Becpme an m Consider these facts: “‘5 a tee! lnal 213 01 umams are part 01 me busmess u'suacx mm m. -. _ , exciting held 01 management accounl and gowmmem as comrollevs manag genela| managers or public semce pl “'5 a Iac‘ lhal only me FHA education m†um. cm 3 ca. Fourteen-yearâ€"old Gail Birkett of Welton Drive models the seasonal “ethnic look†at the Maple Guide and IVI uv- .. , l's a tact that 2l3 at all protessronar meow..- g. wor exerting held 01 management accountm and government as controllers‘ management co general managers or public servrce prolessronals. It's a tact that only the RlA education program I5 ex concerned wrth prepanng you tor a career m manageme It's a tact that whlle you're studying. you're a member at a prolessronat accountrng orgamzatron. entitled to the beneht membership In The Socrety ol lndustrlal Accountants It‘s a tact that the course ol study 15 avarlable through evenan lectures at 50 unwersrtnes or colleges. and through correspondence study. Get all th lecture or corresponden ot the action where the tug decrsrons ar Be at the centre A , -- -m. immediately in , 4:..643 lung m Dusmess nsultants. cluswely nt accountlng sol e lacts! Fmd out how you can become an RlA by evenmg ce study e made CHOU WHc-h . , 5 start immédiately in d in Intermediate Be a! the cemre 0! me 3 Ac} now. Course Pnnciple_s of Accounting an C-4 â€" THE LI Wmmw w» ,r A :EBAL, ngngsday. October 6, 1976 o, by writing: v-_' Mr. S_L. Hail. The Reglsuat. The Society 0! industrial Accountants 154 Mam Skeet E. Hammon. Omar-o. Telephone (416) 363-8191 or (416) 5254 \J‘tu-u Teleph onét4165363-8131«DH-um--- McLeod. R-‘-A I - - v â€"â€" in business and government Ethnic look maniflgemer"t accountant Sgiério. LBN me) 525-4100 303 Brownie Mothers’ Auxiliary Fall Fashions held at Maple Community Centre. (Photo by Samila) For when it makes good sense to borrow. A lot of people like the Royal Bank for Term Plan Loans. John Lawrence Manager Richmond Hill 884-1138 A brown suede cape lined in muskrat and accented by floppy suede hat lined in the same fur was worn by Myrna Graham at Heintzman House serving Ontario ROYAL BAN K Ladies Auxiliary Fashion Preview. Above Myrna inspects a display of jewelry at the House. held in conjunction with the fashion show. PORSCHE PORSCHE CREATES A NEW (Photo by Samila) H. J. PFAFF MOTORS 315 YBNGE ST. NEWMARKET 895-21 SALES â€" SERVICE â€" [EASING Pantsuits are stylish this fall. Myrna Graham shows off a smart pin stripe, vested suit at the Heintzman House Ladies Auxiliary Fashion Preview. The outfit accented by a long sleeved silk shirt with tie was popular among onlookers. Women's liberation The 924 is not inexpensive but it's a lot less than you might expect. Another slight departure for Porsche. You are cordially invited to visit our showroom to see and drive the fabulous new Porsche 924. Engine up front, transmission in the rear and a unique style that sets it apart from all other Porsches past and present. (Photo by Samila)