Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Sep 1976, B8

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34! â€" THE LIBERA Wednesday. September 8, 1976 ‘“ Mortgages "1 Apartments ‘36 Business 35° Pets 5“ Daycare T0 Rem 0 ortunities ' I O . I madame-meant “P THE POODLE SCENE V C '1 ' A BRIGHT spacmus 5 room. upper ALUMINUM dealership Established POODLECLIPPING DAY CARE Day are ‘ 6 Bank Of Montreal duplex. all utilities paid $450 retail and contract sales 111 north PET GROOMING CENTRE . h . M _ SpaCIous ground Yonge - Elgin metro area 9,935 .n busmess 495. 0088 GACCSESSgRIhES In my ome ‘ " M'I'S 4868578 “Wm 1511 CIWIO I Yonge t" 'C mond H'“ Sda sa week. Reasonable price. '\ r REAL L.>TATE LIMITEL ortgages available 8846587 no, Sho'rtmml PM or M “me 884 5471 Getting the financing you need can sometimes be a problem. 129 Business Office S ce ’W’i * ’* ‘ 'E' A ** '°pe”'"95“a"ab'e 335 09' Week 24 ' c1w10 8895651 ‘ 884'2377 ' 7734391 At Bank of Montreal we have a special plan for home finan. ' pa AND monlhs'5 Years â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ~ ~ - crng â€" whether you need help to buy a new house renovate 7 15am ‘6 W"- W‘“ hams" “0"”3’” “my '" "‘Y‘ Member-s of \ ork ( ount)’. Ontario 8: th b f htwm ' 83 Dunlap sheet. RIchmond HI” home. 3 a m to 5 D m» Age 2 and up, “mm w (‘tlnzldizln Association of Real Estate your prese” ome 0' 0’10‘” 0' any WOT '9 purpose O R N H I IN AND OUTDOOR 884 4811m773459‘ 1 10 Hot meals 884 2690 c1w10 ' ""“l‘h‘ Loans from '2 son to '25 non RUNS __ C " â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"‘ ' . ' PRESCHOOLERS or hall day HOME OF THE WEEK Pay bac" up to a penal 0‘ 15 "5' ' ‘ DAY CARE We" '1‘ my homer any schoolers. Hot lunches. 8847654 . tchl age. near Beverley Acres School. 884, Czwlo ~‘ NO PREPAYMENT PENALTIES 9535 tch W [NSURED I CAT'edfe'nnal; f'ggxgosggd 30'“: WILLâ€"â€"“T WILL babysu 1 Child In my home. Ba Spay ‘ 99 e5 ' ' ‘7/0 3”" day We '" "‘1 or“ while mother‘works Beverly acres ‘02” VONGE ST mvousE ST KEELEE'HWY .I y Demaine 085., Richmond HllI. 884’ alea 8849722 czwlo RICHMOND lllLL" HILLansr MALL CONCORD. 351 Livestock 7393 “"10 WKWWIE JIM LANE BOB CAGE MIKE MULCAHV New burlding â€"Air-condltioned $480 per month. 750 sq ft Expghmfncm Day; far: '6 m, In my home‘ any age» 884.0545 834.0 . presc ooers. and so 00 c l ren. C2 9 8844421 333 6691873 SISAL BALER TWINE mlth Wane, Sam and St. W ' c1w10 wrooo 11' Joseph's. References. Home with DAY CARE 8W9" I" my h0m8. any g g . 40 LBS. PER BALE playground. 8846169. c2w9 age 384-2697 c2w10 17 m D II - m - $11-75 Own office Gafdemng . asuppfies 364-6595 775.7737 5‘“ Domestic Help Wanted M D G E secretarial servrce, Telex, Thornhill "552 SERVICES location. S. A Giles. Landscape Gardener All materials supplied. Highly recom- RELlABLE lady to live in and care for 3children for 2 weeks. while mother RELIABLE babySItter for 5 year old, 2 evenings a week. Don Mills ~ Steeles. Horses Boarded A DIVISION OF ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED clwlo . mended 8843629 MS "1 hosp'm'gga'zuo‘ “"10 l5315362- CIWIO A MM 7 V 7 7 Box stalls. Turn-outs. Trails. CLEANING lady required once BABYSIUER ed n h I, I l OLDER BRICK HOME All Types of Mortgages purchased, sold or m G d . I Unionvllle. weekly. BayvieW‘FallwallS area- dam my. Ma.yy:r3:::%g; "intacu ate, .2 storey brick home, all arranged to sort your every need at Prime 3' enmg a n u Thornhlll