Not specially difficult, but yes, they do have certain soil requirements. Unlike most plants, blueberries need an acid soil, so when you’re preparing the ground, dig a fairly large area, and go down about two feet deep. Dear Marion: I‘d like to grow blueberries in my garden. What should I dox' to prepare the bed? I‘ve} heard they‘re difficult tol grow in some soils. Then add one of the soil acidifiers such as aluminum or ferrous sulphate. These, or an equivalent, can be pur- chased at any garden centre. By Marion Bluegrass Dear Marion: What is the best thing to do for a spruce tree whose top- most centre branch has been broken? The tree is right in the middle of my front lawn. so I'd like to preserve its appearance. Mr. K‘ H., Richmond Hilli Over the years, the slight bend should become less and less noticeable Leave the splint in place for at least two years, by which time the new leader should look like an extension of the trunk. You’ll need to plant at least three plants, and preferrably fairly close together, so the bushes can cross-fertilize. Send your indoor or outdoor gardening questions to Marion Bluegrass, c-o The Liberal, Box 390, Rich- mond Hill. Get a long stick and use this as a splint to hold the shoot in this position by fastening the stick to both the shoot and the trunk of the tree Other than that, these berry bushes only need the same;well-drained soil any plant likes. A mixture of topsoil and peat moss is good. Then take the strongest one of these side shoots and gently bend it up so it runs straight up and down, in the same direction as the trunk of the tree. This branch, called the “leader,†will have to be replaced, and if you do it carefully it won’t even be noticeable after a couple of years. First, trim the damaged stub of the old leader down as far as the first set of side shoots. C-l8 -â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October 6. Broken trees can be fixed lIFE INSURANCE CALL 889-8902 Our tradition 01 servuce guarantees professmnal adwce and satisfaction whenever you call Get an ummedlate quote percunal attention, prompi decusnons region gardener AUTO, HOUSE Mrs. M. N., King (/YORK HREAND CASUALTY '699 YONGE THORNHIL 3Low pricqs_ for Thanksglvmgr Large Size Bananas Fresh from the Tropics ROYAL ORCHARD PLAZA Yonge & Royal Orchard Blvd., Thornhill NEWTONBROOK PLAZA Yonge St., & Cummer, Willowdale BATHURST VILLAGE Bathurst St. S. of Steeles Ave. VICTORIA PARK 8: SHEPPARD Sheppard Ave., E. & Victoria Park SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTRE Sweet Potatoes Product 0! U.S.A Miracle Food Mart closed Thanksgiving Day, Monday, October 11, 1976. PACKAGED Miracle’s steaks and masts are cut from Canada “GRADE A†beef, the finest you can buy. McGowan at Hwy. 401 Yes! Miracle leads the way. $1.18 Cut from Canada “GRADE A†Beef RUMP ROASTS 6. 1976 Bone-In L316“ Greenland 100% Vegeiable Oil Parchment Wrap Margarine 1 lb. pkg Candensed instant 10 oz. lar Nescafe Coffee Campbell’s Tomato Soup 10 fl. oz. (in $1.22 WHITE SLICED BREAD PRIME RIB ROASTS The King of Roasts Champlain Pony Tail Wrap LARGE WHITE EGGS 24 OZ. LOAF Canada Grade A DOZEN ALL PRlCES EFFECTlVE UNTlL Frozen Young Predressad Deep Basted T-Bone or Ponerhouse Turkeys All Sizes 7 Canada “GRADE A‘ Sirloin Steaks BUtterball Loin Steaks Cu! from Canada “GRADEA†Beet 2m lrom Canada GRADE A“ Bee! Frozen Young Predressed GRADE A TU RKEYS 5-9 LB. SIZE OCT. 12, 1976‘ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES BATHROOM TISSUE LB. I L31 .56 Cottonelle1 Ply 4 ROLL PKG. Mira Mart Frozen Concentrate, Unsweetened from Florida L394" 121/2 FL. 02‘ 2-3 lb. size “GRADE A Predressed Fresh Frying Chickens Schneider’s Red Hots Famous for Quainy Wieners 1|b Cm 1mm C “GRADE A Boneless Top Round Steak Roasts anada " Beet C 2-3 LB. SIZE FRYING CHICKENS Frozen Predressed Utility Grade Li per WHITE SUGAR Granulated 2 kg BAG $1.46 L358†Limit 2 per family