B-IO â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, September 8. 1976 f “5 Articles TOI' Sale 5‘15 Help Wanted SKATES, man's size 8. worn twice __â€"_â€"_____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 3“ Articles for Sale PIANO good condition $385 Pool Per on to 0 erate 325* 8844539 ““10 table 4 x 8' with rack and balls and S p ping pong table top Good condition. SKATES. lady's srze 8. $15 3225 8831172 CTWAQ Bassrnette srze crib, $25 Light Punch Press Some experience necessary. Mechanical aptitude an asset Good pay. good - people to work with. Keefe E. Hwy 7 Own transportation 669-9272 for interview between 10 am. 84 p-m- .1in ________________â€"__â€"_â€"â€" Expenenced weight carrier. $5. Baby's car bed, ' ALUMINUM ‘10 Hanskscraft “CI'I'ZEI- 312- Doors. windows, awnings. railings. Original Jolly Jumper 55 Like new Sldll'lg, soffit systems, trough Free 884-4539 c1w10 estimates Ron Woods 884-1514 â€6 IC 2â€" H78x14 snowtires mounted. Cap for pick up truck 888-1080 c1w10 BRAND new playpen. $25 884-7162. c1w10 IOU SETS bunk beds. brand new. all srzes, No reasonable offers refused. Call Harry, 488-7911 3368 Yonge St . Toronto, c4w9 BIKE. girl's. surtable for up to 10 years old $25 8815326. c1w10 TEAKWOOD Burma Scandrnavran furniture, bedroom, diningroom. livmgroom. coffee tables Brand new. WICKER Veryreasonable.1-247-4377. tfc30 884-2522 loveseat. $60 c1w10 bookkeeper to trial balance. Take charge of small construction office in Thornhill area. Most have own transportation. 225-2461 __________’___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" EXPERIENCED carpenters and brick layers required. Must have transpor- FULL TIME JANITOR Apply: 488-9900 (IwJO tation, 884-9379 or 889-2075. "(47 DISHWASHER. Coppertone portable, reconditioned. Excellent condition Asking$150.884-4827. c1w10 Panelling Sale SAVE 10 PER CENT T0 30 PER CENT on all panelling in stock Sale ends Sept. 4th LOUGHLIN LUMBER 6 Scott Dr., Thornhill (4 blocks 5. of Hillcrest Mall) 889-1109 “WI 0 COMBINATION vrking gas, wood or coal stove, Also Roto-Tillor 3 hp. "Teco" 884-8818. c1w10 INTERESTING GARAGE SALE Antiques, furniture. knick-knacks, copper, etc. Saturday, September 4th through Sunday. September 12th 12 noon to 6 p.m. 100 Cachet Parkway Cachet Country Club 887-5753 c2w9 3" Articles wanted Wanted Articles for household or office. Will pick-up. cash, GENERAL help. mature, part time evenings. Bayvrew Variety. Bayvrew PIaza.884-3417 c1w10_ 226-5390 . HIGHEST cash prices or'trade value paid for houselul of furniture and appliances. Brice's Furniture, 363- 1954. tfc18 PIANO wanted. Approximately $100- SISO. 222-7088. rim FRIDGEforsale.$30,884-5608. DEAD or crippled farm animals,‘ c1w10 picked up promptly. 705-439-2421, Call anytime, Ed Peconi 8 Son. Woodville, Ont. Licerce No. 324C66. Nc29 2w10 Voyageur Restaurant Hwy 400 Maple Phone 832-1555 FLANNELETTE sheets. 2 pair. 80 x 100. Tea Wagon, double shell. 884- 8872. c1w10 DINING room table, large dropleaf Harvest style. excellent condition. $200. 889-2586. c1w10 FULLER Brush Dealers needed for the Richmond Hill and Markham area. Call 895-6532. c2w9 â€5 Articles For Sale Salt WASHING machine. Viking, excellent condition, 884-2655. automatic, $50. c1w10 “° Motorcycles for FOR ALL MAKES OF WATER SOFTEENERS g:;HETi::I:r dItyfkringPoSItlaOOé' 88‘: Sale Prompt Free Home Delivery 8933- mm . â€" 75 Suzu ki Wa nted rs 125 Endum 773-4203 K.N. Woolley Ltd. Saleable articles for Victoria Square Lions Auction and Rummage Sale. September IBth. Bought new this March, still like new. $800 or best offer, Phone 884-3817 . For pick-up call: . BOX 180. Oak Ridges 884-2382. 7mm. anytime c1w10 RECONDTTIONED SOFTENERS FOR SALE “7'53‘3- clwlll . . tfc10 1973 Triumph _ PM your own Bonneville 650 CC REEVES FARM MARKET Us 55308“ 884-9132 FARM FRESH ONTARIO FRUITS 7 mi. east of Richmond Hill on 1811 c1w10 AND VEGETABLES IN SEASON Ave, between the 6th 8 7th Conc, RD 350 G 0d _ . 