References, Phone 889‘ iritErgs. erwro priglnal stain trim, large beautiful 'Rates. &Supplies c2w10 0834 evenings. c1w10 andscaped lot single car garage â€"-_â€"_â€" â€"â€"â€"â€" CLEANINGI ‘ . ’ t C AN‘N I d adyrequired, 1 day every drlgigzgy7paved. TO VIEW CALL 389-5651 Hay wiik‘ gagaafequne one dealywpleé gtghlerzfiselggzayvrewflomfieldclariad â€" . I 4 . w NEWMARKET LANDSCAPING n logglwfrlello pglmbalfales HOUSEKEEPER, experienced. non- SWIMMERS BE AWARE LOAM_T°PSOIL_MANURE ' ' ‘ smoker. Bayview-Steeles area. 5‘7 HOUSTMU’LR 10 make up ThiS3 bedroom Brick semi bungalow, has a Specialty mixed géroen so" _ day wegk. lee in, own apaltfi'lerild [Lietdroomssgll garzklway Hotel Call {Idol beautiful big pool 16 x 32 x 111/2’ deep. Pine 884-3089 m", 52“ 889-59 8' C w 2m, . , (.1! cupboards in large family size kitchen, pool ' 1 O W' _ table, paved drive and partially finished TORONTO FOR SALE - (a 10 n u I M R basem‘ent. This Home is an excellent buy. NEW HARDWOOD ‘ w _ R N CALL FOR INFORMATION. ED . RAlLROAD TIES Grass Cum” ' Horse Auction . ROGERS. 6.. ‘ ,.. , ,. _,.. y 6.. , ,. 8 so. Sept 11th, 2 pm. I am looking for a housekeeper PHONEMON.TOFRI. Kna ett’s 40Horses . eagerness My Landsigppmg 31011503; _ for Invalid Lady. Cull: C.1(. (KEN) LE FEUVERE â€"â€" ' Duties: Used with children all summer. All in excellent condition. Sound and well mannered. LOCATION: Horse Lovers Day Camp on south side of Vandorf Sideroad, 31/2 miles north of Gormley. 11/: miles east of Don Mills. 887-5195 c3w8 â€" Light Housework - Prepare Light Lunch ~ Grocery shopping - Good disposition Essential . â€" Answer telephone 5 Days a week. 8:30 â€" 3 30 (Ilexlble). $25 a day. Richmond Hill 884-7864 DZvrln RAILWAY TIES 884-3089 Used S7 95 picked up 38 50 delivered Knappett's Landscaping Bayview 8. 18th Ave, Richmond Hill 884-3089 "C52 MANAGER tfc42 c1w10 63" Lost 8 Found "5‘ Houses to Rent‘ (Country Lane ‘ Townhouses THOIN..HIA LTD. IIALTDI: NO HOLLOW LOST â€" Cat small black Tom. Hillcrest Mall area. 884-0627. c1w10I 712Tllursery School LOST.â€" Cat. 1 year old. grey. part PerSIan, bushy tall. No collar. Driveway Gravel 5‘" Daycare Wanted CRUSHED STONE, SAND. B th I D ff T t Rd CONCRETE GRAVEL, ETC. 3 urs â€" U em on es on ' FOR RENT Deliveredinsm-"mn'l'les 889~48160r832g2412 c1w10 22:8”:th axntifheflfié Register NOW Each with â€" Knappens Landscap'ng FOUND , grey mâ€"ale ca? â€"Hmc,est infants. 1 day per week guaranteed. Or 3 bedrooms. 1'2 baths. Also outdoor pool. 8843089 "m Mall parkinglot. 7213345 c1w10 881-4454 61w10 REAL ESTATE CAREER You are cordially invited to visit our lovely BAYVIEW Glen School. Laureleal, Mornings only working mother requrres lunch, after school superVIsion for 7 year boy, weekdays. 881-4091 c1w10 furnished model townhouse. Children Most Welcome SOD FOR SALE ' Pick an in the field Don Mllls â€" Bethesda Sideroad Ages 21/2 to 5 years. â€"â€" For information call BAYVIEW â€" Steeles â€" Laureleaf. ‘ "2 Oressmaking NO rash inducements or’ get rich quick schemes - just good solid training and comâ€" HAVE your clothes crafted for you Petitive benefits. Join a growing, innovative HOURS W Please join “Stand 'eas°"ab'e' 884‘9301c'lwm babysrtter â€" housekeeper for 7 year Mrs'Hunt company with 30 Metro and Ontario WEEKDAYS ‘11 AM,“ M us for "“5 school boy. lunchsafter school or 12» branches where teamwork is the “ke not MON-'FRI- SUN. Coffee and 5 30 9"” weekdays 8814091 I - y e 10 AM ' 9 PM 12 N00" ‘5 PM Conversation. 