Lightning kills water skier YORK REGION â€" A man was killed when $15,000 damage to the home of Arthur Gray, it struct about 12:30 am, At Maryvale Farms, damage when it hit the roof of one of the ‘ J&S ENTERPRIZES \. Inwiis“ THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. July 14. 1976 â€" A-7 TOWN OF : RICHMOND HILL 000000 t k b - - w' d D ' , Wh't- Sutton Road,Newmarket. buildings there about 1:50 _ I ¢°f1¢uv n . :Wrgcbuilflinhggshtguggtzaifigg Chilill'cgr-ISIOUIFIIV‘IICIC. whlen lightning caused $1,000 a.m.â€" w"edA“YWhe'e ' extensive damage in For ALL Occasions PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Sunday’s storm throughout the region. In a bizarre happening at Elmhurst Beach at Keswick on Lake Simcoe, Deaths of husband, wife were nearly simultaneous O ’c‘ We Delive I E to Toronto Ask about our 80th - Doors - Shutters ALI. WORK GUARANTEED 20 YRS. SUMMER CONCERTS lightning struck down Surrounding u - Joh B ' . 23. f AURORA â€" Death e e sitting a und th tab] , d l ost ‘ - . . " gagtdaï¬iuvaIS/tvenug, came suddenly and mtghen table abgut 10:33 medfiatealgrl aftzrrwl'ards Iirgr Dlsmds Heat wave spemals for July Paul Grolsw G oronto, while he was without compassion to an a.m.. engaged in an husband collapsed in the Rice's Flowers 6 ey an IS IXIe an r0up all 630-5418 Free Estimate water skiing. Beauvais was dead on arrival at York County Hospital. elderly Toronto couple Sunday at Musselman’s Lake. _ According to police, the couple. aged 69 and 70, argument with their son and daughter-in-law. Then, a few minutes later, the mother collapsed over the kitchen living room. Attempts to revive the two were unsuccessful. Police did not release their names. RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 884.1812 Phone 889â€"1812 Thursday, July 22nd, at 7:30 pm. at the Mill Pond A lightning bolt caused it’s McCain week at Loblaws . .. so come on over and stock up forwatching the olympic games! free pizza ‘ McCain 20 0/ hfiCl' bacon wrll' frillsliroom. with the purchase of two 22 02. McCain deluxe pizzas for 2.38 each McCain frozen fancy crrnklecul save even more “Hench with this mailâ€"in $ "'93 r refund coupon worth F----------------ï¬ r 3 sugar sweet Here'showto collect h _\_ . your $1.00 cash refund Tom'p n n r J l‘ ' or who "J’lel‘l 'o-Plrman. on oran e,grape straw erryor lemonade 'orange, lime 8 9 ' 33091 n 5 9 g . t 4 "7,29 «Ly/T rainbow or raspberry 1 litre ctn. McCIIn Foods lellod, Box 9573. Saint John. New Brunswick. E2L 4N8. Name Armies. “(0:280 whipped topping my pm woql W. for olympic watchers h cm I Postal Corie cum r rrmwi L-l. MN m C\'rlr F" . Loblaws process Canadian b_uy one oniggys fine mdrvrdually liver sausage at the special wrapped introductory price 16oz pkg PRICES EFFECTIVE rorues JULY 20 Stouffers frozen 99 EXCEPT PRODUCEB. casseroles I EFFECTIVE TO turkey telrazzrni - 12oz SAT JULY 17 escalloped chicken noodle 11 502 WE RESERVE THE ' " ' mragus souffle - 12 oz RIGHT TOLIMIT "_- ,z. ' ' " , ~'.: " 'Owe'aug'al'â€â€˜ ‘002 McCain frozen QUANTITIES i we?" ' -’ ' " ' noian mu om " I " _ ‘ pkg I 9 9 get one ‘ r , . _ berr or st a per †_ l - ‘ L ; , I I I liililsraéd ' w “y 1002- pkg. of Savarin frozen ‘- ' ’ - ‘ mpena I ggzteelnvfheat f " 3 . . " . 0’ meat pies £555 m , - margarme 32 thins only turkey. bee at; v quarter 3|b, pkg. I with coupon available orchicken I ‘ " A - pound Squares pkg I m Store Great meat :iréédéaï¬oes ' gsmtteyggrk'om 'b-1-24 Eligice peas an pro uce tOO. figespfrjribs “3-1-33 3333553739; 302342.89 _ res ygroun me rum Culverhousechoice .84 1.28 2 2 19“ oz._l:ns. 19H. 7 9 oztinSI ground beef frozen NewZealand lombard plums Cudney choice halves fresh pork ggd _ lom roasts . * whole leg o’lamb lb dessert pears frozen bluewater brand - portion Snyder Choice 3'5 lb- average cooked fish 3:5,; 1 .88 whole tomatoe32 02.231989 Schneiders regular or beef sausage was? gmgglgiggla' fresh ork m'n' S'ZZ'erS 393 1 bathroom tissue éf‘g'.‘ .88 p Loblaws Kleenex regular2ply While. yellow Or pink facial tissue 200's box loin roasts sliced side baconér'S 1 . 3.5lb average .55 tendenomem wieners "b Sgggggggg'fltgg‘ed Ziggysmd “9 ' deodorant 23.3%.. .99 cooked ham†$9.1 .1 2 $333333â€; :2; .99 Eifiésé'ï¬ï¬drg'f’wm‘ 6.0;. .87 mgmwa 2% g z ! corned beef or pastrami 4 pig: 1 .18 @’§§i§§8& quan .66 cherry tomatoes 'rom South Afnca‘ crispy & JUICY’ Granny Srniin fancy gradev apples Ceaeb'and'3lbs..99 OntarrogrOWh' 2 for I more grocery specials sliced carrots ~r‘rc‘ 1 Q . p: 7 he I 'a-rouraccents imsalads' dicedcarrots greenonions __ Loblaws more than the price is right: "sous; hesn quarter pork lorn P°rk k- C roduce cf‘u ' ar eandiuscrous‘ ho weather dessen fresh . blueberries