New and rapldly expanding busmess requnes Indmdual to handle established acc0unting lunctlons. Should have at leasl 5 years Canadian experience wuth the ability to lake chalge ol accounts veceuvable. payable and genetal bookkeeping. Excellent opportunity lor glowlh and Increased responsibulmesv n Experienced secretary capable of worlung with a minimum of supervision. Bilingual â€" English~Germanr English and German shorthand Salary commensurate with experience. Excellent lnnge beneifts. Please submit applications in writing to Immediate opening tor a personable and experienced telephone recepe tionist. Some typing and filing involved. Pleasant working conditions and usual benefits. Salary open. For President of Richmond Hill company To work as required to assist Administra- trve Services Group of new pharmaceutrcal plant in Richmond Hill. Duties include telephone. mail, payroll, and some bookkeeping. Office experience preferred. but not essentialr Good salary plus benefits, Yonge and SteeIes area. Excellent typing and spelling. BEN '--f' ‘ LlBERALAD-WATCHER EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Muskin Canada Limited CALL M. Hogger 495-6450 RECEPTIONIST A pleasant and responsible person who likes variety. 400 Canarctic Drive Downsview Box 93 The Liberal, PERMANENT PART TIME Part Time Answer telephone, some typing Homestead Products APPLY: MRS.S.KAMPERS Keele and Steeles area DICTA TYPIST Service Station Attendant TYPIST/RECEPTIONIST ACCOUNTING Woodbine and Steeles Area Mr. Dolden 889â€"7351 Salary commensurate with qualifications Richmond Hill Must be experienced call Ken Noseworthy Mrs. Sandra Davies 9104 Yong St, mornhill. (Just south of Hlllcrest Mall) Store Help For appointment DOW PHARMACEUTICALS 380 Elgin Mills Rd. E., Richmond Hill, Ont. 883-1911 661-4300 889-1189 889-2024 Day Shift Apply at phone Help Wanted clw7 Clw7 clw7 clw c1w7 clw7 clw7 SUPER TEMP ASSIGNMENT available in the Thornhnll area near Yonge and Sleeles to: experienced person to handle on petson ofï¬ce. Good typing and office background requued. Own car an asset. Top hoully late, TOWN OF MARKHAM PUBLIC UBRARlES To head circulation department of main llbfaty m Thornhill. Receptionist Part Time Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited Condominium sales oflice requires good typlst wnh excellent com- munication skills who enioys meeting the Dublic. Position commences September 7th Full Time. 1:30 - 9:30 pm. Monday Friday To make up bedrooms at Parkway Hotel Permanent position CALL MR. LATIMER 881-2121 W Warehouse help required, to packale and ship company pmducts. 5 days Full and Part Time Help Wanted Accurate typing, excellent English language skills, variety of responsibilities to assist busy, congenial piogram team. Interest and involvement can lead to ad- vancement. MISTER DONUT a week. Monday â€" Friday Cat requith Call David Owen‘ Reqmred in Audio-Visual Department at Main Blanch in Thornhill. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE TYPING ESSENIIAL HOUSEKEEPER Republic Packaging Phone 226-2864 SECRETARY HILLCREST MALL Jacobi T.V. Part time Cashier RICHMOND HEIGHIS CENTRE 10.520 YONGE 3mm. RICHMOND HILL " Male or Female For Factory Work Phone 226-2864 LIBRARY TECHNICIAN apply at; 190 KEELE STREEI. SOUTH KING cm, ONTARIO VERSATILE Call Deborah at TOSI 755-1171 Hillcrest Mall Sales Help Miss Mandel Counter Help 5:30 pm. â€"9 pm. and SATURDAY AND SUNDAY DOWNSVIEW 561-9611 CLERICAL ASSISTANT 10 am. -6 pm WELDRICK AND YONGE SUPERVISORY ABILITY ESSENTIAL Faimew Mall. Wi||0wdale TOWN OF MARKHAM PUBLIC LIBRARIES Phone Mr. Walderman MONDAY â€"FR|DAY 922-5807 494-4407 889-0450 Apply In person APPLY AT APPLY c2w6 clw7 c1w7 clw7 clw7 c2w7 clw7 1cw7 clw7 lcw7 ART and Framing gallery [equlres fu|l time matute saleshelp for Hlllcrest Mall. The Fame Up 782-8781. c3w6 AMATEUR gunar player to sung countty sound musm for Z‘day show. Contact 851-2275. Ask for Mrs. Hansen. cle with some E.C E. training [EQUIfed {or Hullcrest Mall Playtime Centte. Richmond HI". CALL 491-6968 FOR the Richmond Hill area, am- bitious persons required for 15 or more houvs per week. Choose your own houts and earn $5.00 « $6.50 per hour. Car necessary. J’hone 895- 6532. c2w7 EARN extra cash 10! Chnslmas Show our excutlng lune of Chnstmas cards and gnfls to fnends. neigh- bours, relatives. It's easy. proï¬table and no experience needed, Stan now. Wnte today for free 108 page Christmas catalogue and m- lormation. Monarch Greeting Cards. Dept. 144, 217 Cannon. Hamilton. between 10 am, and 3.30 pm. Mr's Spencel. lcw7 EXPERIENCED carpenters and buck PERSON lor Intevesting job with mobile telephone communications company in Ihovnhillv Must have own can some typing ability prefened. Call 88100†c1w7 layers «equuedv Must have transpm tatlon. 884-9379 or 889-2075 HOUSEKEEPER. Io make up bedrooms at Parkway Hotel‘ Call Mr. Latlmev.8812121. lcw7 WAITRESS-WINTER for lst class dimngroom. Permanent posmon. Call ML Cummings. 881-2121 Parkway Hotel. lcwl F0: one ton Van required for deliveries In Toronto and .‘vicinity. Apply: Gamma Foundry Co. Ltd. Ca||669-1920 Articles for Sale Hours to suit. Should be able to type and have pleasant telephone manner. 881-6264 Hours to suit. Should be able to t ype and have pleasant telephone manner‘ 881-6264 c1w7 for modern motor hotel kitchen Permanent position. Call MI. Cummings Padmay Hotel. Btoiler Chef tor successful motor hotel. Call Mr, Cummings. Padmay Hotel. KITCHEN table and chairs, woodgram arborite top. 340. 8845881 clw7 Accounts Payable Person new skins, complete with cymbals and stands. Good condition, AflerSpm. Real Estate Office Requires EXPERIENCED DRIVER SECRETARY/ RECEPTIONIST Sit. In. 2151. 2“ Ashlar M, Richmond Hill Articles too numelous to menUon 10 am. to 2 pm. BOOKKEEPER Help For Grading Roses BOOKKEEPER PART TIME Kitchen Helpers 4 pce. drum set 8108 Yong: SL, Thornl‘li". Driveway Sale Garage Sale Aug, 21 I. 22 10 am. to 6 pm. Evemhmg must go. 48 Devondale Ave. Willowdale. (Bathurst-Finch Alea) Part Time TEACHER 75 Newlirk Road, Richmond Hifl 889-5573 881-2861 881-2121 881-2121 Hours 9 â€"5 3 Day Week Saturdays 9 (02 Call Mr, Ketter CHEF c1w7 c1w7 c1w7 c6w5 clw7 clw7 clw7 clw7 "(U Plant your Terrariums or decor ate your home at reasonable prrcesr Free advrce. We have several thousand tropical plants, succulents. cacti, vines. ivys and flowering plants. Tgakyvoo‘d _Furn_iture1 We are going out of business. ZOCCASIONAL chairs. 