Richvale Lions installed their 1976 officers Monday night. Members of the executive, pictured from left to right, are Bruce Wark. secretary; Bill Robertson. past president; Jack Kraft p|_ain charcoal lighter 32 . sauce 02%? Wigard liquid barbecue beef 1st 5 ribs 1.16m. i'oasts with coupon avaflable 1n slae beef buy gny1 lb. pkg. onI ys fran urters get one pkg. of 8 Loblaws at Loblaws regular hot dog bunSforonly PRICES EFFECTIVE TO TUES JULY 13 EXCEPT PRODUCE & BAKERY PRICES EFFECTIVE TO SAT JULY 10 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OUANTITI ES extra savings on canned fruits & vegetables Snyderchoicesllced 4 19? carrots oz Culverhousechoicediced 4 19f carrots oz PrinceEdward chOIcesllced 4 19? potatoes oz o Loblaws » . 3 19¢ chOIce peas Snyderchoicemixed 3 19f vegetables oz Culverhouse chOIce Lombard 19f plums 2 oz m Cudneychomedessert 2 19f pear halves Snyderchomewhole 281 2 tomatoes 02 lm 5.79 79 5| {15.89 5.79 3.79 89 SI 16f| on these 3 great buys beef “1 chuck steaks Tontegode. president. John Baily. lst vice- president. Jim Barton, 2nd vice-president, Dave Hill, 3rd vicepresident. ‘SEE I.I.0. INSIRUUIONS 0N PKG." Loblaws snack Nestle $0up time. all varieties Dr. Ballard's all flavours Dr. Ballard’s beef. chicke crackers soup mix Imperial soft tub or sleeve Gillette trac ll garyidge‘ anti-perspirant cat food dogfood Loblaws toasted cocoanut or raspberry margarine razor blades more grocery specials blossoms blade cut Bick’s 32†OZ. Jar pickles - (4 envelope pkg.) 8 o'zv cello pkg. 902 25.502 3:1 .45 8 oz Pkg .49 Galax 5; TaverzE RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE“ RICHMOND HILL 884â€"6531 beef chuck boneless SSFSGWEGCBEef b .78 cross rib roasts Magy Miles prand sliced Shopsys Old V[enna Ziggys cooked smoked picnic style Shopsys French style si’de bacon cooked meats W602 cooked meats more meat specials salami chub ï¬cbile slaw pork shoulders che'rries' from Washington state! big black beauties! new crop m _ I Farm Housefrozen 91799"? F’ie each I 1802 eat†1.89 1602 eacn .72 .59 5:31.58 .98 51.29 no. 1 grade! from South Africa! sweet 8. juicy! new crop seedless navel oranges more produce specials fresh'pears romaine lettuce zuccini squash Ontario grown! Ideal 10! hot weathel menus cole slaw Ontario or U.S.A. grown! grea! In salad or baked In tomato sauce roduce of U.S._A. or South Africa! _ackham or_An|ou variety I nun COde exp‘ L' E Loblawsg morethanthepriceisrig‘tt. Address Name Loblaws plain or ripple po_tato chips THE LIBERAL. Wednqsday. July 7. 1976 â€"â€" A-7 ourishing and fresh! 2509 pkg :e 3foru99 ce4lbs.1loo 4pkgs1 .00 32% 3mg. .99 large size 88 dozen .59 Apt .89