Câ€"4 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. July 7, 1976 Birkett speaks at graduation ceremony Maple Correspondent Anne Fowler 832-1204 MAPLE ~ Maureen Allen led the procession of graduates at George Bailey School's Grade 8 com- mencement Thursday. Suddenly. a sea of blue jeans had been transformed into a sea of frothy pastel dresses and crisply tailored suits. Betty Canivet. member of York board of education. presented the board’s award for the Grade 8 student with the highest marks to Valerie Murchison. Scholarships were awarded to Gail Birkett. Caryl Bothwell. Kevin Cori- nolly. Kellie Hudson. Valerie Mur- chison and Keg Plume. Mr. Jacobs. in presenting the citizenship award to Karen Thomas. said that during the past three years Karen had demonstrated all the qualities of a good citizen ~ a sense of responsibility. pride. fair play. to operation and leadership. Wayne Boudreau. who has been captain of volleyball. basketball and soccer teams. won the top athletic award. Christy Pokarney introduced guest speaker Dr. Charles Birkett. First. Dr. Birkett volunteered to sit down immediately if everyone would loss a quarter up front; then. he lowered his price to a dime for a five» minute speech. Finally he said his daughter Gail would throw the first quarter when it was time for him to stop. Dr. Birkett told the audience the world is changing at an incredibly fast pace and that opportunities for in- dividuals are virtually limitless. Canning methods differ TORONTO â€" lt‘s unâ€" necessary to sterilize mason jars when home canning if you use proper canning methods. ac- cording to food specialists at the Ontario Food Council. ministry of agriculture and food. But it is necessary the jars be washed in hot. clean. soapy water. rinsed in hot water. then kept hot until being filled with the food being canned. When food is processed in a hot water bath or a pressure canner. the jars are sterilized along with the food. However. in the case of openâ€"kettle preserving. which is recommended only for jams. jellies. relishes and some pickles. the jars must be sterilized before filling since there is no further heat application and thus no way to ensure jars are bacterialree. The easiest way to keep mason jars hot after washing is to place them. half»filled with hot water. into a very large pot. also half-full of hot water. ' A rack or a piece of board in the bottom of the pot will keep the jars away from direct heat and prevent them from breaking. When canning fruit jars may be kept hot in the water bath processor instead of a separate pot. Remove the jars one by one from the processor‘ and. after filling them with the fruit. replace them. Pressure canner must be used for vegetables. and a separate pot is required for keeping the jars hot. n@‘c‘Futudé is Nam.“ ‘Bca‘Brg‘erllcr (J Call York and save! i AUTO, HOUSE {6‘ lle INSURANCE Get an tmmeoiateQUote personal attention prompt decisions maple news It is essential. he said. for young people to plan their changes. know themselves and what their limits are, Think positively. he advised. work can be fun ~ it's possible to do almost anything you want to do He talked about the importance of empathy and urged students to laugh a lot Keg Plume. who thanked the speaker. responded to Dr. Birkett‘s remarks in regard to man's ability to produce a copy of a person. “If it really happened. and a million Dr. Birketts were reproduced. we‘d all die laughing Friendship Valedictorian Valerie Murchison observed that many ot the graduating class would be separated for the first time since kindergarten as they went their ways to different schools. She reminisced about the events at Bailey during the past three years , . . the friendship among students and teachers. fund-raising activities leading to the Ottawa trip. how Mr. Murphy will be first in line to apply for the job of “cookie monster“ if the position is ever open. (That must be an “inâ€"joke"; 1 think it refers to his ability to scrounge desserts at lunch timer. Valerie. as well as Mrs. (‘aniveL thanked principal Russell Urquhart for his nine years of dedication to the school Mr. llrguhart is moving to †rd l’leasantyalc School in September Mrs Meyers presented him with a gift on behalt of the school A gift also \\ as presented to retiring teacher Lyllian Reid "as a token ot appreciation from the parents " Tim Smith thanked parents for their sttpptil‘l. and congratulated the corn- mittec ()1 Grade 7 mothers who provided refreshments The ceremonies were closed. and a dance followed for guests and students Summer services During the weeks from .11in 4 to Aug 1. Sunday services for Maple t'nited (‘hurch and St. Andrew's Presbyterian (‘hurch \\ ill be held at 10am at Maple . Vacationing l nited t‘hurch . _ . . During July. l will be on vacation Aug 8‘0‘5‘1“ 3-59r‘11995 “'11le 3i 10 If you have anything of interest to the a m in M' Andrew S PreSbylerlan community you would like published in (‘hllrk‘h g ‘ V v _ The Liberal. please call 88+8177 and Members of (arrville l nited (‘hurch ask for [W Reeve 811d M Pill†S Presbyterian- Vaughanv News for the Maple column riiust be are invited to attend these summer suhlnilled by 11 a m Fridays for WWW“ publication Wednesday Children enjoy play ('orrespondent Lorna (iootlfellow XX 1 -tl l Ill 'l‘llthNlllLL (in the last Monday of school. a play day was held at BZLVVIOW Fairways Public School for all the children. including kindergarten. There were ‘26 teams consisting of 13 to 13 children They participated in many events including an accuracy ball toss. a tricycle race. standing broad jump. sit- ups. and a trisbcc tossing competition. The weather was pleasant. Parents operated the refreshment stand. Ribbons were presented the following day at school to members of the teams that came first. second or third in the individual events Thursday was the last day of school for this term. an awards assembly was held. Bars. suitable for sewing on jackets were presented to pupils for academic achievement. science fair work. soccer participation and for general achievement in school. aster Bedroom A Reflection Of The "__ Pioneer Days In 111e Canadian Colonies . And old fashion becomes new in this sturdy. quality-crafted suite that brings back the clean. crisp lines and friendly warmth of colonial days Constructed ol wood and wood components with oak musket tinish. Surte leatures selected hard- wood lrames, solid tops. gables and drawer fronts. 4-pc. suite consrsts ot: 9-drawer triple dresser (about 58" x18" x 31 "H) hutch mirror wtth display comer shelves (about 50" x 40â€) 5-drawer chest (about 36" x 16" x 46"H) and boldly impresswe cannonball headboard to accommodate 54" or 60" Width bed. Matching night tables optional extra. Now in stock and ready for prompt delivery ‘ bayview fairways Art display A display of tapestries depicting Eskimo legends and stories. made by the Eskimo women of Pangnirtung. Baffin Island. will be at Thornhill (‘ommunity (‘entre branch Library during July. This exhibit is part of the private collection of Janet Senior of Richmond Hill, Mrs. Senior was instrumental in establishing a weaving industry in the north while working in her capacity as Weaving Project Manager for the Northwest Territories Department of Economic Development from 1971 to 1975. Library happenings Story time for pre-school children at Thornhill Village Library. 10 (‘olbourne l l i . i . i I ‘Pub-Style’ Dining By Liberty ...In The Modern Mood St. is Wednesdays beginning 1:30 pm. during July and August. At the (‘ommunity (‘entre branch. pre-school story time is Wednesdays at 2:30 for the summer. Thursday night films at the Corri- munity (‘cntre branch Library have been stopped for the summer but will resume in October. The (‘ommunity Centre is air» conditioned so it will be possible to enjoy playing bridge no matter how hot the weather. There is a novice section as well as open play, Camp Chimo A few openings are available for the fourth session of (‘amp t‘himo IAug. 16 [0 Aug, 27). (‘hildren riiust be between (S and l3 years old to attend this day camp. which is run by Markham parks and recreation department. Bus transportation is included in the fee and there will be pick-tips at various schools througlioul Thornhill. For further information call 297-1900. PREVENT Wllllflllfs St. Michael’s news (in the last day of school an outdoor rnaSs was conducted at St. Michael‘s School for pupils and parents. During the last week of school. Victor l)ehensdorsa. Lisa Lopristi and Michael Pepin received awards for their public speaking ability. Scott Sheridan received a trophy for winning the recent chess tournament. Bridge continues Markham Bridge will hold its weekly meetings every Thursday at 7:30 pm. at Thornhill (‘ommunity Centre during the summer. BANAIIA’S lAllliESl INIIEPENIIENI llllBllllV EMS Bill] Bll . The Price Is Right [In Bedroom and llinetle Sets I... 3, a»??? ‘ “hr/1‘. Liberty â€" Canada 5 largest dinette manufacturer updates colonial styling wrth chrome bases eaSy-roll casters and comfort-padded Swrvel chairs with wrap-over backs and arms Oval table has double pedestal base and woodgrainâ€"tinish top It sell-out occurs please allow time for delivery Oor tradition ot service guarantees professional advrce and satisfaction whenever We call CALL 889-8902 0' as! we - “to :u' at' :e YORK FIRE AND CASUALTY ‘699 YONGE 3' THORNHK;