62° POISOMIS XIWIO C II D H i 2971270 7 1 “BIS?” geflgggffggegyegggg Richmond L a on e eston, - - '" my “‘9' ' in ngfidence . M R S A N N E pay. Calllnger Lamsee.884r8025. Nursery SChOOI , c2w9 Private licensed Thos N Shea Ltd Realtor - n w ' . . . . esume activities for pre schoolers 5“ Daycare September 13th, 1976. For . Card, Palm Reading and Adviser enrollment please call Mrs. Myrtle I‘ (JUST SOUTH OF WELLINGTON ST. W.) Bennett 884 3115 ' ' ' c1w10 BUY A frE/vrm/v ldvice and help given on all affairs of life. Just arrived from Europe. All Nursery Liberal HlLLCREST MALL area. 23 bedroom 1 reading private and confidential. Open daily 9 am â€"9 pm ' bungalow, Available October lst. SFAHQJSU: ,3 bedfimtns'MYonge ' SChOOI TeaCher advertised brands 884.5633 c1w10 " ewma' 8' 'ddle' For appomtments t91€ph0ne will provlde Day Care. Full day, $28 ‘55 Cars Wanted fl, '_+._â€"_ gged ample p'efe'md' Evgs' 884' per week. Hot meals included, Half om 293. i c1w10 days $16 per week. Hot meals . Liberal t RICHMOND HILL. West Side for rent “a 700 Sheppard Avenue, West Induded' spac'ous fac'l'l‘“ 031‘ WANTED â€" Old Jeeps for parts. Also ' 0 n M Immediate possessmn. References. Rooms Fm Rent Downswew‘ Ontano RldEBS 7735323. CZWIO any om ndrng mowers. 8848907. advert'sed _ $450 monthly 889-1939 after 5 pzwg c4w9 l stores 1 pm c1w10 lARGE furnished room, central _â€"â€"â€" Richmond Hrll. close to Yonge and transportation, Gentleman. 884- 7"“ Tutoring Wanted "3 Rooms For Rent YOL'R EQL‘lTY IN YOUR HOME 3312 czwg [SIDLE BORROWING POWER. __ THORNHILL â€" Piano lessons in your home or Our studio. We also have LEARN to “y Introductory (“EM :5 L'SEIT. LARGE furnished room wrth kitchen, A FURNISHED room, cooking practise pianos available in our studio if you have no piano. We have rommo Always Ltd Bunonyllle BOW I e [S Accounts _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" a corner. - 3 er pm. ll 1 l n erv tor and o ular works. N m l . Reduce 310mm." Payments by 50 Percent or more EgfiwsHbEliihflTpSI‘szr: 8823819810 “€29 , $358611 SOOhD:Dfi::allalf:bI: udon quuesE lplyou want to gaiveeysroilr 8“ per AChlevers FUR Fl'RTHER INFORMATION c1w10 FURNISHED room. close to mlmens League' ThurSday aflemmn 1 pm ABC Bownng Alley' RIChmOnd child confidence by provrding him or her one area where he or she wrll do Am you med or Suugglmg to help PLEASE (‘ALL transp0ltatlon 88479738 CIWIO ' outstandingly well. this is yOul opportunity. Our method gives every child you, chyrd accomphsh somethmg special and of havrng no help7 BASEMENT 8931mm”- 1 Ded'oomv 3 mdrvrd ual programmes and attention to Insure hlgh achievement results _ Your success is now wrthln reach BARBARA FLEMING ' FURNISHED Close to transportation. 9'9“? mm- 51°” 'elr'ge'am" 7 5 6 5 0 6 1 2 Your child wrll learn ab0ut the great composers and their musrc and relate it l pamng' own enmnce 884.8985 Men only. 884.9427 me, 5 pm - to the art and literature of each historical period. to give him or her a love :dli'lsealodglirteiggrf kill?