FURNISHED room f0! lady. use of all facimies. $140. monthly, 226-4040. Ask for 8840 to leave message, c1w4 Wanted to Rent For rental homes, apartments. town houses, rooms. through-out the Region ol York and North Metro â€" Short term rentals or leases. 325 weekly - rooms Yonge-Sheppard $100 monthly - 2 bedroom cottage Oak erges $187 monthly - 1 bedroom duplex - Newmarket $192 monthly » 1 bedroom apt. Finch-Bathurst $225 monthly » 2 bedroom Duplex ~ Aurora $238 monthly - 2 bedroom apt, Richmond Hill $335 monthly -'3 bedroom town- house Aurora $300 monthly - 2 bedroom home Keswiclt $370 monthly - 3 bedroom home Yonge-Sheppard $400 monthly â€" 3 bedroom rancher chhmond HrII $400 monthly - 4 bedroom home King $425 monthly - 4 bedroom home Maple Many more on ï¬le See us today. ONE bedroom high rise or above store.CaI|961-4431, c5w3 Room or room and board, or other accommodation, required for outm- town students attending the King Campus of Seneca College. GARAGE, lockable, unheated for dead storage, in Richmond Hill area. 884-6452. clw4 Young couple need 3 or lbedroom house with ham on small acreage in Richmond Hill. Woodbridge or Maple. References available. Call collect after 6 pm. 668-9639 GM RESPONSIBLE gentleman requires small country house or apartment In Vaughan 0! King Iownshlp. WI" help with gavdemng and chores. 832- 8954 Evgs. clwa Rooms to Rent WANTED â€" Desperate. 2 or 3 bedroom house. by young cauple, child 2 years old. child and wife living up north. abstainers. by September lst. phone Eric 2842103 evgs. c2w4 B-10 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. July 28, 1976 FURNISHED room, gentleman metened. 8846887. clw4 REIIRED lady requires light housekeeping room or small apartment. non smoker and ab‘ stainer. 884-0478. clw4 YOUNG couple requires 1 bedroom unturnished apartment. Richmond Hill area, 773-4094. c1w4 lARGt unlurmshed room Wlth Bachelor apartment FURNISHED Suit busmess person Non‘smnker APT. FOR RENT. spacious 2 bedroom. In tiiplex. Equipped with bioadloom, fridge. stove, washei and dryer. Paiking. Adults onlyi August 15. availability. 3250. 884-8789. c1w4 kitchen. Separate entrance 884. 5608. c2w4 You A FURNISHED mom. cooking facilities, Central Richmond Hill. TTC at corner. 884-9883 after 6 pm. ONE room apartment. located in single house in central Richmond Hill, to rent 340. weekly. Suit couple. Please phone 884-2284 or 8843883 for appointment, c2w4 RESIDENTIAL RENTALS BASEMENI apartment, tetrigerator‘ stove, busineSS people. 8834475. FURNISHED Close to ttansportation Men only‘ 884-9527 aftet 5 pm. Children Most Welcome NEEDA HOME? THEN LOOK HERE! Wellington Towers Aurora Each with - 3 bedrooms. W2 baths. Also outdoor pool HOURS WEEKDAYS MON-FRI. lOA.M‘ - 9 PM SENECA 'Phone: 884-9901, Ext. 254‘ New 2 & 3 bedroom suites Lovely area Perfect [or children. pool, Apartment for Rent 727-1354 MCDONALD DRIVE, AURORA 10,077 Yonge St. Richmond Hill or call 884-7214 York Region‘s Flrsk Home Locatuon Service (tee chalged) (JUST SOUTH OF WELLINGTON ST are cordially invited to visit our lovely furnished model townhouse. 727-1355 889-4373 Country Lane Townhouses FOR RENT For Rent c2w3 c6w52 SAT II AM. - 6 PM, SUN. 12 NOON - 5 PM c3w2 c2w3 clw4 tic29 “C43 Day Care Wanted Shared Accommodations 3 bedrooms. weekly only $100. Bancroft area, Please call evenings or leave message. 889-0738 cm ’Coming Events FREE rent in exchange for babysming 4 nights weekly. Female prefened‘ 884-6739. nc|w4 ALTERATIONS. men's, ladies' and children's. etc. Fast, reasonable. 884-1928‘ flc 47 PRESTIGE INDUSTRIAL MALI. Woodbine-Steeles Area 1,200 sq. ft. Units 300 sq. it. office, air-conditioned broadloomed, drapes. Immediate Occupancy 889-2756 THE GRYPHUN Theatre Company, July 5 » Sept. 4 at Georgian College Theatre. (Hwy. 400 at Duckworth St , Barrie), 8:30 pm. Thursday matinee 2pm. "A Thousand Clowns" by Herb Gardner, August 2 -7, starring Paul Kligman. 