Too late to transplant irises? ByMarIonBluegnu wait m] spring? I‘ve Dear Marion; Should plants. This provides 21 leaves have started to Dear Marion; I know . (1 never planted summer- the foliage from day-lilies natural mulch. come up. you’re supposed to [89'0" gar ener flowering bulbs before_ be cut down in the fall? You can, of course, What youcan remove in Does leaving it there removethedead leaves in fall is the unsightly dead encourage the spread of the spring once the new flower heads. disease? Mrs. L.G. Unionville Don‘t cut down the transplant irises as soon as they finish blooming, and I’m wondering if it’s too late to do it now. Mrs. P.L., Thomhill Mr. S.J., Langstaff You can plant the hardy within a couple of years summer-flowering an- reâ€"establish themselves emone bulbs either in as vigorous bloomers. October or very early in THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. September 15. 1976 â€" C-S ‘Do ii Now! ; ElNElltli Willi (no la rose TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL 000000 PROCLAMATION I, H. David Schiller, Mayor of the If you don‘t expect too Irises are one of those the spring. leaves from day-lily If“ MAM "mm mm . Town of Richmond Hill do hereby proclaim much in the way of bloom lants that seem to Plant them about three “ ‘Sld'iwuih L ‘7 'Troncbina ' next summer, I think genefit from a little abuse inches deep, preferably I EP Elm “Ill “mun mm“ ‘Excmiug ': 1;“, THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER you re fairly safe in anyway. Brings them inapartly shady location 'SoptlcTcnlu «pm... as dividing or transplanting book stronger than ever and make sure they got - ..sold only atcanada Trust. rennet-ten scuom BUS SAFETY MONTH irises now. Give them a single plenty of water during the erh WELDRICK They’re such a hardy fertilizing early next blooming season. LIBERAL in and for the Town of Richmond Hill. plant they usually can be Spring It’s a good idea to HILLCREST MALL CONSTRUCTION . h'll moved successfully Dear Marion; Should 1 mulch if the bulbs are. ADS 176 Weldrick Road H. DaVId Sc i er. almost any time. and plant anemones now or being planted in the fall. 331-0059 Mayor. litres of Coca Cola free 6 1/2 oz. tins of assorted Pamper free 6 cat food (value 1.62) when you purchase Pet Care wntto aid items advertised below. . . choose any 6 items - £8.E.I£§§.3°ke 35335!†cat lltter “i331 9322 .99 121/2lb. 1 _5g Listerine 02342403121. 39 or only dispenser blades another Gillette tracll .3. .89 Bromo-seltzer Elite-1 .29 edmblam WS' 31132358300 ...2::22::1.79 ti d ' . l mdghstu-creme “1852' .89 more e 00 S GCIaS a'mavows OZ» Johnsons p p â€d -59 babypowder..ao1. 99 Alpodog food 3‘4i?n2 .99 ngn-L Ration €281.49 nvereedom 1.9;: .49 from the famous Niagara vineyards! Kel Iogg ' S =“"*:m?s:esse£a§§&w . . corn 1602 Ideal foriams! no. 1 grade! pkg-- flakes blue grapes Robin Hood all purpose flour S'b' from the tropics! everybodys favourite! bag bananas l'1 2 Bonita, Sucre pound or Chiquita I produce of U-S A ’ tancy gradel new crop! red delicmus 3 89 Libby’ s apples oag - deep browned beans with pork .l'ld initiato sauce or in lo'tmto produce of U S A. - ideal in salads cherry tomatoes quan box .69 SJUCO 19H oz I Westcane granulated , white 2 kg 69 sugar ooo . Peek Frean biscuits nice. Shortcake, digestive or lrUit creme Salada orange pekoe tea bags 2 Cup I------é------------I I . 4% save 2 00 oil I 14 OZ. , ' . I _' y- Loblawsreg. price I bag ' I ,~. ’EL’ ., 01599 With the I I “til/y." Li} Qua-.3);â€" ’ fag purchase of one I 60's iwnotn-so222?;211331255 - bOX : Set of 6 Canada a, Tamwg : l Cup posters ELoblaws _I Shirriff's Good Mornin marmala e whiteliouid 32 oz ia' orcreamed 3 lb plastic mt Billy Bee#1 honey 8 ue Bonnet .egefac e c margarine Loblaws fro en fancy peas :39 “IS 24 ll oz Jar 1.19 1.69 “V-_4:5;~" §;. v.4 :L: RlCH’y‘iO DHlLL ONLV Kellogg'strozen regularor bacon a; v g . .9 a eggo waffles $53 .59 air freshener Fleischmann's frozen powder > 2 egg beaters ‘6â€.55 .99 Fab detergent 3.51 .89 Customers mo reriiiireil to pay deposit 0n reliirtiinblc bottles with the purchase of any 6 health & beauty as advertised on teleVision at 10 OO Brut 33 rollâ€" on deodorant normal shampoo (bonus 100 ml) 550 ml herbal essence Dias...†disposable toddler comfees diapers bonus pack 4 ti oz lreel scented or unscented final net hair net tlushable feminine napkins new freedom Palmolive rapid, regular or lime shave cream regular or extra hold Gillette dry look Adorn. soft style extra hold. regular hair spray 6 3.2 aerosol lin super sword Wilkinson blades .59 . vaseline, lotion 400 ml intensive care 9...... m. 1 5 fl oz bottle 1.19 1.59 2.19 1.59 79 79 1.39 1.19 59 1.49 205 box 12 fl 02 plastic btl 128 box ll 7 oz aero tin u 9 oz aerosol tin Ontartogrown , #1 grade '1p :1 at' potatoes flower dept speCIal' large size Schefflera plant 119 g... â€.99 4.29 homogenized past teurized 0:? y SK 'rrned tbag or Jug 2% milk Posters -FCE::;-. . . ., .,. *Loblaws more than the price is right.