Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Jul 1976, C6

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Refrigerators. freezers, ranges, dishwashers. dryers. Bookkeeping & Accounting Services Conditioning ANY MAKE 0R MODEL. INSTALLATION. SERVICE & REPAIR. 25-27 GUARDSM EN RD., THORNHILL GENERAL REPAIRS TO ALL AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN CARS Spociaizing in repaits to Volkswagen. Porsche, Audi, Toyota, Datsun. Vdvo, fiat. Renault. British Leyland. Complete abcuonic tuneups, btakes. transmissions, engines. from ends. Câ€"6 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. July 14. 1976 BOOKKEEPING a. INCOME TAX Joscelyn Laughlin Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants J0355 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill. Ont. 884-4474-5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines. Ont. 684-1177 Reasonable Rates SPECIALIZING IN REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING PAUL'S Appfiance Service 7734592 6.. LEONARD R. ROSENBERG 8: ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants THORNHILL, ONT. J. C. HUGHES Fast. efficient service ALLIED APPLIANCE SERVICES Repairs to All Makes VRADIS GARAGE EVGS. 884-8217 DAYS 773-5056 For small businesses 84 Yonge Street S Aurora. Ontario Regional Aluminum Products 887-5720 889-5683 SIDING SOFFIT FASCIA EAVESTROUGH 883-1288 Central Air CARPET LAYING All Types 884-5807 884-7530 VEHICLE INSPECT/0N STA TIO/I/ LICENSED MECHANICS 0N DUTY 10% OFF WITH THIS AD. 881-5545 ALL WORK GUARANTEED Chartered Accountants COLLISION â€" REFINISHING COMPLETE MECHANICAL REPAIRS "‘35 THORNHILL TRUCK & AUTO REPAIR CENTRE LIMITED 41 Maple Avenue Unit 12 Aluminum Products Appliance Service - 889-2741 Carpet Cleaning " Auto Repairs Bookkeeping 773-4265 Auto Body Air find the service you need for home or business in this «or "<31 nus tfcl icdnditionfiE 881-3827 Franchise dealer for John Inglis, General Electric. Hoover Products, Black 8 Decker. Eureka. Service depot for Black & Decker. Hoover, Eureka Repairs to all makes. "" 727-4681 Sl-ICP LIBERAL Full Range of Services INCOME TAX KENNETH M. PAL 889-1377 tfci Country Carpet 52mins Deep Steam Cleaning STORM DOORS WINDOWS AWNIN GS PATIO DOORS ACCOUNTING MANAGEMENT BOOKKEEPING SERVICES CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 10265 Yonge Street Phone: 884-8651-889~8275 APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE LESLIE APPLIANCE 68 YONGE ST. S. AURORA FOR THE SMALL BUSINESS 889-4108 Everyliilg in ALCAN ALUMINUM Home Improvements Eavestroughing Brian H. Cowen HANS BUTI' BOOKKEEPING Aluminum Siding Carpet Installation Chartered Accountants 10.256 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill 884-2092 Schomberg 939-2674 CARPETS, SOFAS CHAI RS. ETC. REID & BRADLEY 889-0452 889-5334 727-8311 tfcl9 ":38 c4wl "CH NC“ "c2! SUBURBAN AUTO REPAIRS By Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) Ross 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 SUN DECKS, SAUNAS, FENCES, RENOVATION. ETC. Free esiimate or by me hour [ Car Repairs Overflymemariumhuism CUSTOM BUILT REC ROOMS, BARS GARAGES, ADDITIONS PORCHES, CEDAR FENCING COTI’AGES UNUSUAL JOBS All types of Calpentry wort Alf Catenaro CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Additions. Renovations 8: Rec. Rooms 83 Roseview Ave. Richmond Hill. Ont. Tel. 884â€"4171 SPECIAL!!! $42.50 TUNE-UPS ALL HOME IMPROVEMENTS RECREATION ROOMS PORCHES. ADDITIONS KITCHENS. ETC, K. A. SMITH GARPENTBY â€" make shopping DUTCHIES Automotive Repairs FREE ESTIMATES Please phone 8844634 Before 1 pm. â€"Ahet 5 pm STEAM CLEANING PROCESS Car & [rue Repairs] Specialists on Imported cars DATSUN; TOYOTA. HONDA. BRITISH LEVLAND Vary Reasonable Rates Repairs 90 all makes a. Models CARS a. TRUCKS SpeclallzIng In European Cars 790LDHWY.7. E., THORNHILL cal-0557 , CARPENTER FOR ANY NORMAL SIZE CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR 889-5533 CARPENTRY BOB ROSS CONTRACTING KllCthS, Rec Rooms Additions. Renovations Guaranteed 8 mos or 8,000 mi. _ Carpentry Janitorial Semm Carpet Cleaning GENERAL CARPENTRY FLOOR um 8846477 CUSTOM HOUSES FREE ESTIMATES MINOR & MAJOR Carpet-Upholstery Cleaning I. PR!CE & SON LIBERAL 8M8209 888-1005 884-831 1 346 Ende Rd.. Richmond Hill 493-3736 UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE CLEANING easier! Professional/y Done c4w32 TFC45 "C32 c4w1 ":36 c4w1 "C46 IFCS Asphalt - Concrete Residential - Commercial John Bareta & Son Contracting 889-6344 m4, I ContractoTs CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS Free Estimates