KING "0.. 2 MI. WEST OF VONGE ST. Sawsâ€"Parlsâ€"Accessorlosï¬-Re- paieritchosâ€"dlqu-Uvs Awms L 5mm qmgqrognds j! Plogoq Lake With" Ene‘E.’ 3:916»; 'iéék "u‘ 5'. swimming pool, playgromd, s 95 1972 YAMAHA 350 RC 5. Law m1leage.C:ash bar, wrndshield. Seat back. 3700. 887‘502l. clwl 6 months 01d. 3,000 miles. Cost $600 now Will set! f0! 8300. Fully 473 W m " out! 9-9 ........... 1200 FXE. Custom paint Chrome rings. Kreger gem. 6" with rake, $4.000. Fully aquippéd. Complemy self- contained‘ 4 burner stale, full size. oven. 2-way retrigeramv. 3-piece bath, sleeps 6. Used 2 wéeke d's. 14540-113 cm licensed Suitable to! small car, Add-A-Room Refrigerator. staintcss steel sink. 2 burner stdve. Mpny extras. GARELLI Moped. New used, 3250. 833-5976 c2wl my. 7 at km W 11151 as «mu .9" 1974 SUZUKI TM 250 Mom-x A-l condition 5900. 884-5756 clwl Sleeps 6. spare (no. mung. $550: 0r best offer 832-2418 “W, Sampy. Spam, When ant! me. Excellent condition. (3900. new) 3400‘ or‘ best oflen -, . INMM new i‘hAVEL human, 17 FT. smug 5. Fully e‘quippeafsss. week rs Tray. mm w, 11'. a- «a 74 Harley Davidson TRUCK CAPS SALE $229 UP 7" 'P'liiéE‘il’" ' * cum: ugso Tamara flow can SALE swims 884-6861 Evgs. RIDE-UTE CAMPING TRAILER Call am! 5 pm. 727-5868. c2w53 MOST CDMELETE TRMLER c NTRE MINI BIKES 8: MOTORCYCLES TRUCK TOPS $219 1. UP’ SLIDE-IN KITS FOR mucus'szu (Bad! I ran») 72 YONGE ST., NORTH (North end) Oak Ridges KING CITY TRAILERS ALL MODELS IN STOCK AT BETTER THAN EVER Brian 884-6036 Motorcycles MOPED CYCLE BILL WALLS, BETHESDh 1975 TERRY HOUSE TRAILER cem‘mco Best offer. Must sell. 884-9‘06 AFTER 5:30 PM 1972 NORTON Commando Interstate 750 ‘Lioncl TENT TRAILER PALLISTER’S See anytime aftet 6 pm An sizés‘an‘u tom-s Old Plum. 7 ï¬nd Bayï¬iew benumu. 069.1311 c5 CW; Awaits 10' TRAlLER EXCELLENT COKDIT‘ON Uncenitied. 8450. Humor-rims}: " - 72 YAMAHA Trailers TRUCK KAP CENTRE KAMPER FOR RENT 888-1998 884-3795 2211-0457 773-5167 16,5' -S3.000. CARABELA -77.’-IM 71 SPRITE 7735406 pc'r v‘ear 832-1278 25' SUN m; Mme-M's: c2w53 c5w53 NC“ .02w53 clwl nclwl clwl clwl clwl c‘lwl clwl c4“ clwl 1600 GOOD CONDITION. 3900‘ OR BEST OFFER. MUST SELL, ALLPOWER Climate contvo| air conditioning $3.695. POWEI steenng. power brakes. [econ- dltuoned. 72 RENAULT R12 STATIONWAGON Automatic, bucket seats. GT wheels‘ plus extIa options. 1 owner. Certified. Excellent wndition. $1.450. Can be seen at 105 Industrial Rd., Stran Steel. Richmond Hill at call Mr. Stanley, 8897691 Office or 851-3396 Res. ' clwl Reconditioned. Recent motor over 40 mpg. A good runner 1967 METEOR Montcalm. Cemhed‘ 3500‘ 8843948. clw) 74 Maverick Deluxe haul 70 LEMANS WAGON 6 cylinder. 3Aspeed ovetdrive. Rustnmoi. Tape. F-M. Certiï¬ed‘ Like new. Must sell, $2.500 ' EVGS, 8842800 CONVERTIBLE 283 Vâ€"8 automatic, power steering ndio, uncemfied. $500. 889-5096 . . Powel steering and brakes. panelling. radio. radial tires. good condition. Safe‘y certiï¬ed. ASKING $1.300. $800 0r best offer 225-9733 69 EConoHne Super Window Van NEW ENGINE. $1.195 1975 GREMLIN 70 MERCURY Marquis Brougham 72 TOYOTA COUPE PHONE 884-2676 AFTER 6 PM 1973 GRAND PRlX 69 Buick Electra LTD Every option including air. As is $900 72 Dodge Pick-Up 3/4 Ton $2,200 65 CH EVELLE GREENWOOD GARAGE â€' $1495 71 RENAULT R10 1970 MAZDA 74 VOLKSWAGEN Super Beetle 2 DOOR HARDTOP Perfect condition‘ Ceniï¬ed 889-4294 AFTER 4:30 71 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Evgs. 884-0543 72 MAVERICK 68 SUNBEAM 7O PONTIAC LAURENTIAN $595 Certified EXCELLENT CONDITION 67 PONTIAC PARISIENNE "261 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HlLL 1975 VEGA GT HATCHBACK Excellent condmon MUST SELL MAKE AN OFFER Power steering, radio AS IS, 3150. or best offer CERTIFIED 884-4641 0! 