OHAP decision stalled NEWMARKET - Approval of an Ontario housing action program (OHAP) agreement for the Thornhillâ€" Vaughan community plan was deferred last week by York regional planning committee. Committee chairman Bob Forhan of Newmarket said the plan should be before the committee first. so decisions on other agreements could then be made. The plan is based on a 60,000 population projection. However. David Strachan. executive co-ordinator of OHAP, said the agreement was intended to speed up the plan. He said he was surprised and disappointed it would be delayed. Gib Smith was named region Big Brother of the Year at a Big Brothers of York presentation recently at Aurora Highlands Golf Club“ He is pictured here with Dean Carlson, 10. of Aurora. They have been paired as brothers in the organization for four years. “After having made considerable lea/lard lyn Recommends. 5' x 5' 8" $1 0800 sen/£57100 5' x 5' 3" $1 1 800 SAVE$8100 3' x 5' 3" $1 3800 SAL/[$96.00 (Mostly White 8 Some Anodized) SALE PRICE APPLIES TO STOCK 0N HAND NO DEALERS PLEASE CASH AND CARRY ONLY For Home And Industry We Serve You Better 5' x 6' 8" 6' x 6' 8" ALUMINUM SLIDING GLASS DOORS Ideal For Cottage â€" Includes Screen Big Brother of Year The agreement calls for the ministry of housing to expedite subdivision approvals. as well as install necessary services and make road improvements. Strachan said the ministi‘y had been led to think council would approve the agreement. The agreement must be signed by the region, the province and Vaughan, but doesn‘t represent a commitment. unless approved by OHAP, Strachan said. effort to get the agreement through Vaughan Council. we wouldn't want it stopped here at the region,†he said. Strachan said an appeal would be madé to the whole council committee not to approve the committee's recommendation. (Photo by Hogs) DON PARKER â€" RIVIERA, WESTWOOD, ASHER â€" ALTERATIONS EXTRA lN-STDRE SPECIALS! HUNDREDS OF FAMOUS NAME MANHATFAN ARROW FORSYTH DRESS & SPORT SLAX We ’re Enforcing law Prices Wit/I These 16 LEVENDALE ROAD, RICHMOND HILL 1 ALL SALES FINAL FAMOUS BRAND NAME SHIRTS A RIOT OF VALUE AND SUITS AT FEE-INFLATION PRICES OUR COMPLETE STOCK 0F BLAZERS. SPORT JACKETS WW (F \ J \@ At «2" w , ‘ zKENT CLOTHES _ ,St//\ CASH Er CARRY %\ Help! Police! 1/2 PRICE unu- I'll unu III-ll I'u'U IUUIIUU up IIIGOG SIDEWALK SPECIALS! JEANS, CASUAL SLAX a D , {‘3 ‘ i We ’re Having A SIDEWALK ‘ SAVINGS RIOT! High prices are a crime! Let’s run ’em out of town! Come. join us for a mass price riot! We’ll make inflation surrender to economy and quality for good! SPRING & FALL CASUAL JACKETS & WINDBREAKERS REDUCED Reg. to 50% .070% OFF 1/2 PRICE TIES 2 PAIR 3 PAIR Reg. to $8.50 Marvin and 80/ have lac/red up these Manufacturers Clearance TIES $192 Reg. to $69.95 $1 900 $2700 CASH AND CARRY ONLY SHIRTS FAMOUS BRAND NAMES Levi, Carham, etc. $295 Pair SOME As LOW As $298 CASH 8' CARRY ONLY THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 30. 1976 â€" C-7 REDUCED TO LESS THAN high prices’ll get the 3rd degree until they talk SAVINGS! "" We’ve nabbed inflation right in the act! Those SUITS A SELECT GROUP ALTERATIONS EXTRA $550 Reg. to Reg. to Reg. to s8.50 PRICE ‘1895 $14000