315‘ and :10 Wooden mantel tadio, old lype 315. 700-17 8 ply tires, nearly new. $50 pair. All in good condition 884- 8408. clw7 ANTIQUE 8‘ Ornate mmor and contents of house for sale. 881-1481. c1w7 Saturday. August let and Sunday. August 22nd‘ All day Household furnishings, and appliances, electronic equipment, bicycles, books and much more!! Elgin Mills Road, (2nd house east 01 Bathurst Street). c1w7 SWIMMING ; POOLS 1974 MUSTANG 11V 36 mag, tape deck, vmyl roof, radio, radoal ["85, full Instruments. certified, Recently fully ovelhauled. Must sell. 881- Thutsday. August 19th, 5:30 pm â€" 9 pm, 6 lronshield Crescent (0" Romfield North), Thornhill. 5636 15‘ x 30' aluminum, bland new. complete with Jacuzzi lilter, deck. fencing and accessories. Immediate delivery. 32.995. in kit form In- stallation exna. No gimmicks. we sell what we advertise. For further information call Leading Manufacturer and drstnbu- tor has above ground Aluminum Pools left over trom 1975 season, ‘hPRlCE. guaranteed installation and terms. Call Credrt Manager collect Mj§sirssauga days or evenrngs. 416- 625-8819. SWIMMING pool for sale. Moving â€" will sell you 16' x 32’ above ground Modular Redwood Pool at sacrifice price of $3.000 Savings of $2,300. 1975 model, call 416-625-2719. days or evenings, collect. tic 39 Leisure Pools 416 - 292-1123 Direct from imponers warehouse Open till 9 pm‘ EINAR CLAUSEN LIMITED Hwy. 7 Bramalea, 7912355 79 Doncaster, Thornhill 881-0000‘ xic Selling Out Antique Brass Beds polished and repaired. Unable to relocate Fresh vegetables on all panelling In stock Sale ends Sept. 4th LOUGHIJN LUMBER 6 Scan Dr.,Ihornhill (4 blocks 5. 01 Hullcrest Mall) GARAGE SALE EXHIBITION v P'anelling Sale REEVES FARM MARKET now Ieady at mshall's Greenhouse 88 May Ave., Richmond Hill Clearance Sale 50% OFF ALL BEDS GARAGE SALE DISDIaCEd by New AIIDOIt J. Greftegreff Green houses 294-5634 Corner of 17th Ave. Markham v Pickering Townline 881-4075 SAVE 10 PER CENT T0 30 PER CENT Canadian Brass Beds 8118 YONGE STREET THORNHILL All Pool Chemicals SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE 884-4983 Homestead Products 9104 Yonge St, (just south of Hillcrest Mall) 8894109 ColIect Sweet Corn Our Specialty Available Now Fresh Picked Daily Sat &Sun Qam-epm 893-1597 HUNTINGTON RD (10TH LINE) NASHVILLE 'NOW' - PICK YOUR OWN BEANS & PICKLING CUCUMBERS 25% Off FARM FRESH ONIARIO FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN SEASON Open Mon to PM 9 a m ‘8 pm 889-2024 NC 48 c1w7 c3w7 tfc4 c4wl clw7 clw7 ï¬t 32 Articles for Sale N0 room for storage. must sell. Vlkmg fridge and stove. Good condition. 889-6937. c1w7 TABLE, white oval, 6 leatherette chairs, mahogany pedestal bases. Excellent condition. 5220. 889- 1072. c1w7 SWIMMING POOL WHOLESALER Must drspose of 1975 a|umlnum pools rn stock. sacrrhce pug? 19F desperately needed factory ware house space. Brand new swimming pools Include walk around deck, fence. filter. and warranty. Size 15' x 27' $1,088 cash or terms. CHAIN saw, Pioneer, model 400. Slightly used.$85 889.8920. clw7 POOL table, siate top, 4 x 8'. With accessories. 