Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Oct 1976, B10

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Requited immediately. Hours 7 am, to 5 pm Sdays weekly. Good starting Mr. Wa‘rdleworth, 889-5416 3-10 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, October 6. 1976 WAITRESS-WRITER, for first class diningroom. excellent working conditions. Also one opening for lounge evenings Own car essential. Call Mi. McLean, 881-2121, Parkway Hotel. Hwy. 7 and Leslie. cle PART TIME opportunity selling Sarah Coventry jewellety‘ Very good eamings. No investment. No delivery. No experience necessary, IMO» 4026. c2wl3 Bar person - glass washer' Must be ptepared to work some evenings and weekends. Baywew - Elgm Mills area. MW” Mature couple required to operate gmup home in Sutton area. Knowledge ol child care or experience with adolescents essential. Must be willing to work with Socrety stall, One partner responsible for operation at home while other free to pursue outside employment. Regular relief help and social work consultation provided. Salary plus benefits. Apply to: VCA Formold Plastigs of Canada Limited 95 Newklrk Road, Richmond Hill Requires Warehouse Person For afternoon and midnight shifts. Apply at office between 9 - 5 pm. Teletype Operator Machine Operators Black Hawk Motor Inn After 7 pm. Group Home Parents For Rotating Day/ Night Shift Apply in person: 61 Rayette Road Hwy. 7 - Keele Street Factory Carpet Outlet 881-1223 Located at 541 Bowes Road, Concord Second Shift Excellent benefits Apply in Person Mr. Don Kelly General Factory Help Night Shift _ Lathe Operators Auto Parts Manufacturer requires Retail Store Plant Labourers Required by Must be over 18 Apply in person to: Night manager Russelsteel Mrs. Darlene Besant, Children‘s Aid Society of the Regional Municipality of York, Experienced help Required for 288 Cawthra Boulevard, Newmarket, Ontario L3Y-4N8 895-2318 or 362-1022 Friday nights and Saturdays Should have driver's license‘ Expenenced Part Time Miss Neale PERSON for general part time office help. Afternoons only. Call Castle Paper482-3366,495-1166‘ clwl4 WELL known company requires ambitious persons for part and full time work Day or evenings. Car necessary, Earn up to $6. an hour. 895-6532. c2w13 EXPERIENCED carpenters and brick layers required. Must have transpor- tation. 884-9379 Or 889-2075. 5“ Help Wanted Clw 14 Clw 14 Clwld cle clwl4 clwl4 c1w14 clwl4 flu? Laborer for Building Supply to heIp on delivery truck. Steady employment. Apply: Shoe Sales Person Sunday service and week night practice Box 104 “The Liberal" Male or nights‘ Appw: 147 Centre Street, East, Richmond Hill far evening work at Hillcrest Mall snack bar‘ 5 day week. Positions available in: Supply Processing and Distribution Duties include transportation of hospital supplies and assusting in the hospital piinting room. Permanent day shift FoodServices Termporary full time position available Immediately. Apply to personnel department Medical Group Reply by letter to Expenenced RECEPTIONIST Evestrougher 889-6670 Ingeborg Shoes Hillcrest Mall -Richmond Hill Mr. Williams Organist Rout Building Supply Full & Part Time Organ Warehouse General Practice Help Wanted for Mesam Supply Limited cw EXPERIENCED LATHE OPERATOR Mature Person Schrity Guards Box 106 “The Liberal". Richmond Hill Shop and Pans 889-9540 York Central Hospital Machine Expefienced 833-5121 Expenenced 883-1323 After 6 p.’m. YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL Driver's license required 895-7751 Required Required Female. Afternoon and 10 Trench Streak Richmond Hill 883-2250 For clwl4 c2w14 c1w14 clwld c1wl4 clwl4 c1w14 clwl4 Clw N cw” Ree! to Reel stereo tape unit. Perfect condition. Many extras. 