LAKE WIICOX. electric heat. Hydm Included FOUR bedroom house oveIloolung large lot, Call 4884386. clwl HILLCRESY Mall Townhouse. 3 bedloom‘ 638-5729. 4961718. Each with â€" 3 bedrooms. 1'2 baths. Also outdoor pool. You are cordially invited to visit our lovely lumished model townhouse. Richmond Hill Zbedrom Bungalow $250. Thomhull 3 bedroom Townhouse $400 Newmarket 3 bedtoom Home 3350‘ Willowdale l bedtoom Apaltment $225. Richmond HI“ 4 bedrooms. Half acre $525 Woodbrrdge 4 bedrooms. 5 acres $550. Finch-Leslre 3 bedrooms. Townhouse $415, Willowdale 1 bedroom Basement $35. week Newmarket 3 bedroom House $375. Finch-Bathurst 1 beder Apartment $215. Aurora Zhedrooms and den 3312' Kleinburg 3 bedrooms 2 car garage $525. FOR MANY MORE CURRENT OFFERINGS SEE US TODAY (fee charged) 1 bedroom Apartment $227 King City Children Most Welcome outdoor storage.)l00 and up‘ 889- l977. "r6 FACTOR Y space, 1,500 STORES FOR RENT ROOM and Board available. Private mom. Female prelened‘ 2264040. Ask lot 2891 to Ieave message. clwl 300 sq. ft. office, air-conditioned, broadloomed, drapes. HOURS WEEKDAYS MON-FRI. 10 AM - 9 P M HOUSES! APARTMENTS! ROOMS! "RESIDENTIAL RENTALS' Industrial Space For Rent 16' Clear Ceiling s1.50 net net RICHMOND HILL 881-3893 ch 4,800 to 11,000 Sq. Ft. 889-6161 _ 10148 Yonge Sttee: Neal Centre Street 1.200 SQ. Fl. Full basement Parking at rear Phone E‘ Gilbert 6541753 727-1354 MCDONALD DRIVE, AURORA 5,000 or 10,000 sq. ft. INDUSTRIAL SPACE CENTRAL LOCATION RICHMOND HILL Room and Board (JUST SOUTH OF WELLINGTON ST 889-7151 or 8890728 10077 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL FOR LEASE 750 SQ. FT. FOR RENT Al Yonge & Hwy. 7 INDUSTRIAL MALL $225. pet month. 1-857-3253. clwl 1 bedroom house Woodbine-Steeles Area 1,200 sq. ft. Units Townhouses FOR RENT IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 889-2756 (Between83.m. & 5 p.m.) For Rent c4w53 SAT HAM-6PM SUN. 12 NOON A 5 P M fl clwl clwl clwl Richmond Hill. Autora, New- market, Willowdale, King City Woodbridge. Kleinburg and other locations. Renta| rates trom $225 monthly. Many offerings or all types of rental accommodation always on file. Register your renta| accommodation wrm York Region's only home and apartment rental service. No cost to you. Call for inlorrnatron 884-7214. ()NE OF A KIND â€" Amique English Iudor Style 8 room house. Builhn 1urniture. Fireplace Vestibuie. Wood ï¬nished interiorA Cedar closets. References required $450. monthly. Call 7734460 czwl Rooms to Rent SEE US TODAY RESIDENTIAL RENTALS 10077 Yonge Street Richmond Hill or call 884-7214 (fee charged) THORNHILL close to Yonge, Iur~ nished bed smlng room‘ Suitable for semor cmzen. 881-3606 c2w53 HOUSES! APARTMENTS! ROOMS! FURNISHED. Close to transportation Men only. 884-9427 aftel 5 pm. A FURNISHED room. cooking taculmes‘ Central Richmond Hill, TTC at Comet. 884-9883aite16 pm lit 29 FURNlSHED room fat rent. Aesthestlc surroundings. Call aftet 6 pm. 832‘ 8848. 1w53 Room or room and board. 0! othe! accommodation. requited for auto!- mwn students attending the Km: Campus of Seneca College. FURNISHED room In quiet house. young working man. patking, 889A 2822. clwl FURNISHED room. central Richmond Hill. Close to Yonge and tran- sportahon. Gentlemen. 884-8312 Wanted to Rent or other accommodation, required for out-ol-vown students aï¬ending me King campus of Seneca College. LARGE furnished toom lutchen. Senior cmzen 884-2711 FURNISHED l or 2 bedtoom apartment August lst to Decembet 3lst. Thommll, Richmond Hill or Aumta. 