80x Olfice at Theatle: 705:7284613. c2w4 FACTORY space, 1,500 sq MENDING, sewing and some alterations. Excellent work. Reasonable charges. 8842491le outdoor storag'e. $100 and up 4977, AUGUSI 1. Sunday. 10-5 pm. Antique show and sale. 106 Centte St. East. (off Yonge) Richmond NHL 20 dealers Bargains galwe! £115 LOST â€"Dog, Tag No, 351. Similal to German ShephetdA Crosby and Yonge. Reward. 884-5608. c1w4 All areas. weekday: Call Carol Helmar. 773-5252 cm DAY Care given in my home‘ 884 0912, clw4 Winnebago Pick-up EXPERIENCED woman tequired. by part time teacher, to babysit in my home. Hillcrest Mall atea. ap- pmximately 2 days per week. beginning Septembet‘ 8848700 DAY CARI: grven m my home. any age. near Beverley Acres School. 884» 9535. that Dressmaking DAYSPRING NURSERY SCHOOL YONGE AND ELLERSLIE Morning and Afternoon sessions Call now for September 2214373 or 216~613l Cottage for rent 4,800 to 11,000 Sq. Ft. 889-6161 Lost & Found Industrial Space INDUSTRIAL SPACE CENTRAL LOCATION ï¬lCHMOND HILL No backdoor AURORA AREA Liberal reward tor finder Day Care Between 8 am. & 5 pm FOR LEASE Camper Top Babysitting Available Cottages Young Male black cat 297-2884 needs good home‘ call 881-0840 LOST Please join us for Coffee and Conversation. Found c4w53 c2w3 c2w3 c3w3 clw4 c1w4 tfc46 c2w3 889 me clw4 Saint Bernard Pups Complete with fish, pump, and canopy. $70. 669-2130 eng-_ THE POODLE SCENE All Breed bathing and grooming. 10 years experience. With this ad $2.00 off. For appointment. caIl 887-5956, c4w3 FOUR mo. old kmen, free to good home. Litter trained. Call 884-5786 or 884-2510. c1w4 WCTORIA and GREY V1 L11 Ufllll and TRUST COMPANY ' Rates Subject w Fluctualim 6 pm. at STOUFFVILLE STOCK YARDS 75 reg'd and grade quarter horses. pintos. hunters, Appaloosas, etc. Several new English and Western saddles, quantity of new tack, sold by auction. Sale limited to first 75 hotses in barn. PONIES (2) for sale. Gende‘ 888- 1790. clw4 36‘6595 _ Getting the financing; gou need can some times be a problem. A ank of Montreal we have a specral plan for home fmancung â€" whether you need heir: to buy a new house, re- novate Kpur present ome or borrow for any worthw Ile purpose. SISAL BALER TWINE POODLE CLIPPING PET GROOMING & ACCESSORIES 10088 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill DOGS AND CATS BOARDED Private Riding Instruction Cute puppies Phone 884-6691 HORSE AUCTION Monday, August 2nd 5-monthold female Beagle FREE TO GOOD HOME Weekly oomses duting August Also Halt Atabian Mare. $275 Buy or Build Renovate or Refinance Pet Stock ii Bank of Montreal The flexible home loan. Term 5 years Up to 25 years to pay back Bill Simmons, Auctioneer Phone 1-6404198 for information , Professional Livestock IN AND OUTDOOR RUNS 6 weeks old. Paper trained. $10 BARN OPENS AT 4 PM 10211 VONGE $1., RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL AREA JIM LANE 30 GaHon Aquanum 884-5587 884-0110 Pure bred. 881-4260 884-1235 PRIME RESIDENTIAL 1st MORTGAGE LOANS 10355 Yonge St., Richmond Hill (comet Yonge 8 Crosby) 10.000 FT. 40 LBS. PER BALE 887-5727 Arabians $11.75 Purebred for sale 889-5873 For Sale Loans from '2,50l] to ‘25,000 Pay back up to a period af15 yrs. N0 PREPAYMENT PENALTIES LIFE INSURED Ken Meyers, Des Daley, Gina Burns The Furs! Canadian Bank 9 am. - 5 pm. Mon. » Fri 11%% Serving Ontario since 7889 Mortgages 775-7737 tchZ 884-1107 clwd clw4 hlw4 Hes} clwd clwd c3w3 c2w4 Articles for Sale Plant your Terranums or decor- ate yqur home at reasonable pnces.| Free adwce. 