1973 YAMAHA . 0 NOW â€" PICK YOUR own “M BEANS & PICKLING CUCUMBERS Sweet Corn Our Specialty Available Now ‘ Fresh Picked Daily Beef Steak Tomatoes Open Mon. to Fri. 9 a m.-8 p m. Sat. 8 Sun. 9 a m -6 p m. 893-1597 HUNTINGTON RD. (10TH LINE) NASHVILLE c1w9 Tree Farm Sold (Near Pigeon Lake) Remaining young cedar plantation must be removed before year end. 2’ t0 3' cedars (balled) $1.50 ea. 3’ to 4’ cedars (balled) $1.90 ea. 4’ to 5’ cedars (balled) $2.30 ea. Minimum order 12 teed for 12 months. - delivered - guaran- To order write to: Cedar King Reg'd. Omemee. Ont. These are healthy, freshly dug ever- greens, ideal for hedges or screens. cleO SIDEWALK AND PATIO SLABS Factory Rejects at Half Price While supply lasts Personal shopping only. Monday - Friday 8 am, - 5 p.m. Saturday 8 am. 110011. INDUSTRIAL CAST STONE LTD., 51 Observatory Lane, Richmond Hill 889-6273 c1w10 Selling Out Displaced by New Airport Unable to relocate We are going out of business. We have several thousand tropical plants. succulents. cacti. vines. iivys and flowering plants. Plant your Terrariums or decor- ate your home at reasonable prices Free advrce. J. Greftegreff Greenhouses Corner of 17th Ave, Markham - Pickering Townline H 294-5634 ONE PAIR OF Lange skates. size 7 Phone 884-2795 c1w10. CANADIAN BRASS BEDS 8118 Yonge Street Thornhill 881'4075 tfc48 Beautiful french provincial H i-Fi cabinet in fruit wood $225. Maple chest of drawers $25 Encyclopedia Brittannica Wllh cabinet $50. Like new Salton Tea wagon with hot tray $75. Recliner chair in black nauga- hyde $75. White umbrella table complete with cover. umbrella and weighted base $30. 88969111 881-0941 W“ 100 BRASS beds. brand new. all srzes, No reasonalbe offers refused. Call Harry. 488-7911. 3368 Yonge St . Toronto c4w9 PLEASANTVILLE GARAGE SALE Antique pine furniture. dishwasher. teak tables. sofas, chairs. children's deslc. platters. Coleman camp stove and oven. 10 speed bicycle. Brand new doll houses. Pool chemicals. etc. 11 am. to 4 p.m. Sat. 8 Sim. Sept. 11 8 12 330 Sugar Maple Lana, Richmond Hill 884-3869. c1w10 Garage Sale 98 Spruce Ave Richvale Sept. 11 8 10 am to 6 pm Furniture, 12 Appliances Tools plwlO ORGAN for sale. $500 Call 884-9353 c1w10 mornings only. __â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€" COMPLETE set of goalie equipment, good condition. 884-9658. c1w10 YOUTH bed. Electrohome humidifier, H88. Push mower. 20' snow fence. 884-6609. c1w10 AUTOMATIC washer $60, sofa $25. 5 light diningroom fixture, $20. 884- 6297. c1w10 YORK ALUMINUM â€" Free estimates Aluminum siding windows, doors, awnings, 884-4558 or 832-1319 tfc5 TEAKWOOD â€" Living-Dining- Bedrooms. Designs in Teak. 457 Markham Rd, Allencourt Plaza, Richmond Hill - 884-3750. TYPEWRITERS, adders, calculators, sales, service, rentals. Newmarket Business Machines, 497 Timothy St, Newmarket, 895-7621, tlc 36 Garage Sale Sept. 11th,, 10105 p.m. Furniture. some antiques, lamps, books. rugs, small appliances. etc. Keefe St. N. ‘71 mi. north of King City, 3rd Lane from Patton School, west side, end of Lane. c 1w 10 FLOOR model Magnus chord organ. Wringer washer. Electric stove. Antiqued desk and chair. Danish Chesterfield and chair. 132 Richmond St, Richmond Hill. c1w10 MINI washer, spin dryer, very good condition. evgs. 884-6907. nclw10 LOVELY English made solid Teak bedroom surte with leather headboard and mirror, S175. Kitchen or diningroom, wood grain arborite table with 4 chairs, $50. 889-9028, c1w10 SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE Leading Manufacturer and distribu- tor has above ground Aluminum Pools left over from 1975 season, HPRICE. guaranteed installation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect, MisSissauga days or evenings. 416- 625-8819. tfc32 SWIMMING POOL WHOLESALER Must dispose of 1975 aluminum pools in stock. sacrifice price for desperately needed factory ware house space, Brand new swimming pools include walk around deck. fence. filter, and warranty Size 15' x 27' $1,088 cash or terms. CALL GORD collect days or evenings. 