8845270. c1w7 TYPEWRITERS, adders. calculators. sales. service, rentals. Newmarket Business Machines, 497 Timothy St. Newmalket.895-7621. ‘ mas GUITAR and amp, black and white portable T.V,. one Gerrard turntable, one Bell and Howel complete movie outfit Contact Ron. 884-8946. cZw7 Free Esï¬mates‘ Aluminum sudmg windows, doors, awnings. 884-4558 or 832-1319, «:5 Living-Dimng-Bedrooms‘ Designs in Teak. 457 Markham Rd., Allencourk Plaza. Richmond Hull ‘ 884-3750. LEAVING Country â€"3 pce bedroom set‘ Baby cflb. T.V., black and white, portable. Stove, electric. 8844020, MOPED. Asking $225. Call anytime, 883‘1621 clw7 REFRIGERATOR, 13 cu. ft. Westinghouse. white. Stove, Findlay electric 24", white, Suitable (or cottage. Available September lst. Both $100. 8844606. clw7 GENERAL\ Electric stove. self- cleaning‘ 884-1773. clw7 old. Fanta-Sea above ground }ed- wood. 16' x 24' Cost $4,500. Must sell Immediately. WI“ sacrifice at savings of $2,000. Call Fanta-Sea Swum Centre at 416-625-8817. Days or evenings collect. HOUSEHOLD goods for sale. Like new, Kitchen set, $30, Orange shag rug apploxl 21' x 12' 3135. Pink shagtug9 x 12' $80, rec room stools 57,50 ea.. Light ï¬xtures Itom 35. call 881-6152 clw7 SWIMMINGVPUOL. less than 1 year zigzag Stylist No‘ 457, blus many exttas. $85.00 884-9301, c1w7 CRIB, car bed, playpen, back carrier, carriage, 2 maple dressers, dehumidifier, lawn bowling balls, girl‘s 26" bicycle, lawn chairs, step stool. 884-3886. c1w7 WINDOW air conditional, used. 18,000 B‘I‘Uls 230 v. 25" wide 21†high‘ Suitable for home or store. A-l cmdntion. Asking $250. Evgs. 884- 9617. c2w6 SWIMMING POOL. Deluxe. redwood. 2hnvF. around pool. 16' 124'. one vr. 9M: 1199mm by bank, sacnhpe‘ la pnce. Call Mr. Harvey, co||ecL days or evenings. 41645258819. “ .11 22" GAS Stove. 325‘ 884-9490 clw? BLACK and white telewsmn. Inquire 884-0255 ' c1w7 SINGER sewing machine, portable 54" MAHRESS, also crib mattress like new‘ 884.7426 after 5 pm LARGE garden shed f0: sale. Best offel. Evgs. 889-7219. clw7 4 â€" USED electnc Golf Cans, Eze-Go $500 each, good condition, Lawn Roller. half ton, 8 hp. motor $650. 884-7716 c2w7 FOR Fuller'Brush merchandise In the Ihornhill area, call 889-0827. clw7 BACKYARD sale. Fri. Aug‘ 20th. 12 noon to 4 pm. 240 South Taylov Mills, Richmond Hill. clw7 STOVE, 30", fridge 61", good condition, 375‘ each. 893-1869‘ GAS dryel. baby carriage. 884-7827. 1cw7 GAS Fueplace‘ Very good condition. 3100 884-8451 c1w7 collect days or evenings. CALL GORD 1-545-9016 YORK ALUMINUM TEAKWOOD £3w6 p3w6} clwb clw7 "£38 ":3! flc38 ALUMlNUM Doors. windows, awnings. railings. Sldmg. sofllt systems. tlough. Free estimates‘ Ron Woods 884-1514. 4rticles Wanted ONE PR. KEF Reference 104 Speakers. $450. One Tx~7500 Pioneet Tuner $200. One Supex SD- 900 Super Canndge and Tan sfmmet. $150. ANTIQUE bucks. over 100 years old. Quantlty o! 1500‘ Best ofler. 889- 8016. lcw7 HIGHEST cash pnces or hade value paud (or houselul 0! furniture and appliances. Bnce's Furmtute. 363- 1954. ":18 PIANO wantéd, Approximately 3100- 3150. 2221088, «:2: LEARN to Fly. Introductory flight 55. Toronto AllwayS Ltd . Buttonvrlle Arrport. 