4 We are going out of business. We have several thousand tropical plants. succulents. cacti, vines. ivys and flowering plants. Mus! dispose of 1975 aluminum pools in stock, sacriï¬ce price for desperaielv nee¢ed factory warehouse space Brand new swimming pools include walk around deck, fence, liner, and warrgn'y. ile 15’ x 27‘ $1,088 cash or terms Swimming Pool Wholesaler Teakwood Furniture 15' x 30' aluminum, brand new, complete with Jacuzzi filter, deck, fencing and accessories. Immediate delivpry. $2,995. in kit torm‘ stallation extta‘ No gimmicks sell what we advertise. For 1urthe: information call SWIMMING POOLS Leisure Pools 416 - 292-1123 Selling Out Direct from importers warehouse Open till 9 pm. EINAR CMUSEN LIMITED Hwy. 7 Bramalea. 791-2355 79 Doncaster. Thomhill 8810000 tic Antique Brass Beds polished and repaired. Unable to relocate LIVE CHICKENS FOR SALE Clearance Sale 50% OFF ALL BEDS collect days or evenings Displaced by New Airpott J. Greftegreff Greenhouses Car motor,289. ’2 ‘ EACH Phone 832-2063 Evgs‘ 294-5634 UPRIGHT, BENCH Good condition. 5450 Corner of 17th Ave‘ Markham - Pickering Townllne 9350 YONGE ST.. HILLCREST MALL Livestock BOB CAGE 1-545-9016 CALL GORD Canadian Brass Beds 8118 YONGE STREET THORNHILL 881-4075 884-4777 773-5736. PIANO 10.000 mules. In '67 XL $200. Collect clw4 tfc48 clw4 “:31 clwd clw4 c4w1 tfc4 we Twp. BRING YOUR OWN QUART BOXES. Markham Gardens Like new, 6 months old. Still undel warranty. 294-6397 w 2 panels. 95" long. Covers 16 Custom made. Solid black. MOFFAT LITTON large size with defrost cycle. 6 months old. Best offer. and chair and styling chair. Gold 3200. Brand new. LEAR JET AM-FM 8 Track Car Stereo STUDENTS DESK. 550‘ Solid walnut stereo. Asking $100. Chest of drawers. $10. 884-7137. clw4 WW Pick Your Own RASPBERRIES CURRANTS Steeles Ave. GOOSEBERRIES At Beare Rd- Open Daily Mon. to Fri. 294-3275 Till noon Sat. PM HANDYMAN'S tools, including skill saw, electric drill and sander. All types of tools. 889-3212. clw4 MICROWAVE OVEN Pick Your Own 2-PIECE SECTIONAL 2 end and l comer table, good condition. $200. 884-4777 clw4 Raspberries Betore noon or after 6 pm Chesterfield Suite lpiece. brown. 3225. Me: 7 pm 21" Admiral colour TV and RCA Radio/ Record Plaver. Concession 6. 18th Sidemad, King INGLIS Washer and Dryer 4 months old‘ Must sell. PHONE DAVE 8844626 or 884-9339 NEW & USED PHILIPS TELEPHONE ANSWERING SYSTEMS REFRIGERATOR CHESTERFIELD Pine & Cedar Shavings Call 889-0318 EXCELLENT CONDITION Reservations 727-5234 Moor and 30" range Professional hair dryer VEGETABLES PICK YOUR OWN 884-0105 883-1318 881-4762 884-5270 884-5932 884-5347 DRAPES $25. a ton Remote & Nonremote After 6 pm Bulk, 473-5664 11/2 mi. north of Hwy. 7 on Hwy. 48 (Markham Rd.) Must Sell Best offer after 6 pm. c2w4 GREEN BEANS YELLOW BEANS 936-2014 Luke new blw4 nc2w4 c1w4 c3w2 c2w 4 clw4 c2w 4 clw4 clw4 Articles for Sale For the Cottage or Rec. Room; Chesterfields and Chaits from $30: Stoves from $25., Kitchen Tables and Chairs lrom 330., Beds from $15.; Radios from $10.; TVs from $35.; Record playets from $10. And â€" 10,000 more articles and antiques â€" PLUS â€" Windows, Sinks, Doors, Saddles, â€"You name it â€"We Have It! DINETTE suite. 4 glass-backed chairs, lound table, 18 x 4 above ground pool, with finer, no linen Private, 884-6120. clw4 CONTINENTAL bed. 39". almost new. 773-4170. clw4 WRINGER Washing machine $70, 2 rollva-way beds, $15 each‘ All in excellent condition‘ Phone 495- 1093. c1w4 SWIMMING POOL, less "Ian 1 year old. Fania-Sea above ground redwood. 16' x 24' Cos! $4.500. Must sell immedia'ely. Will sacriï¬ce a? savings 0! $2,000. Call Fanfa-Sea Swim Centre at tic-6254817. Days or evenings collect. "(:38 Green and white barn behind Loblaw's, south end of Aurora. Free pickup. 