884-6902 69 CAMARO Excellent condiï¬on 881-6413 727-9372 884-3662 881-0890 881-3134 884-8841 773-4444 491-4550 884-2753 884-9072 250 OLD. kl CONDITION Cars & Trucks c2w53 clwl clwl clwl chvl clwl c2w53 clwl clwl clwl clwl clwl clwl clwl clwl clwl full. All sizes and Queens)‘ Open all KeeIe St.. Maple 3056. CENTRE ST‘ 1 Block East of Main St In Down‘ town Newmatket Consignment at new furniture, appli- ances. household goods. All new items are guaranteed by the man- ufacturer. Bedwom suites kitchens. dnmng room. tivmg room. Iamps. lockers, rectmets‘ stereos. televusnons. auto accessories. btcyctes. ornaments. tools plus many mote Items, personal and household, Terms Cash. Chalgex. Mastelcharge. cheques w:th to Stan Edwards & AI Rowand, Auc- BRASS Beds BRASS, Copper, antiques, repolished Brass beds, etc. Britex 755-7851‘ tloneers. 857-3454 With windows. Good condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. $600. or best offer‘ 1968 BUICK LeSABRE. Mechanically O‘K. Needs body work. Besk offer. As is, or will do body‘ Call 8843931, 11.500 miles. 4-Door Hardtop. Fully automatic, locks. trunk. Tilt wheel. Air, $5.400. 1975 CAMARO V-8. Ziebarted. Good ptice. 884-9445 Evgs. clwl 1966 PONTIAC. Excellent condition. Best offer. 881-1228. c2w53 AUCIION SALE â€" Gorng Out of Bus:- nesso Complete Inventory to be sold by auction. Saturday, July 10th. 12 noon. Small applrances, anquue lurnrture. used oflrce furnrture. assorted cards and wrapping paper. Household parnts and supplies, numerous car- pets. assorted colours. Ben-Mar Drscount errted. 3010 Yonge Street, Richvale, 0n‘.arro. Auctroneer. Col. H F. Johnson c2w53 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, Fastback, many good parts, tires $75. 8846831. 1969 VOLKSWAGEN Window Van. Michelin radials. Recent valve iob. Excellent condition. As is ior quick sale. $1,395. 895-3554 aiter 6 pm. clwl 1967 PONTIAC Safan stationwagon‘ 283 engine‘ Good condition. 495‘ 0378. c2wl Specialiling in v.w. body work and general repairs. DOHERTY MOTORS 727‘3322 m GOOD SELECTION OF QUALITY RECONDITIONED 1975 Chev Caprice AUCTlON SALE WED. EVENING JULY 7 AT 7.30 PM. We have been commussuoned m sell per order ol American Saddle Company a large shipment of hand-made Western and English saddles and lacks of all lunds. Including approxumately l00 Saddles most all Wlth 5 year guarantees. Sunbeam Clippers, Koo! Kare Pads. lile»time guaranteed stainless steel buts and spurs. plus everything Imaginable In the lack lune. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE LINES 0F SADDLE AND TACK THAT WE HAVE HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO SELL AND EACH ITEM OFFERED WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION TO THE HIGH BIDDER. AI THE Newmarket Arena ALL WORK GUARANTEED VOLKSWAGEN SALE 881-0833 Evgs. Runs well. Good body. $100 After 4:30 pm. 65 DODGE l/2-T0N PANEL Seifried Auction Service Ltd 68 VALIANT Auctions 66 PONTIAC TERMS: CASH 0R CHEQUE WITH PROPER IDENTIFICATION 889-0468 884-6589 FRIDAY, JULY 16th A-l CONDIIION CERTIFIED. $850 7:30 P]. Richmond Hill Arena TOWN PARK RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO PUBLIC AUCTION 773-5285 SADDLES AND TACK a country stare styles (including weekends. 9994 832-2567, 936- AUCTION CONDUCTED BY c2w53 clwl clwl clwl c2wl clwl tic 29 clw) flc 45 clwl BARTEL, Elgin Suddenly at Branson Hospital. on Thursday. July 1. 