889-0840, c2wl RESPONSIBLE couple need small farmhouse at country home close to Tomnlo by September‘ Reasonable rent Reply' Wendy Davis, 277 John Street. Peterborough. Ontario. plwl ROOM OR ROOM AND BOARD ATTENTION LANDLORDS! RESIDENTIAL RENTALS SENECA PHONE: MMI. Ex1.254 OAK RIDGES Phone: 884-9901. Ext. 254 Please join us for Coffee and Conversation. cmzen pteferred. C 1 WI clwl Use 01 c2w53 c6w52 NC“ Nw“ n: 43 LADY desires small bungaIOw. north of Sheppard. Reasonable. September lst. 4977054 Evgs. clwl WANTED â€" Basement or one bedloom apartment to: mother and teenager In Richmond HIIL Call 7 am. â€" 3 pm. 884-9276 after 5 pm, 884-4157. clwl DOES anyone In your family have a dunking problem? Cal| Alanon. 36641072 n: 16 DO you have It so AA can Richmond HIII CRUSHED STONE, SAND CONCRETE GRAVEL, ETC. Delivered in small quantities ALTERATIONS men's. |ad1es‘ and chuldten's, etc. Fast. reasonable 884-19284 mu Fer expenenced desugns‘ estimates, pruning and consttuction call Leo Stafford 884-8034. Up to 2 pm and anytime after 6 pm WATERFALLS. Let us burld you a piece of natural garden with special stone settrng. Vou can have waterfalls, streams. etc. It rs not as costly as you may think. A small waterfall Indoors could be your natural humrdrlier and make your room more attractive. Stray's Nursery & Landscaping. 8848859 or 936» 2545. c4w1 LOAM â€"TOP SOIL â€"MANURE Specially mixed garden soil Used $7.95 picked up. $8.50 delivered Knappett's Landscaping Bayview 8. 18th Ave, Richmond HI“ S. A. GILES. Landscape Gar. dener. All malerials supplied Highly recommended‘ 884-3629. Dressmaking Pick up in the field Don Mllls â€"- Bethesda Sideroad KITTENS â€" Flee to good home. 884- 2238 clwl Gardening and Supplies THE POODLE SCENE SOD FOR SALE Driveway Gravel Knappett's Landscaping SCOTCH TERRIER POODLE CLIPPING PET GROOMING 8. ACCESSORIES 10088 Yonge St. Richmond HI“ Full Red Cross Program Private and semi-private lessons For Details and times call 884-8539 DOGS AND CATS BOARDED Qualified Simming Instructor NEW HARDWOOD RAILROAD TIES KNAPPETT’S LANDSCAPING 6" x B" x 8’ ~6†x 6" x 8’ PHONE MON. TO FRI. DAYS 1 - “6-3421 EVGSK l â€" 476-3931 MEADOWVALE LANDSCAPING AND CONSTRUCTION (Female) Reg'q, 2 PUPPIES (NOT REG'D.) Pet Stock LEARN TO SWIM Personal Half Collie. half Shepherd RAILWAY TIES 884-3089 IN AND OUTDOOR RUNS 888-1947 884-3089 $10 each 881-5342 832-1079 884-5587 PUPPIES 881-4260 GERMAN SHEPHERD 884-3089 ALANON FOR SALE a dnnkmg ptoblem? help. Wnie Box 84 or caII 487-5591. Babies through to Adults Wanted to Rent PURE Tutoring "(40 “(:55 c2w53 CGWSO Hc M uch c2w1 ch41 ï¬c52 "(5| "€45 llc‘ WANIED â€" House to rent. At least 3 bedrooms, large yard. Farmhouse. Ken Allison 832-2281. 727-8469. YOUNG couple require two bedroom basement apartment tor mid Augus'or 529L151. Phone eel- 5364. MW!†15.2 hands. 5 yeals old, Easy to handle and Western broke. $300. 10-speed. Austna. 6 TX 3000 Silver Last Saturday, July 3m. ARNOLD AND YONGE AREA 3545595 SIX year old w $275. 887-5727 Appoloosa Gelding SISAL BALER TWINE LOST â€" Female dog. Black with white markings. Medium size. Child's pet. 884%581. clwl BABYSITTING availabte in my home. Children any age welcome‘ eaa-ma. czw53 DOG, blonde female‘ 832-1237 A RETIRED or mature woman to babysit 1 child in my home, Monday to Friday. Must have own tran~ sportation. Job to begin last week in August. Bayview â€"Hwy. 7 area. 889- 1750. c2w53 WILL give day care In my home. Any age. Bluegrass and Elgln Mulls. 