7278823 Mon. to Fri. 10 am. to 8 pm. Saturday to 6 pm, Sunday 12 noon to 4 pm SIEREO. automatic AM-FM 8 track. 889-9802. clw4 days 0r evenings, collect DOG run 5 x 15’ No. 9 industrial chain link. gate and top, Dog house. large, insulated. $150. for both. 773- 5187. clw4 SWIMMING pool for saler Moving â€" will sell you 16' x 32' above ground Modular Redwood Pool at sacrifice price of $3.000 Savings of $2,100. 1975 model. call 416-625-2719. BICYCLE, lO-speed boy's, car bicycle rack, $115. Dlafling table, machine and chair. $150. 4 dvawer file cabinet. letter size with lock, 380‘ Like new. 884-0996. c1w4 LEAVING country. selling spanish bedroom suite, velvet livingroom suite, bunk beds, crib, small ap- pliances, playpen. high chair 4 piece sectional Chesterfield suite etc. 727- 2867. clw4 SWIMMING POOL, Deluxe. redwood, above ground pool. 16’ x 24'. One yr. old. Repossessed by bank, sacriï¬ce, v1 price. Call Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evenings, "HISâ€"3819. "c3! ONE pair red velvetized drapes 144" x 95" and one 96" tuxedo Chesterfield â€" both excellent condition. Offels invited. 8831166. clw4 16 Ft. GRflN Mahagony with top. 65 hp. Mercury motor. Private. 884- 6120. c1w4 PETER Hampton tickets (3) tot July 3151‘ 88¢2881. clw4 TWO bridesmaids dresses $20. each. 8844547. Doors, windows, awnings, railings. siding. 504m sys'ems, 'rough. Free estimates. Ron “(0060544514. ":46 GARAGE SALE MARKHAM GARDENS I No. 7 Hwy‘ Ye Olde Second "and Shop ALUMINUM FARM c2w4 c2w4 Size 11. clw4 tfc 39 clw4 clw4 LAWN mower. "Yardman". Magic control, 6 blade, 4 cycle. Cost 3260. Sell $85. 8842690. 8841774. c1w4 CONTENTS 0! Estate. House located In New Toronto. 252-6082. clw4 8~TRACK stereo tape deck. 12‘ and Whlte 1v. 884-8839. Leadrng Manufacturer and drstnbu- tor has above ground Alumrnum Pools leit over from 1975 season, VzPRlCE. guaranteed Inskallatlon and terms. Call Credit Manager collect. Mrssrssauga days or evemngs. 416- 625-8819. u: 32 REFRIGERATOR fer cottage. 325. Gas dryer. 875. Baby lurniture. cub. stroller, high chair, playpen and spring herse. 727-1647, 884-1259. CHESTERFIELD and chair, used Traditional 4 seatel. gold. 2 end tables. coffee table and lamps to match. Call Joan‘ 884-4956 c1w4 CENTRE Meat Matket. 191 Sheppard East, Horne ireezer orders‘ 221-6000. WASHERspInner combination excellent condition Perfect 1 apartments‘ Asking $50. 883-1143 Free Estimates. Aluminum sudmg windows. doors, awnings, 884-4558 or 8324319. m5 Living-Dmmg-Bedrooms. DeSIgns In Teak. 457 Matkham Rd,. Allencourt Plaza. Richmond HIll < 884-3750. TYPEWRITERS. adders, calculators. sales. semce. rentals Newmatket Business Machines. 497 Timothy St. Newmarket. 895-7621. He 36 TEAKWOOD Burma Scandinavnan furniture, hedloom, dinmgroon, liv- ingroom, coffee tables. Brand new. Very reasonable. 1-247-4377‘ mm WASHER-Bryan Moflat heavy duty Harvest gold‘ Also Fold-down couct (or van. 884-4953, clwd CONTENTS, 1000 sets of bunk beds‘ No reasonable offer refused‘ Harry‘ 3368 Yonge Street. 488-7911. CW3 FREEZER, 14 cu. ft. good condition. $125. 889-4717. clw4 RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€"including SCIipL Block letters. Outline and Signature. Fast service. Call "The Liberal" 884-8171 ":42 INGLIS washer-spin dryer. Excellent working order. 3100. 30" stove surtable for cottage. $25. Baby change table‘ $10. 884-2952. c1w4 OUTBOARD motors 25 hp and 12 hp. Chain saw. 889-4373. c2w3 AUTOMAIIC WASHER $200: Gas Dryer $100; Coppertone fridge $150; Coppertone Gas Stove. double oven $300; 10" Radlal AIm Saw $250. AFTER 6 PM. CALL 881-0729 7 PCE‘ Loyalist Colonial livingvoom suite. Also separate couch and other items. 8336565. c1w4 RIDING hat. Excellent condition 312884-3513. clw4 TV, Electrohome black and white LEAVING Province. Colour TV 26". Admiral. Excellent condition $400. 