1-545-9016 tfcll Teakwood Furniture Direct from importers warehouse. Open till 9 p.m. EINAR CLAUSEN LIMITED Hwy TBramalea. 791-2355 79 Doncaster. Thornhill 031-0000. 1ch Garage Moving Sale Sat. Sept. llth 10 to3 p.m. 0n Stouflville Rd. 10th house in from Yonge on North SIOB, Many household bargains, c1w10 â€"Brunswick Celebrity Pool table, 4 x 8 with slate top with full set of cues and rack. extra set of billiard balls â€" bed Chesterfield and small than. black vinyl â€" Cedar Rails for sale 884-1443 leO ______â€"’â€"â€" STOVE, 40". double oven, Viking. good working order 884-6344. c1w10 condition. Just tuned. Best offer. 889-6328. 2ԠSnowmobiles RUPP AND POLARIS SNOWMOBILE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Bill Walls, Bethesda 888-1998 tfc45 1973 Nordic Skidoo 640 model. Electric start. Forward and reverse. $650, 884-9132 _ “5 Boats Er Supplies Yukon Delta 25' House boat All fibreglass. Complete wrth motor and trailer. Can be used as camper also. Good condition. 883- 1172. c1w10 ______â€".I 14 FT. cedar strip boat with motor and trailer, $250. 884-3065. c1w10 SUMMER SALE Everything must go! 'CRESTLINERS 'DORAL 'THUNDERCRAFT MERCURY OUT-. BOARDS A INBOARDS Every boat. motor 8 accessory discounted SAVE ON 1975 BOATS 8 MOTORS JOHN'S MARINELAND 2 LAIDLAW BLVD. MARKHAM - 294-3650 c1w10i c1w10 1962 15' moulded mahogany boat. convertible top. spot light. radio, $100. 25 hp. Viking motor. $200. Sea Flea. $25. 1965 Ford, as is.$100. Mr. Reid, 884-6322. CJWIO Chrysler Boats Chrysler Outboard Motors SALES 8r SERVICE Reid Mower, Marine & Sports 884-7716 881-2384 23° Campers Er Trailers TRAILER SALE Trans Canada Rent-a-Trailer is offering to the public a number of utility trailers We have a limited supply of 4 x 8 open and enclosed, 4 x 6 enclosed. and 5 x 10 open and enclosed Call 884-4448 for the north and 225-4868 for central. c4w9 23° Campers Er Trailers WE ARE MOVINGII FOR camper-recreation vehicle from your van. bus etc. FOR any interior finishing FOR fibreglass raised van roof. equipment, windows, sleeping facilities. storage space. alterations. cabinetry. repairs andor renovations. propane gas licensed installation. FOR fibreglass repairs and much more Mon. â€"Fri. 8 -6 CUSTOM CAMPER CONVERSIONS 171 Spring Garden Ave, Willowdale, Ontario MZN 3G6 222-3569 AFTER SEPTEMBER 20TH â€" I3. 262 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill (Oak Ridges), c1w10 / CANVAS for a '72 Woods trailer. 6 sleeper, Excellent condition Asking $200 or nearest offer. Call after 6 pm 884-1315. c2w9 gmckENZFIEé Campmieilee TRUCK CAPS SALE $229 UP All silos and colon Old Hwy. 7 and Bowler-r THORNHILL, "9-1011 ‘55 Cars Er Trucks 1967 Ponflac Wagon running condition, new brakes and tires. as IS, $195. 884-2300 ,,,,,, 73 Capri, V6, 4 speed, uncertified. $1,400, or best offer, 884-5723 clwio 70 Ford ‘ Custom 500 Power brakes, power steering. Good, condition, $800. or best offer. 773-4210 â€"884-1525 c2w10 VOLKSWAGEN SALE GOOD SELECTION OF QUALITY RECONDITIONED V.W.‘s Specializing in V.W. body work and I c1w10 general repairs. ALL WORK GUARANTEED DOHERTY MOTORS 727-3322 C NW 67 Ponhac Panuenne Good tires. uncertified. 8120. 773-5296 c1w10 64 Vauxhall Victor Uncertified. Runs well. $150 832-2545 c1w10 1970 Volks Bug Std. Low Mileage Certified. $650. 881-2412 c1w10 63 Volkswagon 1500 Sedan. For parts. $35. 773-5298in Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 889-0353 NOTICE ALL RUSTING CAR OWNERS Jorn national group taking legal action to recover losses from Ford. GMC. Ch Ie _ rys rWrite: RUST GROUP Box 164, Station "N" New Toronto, 14. Ontario c4w10 tch‘J 1971 OATSUN Pickup with cap and snow tires. Excellent condition. Certified. $1595 or best offer call. Tim 889-9111. c1w10 72 VEGA. standard. needs body work. One owner, 29.000 miles. Phone 889-1939 after 5 pm c1w10 74 PINTO, automatic transmissmn. 