297-1422 ttc32 ORGAN to: sale. $500. Call 884-9353 mornings only. c1w7 RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€"|ncludlng Script Block letters. Outhne and Signature. Fast semce. Call “The Liberal" 884-8177. "an TEAKWOOD Burma Scandmavnan furniture, bedroom. dnnmgroon, llv- Ingroom. coliee tables. Brand new, Very reasonable, 1-247-4377. ":30 DEAD or crippled farm animals. plcked up promptly, 705-439-2421, Can anytime. Ed Pecom E San Woodwlle, Ont. Licence No. 324C66. flc29 Short track. Curtis frame, Rebmlt engine. 32 mm. Mikuni. $600. Partly chopped‘ Lots of chrome Runs Excelient. $1100 12' Springbok aluminum Still undel wananty. Complete with oars, anchor, life jackets, 3 swuvel seats, wuth Wiscott trailer with spate wheel and tire, tarpollne. Powered by 6 h.p, Evinrude 'motor with crunse-a- day tank. Asking $950. or best offer. 889-1394 days. 223-4576 2ng. Everything must go! 16' ALUMINUM Boat. 9.5 hp. Evinrude motor, SuntIOwer Sail boat. Call after 6 pm. 889-7871, c1w7 1966 YAMAHA 305 c.c. Needs some work $225. as IS. 8846558. clw7 TRUCK CAPS SALE $229 UP TENT trailer for rent. Sleeps 4‘ 88¢ 5508‘ c2w6 mbKENZIEf t iCampinq Tale-r); Snowmobiles 2 LAIDLAW BLVD. MARKHAM - 294-3650 ChryslerBoats 8652437 «13773-5944 evzs. Motorcycles JOHN'S MARINELAND 40 h.p. Evinrude Ient Trailer. Sleeps 4. Mike‘ 'Chrysler Outboard Motors Reid Mower, Marine & Sports 884-7716 881-2384 SUMMER SALE SNOWMOB‘LE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Bill Walls, Befllesda 1969 Triumph 650 cc. electric start, $350, 8 ft Hydro a. 71/; hp. 3275 72 Husky 125 Allsizes and colors Old Hwy. 1 and Bayview THORNHILI, 889-1831 Boating -CRESTLINERS ODORAL oTHUNDERCRAFI MERCURY OUT-~ BOARDS S. INBOARDS Every boat, mote: & accessory discounted SAVE ON 1975 BOAIS & MOTORS RUPP AND POLARIS Trailers 73 Iroquois Aircraft SALES & SERVICE 884-0539 889-1998 CALL 884-5387 884-8901 884-5559 clw7 c1w7 lcw7' clw7 c1w7 c2w7 Clw7 ":16 clw7 THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. August 18. 1976 â€" B-ll HAIOTOP TEAILEIS Over Stocked Sale Model 80 $200 of! legular pnce McKenzie Campnng TlallélS Hwy. 7 and Baywew 27 n Low Mileage, private. sleeps 6. an condmonel, lumace‘ TV An- tenna, Auxiliary genelatm. buult In vacuum. 4 bumer stove. oven. large fudge. bath and shower. am-lm, crunse contml. undetcoaled. MlChEllnS. quanz lamps‘ 17% IL. Sleeps 6. 3 way “EMS. indge. stove, and oven. Tulle! and lumace. Pnce 52100 Phone aftel 5 D-m- 8842532 73 WINNEBAGO CHIEFTAIN WE ARE MOVINGH FOR camper-recreatron vehrcle lrom y0ur van, bus etc. FOR any mlerior lrnishrng FOR libreglass raised van rool. equipment, windows, sleeping lacililies, storage space, alterations, cabinetry. repairs and »or renovations. propane gas licensed Installation, FOR libreglass reparrs and much more. 67 Chevrolet Impala 171 Spn'ng Garden Ave., Willowdale‘ Ontalio MZN 3G6 222-3569 AFTER SEPTEMBER ZOTH â€" 13, 262 Yonge Stleet, Richmond Hill (Oak Ridges) c2w7 Specializing in motor tune'ups and electrical systems on all makes and models of cars and trucks. 0V8! a decade 01 serving this area. All work guaranteed. Reasonable rates RIDEAU 500. SIATIONWAGON All powei including ail conditioning. Low mileage. Best offei. Call 222- 5761 or aftei 5. 