DAY CARE guven in my home, any age, neat Beverley Acres School. 884‘ 9535, tfc4 DAY Care given in the home of an experienced nulsery school teachel. CaIl 884-8376. c2w5 MATURE person required to babysit 20 month old boy five day week. Thomhlll atea‘ 8896432, after 7 pm. c1w6 Domestic Help Wanted INSTANT PRINTING wanted every Wednesday. Thornhill 889-7250 AFTER 7 PM. The Ptinting Place 883-1307 CLEANING lady -2 days per month. for apartment, in the Thornhill area. 881-3606‘ clw6 CLEANING Woman Required Bi- Weekly‘ ThornhilI-Richmond Hill area, Please call 8814821, cle EXPERIENCED Cleaner‘ Available 5 days per week. 654-7552. c1w6 Miscellaneous HOUSEKEEPER to make up bedrooms at Parkway Hotel. Call Mr. Latimer. 881-2121. clw6 HILLCREST MALL’S PLAYTIME CENTRE WILL do part time cleaning in you: home. evenings, 6513461 clw6 Prefer mature persons with some experiences Positions offei good starting wage and company benefits with opportunities for advancement. "IT‘S A GOOD PlArir m WORK AND PEOPL’E ARE NICE." VOYAGEUR RESTAURANT AT HWY 400, MAPLE has openings for energetic, diligent persons In busy 24 hour location to work full time regulat. oSHORT ORDER COOK oWAHRESS oJANlTOR FREE COFFEE WHILE YOU WAIT Location : 2nd Floor Auditorium Age Limits 21/2 years - 6 years Phow Copying â€"10t Priming 04 every description RELIABLE CLEANING LADY PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY STAFF STENOS DICTAS TYPISTS SENIOR CLERKS SWITCHBOARD OPS Monday, August 16th Required for local chartered bank Experience preferred l5 Shovpam An. E. Ste. 216. Willowdah‘ 226-4194 QVOyaceurD Day Care ATTENTION†Hours 103m. - 4 pm. WE ARE IN NEED OF PHONE 832-1555 FOR INTERVIEW TELLER Call 884-8126 Day Care |s Reopening Help Wanted STAT. TYPISTS P LEASE CALL RESTAURANT c2w5 ' Wanted GOOD reliable clean day care in my home. For infant or toddler starting Sept. 61h,881~0374‘ cle BABYSITTER for 3 school children‘ near water tower. Reierences please, attex 6 pm 884-1482. clw6 MOTHER will EIVE day cate m my home. 5 days weekly. Meals, large play yard. toys, 884-8245. c1w6 FOR TEMPORARY POSITION. One-Wtite and Double Entry to Trial balance. Receivables. payables. payroll, sales. dispersement, collections. 10 YEARS' CANADIAN EXPERIENCE GOOD REFERENCES Is your preschooler ready for the fun, challenge and companionship of a small private nursery school? CALL 8840295 c3w5 requires part time job Some typing, reception and experience with children and senior citizens Any otter considered. Bookkeeper Secretary HILLCREST MALL AREA CALL 889-9466 Employment Wanted Mature Woman Nursery Schools AFTER 5 PM 884-4341 c1w6 c1w6 clwï¬ c1w6 cle clw6 CLERKâ€" TYPIST FOR OUR BRANCH IN THE HILLCREST MALL H you enjoy meeting and sewing the public and have at least one year's experience, as an on line teller, you may be interested in this position. WE OFFER: In addition we have a part time teller opening for Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturdays EXCELLENT STARTING SALARY, BENEFITS, OPPORTUNITIES. MCCOWAN Rd.,- Hwy. 7 area For appointment please call P.H|GGINS AT 297-3447 Canadian Tire, Amora, piesently has a lull time opening lor a bookkeeperi This position will appeal to persons willing to accept responsibility for managing the many details lhat arise in a small but busy ollice. Appli- cants must be capable ol working with a minimum of supervnsuon and be experienced in all facets of small busmess accounting. We are a growing company and otter an attractive starting salary plus a full beneï¬t package that Includes purchase discounts and employee proht shaling, All replies will be acknowledged and held In strict confidence. Please apply in writing outlining your qualifications to: EXPERIENCED FOR NEW SUBDIVISIONS AND RE-SALES IN AURORA BRADFORD AREA. Canada Trust Revenue division to receive and process the payment of taxes, water