2000 cc, 18,000 miles. 883-1481 c1w10 64 CHEVELLE in very good shape. 283 engine 3 speed. $350. or best offer 884-3065 c1w10 1971 CHEV Belair 8 cylinder hardtop. Power steering and brakes. certified Mking $1400 Call Brian 884-5171 and evgs. 832-2330 c2w9 AUTOMATIC transmission. Only 500 miles on since rebuilt. Fits 1968-72' Cortina, Asking 3100. After 5 pm, 884-2425 c1w10 1973 VEGA, Good condition. Low mileage. $1.400 or best offer. Evgs. 884-0690 c1w10 be a LIBERAL crd watcher 655 Beam BARNES, June Ellen Suddenly on Tuesday August 31st. 1976. June LeGrow. of Richmond Hill. dear mother of Lloyd Barnes. of Rexdale Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Yonge St, Richmond Hill Servrce was held on Thursday. September2nd Cremation c1w10 BURKE. R.C. - Robert Carrington Burke, 3 good and gentle man, died on Friday. August 27, 1976. at his home in Willowdale He was 61. Bob leaves behind his dearly loved wife of 33 years, Dorothy Margaret. Also SurVivrng him are his 4 Iovmg children. Peter Carrington, Mary Catherine, Wendy Jane, and John Robert, His only grandchild, Lysa Michelle, and his brother and friend William Gerald Friends called at the BE Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge St, Thornhill Saturday. Services for the immediate family only in the chapel on Monday. August 30 Interment Thornhill Cemetery Friends wishing to offer an expression of sympathy, may make a donation in his name to the Canadian Cancer Society c1w10 CONNOLLY, Mary Isabel. In hospital, on Thursday, September 2nd. 1976, beloved wrfe of the late' Stuart MacKay Connolly. formerly of Richmond Hill, dear mother of Perry. Stuart, John and Katherine (Mrs. David Haughton). sister of Mrs. Agnes Wharry of Peterborough. Funeral servrce was held in St, Mary's Anglican Church. Richmond Hill, on Saturday. September 4th. Cremation. Donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. c1w10 DAVIS, Margaret Olive At Toronto General Hospital, on Monday. August 30, 1976, Margaret Davis. beloved wife of the late Harry Davis, dear motherof Judith (Mrs. P Merrell) of Richmond Hill and the late Aldege Davrs, grandmother of Kenneth. Aldege. Leah and Oeborough. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Yonge St, Richmond Hill. Mass was held Thursday, September 2nd. Cremation. c1w10 GATH, Garry Arthur As the result of a motor accident. Saturday, September 4, 1976. Garry, son of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Oath of 101 Oak Ave. Thornhill. dear brother of John, Jim. Diane and Lynne, loved by his grandparents. Gath and Meyers. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Yonge St., Richmond Hill. Service was held Tuesday. September 7th. Interment Thornhill Cemetery. c1w10 GUPPY. Charles Henry At York Central Hospital, on Thursday. September 2nd, 1976 Charles Guppy. husband of Audrey of Oak Ridges, dear brother of Bill, Arthur, and John. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Yonge St. Richmond Hill. Service was held Saturday, September 4th. Cremation. c1w10 HARTLEY, Lee Alan As the result of a motor accident on Saturday. September 4, 1976, Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Hartley of 6] Edgar Ave. Thornhill. dear brother of Candance (Mrs. Richard Penrose) and loved by his grandparents, Harley and Mayes. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Yonge St, Richmond Hill. Service was held Tuesday, September 7th.Cremation. c1w10 HORNER, Irene Bertha Suddenly at her home in Toronto, September 1st, 1976, Irene Baker. beloved wife of the late William George Horner, dear mother of Doreen (Mrs. Edward Vernon), of Thornhill. grandmother of Gayle. dear sister of Mae (Mrs, Edgar Anning) and Dorothy (Mrs. Elmer Boynton). both of Richmond Hill and the late Lerslie and Lloyd Baker. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Yonge St, Richmond Hill, Servrce was held Friday, September Std. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. c1w10 KARSN, Marie Maude At York Central Hospital, on Thursday, August 26. 1976. Marie Linstead, beloved wife of Robert Karsh, of Richmond Hill, dear mother of Michael and Carolyn (Mrs, A. Freeman), dear grandmother of Bradley, Lance, Kelly and Jody Lyn. dear sister of Merton and Irene (Mrs. J. Kemp). Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Yonge St., Richmond Hill. Service was held on Saturday. August 28th. Interment Queensvrlle Cemetery. c1w10 LEACH, Walter Ralph Suddenly on Monday, August 30th. 1976. Walter Leach. dear husband of Lorraine Goodman, dear father of Gary. also survrved by three grandsons. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Yonge St, Richmond Hill. Serwce was held on Thursday. September 2nd. Interment Maple Cemetery. c1w10 TURRIN, Odorico At York Central Hospital, on Tuesday. August 3151, 1976. Odorico Turrin, beloved husband of Ida of Aurora, dear father of Delores (Mrs, L. Muzzin). Angela (Mrs F. Bertolo), brother of Osvaldo. Fausto, Louigi and Mary SurVived by five grandchildren Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Yonge St. Richmond Hill Mas was held Friday. September 3rd. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. c1w10 WOODS. Harry E. Suddenly on Sunday, September 5. 1976, Harry Woods. husband of Violet Jones, lather of Kenneth and Vi (Mrs. Roy Horne). grandfather of Bill. Ken and Lynda, brother of Marian (Mrs Albert Bowes). Melville. Jim. Birdie (Mrs. S. Rose) and laura Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home 10366 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Servrce Wednesday 2 pm Interment Maple Cemetery c1w10 “5 Engagement MR and Mrs Carson Getz are happy to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Susan to Mr Barry Robson. son of Mr and Mrs. Charles Robson all of Richmond Hill Wedding to take place October 16. 1976 cleO â€5 Birtts WATTS. Wayne and Lynn (nee Cole) ioyfully announce the birth of their first child. Christopher Thomas, 6 lbs. 3025 on Saturday. August 28th, 1976 at 229 a m. at York Central Hospital First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs Thomas 0 Watts and another grandchild for Mrs. Reg Cole. Specral thanks to Dr. V luck and all the wonderful nurses on delivery duty. c1w10 GREEN, Ted and Charlene (nee Jamiesori) are pleased to announce the arrival of their first child. a girl, Lisa Ann Carol, born August 22, 1976. at Oakvrlle Trafalgar Hospital. weighing 8 lbs, 2 01s. First grandchild for Mr and Mrs E. Green and second grandchild Ior Mr and Mrs. R Jamieson c1w10 3“ Forthcoming Marriages Mr and Mrs Peter Makohin. of Richmond Hill, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Lisa Mary. to George Andrew Bogalko. son of Mr. Kaz Bogalko. of Richmond Hill. Wedding to take place on October 2. I976. clwIO Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yule are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Candace Catherine Terrence Michael Meraska of Richmond Hill. on Saturday. September 11th. 1976 at Richmond Hill United Church. c1w10 MARGARET Lillian Wright, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wright, Richmond Hill. will be married to Keith Robert Doner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doner, Gormley, at Teston United Church. October 301b, 1976,at2p.m. c1w10 to “5 In Memoriam LUCK. Robert, who passed away September 4, 1974. God took him home, It was his will, But in our hearts we love him still, His memory is as dear today, As in the hour he passed away, We often sit and think of him, When we are all alone, For memory is the only friend, That grief can call its own. Sadly missed by wife Dorothy, daughter Donna and grandchildren Lisa and Robbie. c1w10 HOWARD, David â€" In loving memory of David James Howard who passed away on September 9th, 1975. One is nearer God's heart in a garden. Than anywhere else on earth. Always in my heart and sadly missed by wife Irene. c1w10 5‘" Legal Notices ARTICLES for Dissolution. Take notice that in the name of the company Sandpiper Sigma Limited intends to file articles of dissolution pursuant to the business Corporation act. dated his lst day of September. 