3225‘ good tot beginners. Excellent condition. Asking $125. Hardwood Firewood Delivered $30. per cord 833-5667 Evgs. THOMAS Organs are pleased to announce that our new warehouse showroom is now open! New organs with one finger chords & rhythm start as low as 3450. Large selection of the complete Thomas Organ line as well as used organs at reduced prices Thomas Organs, 60 Doncaster Ave., Unit 5. Thornhill (‘6 mi. north of Steeles; east off Yonge.) Wed, Thurs” Fri. 2 pm. ‘9 pm; Sat 9:30 am. ~ 5:30 pm Plant your Terrariums or decor- ate your home at reasonable prices Free advrce‘ PLEASE COME TO REEVES PUNIS AND FLOWERS 2 miles north of No, 7 Hwy. in Woodbndge, October 9th, Saturday 8 We are going out 'of business. am. - 6 pm. October 10th, Sunday 10 am, - 6 pm. 8700 Islington Avenue, Woodbridge, Ontario. We have several thousand tropical plants. succulents. cacti, vines. ivys and flowering plants. China. lamps, Franklin heater, Chesterfield set, oak dressers, wringer washer, radios. black and white and colour televisions, floor polisher, iron, tables, doors, Lazy Boy, drapes, gas fired space heater, books, antique pictures. brass tender. captains chair. musket, brass candle sticks, drum heater, 2 handle saw, apple peeler, sausage maker, 1938 to 59 car plates. Model T Ford parts. 1954 Dodge chrome package. 1920 Brownie camera, lantern, historic Toronto newspapers. etc. Rear of 68 Oak Ave, Richvale, south ol Hillcrest Mall or phone 889-3710. and 889-0268‘ clwld Oct 16 10 am. - 4 pm. l9 Chulch St. 8., Richmond HilI. Opposite Bad Boy's Parting Lot. c2w14 Kenmore. apt. size_ Harvest gold Best offer. Excellent condition. For all makes of water softeners Prompt Free Home Delivery. Mldcat 60‘s. 15 6 Scott Dr., Thornhm (4 blocks south of Hillcrest Mall) Loughlin Lumber & Prefab Enlarger, Vivitar E34 Selling Out Bus 180. Oak Ridges Reconditioned softeners far Sale fic13 Washer and dryer Unab|e to relocate Just Arrived Luxapw PaneHing 7 Brand new colours for ’76 From $7.42 K.N.Woo||ey Ltd., ANTIQUE SHOW IND SALE in 1 Garage Sale Pair of tires Displaced by N'ew Airport Soni366 J. Greftegreff Greenhouses Contents & Antiques Sale Private today through Sat. lamps. Franklin heaten 'Salt Rain or Shine 294-5634 773-4203 Corner of 17th Ave‘ Markham » Pickering Townline 773-5875 889-1109 884-7708 889-8108 887-5614 Come On In 881-5725 Bes‘ offer chH c1w14 c4w14 cle ch41A clwld c1wl4 Colonial Pine Furniture & Gifts Sale on down time and mechanical repairs with "Warn" electric winch mounted just inside your tailgate‘ Reg.$582.Now $456. Available to vendors of an kinds 0t food In Farmers Market. Apply Saturday only to See our excellent selectlon of tabtes, corner benches. corner cupboards‘ tour poster beds. pedestal tables, etc CRAIGMORE HOUSE COMMERCIAL polishet and cteaning equipment, like new. $500. Hoover spin washer, $60. Alrconditioner. 10.000 btu's, 5200. 727-5466 25" Viking Swedish walnut console‘ Excellent condifion. Just overhauled. New picture tube, $325. Si". 889. 0268. Grade 1 Maclntosh $6. bushel Cooking apples $4.50 bushel 889-4172 GanpSaie Sammy, October 91h 10m. Office furniture and equnpment. sevetal pieces early Canadiana. assorted odds and ends. Some collectables. 9401 Mn load,Woodbridga 332-2444 Many varieties, all $3. per half bushel. Ftee wagon ndes, Apple museum and knchen. Enjoy a famfly outing. 887-5979“ Wide selection of objects consisting of oil lamps, clocks and statues. Fine handcrafted furniture and antique hutches and chests. Many reprints of fine water-colours and oils, framed in antique boards. Also a fine seiection of ham boards available. There are many other objects of interest and beauty, but far too many to list. So come and see us at the Grand Opening, we are located on Islington Avenue in the Town of Kleinburg. c2w13 Seasoned mixed hardwood. Manimulin white birch. Pickup 0! delivery. 