L9§§EJQ§M l' HANDYMAN S. E. PAYNE General Contracting 0mm Work Home and Yard Repair REASONABLE RATES 0 EXCAVATION WORK - B A s E M E N_ T s - SEWERS o‘DUMP TRUCKS ° HEAVY MACHINERY MOVING GENERAL CONSTRUCTION DISC JOCKEY Pup Music Man will do Exterior Painting Tree Removal and Pruning Carpet, Floor and Wall Cleaning LUD ELECTRIC MIDWAY Richmond Hill Contracting Co Ltd. OService. Maintenince’ and Installations LIBERAL ADVERTISERS HANDYMAN RESIDENTIAL Metro Lic. E737 Electricians COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL Handymeg 884-2773 Free Estimates Hourly or convrlco AURORA 727-5544 ‘ nghly Expe’rienced 884-4135 House Painting Minor Carpentry Landscaping 669-1321 881-0431 881-5829 Reasonable raves LLOYD JACOBS Hits A Student 922-4570 889-5762 Beiore loa.m 8844898 8841363 ME" I PM. 881-3287 881-5891 "C45 "<32 Nets ":49 c4wl ":30 "€43 "€41 ficl "cl If C] 881L438!) 884-8506 85 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL "d6 HOMESTEAD LOGS NUMBERED AND DELIVERED TO SITE. Also fine Custom Furniture & Furniture Repairs 0 Siding .Eaves O Soffit .Fascia o Shutters OAwnings O Windnwg O Railings 0 Doors 745-4787 10235 Yonge Street 884-1551 773-4121 Insurance - Mortgages Fire. Auto and Liability .Motor Vehicle Finance Service Telephone 727â€"94884) Rear 47 Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario. HOME - AUTO - BUSINESS Chain Link Fencing RESIDENTIAL For Free Estimates 889-2987 BUILDING RENOVATIONS WATERPROOF CONCRETE. ETC. Origian Pioneer Corner Agency Limited CHIMNEY REPAIRS CONCRETE PATIO 0R PRECAST SLABS PORCHES - STEPS FREE ESTIMATES JOHN MacPHEE 889-2024 889-5292 FREE ESTIMATES MacPHEE ALUMINUM ' Lo Houges 741-9377 Call for Free Estimates STONE WORK SIDEWALKS PLANTER BOXES WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED G. ROCKETT Log Houses SAVE I l Ion somt Facia Doou, Window Awnings. Troughing and Accessories Insurance . barrow . Insurance SAVE!!! Do It Yourself! Basements 881-0813 834-5227 Carpentry 889-4729 Kitchens LlC. E1373 Installed or Do It Yourself 0 Chain Link Fencing 0 Wood Fencing 0 Pool Chemicals 0 Indoor - Outdoor Carpeting Residential - Commercial Visit Our Showroom Aluninun Siding ".32"0 on so EASV r0 INSTALL Oualfly Reynolds Siding in All Colon FREE INS MUCTION MA NUAI. Lic. 8342 LIFE Home Improvements LaMar Sales 103 Kenhar 07., Weston Opon Tuudny and Thur-day nlghn ml 8:30 p.m. "w, TFC46 Fencing m4] Nch "no c4wl 16:41 PRODUCTS LIMITED 9104 Yonge St. monumu ‘ Landscaping I I Optometrists I Fireplaces, etc. L Er S SARGEANT BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES SALES - RENTALS L.H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hillâ€" 884-1745 mm Free Estimates 255-4222 H. B. FISHER Office Supplies FEETILIZING PLANTING GARDENING PAINTING H. LaFOND A. W. Kirchen, 0.D. WALKER CONSTRUCTION CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES BUILT AND REPAIRED Free Estimates Expert Workmanship 20 years' experience Grounds & Building Maintenance LIBERAL readers respond! LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE GENERAL REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS Residential â€" Commercial Industrial Suite 204 Professional Bldg. 22 RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL By appointment Moving and Storage 102:0 Yonge Street WAREHOUSE 8: FURNITURE SHOWROOM 321ENFORD RD., RICHMOND HILL 884-9295 884-9296 889-5729 Furniture. Office Supplies Social Stationery Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Saturday HANDYMAN & TRUCK MIC MAC BRICK & STONE WORK 889-1931 Available for small moving jobs Office Machines Office Suppfies MOVING Reasonable Ra'es 833-5040 Masonry 884-3962 884-7137 884-2882 773-5559 Fully Insured 259-1672 c4wl HC‘S "C45 "C45 tfc28 "c1 [Spring Service I HOME MAINTENANCE Student PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING 488-9900 DEAL SERVICES 389-9398 773-4138 TANDEM BUSHzNGS Aurora 727-3121 «1 PROP: THOMAS H. GRIEVE Pool Installations And Repairs Pafioand Cantata Work PAINTINGG DECORATING Free Estima'es EXCELLENT RATES WHITECAP POOLS POLARIS Painting & Decorating Industrial Commercial Residential Five years’ guaranteed workmanship Now Is The Time! INTERIOR DR EXTERIOR flames, Cottages or Industries All Work Guaranteed Act quickly and phone day or night Over 10 years’ experience Specializing in Roofing. Repairs & Pie-Roofing GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP Peter Elliott . York . Spnng Serwce Expenenced Professional work guaranteed 889-2163 Plumbing Er Electrical CALL BRIAN 884-3202 PLUMBING 8: HEATING Roger Prou|~x 884-1650 Al War/t 6W 889-2773 ASK PAUL THE PAINTER Roofing EXTERIOR PAINTING 884-3479 ARMAND PAVING & CONSTRUCTION CO. 889-4672 D. LYON 727.5539 Painters and Decorators . Ask for Armand Ucci Over 15 Years’ Experience Ask for 2891 to leave message FOR A BETTER PAVING JOB 226-4040 Plumbing, Heating 881-6342 after 6 pm. Swimming Pool 9' R . . it epalrs & Servnce 225-2461 "cso "<19 "CM cdwl "(21 Painters "<4! Pools "cl Paving I Tree Removal I Install yousen with our guidance uhtmdoitfuyou! 