OMB hearing alters agricultural bylaw MAPLE â€" An ex- tremely short Municipal Board hearing resulted in a change in the Vaughan zoning bylaw Monday aimed at preserving agricultural land. The only two objectors to the change and the town solicitor settled their differences before the hearing. The town solicitor, Tom Fraser, agreed to make an ex- ception for each objector to the bylaw which nor- C-4 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. August 25. 1976 it's not a space lab or computer headquarters, but just a panel of controls and gadgets for the recently acquired pumper truck of the 'Vaughan fire department. Shown with the truck is Vaughan’s deputy fire chief, Lloyd Palmer of Church Street, Maple. WCTORM 71 U 1 1111111 and TRUST COMPANY Help your neighbour when you help yourself Your own community has ï¬rst call on every dollar you deposit in Victoria and Grey Trust. In eï¬ect. we rent money from you and pay that money'out in mortgages and other loans right in your own community. Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation laird Ruby, Manager 884- 1 107 10355 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Hours was ‘ WED fruuas 9 30 m: an mom 9 30 I06 30 SATURDAY 9:012 NOON QIWATCH FDR Serving Ontario since 7889 SEPT. Z. 3, 4 AT RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE SWEEPSTAKES BACK TO SCHOOL mally will allow only one house on one farm lot, if the lot is less than 90 acres. One of the objectors wants to demolish one of two houses on his property and build a new, larger structure. The second, Richard Hassard whose property is on Dufferin Street, wants to build a large new house on his property, but to retain the present one for the help. The OMB will ask the town to pass a new bylaw in each case allowing the exception. The final order on the main bylaw will not be issued until this is done. skyline, The Gazebo stands as o monument to imaginative architecture and design, and will, without doubt, become the most esthetically desirable residential com- munity in the Metropolitan Toronto area. And yet, for all its modern design innovations, The Gazebo reflects the values of yes- terday, . .in its acres of grounds, crisscrossed by THE LIBRARY secluded nature trails. So The Gozebo is literolly 0 private world, set apart from the noise and com- motion of everydoy life outside. The builders. TudOr Glen Homes and The Lorenzetti Group. conceived The Gazebo as 0 total deport- ure from today's overoge condominium concept. A glance is enough to tell they hove succeeded. TENNIS AND SQUASH COURTS MODELS OPEN WEEKDAYS 12 NOON~8 PM. SAT. GSUN. 11 AJVL-G PM. THE GAZEBO OF THORNHILL, 8111 YONGE ST. NORTH OF ROYAL ORCHARD BLVD. AT BAYTHORN DR.,CALL(416) 787-1 AN ORIGINAL MASTERPIECE IN HI~RISE CONDOMINIUMS Connie sees sights in Colombia The Gozebo INDOOR POOL of Thomhill. WITH GARDEN Completely PATIO; SAUNAS dominating the Thornhill n g; MARKHAM â€" Ward 5 Councillor Walter Grieve wants a plebiscite on the Markham Fairgrounds issue. Plebiscite urged on fairground dispute The 31-acre fairground at Highways 7 and 48 was sold to a developer for $2.1 million after the Markham and East York Agricultural Society decided the site was no longer big enough to stage the annual Markham Fair. The board purchased over 100 acres of land at McCowan Road and 18th Avenue and expects to hold its first fair there next year. But a resident’s group backed by Markham‘s ratepayers association wants to save the old fairgrounds as open space. In a brief to council, the group suggested the town buy the property and build a combined cultural and recreational complexi MAPLE â€" Connie Ambrosch of Weller Crescent recently returned from a month-long visit to her aunt in Colombia. Her impression upon arrival at the South Amer- tican city of Medellia was “what a teeny airport for thgmountain city second only in size to Bogota.“ Many of the local residents returning from Miami had loaded the plane with oil drums full of North American clothing. food and cosmetics. The customs line-ups were fantastic. The_ main business of Medellia is textiles and leather. Connie reports. The standard of liv'ing for THE GAZEBO OF THORNHILL pathways and totally OExpert service to all makes of vinyl liner pools. From opening/closing, cleaning to complete rebuilding. 