884-9626 W York Farmers Market, 7509 Yonge St, Thornhill or phone Ed Gladding at 887-5435 anytimg Sales Space NOW OPEN DE RUITER’S MILL' ANTIQUES These are healthy, freshly dug ever- greens, ideal for hedges or screens; I M (Near Pigeon Lake) Remaining young cedar plantation must be removed before year end. 2' to 3’ cedars(ba|led) $1.50 ea. 3' to 4' cedars (balled) $1.90 ea. 4’ to 5‘ cedars (balled) $2.30 ea. Minimum order 12 - delivered - guaran- teed for 12 months. Beds repaired & repohshed 8118 Yonge St, Thomhill 881-4072 3440 Pharmacy Avej Unit 12 Scarborough‘ 497-7833 Pick Your Apples at Colour T. V. Brass bgds All sizes Woodbine Novth to Vandorf, easi 1 mi. B.J.’s Enterprises Horton’s All insulation in stock Cash 3 Carry Loughlin Lumber 6 Scott Dr., Thornhill 889-1109 10% OFF Firewood Tree Farm Sold Apples KLEINBURG, ONTARIO 893-1885 Snow Plowers Tow Truck 305 Yonge St, South Oak Ridges Electric Winch sales 8. service Articles For Sale 884-6036 773-4091 To order wriie to: Cedar King Reg'd Omemee, Ont. tfc 11 c3wll clwl4 clw14 c4wu cdwl c1w14 ficll ALUMINUM Doors, windows, awnings, railings. siding, soffit systems, trough. Free" .estimates, Ron Woods 884-1514. ACCORDIAN 120 bass. Practically new. Call after 6 pm. 884-9846. 6 mi. east of Richmond Hi|| on 18th Ave., between 6th & 7th concession. cle Leading Manufacturer and distribu- tor has above ground Aluminum Pools left over from 1975 season, VzPRICE, guaranteed installation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect, Mississauga days or evenings. 416- 625-8819 tic 32 HOOVER washe! spin dryer, $45. COuch 320. Bed, $10. Both suitable for cottage. 884-9325‘ clw14 SOFA. cost $625. sell $350. Loveseal. cost $525. sell 3250. Wage brown and yellow stripe, Simmons make, yellow chair. cost 5225. Sell 3160. China cabinet, cost 3425‘ Sell $190. Andrew Malcolm. oak. An conditioner, cost $349. sell $190. Seats, 1 year old. 881-2205, c1w14 SEWING MACHINE, Singer, cabinet stool. $40. clothes dryer. elecmc. $25. 889-5839. c1wl4 YORK ALUMINUM â€" Free estimates Aluminum siding windows. doors awnings, 8844558 or 832-1319 I! BUDGIES. beautiful coloursA 881- 0658. Child IEAKWOOD â€" LivingDining- Bedrooms. Designs in Teak. 457 Markham Rd., Allencoun Plaza, Richmond Hill - 884-3750. BEDROOM set. kitchen set. Chesterfield. rugs, lawnmower. other household items‘ Moving. 884-5935. clwl4 TYPEWRITERS. adders. caICUlators, sales, service. tentals. Newmarket Business Machines, 497 Izmothy SL, Newmarket, 895-7621, tfc 36 PIANO for sale. Upright Stanley Good condition. Purchaser to move at own expense. $265. 881‘0079. Teakwood Furniture Direct from importers warehouse Open till 9 pm. EINAR CLAUSEN LIMITED Hwy, 7, Bramalea, 791-2355 79 Doncaster, Thornhrll 881-0000 ivery busy, well established Pick Your Own Tomatoes $3. pet bushel SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE Lehman's c2w c4w10 c2w13 c2w14 Clwl4 tfcll "MG "c4 CHESTERFIELD. French Provincial. 6', beige and fruitwood‘ Excellent condition. 5250. 884-3122, c1w14 39" BOX spring and mattress. Mattress for baby‘s crib. 80th like new. 884-7426 aftet 5 pm. clwld CHESTERFIELD. tufted velvet. carved wood base. S350, Loveseat to match, excellent condition, 3225. Loads of assorted excellent items. large and small for garage sale. Sat. and Sun. following, 10 to 5 pm, 11070 Bathurst St., north of Elgin Mills. Maple‘ 881-1266 COAT. man's brown leather. size 40. Immaculate condition. $85. 