1976. . c1w10 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF MARY URSULA RIDER All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Ursula Rider, late of the Town of Markham, in the Regional Municipality of York, who died on or about the 23rd day of April. 1976. are hereby notiï¬ed to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of September, 1976. after which date the Estate will be distributed. with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. and the undersigned will not be liable for any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED AT Richmond Hill, this 24th day of August, 1976. WILLIAM J. MURPHY, Administrator of the Estate of Mary Ursula Rider. by his solicitor, 5“ Open House MARIAN’S DOLL HOUSE Takes pleasure in inviting you and your friends to our OPEN HOUSE Sept. 11 and 12 12 noon - 4 p.m. 57 Newkirk Road Richmond Hill. Antique reproduction dolls Porcelain doll greenware Complete line of doll supplies American beauty slip and china paints REGISTER NOW FOR CLASSES. c1w10 OPEN HOUSE Private - Richmond Hill Saturday, Sept. 11th “â€9 Auctions Auction Sale l - 5 . . p m Sat. SIM. uni New Back Split 11) in One acre lot ‘ ' of Household furniture etc. including exceptionally nice 2 piece china cabinet with lower drawers. upper glass doors; Brass bedstead; 2 drop front secretary desk (I pine); Heinfzman piano; Bedroom and living room furniture. wicker arm chair Ian back rocker; Boston rocker; 2pine blanket boxes; old pine pantry 118 Hillsview Drive (North of Hillcrest Mall) East off Yonge Street 889-1939 CleO \â€" 3†Auctions AUCTION SALE cupboard; 2 low pine tables; console Sunday. Sï¬ï¬‚fl’egflnbe; 1?. 1976 radios, Refrigerator; wringer washer; . a acme cook stove. Quantity of china including Royal Crown Derby. Nippon. Noritake. German, Wedgewood; silver lea servrce; oil Edwards Auction Galleries on Hwy 9. at the Toltenham Rd on the south side. behind the Dairy Bar for Mr C Hawke and Mr Clarkson. ANTIQUES Oak Library Table, 3 way dresser mirror. oak planter and shelves, pine bed c/w springs. wal- nut cabinet. souare pine table. wood box. music stand. wood kitchen chair; pine chair, oval lamp table. the wagon. Bentwood spindle chair. pine wash stand, sealers. oak case Westminster chimming mantel clock. Jacobean oak dresser. copper coal scuttle. oak mirrored sideboard, back only, pine dry sink, welsh pub bench, large pine frame pub mirror, English style buffet. mantel clock. 8 pc dining room suite. bulfett. settee.Treddle sewing machine. dark walnut china display cabinet. FURNITURE 2 pc Chesterfield. 3pc coffee set; 6 pc. kitchen suite-swivel chairs. chest of drawers. childs closet, APPLIANCES 24" electric range, refrigerator. TV,'S. stereo Hi-Fi, Radios; toaster oven. OFFICE EQUIPMENT 7 chairs: 3M photo copy machine. addressing machine; Gestetner copier. type- writer desk. 2 old office desks. ad- ding machine. MISCELLANEOUS suit cases. some matching, box of books. clock: flash lights, new wallets, old watches. stop watch, tent; sump pump. motors. saddles and other horse and riding equrpment; Due to the Size of this sale. house- hold items will be sold outside. An- tiques msrde. Stan Edwards, Auctioneer. Bolton. 857-3454 lamp. bison heads on base. old picture frames; crocks. etc. For Estate of the late Lelia A. Reynolds, Aurora, Sale to be held at Aurora Community Centre, west off Yonge St. at lst lights north of Wellington St. Terms Cash. Cheques require I.D, Property sold. Cord Orr Auctioneer c1w10 BAILIFF SALE BY Public Auction Bakery Shop Equipment Thurs. Sept. 9. 