 pm. W. D, AIKINSON. Sale Mgr, Antique, modern and period tur- niture. oriental rugs, appliances. china and glassware. etc., etc. By order of trustee. To be sold In detail, comprising in part at Bates Provincial dining room suite in truitwood. antique dressers and chest of drawers. Fine occasional chairs and tables, leather top desk, antique baker's rack. fine custom chesterfields and Ioveseats. Colour and black and white T,Vi sets. Large Quantity ol misc. cottage furniture. lO-speed bicycles. airconditioners. and many items far too numerous to mention. Terms cash - cheques accepted On view Sunday from 10 am. (FORMERLY 211-1588) No. 48 Oak Ridges Plaza. Oak Ridges “CAMPING WITH A PURPOSE" Knappett's Landscaping Bayview & lBth Ave., Richmond Hill Gardens Rototilled S. A. GILES, Landscape Gar- dener. All materials supplied Highly recommended‘ 884-3629. LAWN maintenance and clean up. Call John 889-2987. c1w53 Top Ouamv Nursery Sod cm Fresh by the Hour Delivered promptly 00 your home DY Radio Dispatched Trucks MOUNT PLEASANT SOD FARMS O.C.A. Accredited 439-3104 Knappett's Landscaping Driveway Gravel NEW HARDWOOD RAILROAD TIES GRASS - WEED CUTTING 6" x 8” x 8’ â€"6" x 6” x 8' PHONE MON. TO FRI. DAYS I - 476-3422 EVGS.1- 476-3931 FRASER LAKE CAMP BANCROFT LARGE AND SMALL ACREAGE Used $7.95 picked up $8.50 delivered RAILWAY TIES 221-1466 884-3089 ALL ODD JOBS 884-3089 AUCTION ESTATE SALE SUNDAY, JULY 4 AT 1 PM. COUNTY SALES AUCTIONEERS c1w53 884-3089 Auctioneer FOR SALE SOD Toronto 364-0847 c1w53 c1w53 c1w53 c5w49 caw 50 Nch "C40 ClW53 tfc52 ":45 WILL give day care in my home. Any age. Bluegrass and Elgin Mills‘ 884. 3514 c2w53 A RETIRED or mature woman to babysit 1 child in my home. Monday to Friday. Must have own tran- sportation Job to begin last week in August. Bayview â€"Hwy. 7 area‘ 889- 1750. c2w53 DAY Care given In my home. Fenced yardi Richmond Heights area. Children any age. 883-1621 c1w53 For summer relief and regular part time. Children any age welcome‘ 884‘ 9734. c2w53 BABYSITTING available In my home. Children any age welcome. 884-9734. c2w§l BABYSITTING available in my home Domestic Help Wanted INSTANT PRINTING WIN $1000 CASH! Sample New meula Flultatwes. the ttusted laxatlve for over 70 yeats. and now more effective than ever. and get 10 Free mes 101 $1000 Contest. Send name 8. address and 93' plus 7‘ Sales 13x ($1.00) for sample and handhng to Fruttatlves. Dept. 0, Box 8141. Tovonto, Ont. MSW 188. Otfet CXDIVCS July 31/76. 3 wk delivery. A“: a WILL do typing, manuscripts etc. in my home. Will pick up and deliver. 884-7970. c2w53 Live~ln‘ Some cooking and light housework. Fm interview MATURE person over 35. familiar with kitchen and dining routine for Thursday through Sunday 4 â€" 7:30 pm. F0! appointment call 8848248. c1w53 Day care available In my home. any age. Hillcrest Mall area. 88463381” CLEANING lady wanted. Own transportation. 1ch Ave, Richmond Hill. 884-2297. clw53 VONGE AND ELLERSLIE Morning and Alternoon sessions Call now lor September 211~8373 or 276-6138 RN 0R RNA CHARGE NURSE NURSE’S AIDES Twice weekly‘ Preferable Portuguese speaking‘ Must be over 18. Must be ver clean. Excellent wages. Rich- mond Hill â€" Yonge Street area. Please call 884-7864, 9 am. - noon. The Willows Estate Nursing Hom‘e The Printing Place 883-1307 Mould Maintenance Set-Up Persons DAYSPRING NURSERY SCHOOL THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, June 30. 1976 â€" 8-9 CLEANING WOMAN Miscellaneous Evgs. 889-3691 FREE COFFEE WHILE YOU WAIT Help Wanted Carpet, Floor and Wa|| Cleaning Phovo Copying â€" I0: Priming oi every description Employment Wanted COMPANION TO ELDERLY LADY MACHINE OPERATORS VCA-Formold Plastics INJECTION MOULDING CONTACT: MRS, GRIFFIN Day Care 95 NEWKIRK ROAD RICHMOND HILL 889-9100 7 Years’ Experience INTERIOR EXTERIOR PAINTING Day Care Wanted STUDENT Work Guaranteed 889-7090 Reasonable raves LLOYD JACOBS 221-6266 922-4570 BeIore 10 am. “W51 Apply c2w52 c1w53 c2w52 c3w53 c3w51 clw53 CZWSJ General Maintenance You will be working in a professional office atmosphere where your skills and experience are key. 00 start immediately to enjoy an excellent hourly salary. No appointment necessary or call CedarbraeLawrence E. 431-1420 Whitby-Ajax» Zenith 66650 3089 Bathurst-Lawrence 781-6135 Farrvrew-Willowdale 49l-2880 Rexdale-Kipling 249-8409 Mississauga 625-4915 Brampton 451-4290 To operate truck frame and hunt end equipment in Agincourt plant, due to open approximater August lst. EXPERIENCE PREFERRED Expenenced Only. Full Time. 2 steady part time. For Saturday and Sunday only‘ 889-7442 ,. EXPERIENCED carpenter: and brick layers required. Must havo lransponavion. 584-9379 or on. 1075. ":47 with car for days or evenings. Can earn up to $6. per hour‘ 895-6532 CZW53 Well-known company is expandirg and needs PART AND FULL TIME PERSONS Help Wanted For nursing home in Aurora R.N.A.’S lst COOK EXPERIENCED 1 CHAMBER MAID A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 884-6944 OFFICE OVERLOAD Statistical Typists Mature Person COUNTER HELP For 80 bed Nursing Home CONTACT: MRS. BLACK For DRY CLEANING PLANT PART-TIME COUNTER WORK Mister Donut Part Time All Shifts 884-9276 495-9186 884-2162 CONTACT: MRS. BLACK 889-7090. CLEANER RICHMOND HEIGHTS PLAZA RICHMOND HILL Call after6 p.m. Permanent Legal Secretary 3 hours nightly Thornhill Area ALIGNMENT PERSONNEL 889-7090 FOR APPOINTMENT Shmthand and dicta 291-2983 REQUIRED Requiled clw53 clw53 clw53 c1w53 Elm c1w53 ,c2w52 ClW53 C1W53 ClWSJ

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