“ acmeve's . Evgs c1w10 ttc43 2 and knowledge of musrc that wrll last a lifetime and give the kind of superIOr 0m come WI” take' any average Yon e Richmond C W9 cultural education that cannot be obtained in public school. child aged [0 4 _ 184 who knows g ~ 128 - s We guarantee results For every how they teach. our teachers do approxlm H“ 0' no m I M It H t h FaCt 'Indusulal pace 00 V0“ have 3 dllnk‘"g Dl°blem7 l h r lw rk w fr mtti lesson. Allolourcourses are reor an- I e “S C' a w' eat ale” 0”” 0 3 3y 0 e D g him or her to play concertplanlst- 884â€"0677 773.5268 " ll 80 M can help We 80x 84. Astrologer and Tarot i180 and planned. and then adapted and added to the Indlvldual child. and [em pieces m you, to S” m (1° I R'Chmond H111 0193114875591» thS, plus the teacher‘s devotion. gentleness and kindness are what produce Y H ‘ I y ‘ FACTORY space. 1500 sq ft, m“ . on m see stunning resu ts within 1“ PRESTIGE INDUSTRIAL MALL 7 h “_ V C d R d our pupils stunning success one yea! H3 economlcal [00,. Woodmnesme'es Am 0Uld00' Storage 3100 and UP 889 ALANON at ea er Last year alone our pupils won 176 lTluSlC trophies and over 52500 In musrc Graduates of "HS comse can be 4977 tlc6 scholarships Have fun and share y0ur child's enthusrasm and excitement as we help you discover together the wonderful world of mm For free brochure call us today 222-2036 The Country Day School There are only a few vacancies left for students who wish to attend grade 6 and 7 for the upcoming school year. 1200 sq ft Units 300 sq ft ollice, aircondltloned broadloomed. drapes Immediate Occupancy 889-2756 BetweenBam 85pm dc46 Warited Approximately 500 sq.ft. industrial space for furniture lound in almost every mayor orchestra in the world Call us and we wrll tell you all about it. It teachers are not Ill. leave your name and number and we‘ll call you back 222-2036 SUZUKI piano School that exposes the student to all facets of musrc Interesting lessons Our students look lorward to their weekly lesson with enthusiasm and happiness 222 2036 c4wlO DOES anyone In your lamlly have a drinklng problem? Call Alanon. 366-4072 I1CI6 AT YONGE AND HWY 7 600 and 1500 Sq. Ft. For Rent 8897151 or 8890728 tch Serving Ontario since 7889 WCYURM and GREY TRUST COMPANY 11%% Phone 887-5375? ‘7 c2w9 NOTE PIANO STUDENTS AT LEVEL . . . . 0F GRADE IX â€" X AND ARCT PRIME RESIDENTIAL 'ef'“'3“'”g “We” APPLY T01 252:2? lazinesrnnsia' share. I students at your level and a well I. A . . H d t organized and superior musical 0 RIChmond area. 6 programme that includes all the related subyects (History harmony Term 5years c1w10 etc) Last year the lowest mark Up to Years to pay back leCf'IIYedolll Zgyilngggsgnéatow Exagm7 In 15 UT V 1 1J0 was B B 172 Apartments To Rent percent and the highest mark was UV or UI ~ R 3 K I N G O anincredlble 99 per cent‘ 222 2036 Renovate or Refinance APARTMENT 1 bedroom central .erng 3 WWW am 69 - - y y - (MO ‘0"89 51 Adults only No pets Stockdale,lirstst'eet sourhoiuaror â€"â€"Vid¢~~iw ga.m'_5ptm_ Mongpri' References 8841796 c1w10 LOG 1K0 Mackenzie Drive ofl Eathdrst 636 6837 :ZnLO Musrc lessons In your home or ours Piano cello violin rec0rder theory BASEMENT one bedroom apartment - ' i__ fi Ill be innr |1 Yonge St” RIChmond stove and Wage and mm 884 :8EDRmV awmm ,0, ,6“ 398 4 1 6 Thimpesznespeiglé yelcolmsee (cornerYonge a Crosby) ’ 2755 mm WWW om Rmmm my; 3.3a ' ' Thompson Mus Bac Supt as! 139 :anO 3324250 DUPLEX lJDDG' level. 11: DECS ‘ 7AA_Vâ€"~ czwg . balcony garage excellent far To DUBLET - 3 bedroom warmer" 9 99 Ken Meters. 095 Daleyr Gma Bums busrness person or couple 297 Thomn'I‘ 3'93 0°59 to Yonge PIANO Lessons Madame 10' Stuaents .mmmmF‘Emfim 3785 49516“ CMO Avallable October lst Call after 6‘ of alleges Willtravel 63077993 . o m set 3600 c2w9 "68

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