Buses now are provided along Yonge Street by G0 Transit, Markham Transit (to the Finch subway station), and a TTC-operated route sponsored by Markham, Vaughan and Richmond Hill. McNab said GO service between Newmarket and Toronto is “absolutely essential,†but that local buxsservices are still required within com- munities such as Rich- mond Hill and Thomhill. Glendon campus, at 2275 Bayview Avenue at Lawrence, is easin accessible by subway and bus. For more infor- mation on Glendon's partâ€"time and full-time studies call 487-6105 or 487â€"621 1, Mon. to Fri. Cam McNab said existing bus routes along Yonge Street linking York municipalities with Metro must be incorporated into a single GO service so equipment can be used efficiently and operating deficits reduced. Although Markham Transit had a $90,000 deficit last year, McNab said he could guarantee transportation operations within three southern municipalities would be deficit-free if G0 took over the Yonge Street routes. Special scheduling enabled most of them to attend all their lec- tures on the same day, leaving their evenings and the rest of the week free. He said such a takeover would also help reduce G0 Transit operating deficits, which are sub- sidized by taxes. of the Toronto Area Transit Operating Authority said here recently. More and more adults are finding great satis- faction in university courses taken on a part- time basis. Last year, over 300 men and we men were taking up to three B.A. courses each during the day at York University's Glendon College. MARKHAM â€" The provincial government must take over inter- regional public tran- sportation if this service is to be operated ef- f i c i e n t l y a n d economically, chairman I am writing to thank you for your article on the McMichael Canadian Collection, which you featured in your paper. “The Liberal’ on July 7. Dear editor MATURE STUDENTS ENJOY UNIVERSITY Besides being ex- tremely accurate and informative, the writer painted such a delightful picture of the gallery and its surroundings, there-by Transit merger urged One man drives a truck containing asphalt at walking pace. Another man skips around behind. depositing and treading in small bucketfuls of asphalt, here and there. The method of ‘repair’ (I use the term loosely) is as‘follows: In my area the surfaces of several roads have required mending, due I suppose to frost and bad workmanship. Dear editor Accurate and informative Waste road mending ...it you haven‘r had your blood pressure checked Ialely. You could have high blood pressure and not know IL II can lead lo slroke. heart and kidney ta-Iure_ See your doctorâ€" only he can teIL Off they drive leaving you're ‘whlsclln. In "re dark. Give Heart Fund (9 Letters creating a desire in the reader to visit the collection. Can anyone enlighten me as to why this method is used? The process is repeated several times a year to the benefit of only the two men employed, because at least they get paid for it. the repairs to be churned out by the first car that runs over them. We enjoy your paper very much and do ap- preciate the coverage you gave to the collection. Published a first time this 6th day of August, 1976 We all know by who! DATED at the Town of Markham this 5th day of August, 1976 3(a) The area upon which such sewer rate is to be levied is that part of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Concessions 3 and 4 of the Town of Markham bounded on the North by the Canadian National Railways Toronto by-pass line; on the East by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario Hydro transmission line; on the South by Steeles Avenue and on the West by the Ministery of Transportation and Communi- cations rightâ€"of-way to be designated as Highway No. 404. 4 3(b) There shall be exempt from the said foot frontage rate, flankage of corner lots and one side of lots that front and back on two streets and lands at the junction or intersection of streets or highways. 1 50 feet 2. The estimated cost of the work is $591,628.00. It is proposed to raise a part of the annual payments by an estimated annual rate of $2.19 per foot frontage on the lands abutting the said storm sewer plus an annual acreage rate estimated at $69.62 per acre on land herein- after descnbed in Item 3. Frontage TAKE NOTICE THAT 1. The Council of The Corporation of the Town of Markham intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board for the approval of construction of Storm Sewers on (MRS.) JEANNE PA'I'I‘ISON, Communications director, Kleinburg, Ont. (MRS. ) WENDY WARDLE. 36 John St.. Thomhill, Ont. at an estimated cost of $591,628.00 and intends to charge the whole of the cost of the work as a sewer rate for a period of twenty years upon Owners or occupants of lands who will or may derive a benefit therefrom. TORBAY ROAD â€"from eastern limit of Torbay Road as per registered plan 9001 to the proposed extension of Esna Park Drive (Pharmacy Avenue), a distance of approximately 1 145 feet. "~ STREET "C" -from south street limit of proposed Street “B†southerly to the end of proposed cul-desac, a distance of approximately 550 feet. ST EET "A" - rom south street line of proposed extension of Torbay Road southerly to the end of cul-deâ€"sac, a distance of approximately 740 feet. It should be noted that this area will be over and above levies des- cribed in Phases I, II and Ill, local improvement and there will be further increases in Sanitary Sewer Area levy for additional stages. STREET “B†-from eastern street line of Esna Park Drive extension to the east limit of the proposed subdivision, a distance of apptoximately 730 feet ESNA PARK DRIVE (PHARMACY AVENUE) -from Steeles Avenue north to the existing southern limit of Esna Park Drive as per registered plan 9001, a distance of approximately 1250 feet. VICTORIA PARK AVENUE -from Steeles Avenue north to the existing southern limit of Victoria Park Avenue as per registered plan 9001, a distance of approximately 1020 feet. Example NOTICE OF APPLICATION Any ratepayeu may, within twentyâ€"one days after the first publica- tion of this notice, send by prepaid post to the Clerk of the Town of Markham, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval or to the imposition of the special rate. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve the said special rate pur- suant to the statute and may approve of the works, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections wi I be considered, but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above. STORM SEWER RATE BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF MARKHAM For approval of a By-Iaw Imposing a Acreage Annual Estimated Frontage 99s: $328.50 Annual Estimated Acreage Co_st $69.62 Diane E. Whetter, Town Clerk Town of Markham, 8911 Woodbine Avenue, Markham, Ontario $398.12 Total Annual Levy Round Steak Boneless Suggestion‘ z. SIRLDINTIP ROAST . granges OutspEn South African Full Slice Canada Grade A Beef E5 49 -- PRESTONE ANTI FREEZE Townhouse Can. Choice, 28 fl. oz. Tm GROUND BEEF PANTY Prices Effective Aug. 4 to 7,1976 â€" Sales In Retail Quantities Only WHOLE * TOMATOES S FEWAY REGULAR QUALITY '\v-\\\\>\\hm 3 gai. 12 ISE I TIDE $1.; â€*" 53.2.29 Born on the Cub 1 2 Ontario, Can. No. 1 F ¢ 0 R .1.58 ‘ 4QT. BSKT. Ea 1.99 Ideal ForThe 3.3.0. Lb. Pound 5 Package Corned Beef Schneiders V.P. 3-2 oz. Pkgs 2:13.83; 3% saw-ï¬g ' v VIFANCY Asm'm Bel Air Concentrated Fr. 6% FL 02. Tm Lucern’e Asst'd Flavors 1 Litre Cm. ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO. 1. PEACHES Ea. 2.35 I I GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ICE CREAM SPINS E399“ GREEN PEAS m QBERAL. Wednesday. Aug. 4. 1976 â€" A-5 Pound 1" Package ' E369¢ F ¢ 0 R Ea. Ea. 79¢