ac- counts etc. and issue receipts as necessary To complete a daily balance of cash and assist in preparing bank deposits Must be able to answer inquiries from the public relating to accounts. Previous experience in an acc0unting office or a cashier would be an asset Some typing is required. Salary Scale - $7,001 - 7,356 Job involves some figure and telephone work, also bills of lading‘ For plastic laminating plank located Keele Street and Hwy‘ No. 7 SHIPPING CLERK 633-3340 W. Lerman Real Estate Ltd., Realtor Starting salary $592 per month )e' fteuris PLEASE APPLY TO 0 Excellent benefit package REAL ESTATE SALES PERSONS PERMANENT POSITION O Competetive salary salaries o Computerized operations PLEASE CALL 661-2351 FULL TIME TELLER Interesting position with various office duties Miss Steen 362-6161 JOHN HARBINSON 275 Yonge St. 8., Aurora, Ont. CASHIER - TYPIST Applications are invited fox the following position ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT. PERSONNEL I0266 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIOI L4G 4Y5 't‘OBe GOOD COMMISSION FOR APPOINTMENT PLEASE CALL RICHARD S. COOK BOOKKEEPER Ext.42 WE REQUIREA TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL 7 area clw6 clwï¬ clw6 c1w6 clwï¬ clw6 TYPIST/ ACCOUNTING CLERK WORLD LEADERS, IN WATER CONDITIONING, NEED 2 REPREF .NTATIVES FOR THE SUTTON, NEWMARKET AND RICHMOND HILL AREAS. These are full time positions requiring a minimum of 30 how work week. Selected applicants will betrained in prospecting for potential customers, in home demonstration and Culligan products line. Previous direct sales experience an asset, age no disadvantage. but mature persons preferred. Reliable car essential. Starting salary $150 per week plus commission. Additional fringe benefits after 90 day probationary period. All sales material provrded. with Sales potential required for extrusion shape design and drafting Mechanical or architectural drafting experience would be an asset. New and rapidly expanding busmess requnes indwrdual to take charge of established accounting functions. Should have at lea§t 5 years. Canadian experience, and ability to handle accounts receivable. payable and general bookkeeping. Excellent oppOrtunity for growth and increased respon- Slbilities. JOIN] narumwn fll'IflDll-ln TIRE RSSOCIDTE STORE 275 Yonge St S Aurora, Ont €1W5 Canadian Tue, Aurora, piesenlly has a lull time opening for a bookkeeper. This posmon will appeal to persons willing to accept responsibility luv managing the many details that arise In a small but busy office. Appli- cants must be capable of working With a minimum ol supervision and be expenenced In all lacels of small busmess accounting We are a growing company and otter an attractive startmg salary plus a full beneï¬t package that Includes purchase drscounts and employee profit sharing. All replies wull be acknowledged and held In stnct confidence. Please apply In wntlng outlining your qualiï¬cations {0‘ OUR MEDICAL DEPARTMENT HAS A REQUIREMENT DAYS A WEEK. Applicants must be able to type and medical expelience. Matutity and ability to handle people WI†this position‘ Earn Top Delivery Commission on Your Own “Liberal†Route Each Wednesday Morning ....Bef0re School ALCAN CANADA PRODUCTS LIMITED 95 Dunning Avenue Aurora, 727-4238 (Toronto 924-8751) Please call Mrs. Risk 661-2280 THORNHILL GERMAN MILLS BOYS AND GIRLS WE NEED YOU Typing and General Accounting CALL M. Hogger 495-6450 DON’T BE LEFT OUT! CALL TODAY Mr. Gord Eardley MEDICAL CLERK TYPIST DRAFTPERSON Keele and Hwy. N0 7area ACCOUNTING Woodbine and Steeles Area JUDY ADAMS Crown Cork and Seal Company Limited 7900 Keele Street Salaly commensurate with qualifications 884-0981 881-3373 28 INDUSTRIAL ROAD¢ RICHMOND HILL BOOKKEEPER 884-7041 773-5691 CULLIGAN THOSE QUALIFIED PLEASE CALL PHONE FOR INTERVIEW 669-1401 John Hatblnson (Part Time) Help Wanted A REQUIREMENT FOR SOMEONE 3 able to type and have 2 - 3 years' also be a determuning factor fm c1w6 "CA9 c2w5 c1w6 c1w6 clw6 requires the selvices of a neat, mature Indmdual for delivery and service work. Pveterence will be given 10 local area residents. GENEROUS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. REQUTRED FOR DENTAL SPECIALIST'S OFFICE IN RICHMOND HILL- NEWMARKET AREA THE EXPERIENCED APPLICANT MUST BE NEAT. EF- FICIENT AND HAVE GOOD SECRETARIAL SKILLS INCLUD|NG EXCELLENT TYPING AND TELEPHONE MANNER SHORTHAND AND DICTA AN ASSET FACETELLE ENTERPRISES LIMITED By machine. Must have own transportation. Excellent job to: someone with school children. Starting time 9 am. until 3 pm. Ihe job will start after Labor Dav- Ca“ 495-6575 ALso Call 881-1888 WE NEED PERSONNEL TO DO LIGHT ASSEMBLY WORK IN OUR PLANT Require a person looking for a permanent posi- tion in one of the fastest growing com- panies in the food busi- HESS. Good wages and excellent opportunities for advancement. These are permanent jobs, wnh good working conditions and wages LIGHT ASSEMBLY WORK Experienced through to G-L Some computer experience will be preferred 65 DUNCAN ROAD, THORNHILL 10,459 Yonge Street Richmond Hill toms chickenvjflfla. For someone with kitchen-cateteria experience. 9 am. - 3 pm SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST PASTE-UP PERSON TO WORK ON TRUCKS, CARS AND TRAILERS SKILLED BODY PERSON SHORTORDER COOK AURORA BANNER 727â€"4221 MR. STUNDEN DONCASTER MEDICAL Please call 884-4451 SENIOR BOOKKEEPER Between 9 and 5 pm. Top experience only CALL 889-9111 FOR INTERVIEW With some Kemo 241 Camera expenence APPLY IN PERSON: DISHWASHER Call Now 495-6575 Woodbine-Steeles area Richmond Hill 884-3321 (Full or Part-Time) APPLY: Apply in person at THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. August 11. 1976 â€" B-9 MRS. ELLIOTT clw6 c1w6 c1w6 cle clw6 clwï¬' clw6 Receptionist Part Time Condominium sales olllce requires good typist with excellent com- munication skills who enjoys meeting the public. Miss Mandel 494-4407 Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited HOUSEKEEPER with ability to cook breaktasts im 4 hours daily for new retirement home. 7 am - 1) am 884-9248. clw6 YOUNG person tor general housekeeping and diningroom work. Requued tor new retirement home. 884-9248. 11:30 am, â€" 6:30 pm. YOUNG person to: geneval dining room help 4 â€" 7 pm. daily, for new retnement home. 884-9248‘ clw6 YOUNG petson for general‘ housekeeping for nutsing home with ability to do some (loor cleaning 884-9248 Secretary Receptionist FOR BUSY REAL ESTATE OFFICE IN RICHMOND HILL Experience plefened but no( essential, An interesting and stimulating opportunity, DENTAL ASSISTANT Call Susan Stewart 889-6241 Black & Stewart Realty Ltd. A person with typing required for Invoice department. UNICO FOODS LTD. T0 TRIAL BALANCE WITH SOME SECRETARIAL SKILLS FOR REAL ESTATE OFFICE IN RICHMOND HILL. Apply to Box 87 The Liberal Richmond Hill Requued to perfmm duties related to genera! accounting and collections, General Accounting experience an asset‘ RECEPTIONIST Requned. Previous expelience necessary. INTERESTED APPLICANTS SHOULD APPLY TO: Requued Prewous expenence necessary PAYROLL ASSISTANT WAITRESS-WAITER fur lst class dimngroom. Petmanent position. Call Mr. Cummings. 8812121 Parkway Hotel. cle The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Bookkeeper ASSISTANT Full or Part Time INVOICE TYPIST 5:30 pm. â€"9 pm and SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Black & Stewart 10 am. â€"6 pm. WELDRICK AND YONGE GRADE 12 â€"13 EDUCATION REQUIRED Richmond Hill MONDAY -FRIDAY ACCOUNTING Norm Black 889-6241 669-9633 SSHOREHAM DRIVE. DOWNSVIEW. ONTARIO M3N 184 Realty Ltd. Keele and Hwy. 7, Conch Call for interview Authority clw6 clw6 clw6 c1w6 clw6 clw6 clw6