1976 at 11 am. Sharp at 460 Elgln Mills Rd., East RICHMOND HILL By virtue of the Landlord's Claim against Nicky Tams. We will sell by Public Auction to the highest bidder the following: Hobart mincer and slicer. Scale. 6 ft. meat freezer. 7 ft. food freezer. Cash register. Air- conditioner. Fire extinguishers. Small quantity of office equipment. etc. etc. Terms cash or certified cheque and as per announced conditions at time of sale. Inspection from 10 am. day of sale. UNIVERSAL BAIUFF SERVICE 2410 A Egllnton An. East 755‘1186 c1w10 AUCTION SALE for the estate of Stanley Patalas. 143 King Street, King City on Saturday. September 11th at 1 p.m. Sale of household effects including furniture, kitchen ware appliances. large quantity of tools, Bolens snow blower, Lincoln welder. lawnmowers, large quantity of bolts, and nuts and many more miscellaneous items. Owners and Auctioneer not responsr- ble for accrdents. e50-1t Mon. Evening Sept. 13th 6 p.m. Auction Sale of household furniture including dining room buffet with mirror, china cabinet, 2 old fashioned kitchen cabinets, drop leaf table; rockers, morris chair; maple chairs, dresser, chest of drawer; kitchen table and chairs, Zenith 25 in. console colour TV, 3 yr. old: propane 4 burner stove (Good); ,Moffat dryer; 12 cu. ft. chest freezer; refrigerator, wringer washer; misc. dishes. hand and garden tools, and other misc. furniture and etc. For Edna Taylor Keefe St, N. Maple, Bert Vanderdonk, approx. 34 miles north of lights. Auctioneer Terms Cash. Cheques require l.D. Bradford Gord Orr 416-775-6637 Auctioneer c1w10 c2w9 AUCTION GARAGE SALE Saturday, September 18th Robert H. Blackburn, c-o Stong & Richmond Hill Curling Club rust east of Yonge Street on Elgin Mills Blackburn, 10350 Yonge Street, Road. Door opens at 12 noon. Sale begins at 12:30. Auctioneer: Suite 205, Richmond Hill, Ontario, «SamFockler L4G 388. c3w9 books. magazines. TV. and many more interesting goodies, “5 Coming Events Traditional Irish Step Dancing Classes are starting Tuesday, September 7, 1976. Church Hall of Our Lady Queen of the World Church, Bayview and Crosby Avenue, Richmond Hill. 7 Don’t fdrget Markham Heritage Festival at the Museum Sept. 11th, 1976, 10 am. to 4 p.m. clwlO Eylanrl Antique Irlarlret Sunday, Sept. 12th Metro Toronto's most selective monthly antique show-sale featuring fifty-five reputable dealers. Sept. 12-76 Nov 14-76 Jan.9-77 Oct. 10-76 Dec. 12-76 Feb. 13-77 F ï¬lllcrést‘mall P 11 am. to 5 p.m. Admission 75c c1w10 3‘" Antiques & Art BRASS Beds - a country store full, All srzes and styles (including. Queens). Open all weekends. 9994, Keefe St. Maple 832-2567, 936-: 3056. nus. BRASS. Copper, antiques, repolished Brass beds. etc. Britex 755-7851. if: 29 mineral nos stand for QUALITY Items to be sold are rec room bar. car. furniture, windows, screens. cZwJO mTenders TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL TENDERS FOR: , 1 Only 37: ton pick-up truck 2 Only 1/2 ton pick-up truck I 1 Only 5 ton truck with plow and wing Sealed tenders properly marked as to content will be received by the Clerk in the Town of Richmond Hill. Ontario. until 12:00 o'clock noon local time Friday, September 24, 1976. Information and tender forms are available at the office of the Purchasing Agent. Municipal Offices. 10266 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill, Ontario. C. D. Weldon, Clerk. c1w10 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL TENDERS SEALED TENDERS properly marked as to contents will be received by The Clerk in the Town of Richmond Hill until' 12 O‘CLOCK NOON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1976 for 1, Cleaning of Storm Sewer Catch Basins 2. Snow Plowing, Salting and Sanding Information and tender forms are available at the Office of the Purchasing Agent, Municipal Office, 10266 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted 0.011016“. Clerk c1w10 + Roll up your sleeve to save a life...