7 Recent reports indicate that only about 20 per cent of the world’s population are now living in freedom and the percentage is_ declining: Isn‘t it odd how the Canadian politician can twist facts. In the U.S.A., those who favor segregation are French power What are other Canadians doing to protect the freedom of our brothers in Quebec? Have we forgotten the lessons prior to World War II and the attack on Pearl Harbour? Canadi-ans maybe the next reHuction in this figure, if you havennoticeg som_e {eceng events: "‘Times Change†and time is running out for Canada and Canadians. 'Eéï¬e of us want to maintain a culture that existed 200 years ago. “Times Change" as Trudeau said recently. 7 i'l‘lie éanada Party is not hostile to all Quebecers either, only to the “French p0wer†based in Quebec. Remember not all Germans were Nazis. 7 r We were not called bigots when we fought them and freed part of Europe (and lost the rest). Bilingualism is a Trojan horse designed by this “French Power" group to destroy__Canada.A VH6} can Canédians in Quebec be denied the right to learn and use the English language? Where is the freedom there? “NM/here do we downgrade the French language and culture. It is no better or worsewthan any other. Dear editor However, I h0pe your readers place a different interpretation upon the object of the “Canada Party†than you did_ in your editorial. chï¬lally “culture†is a myth. We all have the same Canadian “Culture†derived mainly from western Europe. A I. .- I appreciate your respect for the privilege Canadians still have to exprgss thgir view_sju TREE & SHRUB CARE PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL, THE TOWN OF WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE. THE TOWN OF PICKERING AND THE BOROUGH OF SCARBOROUGH ADJOINING THE TOWN OF MARKHAM, PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF BY-LAW 38-78 PRINTED ABOVE. 3.7.2. Where a lot having a lesser frontage, depth or area than that required by this By- law is created by expropriation or highway widening or other land acquisition by the Municipality, The Regional Municipality of York, The Queen in Right of Ontario or Canada, a building or structure may be erected, altered or repaired and used on such lot provided that it conforms to all other requirements of this Byâ€"law and provided that the requirements of the Medical Officer of Health with regard to private sewage disposal systems are met. READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS 10th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1976 READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 10th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1976 In many instances when a part of a lot is acquired by a municipality or any other expro priating authority, i.e. for widening of a highway, it results in the contravention of the zoning by-law such as the reduction of the front yard of the house on the remaining land below the required minimum. The purpose of By-law 38-76 is, where an expropriating authority has taken part of a lot by expropriation or acquisition, the remaining lands are deemed to conform to the by-law. The By-law applies to all lands that were in the Town- ship of Markham and that are now in the Town of Markham by virtue of The Regional Municipality of York Act, 1970, and covered by Byâ€"Law 2325-68. NOW THEREFORE The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Markham enacts as follows: That By-law Number 232568 of The Corporation of the Township of Markham, as amended, be and is hereby further amended by adding the following section thereto: WHEREAS the lands affected by this By-Iaw were situate in the Township of Markham and were annexed to the Corporation of the Town of Markham by the Regional Munici- pality of Yorif Act, 1970, but remain subject to the provisions of Markham By-law No. 2325â€"88; AND WHEREAS the matters herein set out are in conformity with the Town Markham Official Plan which is approved and in force at this time; THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of the said by-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the by-law will be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk under- signed, the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent. ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, within FOURTEEN (14) days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Markham notice of his objection to approval of the said by-law, together with a statement of the grounds of such objection. ANY PERSON wishing to support the application for approval of the by-law may within FOURTEEN (14) days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Markham notice of his support of approval of the said byâ€"law together with a request for notice of any hearing that may be held giving also the name and address to which such notice sh0u|d be given. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Markham intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act for approval of By-law 38â€"76 passed on the 10 day of FEBRUARY 1976. A copy of the by-law is furnished herewith. A note giving an explanation of the purpose and NOTICE OF APPLICATION to The Ontario Municipal Board by The Corporation of the Town of Markham for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. effect of the by-raw and stating the lands affected thereby is also furnished herewith PHONE RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE & FORESTRY CO. LTD. THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS WILL BE AUGUST 5,1976 DATED at the Town of Markham this 22nd day of JULY, 1976 884-7774 THE TOWN OF MARKHAM THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF MARKHAM BY-LAW NO. 38-76 A By-law to Amend Markham By-law Number 232558. EXPLANATORY NOTE TO BY-LAW NO. 38-76 NOTICE TO ADJOINING MUNICIPALITIES called “racists†and in Canada those who favor assimilation are called “racistâ€. WILLIAM BUSBY, President, Canada Party, 58 Laureleaf Rd, Thornhill, Ont. Trojan horse Diane E. Whetter, Town Clerk, Town of Markham, 8911 Woodbine Avenue Markham, Ontario. Anthony Roman MAYOR Diane Whetter CLERK Diane E. Whetter Clerk ' CHECKERBOARD FROZEN READY TO SERVE BEL AIR FROZEN PURE FROM CONCENTRATE 12‘/2 FL. OZ. TIN HEINZ KETCHUP ORANGE JUICE COOK-ED TURKEYS Ea. Prices Effective July 21 - 24. Sales In Retail Quantities Only. 25 FL. OZ. BTL (710 ml) 5-8 LB AVG. © COPYRIGHT 1W) CANADA SAFEWAY LIMITED PORK SPARERIBS FRESH NOT FROZEN BEANS wnuPORK TASTE TELLS 14 FL. OZ. TIN (398 ml) 40 FL. OZ. RETURNABLE BOTTLE COCA COLA THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. July 21. 1976 â€" A-5 MAPLE LEAF COTTAGE ROLL 1.29 SWEET PICKLED CRY-O-VAC