Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Oct 1976, p. 4

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Great but Markham planners almost made a miracle last week when they passed the town’s Official Plan. They lead the way in York Region in getting the job done, despite the provincial freeze on more than half the town’s area. The Official Plan The Official Plan accurately reflects public opinion. It is probably as good as. was politically possible. Itis good the way E now open to development progress. But public opinion, in part, is wrong. Therefore the plan is paijtly ban. As we said months ago when the plan was drafted, the housing density ratios are bad. Our regional community‘s social and economic condition will be worsened. Housing is to be about two-thirds single family dwellings, a sixth low rise density and a sixth high rise. Contrary to public dreaming and as was indicated in the regional Official Plan technical paper number eight in July, it is more like only a sixth of the general population that School board trouble Dear Editor Several statements made in your Sept. 22 edition, especially as written by Jim Irving and by John Stephens, reaffirm all is not well with the Board of Education for York County. â€"Statements attributed to Chris McMonagle suggest little harmony among board members. ,r Stephens states “a rare show of unanimity” in a particular board ac- tion. Donald Sims is quoted in alleged comments about Board action to be “very discouraged about the whole thing”, Joy Horton, whom Irving claims is one of the “most effective members of the board, announced her decision to give up her school board post“. ,I. ,r ”'thwould one quit at the height of one’s efficiency and sucpgss? It would seem much of the trouble at the board level lies in a loss of respect within the board for each other, and for administration and their teachers. Booh to 2 trustees Little effective action can be precipitated with such scurrilous at- tacks sallying forth in all directions. It is all like a tempest in a teapot. Dear editor: I disagree with the stand taken by School Trustees Donald Cameron (Vaughan) and Norman Weller (Aurora). Irving, in reporting a discussion with McMonagle, writes: “When the teachers started to teach and didn‘t worry about social problems, but turned them over to the proper Letters Markham plan has its flaw he Libeval Is publlshed every Wednesday by Mellospan Community Newspapers meed â€" Lonh Divisucn, whnch also pubhshes The Bannev In Aurora, Newmavkel, The Woodbndge Vaughan News and The Bokon Enterprise WEDNESDIY. 0cm“ 6. ‘97 PAGE A-4 PUBUSHER J.G. VAN KAMPEN Ronne Dale . . . trustees set policy 6111: liberal 10101 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill LAC 4Y6 Ontario can afford single family dwellings today. The plan provides mostly high cost housing and thus feeds the home cost crisis. M o s t M a r k h a m residents will have to commute long distances outside our region to work. Most Markham workers will commute into the town. Highways and streets will be clogged at rush hour. Big expenditures on transit and energy will be necessary. For one thing, children’s daytime contact with parents will be reduced. That will increase the numbers of delinquent youth. The housing ratio which would reduce and prevent housing cost crisis and most improve the social climate is much different from the plan. authorities, and guidance counsellors helped students with the careers, they Were getting back to what the system was all about". The best ratio would be two-thirds duplexes, townhouses and walk ups, a sixth high rise and a sixth single family dwellings. It is hard to believe McMonagle made such an inane statement. Most everyone understands a teacher must teach the whole child, physically, socially, emotionallyâ€" because that is what he receives in the classroom. Let us hope the wisdom of time will work fast enough to alter the plan largely in this direction before the town is all built. This statement suggests only the child’s grey matter should arrive on the teacher’s desk for etching, according to “the system” and then be shuffled on like so much paper.» 1% living the author of this statement or McMonagle? Wino iffwénidénee departments really exist only for career counselling, then why do we bother? ”u- . . HHAA background would allow such a remark to stand as her own This is the sort of constant badgering and show of contempt for teachers as a professional group that foments the unrest that has been rampant in York for years. _ L ",nu Surely, after a disastrous teachers’ strike and months and years of open hostility, we do not need more in- flammatory remarks. Johnmrsitvephens, separate school representative on the York County It is NR the function of the trustee to run the school system. That is the job of the administration. 1t isrthe function of the trustee to set guidelines and establish policy. In that capacity he should be aware and knowledgeable. It is the administrative staff who have the education, the background and the experience to make educational decisions. If we elected trustees on the basis of educational background alone, some of them wouldn’t be trustees. Our trustees obviously require a special staff to be at their beck and call, to cater to their needs, and their needs alone. Perhaps they could pool some of their “honorarium" to pay for such a staff. Then the administration would be free totally to serve the needs of the school system, and the 44,000 children in it If the administration is to give time to every whim of every trustee, they would accomplish exactly what the trustees accomplish. Nothing. (MRS) RONNE DALE. 120 Babcombe Dr.. Thornhill. Ont. