Antiques stolen C-14 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October 6. 1976 After calling police from a neighbor‘s, he went back and saw the men get into a carnancl driyg off. However they left the chest full of antiques behind and White was also able to supply police with the make of their car and license number. KING â€" Stanley White of RR 2, King City, told police he saw two men leaving his premises last week with a chest of antiques. It’s not easy to run a race when there‘s a balloon stuck between your legs, but at least these girls all share the same handicap as they take off from the starting line. It was part 8. ROYAL YORK RD. 741 THE QUEENSWAY LANDSDOWNE 8. DUNDAS l4] YONGE SH 1975 DEPT. STORE PRICE OVER $7.00 En “la vase TOWN OF ‘ .-« RICHMOND HILL Parks & Recreation Department RICHVALE COMMUNITY CENTRE FALL PROGRAM 76 EVERYONE NEEDS EXERCISE (MEN'S & LADIES' FITNESS) "BARBIES" RICHMOND STREEI UPSTAIRS - 2nd FLOOR 3-ROOM HOUSE WITH FURNITURE, BEDROOM KITCHEN, LIVING ROOM QUEENSWAY "IDEAL" HOLLYWOOD SOUARES ' GAME WIND-UP ZIG-ZAG ACTION REGISTRATION INFORMATION KNOB Hlll FARMS 3-CARS - ENGINE COUNTRY LIVING HOME Women - Mondays 7:30 - 9:00 PM. Men - Mondays 9:00 - 10:30 PM. October 11th to December 13th $15 - 10 weeks. Instructor: Robert Bursach Call 884-8101 Extension 74 or 8840855 INSIDE fl WORLD OF They're off and hopping 370] KEElE sr. BETWEEN SHEPPARD 8. FINCH INSIDE RIO [UMBER DIXIE PLAZA 1630 DANFORTH DIXIE RD. 8 QUEEN E. iii; I975 DEPT. STORES CATALOGUE PRICE $14.99 - $14.44 BIBJIM“ GOLD MEDAL’†SKI VILLAGE or SKI BUN of the fun at a busy day of “Olympics†activities for students at German Mills public school last week. Flushing of Watermains I700 EGllNTON E. 2457 EGllNTON E. Starting October 12th, 1976, the Richmond Hill Waterworks will do the semi annual Flushing of Watermains from Tuesday to Friday. This might temporarily disâ€" colour your water, please check the colour of your water before doing any laundry. M.L. Perkins Maintenance Manager PEOPLE D0 READ SMALL ADS MADE IN ENGLAND - HARBUTTS INSIDE “THE DAVIDS BIG IDEA & DUND AS IIGWY. INSIDE TRIANGLE [UMBER CARBOROUG CAWTHRA be . (tenths JUST EAST OF KENNEDY COMPARE THIS ANYWHERE 'vone BOXES CRAYONS TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL SHERIDAN MAll DANFORTH RD. 8. BIRCHMOUNT JUST NORTH OF RICHMOND Hlll INN OLYMPIC FORMER A l. P SIORE 10133 YONG! ST. INSIDE Family Fair Stores PICKERING (Photo by Hogg) $10,000 fire loss KING â€" Faulty wiring was blamed for a fire at the home of Mary Fran- ciotti, Con. 7, King, last week. The fire, which broke out in the north end of the house, awakened Mrs. Franciotti, who called the Nobleton Fire Department to put it out; Damage was estiniated at $10.000 MON. - FRI. 8 A.M.-5 P.M. SAT. 9 A.M.-2 P.M. 441 Esna Park Road, Unit No.9 , Markham, Ontario L3H 1H7 Phone 495-1985 Sleep more peacefully tonight . with the Sunbeam Smoke Sensor alarm system Why every home should have a smoke detector Fireï¬ghters and tire prevenhon author- ities all recommend the use of smoke detectors In pnvate homes, The reason: most hre vuctlms due of asphyxiation, not burns And close to half, these experts say. might be saved by early warning of ï¬re, The smoke detectors Job IS to pr0vude this early warning-before smoke. flame or fumes are even apparent And that's how a dependable detector can give you almost priceless peace of mind Which detector to choose With so many smoke detectors avafl- able, how do you choose? These facts might help you. The sooner your smoke detector IS able to sense combustion and sound the alarm. the more time you and your tamnly have to escape...and the more faith you can put in It.You want a unIt as reliable as modern science can make It. With every possiblecheck and countercheckbulltm Sunbeam safety facts Compare with competitive ' GAL. name brands Selling at MADE ESPECIALLY FOI $14.00 YOU - TO SAVE YOU per gallon MONEY Velvety Smooth Finish with excellent Hiding Qualities. The new Sunbeam SMOKE SENSOR alarm system is engineered wuth the seven advanced perlormance features listed here ,They're well worth studying “Wood-Tck CLtd. BIIY DIRECT FROM FACTORY Above all. noté the Sunbeam SMOKE FIRE RETARDAN‘I’ COATINGS ...its flashing power sighal is just one of seven advanced safety features A fire which started in a car owned by Richard Sheridan, Wilson Street, Markham, after it had been in an ac- cident, caused $500 damage. The accident took place at Highway 7 and Kennedy Road at 5:30 p.m., Sept. 28, with the fire taking place at 11 pm that same night. WIII'I'E INTERIOR lA'IEX PAINT $QOO PER IMP. GAL. MADE ESPECIALLY FOR YOU - TO SAVE YOU MONEY SENSOR alarm uses a "dual Ionizatton†system. It senses combustion at the ear- liest stage of fireâ€"often before you can see or smell smokeâ€"to give you the earnest possible warnings lnconspicuous, easy to install The Sunbeam SMOKE SENSOR alarm system mounts unobtruswely on your ceiling Modern, neatly slyled in so" while, It blends wrlh any decor. You can install It yourself wrth Just two screws; no wrring or special hardware IS needed‘ Consider all the safety features Sunbeam offers Tent button. Tests the entire system bat- tery cucurt. sensmg chambers, alarm Low-battery olgnal. Sounds Intermittent warnlng for 7 days when battery IS low Operatlng light. SU-second repeating llght shows umt IS getting power Alarm. 85-decrbel horn gives powerlul "wake-up" alarm Dual lonlzatlan. Accurate stable. sens:- lwe to earliest stage of combust-on Solld state. Advanced cnrcultry Is trou- ble-tree. dependable Battery operated. Sen-contained. works even when house power tails Unut comes complete wtth specual‘ 12 6- volt Mallory Duracell‘ battery Get theloan that’s best foryou! Whether you need a maximum loan to get a house or a smaller sum to consolidate or tide you over. come to where understanding and experience are part of the package â€" our contribution to your need. Every loan we make is custom built for what‘s best for our customer. WCTURIA and GREY I'll/1 VIII/'1 and TRUST COMPANY laird Ruby, Manager 834-1 107 Now at department, hardware, appliance, auto supply stores and home building centres. Make this your season for family safety Consnder the months aheadujhe sea- son for home heating. enjoying the fire- place. entertaining, Christmas trees and lights What wuser time to safeguard your family wuth the Sunbeam SMOKE SEN- SOR alarm system For under $50, in- cluding battery. It could be one of the best investments in family security you'll ever make. Smoke Sensor" ’ULC 10355 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Hours TUES ,WED , THURS 9 30 [04 30 FR'DAV 9 30 to 6 30 SATURDAY 91012 NOON Serving Ontario since 7889 LlSled and labelled by Underwnlers Laboralones ol Canada Q Sunbeam