First area industry in 7856 RICHMOND HILL â€" Probably the first in- dustry in this area was located just two miles west of the community of Richmond Hill in 1856 when the Patterson Brothers established a plant in which to manufacture farm im- plements. Italian, Catalina orThousand Island Kraft I_iquid_all varieties 8 fl. oz. btl. Kraft uquid‘ 'salad_ dressmg 8.75â€"02. tin ION. S'alad_ dressmg Gay Lea macaroni & Cheese sour cream Kraft dinner 7.25 oz.pkg fresh meaty pork side more meat specials Schneiders, catchweight trays $31 .38 english ster sausage lb Swifts Premium or Lazy Maple Ziggys sliced side bacon ï¬ï¬nkfurters SAhopsys a_|| b_eef fr'a’nkfu rters Ziggys half & half or thuringer per seed salami ungarian dry salami Swifts sugar plum or Zigg s boneless cooked smgk Shopsxs sliced £102. pkgs Shopsys assorted flavours Schneiders dinner ham Universal Brand pepperoni Shops s 511090 4 saiami headcheese cups deluxe pizza pies Par-fay dessert erecteJ on the south barn at Don Head Farms in 1956. About 1840 Peter, Alfred and Robert Pat- terson became interested in manufacturing farm implements, since Alfred had invented a fanning mill. The three brothers came to Western Ontario from their home in New York State to sell this machine to Canadian farmers, Mona Robertson wrote in The Liberal on July 13, 1957. 4 oz. pkg 130: each 1202 each .54 .94 233C221 .79 1 lb pkg 1 lb pkg 1 lb pkg each Ten years later, the brothers decided to settle in Ontario, locating first in London, then at Dundas and finally at Richmond Hill, where they built a small manufacturing plant. Two years_ later the Crimean War broke out. Its effect on the wheat market brought in so many orders for farm implements and machinery, the Fat- tersons realized they would have to acquire or facial tissue Lob homogenized pasterurized partly skimmed Squan bag | orjug (plus deposit onjug) fresh / quarter pork loin pork chops 0/0 milk So they moved two miles west to what is now Don Head Farms. 200 workers The Patterson works employed up to 200 men, many accommodated in company houses designed build larger manufac- turing premises. flaw Bosmn .4 blueffllsh, __.1 lb pkg yesterdays bv merv dawson by the package anCMdesgchops cennesandends mued) by Peter For the employees who continued to live in Rich- mond Hill and walked to work, Peter had a twoâ€" mile long wooden ‘sidewalk built along what :was then nothing more than a wagon trail run- ning through the woods gheese spread p'ape'r'towei's s’ï¬Ã©rh‘p'do‘ ' soft margarine french fries Loblaws frozen unsweetened concentrated orange jwce .b1.28 from Yonge Street to Richmond Hill Station on the CNR (now Maple). This is now the’four- lane Major Mackenzie Drive. Workers walked In winter, it was not an uncommon sight to see 75 men walking along in single file in the ruts left by sleighs and cutters. They walked by the light of lanterns. since they went to work before it was light and returned home after darkness had 6.25 fLoz. hno tins Rupert Brand frozen flip n fry fallen When a horse-drawn vehicle came along the men Would have to step out into the deep, un- broken snow. to let it pass Turning out everything the Canadian farmer needed for ï¬lling, seeding and threshing, including reapers, combination mowers, scufflers and plows, the Pattersons established one of the most modern plants in Canada. .29 .69 £1.29 1.09 fresh freshly ground butt pork chops leahvground beef PRICE buy one pkg. of 2 Levy’s sesame french bread for .51 cucumb‘er.s another pkg.‘ of 2 Levy’s sesame french bread for only It included a blacksmith shop, machine shop, storage warehouse, foundry, office buildings and a lumber yard. The ï¬rm’s own trees were cut and processed in its own mill. Created lake A 10-acre lake created by a dam provided water power for the sawmill. ‘ A hydraulic ram pumped water into some of the larger houses. EFFE ’EFFI THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. Aug. 4. 1976 â€" A-7 NTITIES Loblaws m than the m is . fresh, Ontario or U.S.A. no. 1 grade 'O TUES AUG. 10 EXCEPT PRODUCE 8- TO SAT. AUG‘ 7. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO fresh, Ontario grown no. 1 grade cabbage fresh, Ontario grown, fresh, Ontario grown fresh, Ontarig grown fresh, Ontario grown each radishe§ each 141.00 each bunches bunches lettuce .27 MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL REMTIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT. 1975 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING JLY 3.28 Barrel Pim Pnrlouv I. Spaghetti House 10620 Yong: SL. Ruchmond Hull Wain; Lounge Licence (Been A Wine only) {28 1 .09 .b1.16 AKE NOTICE that m CENCE BOARD OF HORE BLVD: EAST. O. on TUESDAY. 3! the bout 0! 9:00 n. at which time the applied to: a I. and [he ‘ cl Onkano Ievard East MSE 1A4 be held