'We manufacture custom fitted liners to order far any make or type of pool. 0A full line of water treatment chemicals, pool accessâ€" ories and pool toys always available. Three branches to serve you better. Open 9-7 weekdays 9-6 Saturday. Mississauga - Scarborough - Willowdale 625â€"6800 757-516l 497-770l TREND POOL - SERVICE Set amid thousands of mature trees, flowers and shubbery, The Gazebo’s estate setting includes 0 putting green. swimming pool, and, in the heart of this garden setting] Correspondent Anne Fowler 832â€"1204 The developer wants the land to be used for a mixed housing development. Grieve said he is Eonvincéd the property is too expensive for the town to acquire. Grieve admitted that the residents‘ group has substantial popular support, but said if people want the property saved and developed for cultural and recreational projects, thby must be willing to accept the higher taxes to pay for it. A figure of $5 million has been mentioned as the minimum the developer would accept for the property. He felt the plebiscite would bring the full story to the public‘s attention by making it an issue in the municipal election campaign this fall. 2 AND 3 BEDROOMS; $49,500 - $65,900 Each suite has individual units for heating and air conditioning. Inside you'll enjoy features like huge living rooms. o pond and Gazebo sum- mer house. Overlooking it all, 200 luxury homes that individually bespeok the elegonce opporent throughout this exclusive community. From the magnificent. 2-storey lob- by with its grocefully curv- ing stoircose, elevotors smoothly convey you to your oportment home. complete with spacious gorden patio and built-in plonter. Colombians is low â€" for Europeans residing there, It is middleclass compared to Canada. On her tour. Connie visited the coastal town of Cartagena. the site where Simon bolivar liberated that country from Spanish rule. The night life here was active. she says. but the swimming dangerous due to currents. At Santa Marta, a large city further up the Caribbean coast. tourism is flourishing. The Umted States and European tourists. along with many maple news bedrooms, Everywhere. huge picture windows flood your home with day- light, highlighting breols- fost nooks, dens ond sep- arate dining rooms... wolkouts to specious potio WOODWORKING SHOP Master bedrooms. some SOCIAL CENTRE more than 17 ft. in length with ensuite bathrooms and wolkout doors to 8 ft‘ potio balconies. Walk-in closets and spacious guest â€" CONTACT â€"â€" NORTH YORK CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE 5799 YONGE STREET WILLOWDALE 221-9343 Many positions are available in your own area. Right now we have employers who are seeking people wrth ex- perience as: FREIGHT CLERK, experience in International Shipping. $600 - $800 month. CLERK TYPIST, full and part time, $130 - $150 week. ACCOUNTING CLERKS, $130 week. SALES CLERKS, full and part time, $2.65 - $3.50 hour. OFFICE CLERKS, full and part time $135 - $160 week. MIG. WELDERS, ARC WELDERS and WELDER FITTERS, $4.00 - $6.25 hour. MACHINE SHOP FOREMAN, $7.00 hour. FITTER (Structural Steel), $6.83 hour. CARPENTERS, $7.00 hour. INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIANS, $8.19 hour plus 30‘ shift differential â€" Steeles, Woodbine, Thornhill, Concord, Richmond Hill Areas â€" LOOKING FOR A JOB CLOSE TO HOME? appointments ‘2 w " ’ ' go for beyond \' - exciting design concepts. Each home enjoys Moffot opplionces,induding o 80" electric range with contin- uous cleon oven; 0 15 cu. ft., frost free refrigerator; built-in dishwosher. THE GYM permanent EuroPean residents, flock to the weli- developed beaches. Life is quiet at night here with plenty of time for walks on moonlit beaches. During her stay, Connie met an American missionary, Florence Cavender. who has for 33 years been working with the Kuna Indian Tribe located on the Colombianâ€"Panama border. Connie says she was very impressed with the “openness and friendliness“ of the churches and with the work being accomplished by the Oriental Mission Society. A stiident from Chicago who was there, is plarming to visit the Ambrosch family during the Christmas holidays this year. Church re-opens Teston United Church will reâ€"open on Sept. 5 with 10 am. Sunday School classes and the 11 am. church service. Mlnpowu Ina Mum-a (euwe Immngulnan el lrnrmgmllon Ruben. Andi-u Robert Andra- Mlnllur MINI!!! Canada Centre de Manpower Main-d'ceuvre Canine du Canada the most surprising thing of all about The Gazebo. ‘ And. as a Gazebo home- owner, you can be absol- utely certain that in the years ahead, your invest- ment will bring you a most satisfactory return, in terms of bath financial security and personal contentment. The Gazebo of Thornhill. The beautiful alternative. PHOTOGRAPHY DARK ROOM clothes washer and dryer. Convenient laundry room with fl00r drain, and storage room ensuite. With ample individual storage rooms in the basement. The Gazebo of Thornhill. Prices of these magnificent 2 and 3 bedroom suites range from $49,500 to $65,900. Which is perhaps