884‘ 3514 c2w53 LOST â€" Dunlop Maxply tennis racket. Baywew â€" Thornlea School vicunity, 8840940. Evgs. clwl Children any age welcome. 884- 9734. c2w53 BABYSITTING available In my home DAY care given In my home. any age. 884-8709. clwl Day care avallable In my home‘ any age, Hullcrest Mall atea. 884-633_8A.7 n Sample New meola Frontatwes. the ltusted laxative lot over 70 yea: and now mate eltectlve than eve! and get 10 Flee Fotms lor $1000 Contest Send name & address and 93' plus 7' Sales tax ($100) to: sample and handling to Fruutatwes Dept 0 8m 8141 Toronto. Ont MSW 188 We: expues July 31' 76 3 wk deltvEry -norn GIRL STUDENT 18. Looking For Summer Job 884-7793 YONGE AND ELLERSLIE Morning and Afternoon sessions Cal! now for Sepvember 221-8373 or 226~6138 Lost - Boy's Bike INSTANT PRINTING WILL do typmg. manuscripts etc. in my home. Will pick up and deliver. 884-7970. c2w53 Evgs. 294-6359 Lost & Found DAYSPRING NURSERY SCHOOL The Printing Place 883-1307 Miscellaneous AP POLOOSA Gelding 832-1079 r FREE COFFEE WHILE YOU WAIT Pho'o Capvmq - l0< Printing 00 every description Employment Wanted Livestock Day Care Day Care Wanted 884-2154 10,000 FT. 40 [85‘ PER BALE WIN $1000 CASH' $11.75 part Arabian Mare. ‘ clwl 775-7737 tfc52 clwl clwl 'c1w1 clwl Clwl plw] c3w53 02w] C2W53 Domestic Help Wanted Live-m. Some cooking and light housework. For interview CLEANING lady «equued, one day a week. Richvale area. 881-4227, clwl CLEANING Lady required. New hause. Light duties‘ Weekiy or every other week. 884-9851. clwl R.N.A.’S Well-known company is expanding and needs PART AND FULL TIME PERSONS with car (or days or evenings‘ Can earn up to $64 per hour, 895-6532 c2w53 Earn extra money this summer temporary assignments. To make up bedrooms at Parkway Hotel‘ OFFICE ASSISTANCE ls sought by our client, a subsidiary of a large Investment company in the north central Toronto area. Would you like the independence and challenge ol handling a complete set of books, including financial statement preparation? Requrrements are for competence and accuracy plus a sense ol urgency about your work. A background in leasing. finance or retail plus minimal typing would be helpful. $10,500. Sr. Bookkeeper WANTED TO SUPERVISE Work crew of Handicapped adults Permanent openings for COMPANION TO ELDERLY LADY CLEAN|NG LADY REQUIRED Help Wanted 10084 Yonge St, Richmond Hill 884-6970 884-6782 MASON Required to: duty evenings and weekends. HOUSEKEEPING AND DIETARY 1 day weekly. Richmond Hill Part Time All Shifts 884-9276 Legal Secretary Keypunch Operator Mrs. Rees 889-1175 MUST HAVE CAR 797 Don MIIIS Road, Suite 1005‘ (at comer Eglinton) 884-2820 AFTER 7 PM UPHOLSTERER HOUSEKEEPER WANTED FULL 0R PART TIME 7750 Bayvuew Avenue. Thomhill FOR APPOINTMENT CALL: 884-9118 Secretaries . Dicta Typists . Bookkeepers between 9 am. and 4 pm HEUHPB JANITOR 221-6266 SHOULDICE HOSPITAL PART TIME STUDENT 881-2121 CALL MRV LATIMER Please call 429-3212 PERSONNEL (Keele â€" No.7) 889-7821 clwl clwl c1w clwl clwl clwl clwl clwl clwl for CLEANING COUPLE SALARY RANGE: 5131136400 to $14,797.00 per annum‘ QUALIFICAIIONS: Graduate of a degree level course in social work or equivalent qualifications in the lield of personal services. Direct experience in the delivery of health or social servrces is requned. The ability to communicate with Regional Departments. private agencies, personal agencies, and to research and write comprehensive reports is essential. Responsible to the Director Administration for all aspects of social planning for the Region including assessment of exrsting programmes: monitoring existing programmes and to develop recommendations for luture programmes He/she will be immediately concerned with the preparation of Social Service input to the York Regional Official Plan Work Programme. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Town of Richmond HI†requires a Sollcnor. experienced In the munucnpal ï¬eld to act as (he Mumcxpal SoliCItor f0! two days per weeks he successful apphcan! wull be required {0 prowde legal semces for all mumcipa| departments and to represent the Town In Court appearances. MumCIpaI Board. and other sumular hearings. Interested patties ale requested to apply In confidence to C. D. Weldon. Cletk, Town of Richmond Hill. 10.266 Yonge Street. Richmond HIII. Ontario. L4G 4Y5 TIME CARD CLERK REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Duties Include typing of shipping comments, maintaining records and assisting with general ofï¬ce work. Special Projects Officer Earn Top Delivery Commission on Your Own "Liberal" Route Each Wednesday Morning ....Before Schoo| OFFICE PERSON THORNHILL GERMAN MILLS BOYS AND GIRLS WE NEED YOU Bookkeeper$190 The Regional Municipality of York Auro Building Maintenance 727-1619 (n v la - r933; MATURE PERSON WITH OFFICE EXPERIENCE REQUIRED FOR lie - (tent-l3 WITH GOOD TELEPHONE MANNER DON'T BE LEFT OUT! CALL TODAY Mr. Gord Eardley 884-0981 881-3373 Experienced to trail balance, 2 sets books. REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY- Keele and Hwy. 7 669-9441 Plus delivery duties. Own transportation necessary. REQUIRES A Municipal Solicitor Keele and Hwy. 7 Area 669-1642 FOR APPOINTMENT PLEASE CALL GEORGE AT 889-7549 Expenenced Hours: After midnight For Richrnond HiH Area Apply m writing before July 16, 1976 to PERSONNEL COORDINATOR THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK BOX 147, NEWMARKET, ONTARIO "’2’13 EXPERIENCED (SOCIAL SERVICES) Richmond Hill Town of Help Wanted "<49 clwl clwl clwl clwl CONTROL CLERK WILL KEEP ARITHMETIC RECORDS WE ARE IN NEED OF PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY STAFF STENOS DICTAS TYPISTS SENIOR CLERKS SWITCHBOARD OPS PLEASE CONTACT BOB LENTZ OR GAYLE BROWN Suitable for mature, experienced person Richmond Hill area APPLY: 964-6454 MR. BRIAN ROSENTHAL ,m THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. July 7, 1976 â€" 8-9 Required for Insurance Company In Thornhill Salary commensurate with experience CONTACT: PATRICIA RICK 889-6204 BODY PERSON 2200 Avenue Road, Suite 102, Toronto. Ontario m Part time Monday thlough Friday. 6 am. to 10 am, (attet training) MECHANIC Experience preferred on Imported cars Top experience only MUST BE RESPONSIBLE AND LIKE TO WORK WITH FIGURES 10593 Yonge 8., Richmond Hill 45 Sheppard Ave. E. Ste. 216, WiHowdale. MCDONALD’S 226-4194 Reqmred tor consttuctuon company located at Keele and Hwy. 7 BOOKKEEPER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK J. H. MILLMAN 669-9370 FOR INTERVIEW PERMANENT PART TIME TO WORK ON TRUCKS, CARS AND TRAILERS GENERAL CLERK TYPIST ATTENTIONH or mall applicatmns to “Is attean at RlCHMOND HILL 884-3321 884-8311 APPLICANTS SHOULD CONTACT STAT. TYPISTS PLEASE CALL C RECORDS, INCLUDING INVENTORIES AND STATISTICAL REPORTS. 884-3211 clwl clwl clwl clwl clwl clwl