2214821. clwï¬ 340, Rally wheels, 4 speed. Must be seen to be appteciated. Best offer, 881-4762 before noon or after 6. C1w7 Power windows, steering 8. brakes‘ air. Best offer. 881-4762 Finished inteno: and custom pamL $2,300 0: bes1 otfer. Excellent running order. Uncenified Best OflEI. 74 Astre Wagon 1969 TRAVELAIRE CUSTOM CAMPER CONVERSIONS Cars & Trucks Aluminum truck tops selling at cost. Dealers Welcome. 3 & 4 stacker racks for caps 67 MERCURY 1969 Volkswagen Van Rebuilt mom. Body excellent Radialtlres. 1/2 Ton With Cap $750 889-3579 cl Roninson’s Tune-up Service 1972 MERCURY ‘LioncI 71 Oldsmobile 74 GMC 1/2 ton Phone 416-833-5351 416-925-5441 1969 EconoHne Van 3% ton Pallister’s Truck Cap Centre Yong St, North end of Oak Ridges 773-5167 anytime 889-1831 883-1360 Befove noon or alters 884-0308 70 Duster 884-8126 895-3506 Mon. -Fti. 3 -6 884-5927 Good condition 884-4788 V-8 automatic Many extras. $34600 Best offer. Ask for Bill Moving Sale 3 Sleeper slide-in kits 1m pic|~uptmcls $239. R9152“ $25. & up Neon Slgfl - 2' 1 12 Trailers 1cw7 Sclw? c1w7 low clw7 c2w7 clw7 c4w7 c1w7 clw7 clw7 Powe! brakes. power steering‘ Good condition 3800 or best oflev. 773-4210 8844525 4 door hardtop. PS PB an conditioning. many exttas Cemhed $2.300 1cw7 4 000:, manual. orange, rustproofed 1 owner emlglatlng, block heater. AM-FMvadIo.$2,295, 1969 METEOR $200 as is, un- certlhed‘ 884-6164. c2w6 72 Olds Delta Royal 1969 REBEL stationwagon, 5128, 884-7290. c1w7 Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 889-0353 :ch5 1964 CHEVELLE In very good shape. 283 engine 3-speed. $350. 0! best afiel. 884-3065. clw7 1973 TOYOTA Covolla 16004 Standatd shift. 35,000 miles. Call 8840350. WANTED to buy â€"Antique Canadians Pine cradle with hood. 88L3920. Evgs‘ c3w5 1973 DODGE Swinger. 6 cyl‘ Vinyl root. Radio, tape deck, rust-mooted. Excellent shape inside and out. $2.300. 869-2437 days, 773-5944 evgs. clw7 BRASS, Copper, antiques. tepolished Brass beds. etc. Bxitex 7557851. DOHERTY MOTORS 727-3322 W full. All sizes and Queens). Open all Keele SL. Maple 3056. Cars & Trucks 1971 TOYOTA Corona, Certitiable. $475. or best ofler. Phone after 6 p.m.832-8790. clw7 Specialixing in v.w. body work and general repairs. 1972 IRIUMPH Spitï¬re, con- vertible, A-l condition, 33,000 miles‘ AM-FM radio. $2000 0! best offer. Must sell. Gail 884-1920. c1w7 1968 MALIBU wagon. Uncertified. 5850. 8840899. clw7 1971 MUSTANG Mach I condition, certified, best offer 3535. BRASS Beds GOOD SELECTION OF QUALITY RECONDITIONED 1968 DODGE Monaco. 1965 Beaumond Wagon, 1963 Rambler â€" fox parts. 1966 Chev Sportvan, full windows. 6 cylinder standard, as is $250. 884-0249 clw7 1968 PLYMOUTH VIP PS-PB, 383 auto, body iair, good running condition. $175 as is or will trade l0r small car. 8846160, c1w7 74 Austin Marina 70 Ford Custom ALL WORK GUARANTEED 66 Ford Van $550 884-08991 VOLKSWAGEN SALE $600. as |S. (Uncertiiied) 1972 VW 411 Stationwagen 8 Cyl. As IS. Best ofler 67 Ford LTD 294-1614 884-3982 884-1534 500 evgs a counUy stow styles (including weekend: 9994 832-2567, 936- clw7 lcw? c2w7 clw7 clw7 DOA lcw7 c1w7 1cw7 ":29 ":29 I1: ‘5