884- 0348. c1w14 2 PAIR skates, 1 boy‘s Bauers, size 6, l girl's figure ska‘es, size 2. Both used only one season‘ 884-7161 FREEZER, 18 cu. R. Bladford. one year old. 3200. Air hockey game. floor model. 825. 884-1216. clwl4 3 ROOMS of furnituw. 3600‘ 884- 1315 after 6 pm. clw14 TEAKWOOD Burma Scandinavian furniture. bedroom, diningroom, Irvingroom, coffee tables Brand new Very reasonable 1-247-4377, tfc30 STOVE. gas Coppertone, with flexible hose. 2 years old, 444-4309. c1w14 IOU SETS bunk beds, brand new, all sizes; No reasonable oflers refused. Call Harry, 4881911, 3368 Yonge St, Toronto. c4w13 ANTIQUE oak and leather office chair. 350. Old typewtiter. excellent condition $40. Cotfee table 310. 884-2522. clw14 TYPEWRITER, electric, 1 year old 100 BRASS beds, brand new. all sizes. No reasonalbe offers refused‘ Call Harry, 4881911‘ 3368 Yonge St. Toronto; c4w13 Olympia, cost 3830‘ Sell $650. 884- 9221. c2w14 PIANO, upright. Mason and Risch 3450‘ Excellent tone. 888-1231 BABY carriage. Swan, $40. Baby- stroller, $10, Inglis gas dryer, $50. Moffat stove. $35. Child's table and chairs, 810‘ Riding Inch Worm. $10. 884-1259, 884-6614. clw14 FAMILY room furniture, 7 seater sectional Chesterfield, matching chair, coffee able and side table. Almost new. All for $225. 889-4598‘ clwl4 BEDROOM suite, lover 8 pc‘ solid walnut, Hepplewaile style Gibbard. 65 years old. Twin beds, very elegant $2,000 Also 6 pc. mahogany Andrew Malcolm bedroom suite, excellent condition. $1,000. Private 255-2619. cle DININGROOM suite. 9 pcet Mission walnut, Krugg 60 years old with 6 antique Victorian Side chairs, upholstered in blue and silver. tufted brocade silkr Very elegant. $2,200. 255-2619. c2w14 KROEHLAR Sleep lounge, green win)? with new mattress $50. 884-6457. clwl4 GARAGE Sale‘ Oct, 9th, 10 am. 67 Muirhead Ctescent, north on Yonge to Stouffville SideroadA cle COLONIAL high chain spring rocking horse (Stroller, bike and car. $8). 884-3511,1-705-436-2]40. clw14 END of season bargain! Very large 220 v. air conditioner $40. Also gas dryer $40. Both in good working order. Call 884-7020 evgs. p1w14 after 7 TIRES (2), G 78-14'5. As new 15's on Ford rims. 889-8821, CHESTERFIELD and chair. Spanish black leatherette, 2 matching tables $250. complete. 8893595 c1w14 REFRIGERATOR, 11 cu. ft. Admiral $250. 23 cu. ft‘ Moflat deep freeze. 5275. Both 5 months old. 889-4591 24 h.p, 1 Call Steve 1973 YAMAHA 350 RD, K81's. Very good condition. 3750 or best offer. 226â€"0573 evenings. c1wl4 DININGROOM suite, Hespeier, walnut finish, bullet 6'. Table 5‘, 4 leaves. 6 chairs. leather seats‘ $450. Chest of drawers, 6 drawers, 4' long. $35 4 Colonial Captain chairs, maple finish, $50. 887-5223. c1wl4 CONTENTS 0! new Toronto home. 255-2619. c2w14 MOVING to Florida, must sell 8 pc. dining room suite 3400; 2 steel belted snow tires HR 78x14, 1 yr. old 375; C.G.E. Electric Lawnmower & Grass catcher, cost $149, $75; 8' Green & Gold Chesterfield & Chair 3150; Blond coffee 8. end tables, arborite. $35; Electrohome Humidifier $45; Aqua Wet & Dry Vac. $40; 16” Pioneer Chain Saw, cost $187.20 â€" 5125, Please call Friday evgi 884~2173i clw14 MILK CANS, 8 gal, $10. each‘ 889 3826 before 3 pm ch.” “‘3 Motorcycles for 2‘“ Snowmobiles SNOWMOBILE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Bill Walls, Bethesda 73 Skiroule RUPP A POLAR 888-1998 twin, Excellent condihun 884-2224 \lD clwl4 clw14 c1w14 2678- c1w14 clwld Hc‘S Chance of a lifetime to save John’s Marineland All Weather Marine Combining together at one location 3 Laidlaw Blvd., Markham 11/2 mi. west of 18' GREW. 120 ML inboard. outboard. Tandem trailer. depth finder and many extras. 