884-4985. clw4 B & D Lawnedger and trimmer‘ One year old. Good condition, $30. 884~ 3631. c1w4 20". Perfect working condition. $45. 8324583. clw4 CONTENTS baby furniture store. No reasonable offer refused. Harry. 3369 Yonge Street. 488-7911. c1w4 Days 0r Evenings Overlea â€" Eglinton Your experience using any of the following machines will assist our client. IBM 029, 129, - Mohawk 3741. 3742, 5496, MB or Univac will qualin you for our top hourly rates. No appointment necessary or call Miss Macindoe, Fairview â€" Willowdalé, 491-2880. Miss Fox, Main â€" Dantorth, 698-7104, Mrs. Bogle. Cedarbrae â€" Lawrence E.. 431-1420. Expenenced, mature, accounts pay- able. paytoll, typing. telephone. North west area pretened. own cat. Required for office In the Keele Stree1 and Hwy No. 7 area. Good typing skins necessary. Must have own txansportation. Help Wanted Phone 669-1033 10 am. â€"12 noon Sofa, kitchen set, toys. 133 ARNOLD CRESCENT RICHMOND HILL GARAGE SALE THURSDAY, JULY 29TH 5 pm â€"8 pm. SATURDAY‘ JULY 3lst CLERK TYPIST GIRL/FRIDAY Senior Keypunch Operators SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE YORK ALUM|NUM TEAKWOOD 889-6904 black clw4 c1w4 clwd Hc19 clw4 clw4 clw4 clw4 In {or BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Field experience and asset Competitive salary benellts, pensmn plan and annual bonus, CONSTRUCTION PAYROLL AND COST CLERK To take charge of buying and displaying a produce department. Employment to commence in September‘ We are a leading Canadian Distributor of fasteners, chemicals, automotive parts, and industrial supplies. and require a sales representative to c0ver the Richmond Hill-Markham area. Current sales experience in related fields is an asset. We offer a protected territory, office and field training and excellent rewards in a recession prool market. Send resume to Mike Cotton, District Manager. We're a young group in the Ihornhill area looking lor an experienced receptionist with a flair for dealing with people. Challenging position lor an accurate twist. capable of working under pressure. Own transportation an asset Applications now being accepted lor School Bus Drivers to start In Sep- tember. No experience necessary Full training provrded and assistance to obtain school bus license. Opportunities at extra earnings. Ideal posrtion for shilt workers, housewwes, retired or semi-retired persons Or for University students Applicants must be over 21 years of age and have good driving record. LOOKING FOR A CAREER WITH A FUTURE? WANT TO REALIZE YOUR TRUE EARNING POTENTIAL? WANT TO MANAGE YOUR OWN TERRITORY? For local heavy construction contractor Required for construction company Own transportation APPLY: K. J. Beamish Construction Company Limited 7901 Bayview Avenue, Thornhill 889-1191 MR. CHARLTON RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST BOWMAN PRODUCTS CAN.LTD. Travelways School Transit Ltd., To supervise circulation control routines and to assist in Readers' Advisory Services at ThornhiH Branch. AUTOMOT.|VE-...FLEET...CONTRACTOR Mr. Glen Hincks or Mr. Dough Babcock School Bus Driver PARTTIME The Liberal Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARY TECHNICIAN Produce & Fruit Manager Expenenced Full time duties. 35 houv May week. Iymng essential SALES REPRESENTATIVE Assistant for Executive in Music Industry Must be career orientated, have own transportation and typing skills. JUNIOR CLERK Reply to: Box 84 Fine Foods Apply: Mrs. M. Stephenson 884-9288 Call Miss Rossy at 881-2153. Help Wanted TORONTO, ONT. 244-5343 226-2864 40 Colville Road for main library. 881-3215 30 Heritage Rd., Markham Apply in person Only to: 294-9466 plus generous group clwd c2w3 c2w4 |w‘ c1w4 c1w4 clwfl clwfl lwd