1976. Elgin Bartel. beloved husband of Aileen Martin. Dear father at John. Son of Julia and the late Frank Bartel 0t Drake, Sask‘ Brother of Florence (Mrs; R. Bartel). FrlEfldS called at the B. E Ring Funeral Home. Yonge St.. Thornhill. Complete service in the Chapel Saturday at 11 am Cremation; At the Resthaven Nursing Home, Aurora, on Sunday. July 4. 1976. beloved wife of the late George Moorley, dear mother of Jim and Frank Moorley, both of Richmond Hill and Ted Hogan ol Toronto and Jim Hogan of Alberta, dear grand- mother of Jim. Rob, David, Vera, Douglas. Lisa and the late Ronald. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Service was held on Wednesday afternoon Interment Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Cemetery. Suddenly, on Saturday, July 3, 1976. Thomas. beloved husband of Helen Hughes of Willowdale, dear father of Joan (Mrs. B. Johnson). Patricia (Mrs. G. Gray), Nancy (Mrs. J. Goodwin) and Betty (Mrs. 0. Doyle), survived by six grandchildren and also his mother. Mrs. Mary Sherman, oi Thornhill, dear brother of James, Dorothy, Harry. Marion, Bill, Bob, Helen and Margaret. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill, Service was held on Tuesday afternoon. lnterment St. John's Cemetery, Oak Ridges. CLARK, Gauge I. At York Central Hospital, on Thursday, July 1. 1976, beloved husband of Janet Clark of Fairview Ave, Thornhill, dear lather of Mary (Mrs. John Sinclair). Eleanor (Mrs. Jim Hoidge) and Duncan Clark, grandfather of Craig, Scott, Jeffery, Heather and Andrea. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Service was held on Saturday. Cremation. EDWARDS, lohn Gladstone At North York General Hospital on Saturday, July 3. 1976, Glad Edwards, dear father of Mary (Mrs, E. Millilien) ol Ottawa, and Jack. Brother of Jo Leathron Edwards and Mrs. Evelyn Darling. A private lamily service was conducted by the B. E, Ring Funeral Home, Thornhill, in the chapel at Resthaven Memorial Gardens on Monday, July 5, 1976, Donations to the Charity ol your choice would be appreciated. McINTYRE, Margaret â€" At Newmarket Nursing Home, on Tuesday, June 22, 1976, Margaret McIntyre, loved daughter of the late Donald and Mary Ann Mclntyre. clear sister of Eleanor (Mrs J. W. Nicholl). Florence (Mrs. W E. Judges), aunt of Mary Nicholl. William and Douglas Judges. A private family luneral was conducted by the B. E. Ring Funeral Home, Thornhillr Interment Prospect Cemetery, SHERMAN, Thomas MOORLEY, Harriett Elizabeth TURN UNWANTED ITEMS INTO CASH. Be a Flea Market Vendor every Sunday If you wnsh. Handtcraits, home baklng, Antiques and Cana- dlana, Customels Welcome. . Northtown Shopping Centre Mr. and Mrs. William A. Tarrant NORTHTOWN FLEA & FARMERS MARKET VENDORS WANTED MOVING CLEANING BASEMENT? FlFTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY At an OPEN HOUSE 2-5 pm. SATURDAY, JULY 17TH 6210 Yonge Street, Wiliowdale Deaths Every Sunday 9 to 4 pm. 5385 Yonge St., near Finch Announcement Coming Events WISh you to share with them their AT ST. THEODORE CHURCH CACTUS AVENUE. WILLOWDALE 223-0335 GOOD WISHES ONLY MR. and Mrs, David Stewart are happy to announce the forthcoming marviage of their daughtei Constance Emily lo Michel Donald, son at Mr. and Mrsi Daniel Aube on Satutday, July 17th, 1976. at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Richmond Hill. PIPHER â€" Earl and Marilyn (nee Pratt) are happy to announce the birth of their ï¬rst son. Earl Cory weighing 7 lbs, on June 13th. 1976 at York Central Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. McPhee, clwl CAMERON, John Bruce â€" In loving memory 0! our dear son, John Bruce. who passed away July 8, 1972, "Every day in some small way. Memmles of you come our way, Tho' absent, you are ever near, Still missed, loved. always dear." Sadly missed by Mother, Father, Sisters and Btothers, clwl THE Gryphun Theatre Company. July 5 - Sept. 4, at Georgian College Theatre. (Hwy. 400 at Duckworth St.. Banie), 8:30 pm. , Thurs, Matinee 2 pm "Harvey" by Mary Chase, July 5 - 10. Box office at Theatre. 