0 Dangerous Elm Trees 0 Trimming â€"- Pruning 0 Land Clearing FREE ESTIMATES HEATING AND PLUMBING REPAIRS Call Lorne Bridal 884-1712 c4v R. CLARK Plairn 8. Decorative Plastering PATCHWORK QUILTS Home I Improvements Harry Sanders Plastering - Thornhill PAINTING 8: PAPERHANGING R. E. Dunn 727-3303 Karl Bundschuh 884-4832 REPAIRSA SPECIALTY Free Esflma'es LIBERAL OCH/QWSQFS PATIOS POOLS AND DRIVEWAYS 488-7521 - 8883185 and Paperhanging Free Estimates INTERLOCKING PAVING STONES Any colout or size QU|LTED PLACE MATS 773-4097 Plastering 481-6650 PAINTING 773-4310 BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM MADE Quilting LTD. c4wl c4w1 IFCSO "€41 "(16 "C45 WC 2 tfcl Artists to visit libraries “Their choice is limited by the amount of funds we have received from the ministry, but never- theless, many of the libraries are able to sponsor two different events, one for general sudiences and one designed specifically for young people,“ said Ola. “We want everyone to hear about Outreach, and take this chance to see some first class Canadian artists.” In the meantime. anyone needing more information should contact the local library. She will also be at- tending shows by Theatre 5. Young People’s Theatre, Maurice Solway and others in Kingston and Montreal during the Summer Olympics. She has already spent hours listening to recordings, viewing films, clipping and reading theatre reviews, searching‘for possible performers. A list of available ar- tists has been sent to each of the 20 library systems in the C.O.R.L. system. Now it‘s up to the libraries to decide who they think their local communities would like to see or hear. Once 01a knows what each library wants, it’s a case of lining up schedules and taking care of the appropriate publicity, Their performances will be part of the Rich- mond Hill-based Central Ontario Regional Library System (CORLS) 1976 performing arts series sponsored by Outreach Ontario. “Altogether, I’ve contacted more than 30 artists, or agents,” “They have all been very en- thusiastic about playing for our libraries and most helpful in providing detailed information.” Outreach. a program of the Ontario ministry of culture and recreation, provides cultural‘ tours and performances by Canadian artists for communities across Ontario, as well as many other programs and activities. Ola Pytlowany, a third year fine arts student at York University,‘ is CORLS’ Outreach coordinator, and since May has been helping public libraries to line up some of the best in the performing arts. RICHMOND HILL â€" Some of the best known Canadian theatre groups, dance troupes. mime artists and musicians will be touring public libraries in the r'eéions of York Peel and Durham this “Outreach is an ideal way for communities to benefit from the excellent selection of Canadian cultural talent that is available,” said Ola, “and libraries are an ideal place for these performances." She has taken in shows by Sunwheel Story Theatre, Black Theatre Canada, the Paul Gaulin Mime Co., Lampoon Puppet Theatre, York Winds and the many folk and bluegrass musicians at the récent Mariposa Folk Festival. {all Among the artists already contacted are classical guitarists Pierre Auge and Ray Sealey. violinist Maurice Solway, actresses Mia Anderson and Pauline Carey, mime artists Paul Gaulin and Bibi Casperi, the Judy Jarvis Dance and Theatre C0,, Ballet YS, and Dancemakers. Not only has Ola checked out the fees and stage requirements for each performer, she has also been to see per- formances by some of the artists she is suggesting to the libraries. “We would like to present as many different types of entertainment as possible. This has meant searching for everything from bluegrass music to Shakespearean drama," said Ola. Groups like Frog Print Theatre, Homemade Theatre, and The Playmakers may also'be available, as will musical groups such as the classical music ensemble York Winds, the Maple Sugar Troupe which performs traditional Canadian folk and country music, and folk singers from the Mariposa in the Schools program.

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