889-1223‘ Hwy 48 on No. 7 o Crestline Boats 0 Doral Boats 0 Themes Aluminum 0 Mercury Motors 0 Wiscot Trailers N0 REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE REFUSED 235 Hwy. 7 E. Thornhill 475 Kennedy Rd. Scarboro HIGHEST cash prices 6r trade value, paid for houseful of furniture and appliances. Brice's Furniture. 363- 1954‘ this PIANO wanted. Approximately 3100- $150. 222-7088. (1:22 ‘lrans Canada Rent-a-Traller is olfenng to the public a number ol utility ttailers. We have a limited supply of 4 x 8 open and enclosed. 4 x 6 enclosed, and 5 x 10 open and enclosed. Call 884-4448 lor the north and 2254868 lor central. CAMPER, hardtop, 3400 Excellent condition‘ 881-1282‘ cle WANTED - Boy S4 12 - 14. 884-7449 TENT trailer, Sofl top. 5335‘ 884- 5292, 773-5186. c1w14 2door. powel steering, power btakes. Runs well‘ Body needs some work Best ofler over $700, WOODWORKING type‘ 884-6660. Special Factory Purchase“ 0‘ I976 16' 8- 18' Models DEAD‘ 0r crippled farm animals, picked up promptly. 705439-2421 Call anytime, Ed Peconi & Son Woodville, Ont, Licerce No. 324C66. “:29 Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 889-0353 ":29 ’76 DEMOS Available Now 311 ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks Stock Reduction Sale Reid Mower, Marine & Sports 884-7716 881-2384 TRAILER SALE “LOVE AT EIBSI DRIVE" Save Hundreds 68 Chevrolet Impala 18' Fibreglass Runabout ARE PROUD TO INTRODUCE THE WWW 23" Campers & Trailers Articles wanted The Fuel Save: SALES 8. SERVICE 889-1939 SAVE 262 YONG! ST moron 'mEND Power Tools, Hobby c1w14 Scout uniform size '9. clwl4 2‘5 Boats & Supplies 773-4444 294-3650 c1w14 c4w11 c1wl4 c4w9 ":29 1966 CHEW II Wagon. Selling for parts, 3175. Or best otter. 884-3534 Evgs. c1wl4 70 Dodge Challenge! 1600 Standard shift, 35,000 miles. Good condition‘ Please call GOOD SELECTION OF QUALITY RECONDIIIONED V.W.‘s Specnalizing In V.W. body walk and general repails. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Mark II. stationwagon. 2.000 engine. 46,000 miles. 2 door hardtop, 8 cylinder automatic. power steering, power brakesi Very good condition. Certified. 1970 NOVA SS 396. 4 speed. Best offer. Call Tony 8957867 after 6 pm. clwl4 V6 standard. Very clean. rust ptoofed. Radials. Snows. 21,000 miles. Certified. 53.2004 Convertible PS-PB-PW. new paint, radials, new top. Beautilul. Call Wayne aftet 6 pm As '5. Good engine, Needs body walk $125 884-4773 Excellent condition‘ 21,000 miles on new engine. $2.050 or best ofler. WI" certify. Mint condition, Second cal. 68.00C miles. New tires, Best offe! ovel $800 10 passenger stationwagon. Automatic, power steering and brakes, radios Good condition. Make an offer Uncertified. Call Aurora 4 door, V8 automatic, Power biakes, power steering, new radials, showroom condition. Inspection certificate. 774-5680 Evgs. ch,” $1200. 68 Buuck Skylark 6 cylinder, automatic, new transmlssion. As is "5"- 881-0470 W 4 Wheel drive. Original owner. Completely loaded with all accessories. 40.000 miles. Custom condition, $6,000 or best offer. Gary 65 Ford Galaxie. convertible. stick shift 9.000 miles. 6 cylinder. standard 73 Toyota Corolla DOHERTY MOTORS 727-3322 1973 Land Rover 455 23,000 miles Excellent condition BEST OFFER 68 Ford Galaxie VOLKSWAGEN SALE 76 GMC pick-up 72 Toyota Corona 71 Ford 1/2 ton pickup truck 1967 Ford XL 62- Volvo 544 75 Chevrolet Biscayne 884â€"6541 convertible 884-8311 884-9825, my” 884-0350 Cars & Trucks 1969 Chev 884-2560 741/2 Capri 773-5704 727-9110 884-3446 884-5702 74 MGB 727-1538 884-6354 Certified, 3950, 961-5300 71 MGB 73 VW 318 motel. Automatic. Rally wheeis. As is‘ Evgs‘ Days‘ clwl4 c2w13 cle c1w14 clwld cle c1w14 c1w14 c1w14 Clwlfl clw ll c2wl4 clw H clw ll Clw H

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