705 728- 1951‘ c2w53 In Memoriam Forthcoming Marriage HEch LIBERAL ADVERTISERS SI-ICI’ LIBERAL ADVERTISERS MOVING When it is followed by a Welcome Wagon call Mrs. Ena Allan 152 Libby Blvd Richmond Hill 884-5086 Births isn’t half so clwl clwl CUPE protesting ' reductions in staff Eliminating a service and then the person connected with it is one thing. but eliminating the person and maintaining the YOUR DRINKING WATER MAY BE UN SAFE. ATTENTION: WELL, RIVER AND LAKE WATER USERS... In Ontario we have taken pure, clean water for granted all our lives. 80 it’s a real shock to realize that we just can’t trust untreated drinking water anymore. With all our lovely lakes and bright, sparkling rivers -and deep, cool wells we have to be concerned about invisible little disease-causing bacteria that could be in any untreated water in Ontario. THE SUPER STERASYI. WATER PURIFIER GIVES CLEAN, PURE, SAFE DRINKING WATER FOR UNDER $70. How can you protect yourself and your family? Can you be sure your drinking water is 100% safe? Yes-with a Super Sterasyl water puriï¬er. Minnows Just picture a beach on a lake during the hot summer mon- thsi...swimmers all about until the evening hours. The last one leaves the area about ten o’clock. By that time the water is disturbed and all types of dirt is floating about. The minnows move in to feed on the floating debris and the Bass are close by to feed on the minnows. Lure Line Largemouth Bass, Pike, Musky, and a host of smaller fish fall for a well presented top-water lure during the hot summer nights. Tie your lure directly to the line, as a swivel or steel leader will cut down on the action of your lure. In the late evening or during the night, find a shallow bay with plenty of water lilies or the beach areas mentioned previously. If you fish from shore. approach as you would sneak upon an unsuspecting animal. If fishing from a boat. keep well out from shore and cast toward the water’s edge. That Largemouth Bass hit my lure with such fury that I swore someone fell into the lake. On a quiet night. even a two pounder can sound like a monster. In 20 minutes I had had my limit so I considered my theory proven. The last swimmers had left the beach not more than a half hour before on this hot August night. ‘Now is the time'. I told myself, 'to see if this theory works out‘. The black Jitter bug sailed out into the night and hit the water withia noisy splash. I counted 15 seconds and pulled just enough on the line to move it slightly. I rested the lure about 10 seconds longer before starting a slow retrieve. The familiar PLUP...PLUP...PLUP...had just started when he hit! (Ia-Indian Tire, Beaver Lumber, Cash- way, Home, Pro, Dominion, Crest, Leading Plumbers & Marinas, Simpsons, Aikenheads, The Plumbing Mart. Cast your lure out to a likely 0 Silver-impregnated ceramic cartridge traps and kills bacteria and ï¬lters other micro- scopic particles. 0 Activated carbon removes most bad tastes and odours. 0 Simple doâ€"it-yourself installationâ€"no pipe- cutting or soldering. See “THE PURE WATER SYSTEM†now at Testing a theory... RICHMOND HILL service is hard to coun- tenance. Nick Vollebregt, president of Canadian union of public em- ployees. Local 1734 (CUPE) told a meeting of SUPER‘ Now the old mossback is all ex- cited. ‘It moves, but it doesn’t look like a mouse or frog. so let’s be ready to take a swipe at it if it moves again‘. 'About 20 seconds later you are ready to give up, twitch your lure lightly and start retrieving the line. There is no way that lure will get away from that Bass. He takes a dive, then a splash that sounds like a beaver. and the fight is on. What a fight! looking spot and then â€" do nothing. The hungry old Bass is waiting for his dinner, and as your lure hits the water. he gets the shock of his life. He takes off as fast as he can. but a few feet away. he stops. satisfied that no danger is near. Your 30 seconds are up and you twitch the lure. very slightly, enough to make a few rings on the water, but not enough to move it from its spot. While you count slowly to thirty. without moving the lure, he gets very curious and swims cautiously back to the lure. However, as there is no movement. he loses interest and eyes the lure suspiciously. ‘ It's a biggie You have no idea what hit your lure. nor do you know where it has gone with your bait. Everything is in the fish’s favour. He has all those underwater obstacles to wind your line around. You are making all kinds of mistakes in your ex- citement‘ probably end up with about 10 feet of line wrapped around your ears, and if you don’t fall into the water first you may end up with a bass. just perfect for mounting or a rock«bass weighing a mere ten ounces. troilblozerr OUTDOORS WITH Aim Eberspdechev York county board education. - Vollebreght appeared before the board to talk about recent staff reductions made by the WCYURM and GREY V1 L1 1 Ulllfl and TRUST COMPANY THE LIBERAL, Wednesday Shop at the community money mart 521vc.. .Invcsl. . . borrow ..sccurc it will pay you cvcrywu)’ to make Victoria and (ircy your one-stop money ccntrc Eighty-scvcn ycurs of cxpcricncc is at your scrvicc to help you get the most for vour money. Yesterday . . . today Victoria and Grey. 10355 Yonge St., Richmond Hill laird Ruby, Manager 884-1 107 Hours TUES , WED†THURS. 9.3010 4 30 FRIDAY 5.3010 6.30 SATURDAY 91012 NOON Serving Ontario since 7889 borrow . . . secure â€" In reducing an organization’s mainte- nance budget. “make extra sure that the money you have is spent wisely," Vollebreght said. “You don't reduce experienced ‘and qualified staff and you certainly don't do it by reducing competitive bids." He said a board official had informed him the cut was due to a reduced maintenance budget, which struck him as wrong. This year. in addition to grasscutting, painting, snowplowing. boiler service, fire extinguisher and glass repair service, they would be able to call public tenders on mechanical and pneumatic controls. air conditioning, plumbing, roofing. electrical and paving contracts. With the hiring of the technician the situation improved. even if not to the point they would have liked it to. Vollebreght said. However, “it definitely is a step in the right direction." Vollebreght said very few jobs were being tendered then and one of the reasons for not being able to call official bids, was that facts and specifications were needed. The plants and sites department didn‘t have the time or man- power. The position was created two years ago to assist the purchasing officer in the procurement of main- tenance related repair and service contracts, he said. He said one of the major examples was in the elimination of the position of technician in the plant and sites department. “However, it is a dif- ferent matter when trustees decide to reduce staff without in fact reducing the service to be provided." He said that. when a service was reduced and resulted in staff reduc- tions, while CUPE members didn't like it, they could understand it. board . July 7. 1976 â€" B-ll