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1976 EDITOR HAROLD BLAINE Dear editor The public meeting at York County board of education on Sept. 30 on values education was indeed a victory for Horton and McMonagle (trustees from East Gwillimbury and Thomhill). Those of us in the gallery watched the spectacle of the chairman and the trustees arguing among themselves about the absence or presence of values Values education win public education board, in his letter in The Liberal, entitled “Loose Bowels Survey. . .”, comes swinging in against our teachers in general and against a guidance department in particular, like Christ came to cleanse the temple. His “anal humor" perpetuated throughout his letter is of the lowest I doubt that Stephens’ tactics in his letter will serve him well. however, because no thinking person can be fooled by his display. Far from killing some boogey-man, the board’s insensitive attack against this survey has managed only to deny students of a worthwhile experience and of needed help. throughout his letter is form. Av. u.- The research project was properly entitled “Increasing Self Esteem in High-Anxious Adolescents Through Participation in Courage Inducing Activities”. It was a project of considerable merit in my opinion, and used techniques for improving self-esteem that are as old as education itself. nu Vuuw.‘unv-- .. -_, 7 A contemporary educational organization called “Outward Bound” uses similar techniques and enjoys unique success in building self-esteem. Outward Bound has schools in many countries including Canada. Surely anyone involved in education, even a trustee, should be aware of this philosophy in education. , 4-4. _Al;‘:flnl y .................... Doeertlephens want to get political mileage for himself in making some teachers scapegoats? ‘ "Tihisrirs not la Eew technique to use in order to bolster up a dubious per- formance and to curry supportL‘A . fiifiéfiséiiééépéébéts in' the 1930’s in ordervto gain supremacy for the Nazi Party in Germany. It is an old ploy. By William Busby MP Barney Danson’s Liberal propaganda sheet arrived recently at the taxpayer’s expense. n" 4.. -L u. t..- war“, -. _ "T, Surprisingly, it wasn‘t in French too. like the rest of the government’s publications. But I suppose he did not wish to irritate the majority again. I '7‘ ".1... LL- “5.. While trying to explain why the Liberals are trying to run the economy and our free enterprise system with more controls, he forgot to mention we have been placed another couple of billion dollars in debt trying to make things appear rosy While explaining his stand on capital punishment he ignores the main principle of democracy; that Parliament is supposed to serve the wishes of the majority and not overrule the majority. We do not need the Liberal “peace and security” legislation to destroy our freedom. We could use a little more en- forcement of the “law and order" Green Belt restricting Markham's growth. These two ladies have been much maligned over the past two years by both staff and fellow trustees for in- sisting values programs exist! education in our schools However, it took a parent to settle the debate by proceeding to describe courses in which she participated as a volunteer. Has it also managed to destroy any faith and trust that may have been re- established between teachers and board since the teachers’ strike? Goa ZieINer 71715 from such a board of education. Have we, the tax-payers of York, not been punishod enough? We, need Hétrzfiifiééi' ti)" Sigh high authority as God to deliver us from the frustrations and quibbles. We can do it for ourselves at the next election by knowing whom we vote for and what they stand for, what the candidates policies are and where their biases lie. We get the kind of government we deserve. I believe we and our children now deserve a board that can work harmoniously with each other and with their teachers. “n,” “a...“ We need a board that can show respect, faith and sensitivity for each other, for our educational ad- ministration, for our teachers and yes, especially for our students. GRAHAM LAMONT, 27 Malaren Rd, Maple, Ont. 'égewf‘tifther outlined her eventual ”Bilingualism is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on Canadians. The propaganda here is nidjgplous. . In Iegislation__r10w ‘on_ the books Barney says nearly “one~third" when the official census figure show one~quarter “Francophones”, 25.7 per cent and declining. In Ontario less than 5 per cent. Also many of these F‘rancophonw are not in favor of bilingualism as they realise the facts of life and that one language leads to better un- A lop-cal tolumn or op-mon by our readers. Sabra-“mm shown he no "10'! clan M welds. "pea prelerablv resignation and disapproval of such courses. True professionals use criticism as a criteria for measuring performance excellence. 1974, Section 22(1) Cbe taken seriously. ' When Mary finished her course of treatment, she was so delighted with I was disturbed, as I know many her new life-style she determined to others were also, at the apparent bring the gospel of Behavior sensitivity of staff to criticism of their Modification to everyone else who was present values methods and proposed suffering as she had. interpretations of values education. A I _. _ . - _..... .. :..,.4.:n .. It seems incongruous that the public should be invited to comment, based on experience with current methods and study of books suggested by our research department, only to hear staff cry foul regarding their professional integrity and make vague threats about lawsuits! The entire evening was punctuated with a negative response toward current associated values programs and the desire that the Education Act 1974, Section 22 ( 1) C be taken seriously. Surely we have the right to expect as much from our staff professionals? Jobs for moms Dear editor: Recéntly I have been applying for work. I am getting exhausted, filling in those long drawn-out applications. What happened to those good old days Usually the alcoholism or drug ad- when a boss interviewed you personally diction is overcome relatively easily. as‘ and perhaps gave you a brief outline of patients learn better ways of handling what the job was all about, and perhaps panic-inducing situations, took a gamble on you which generally n L . ‘ paid off Surely some new method could be derived to help we mothers who are coming out of mothballs and would like to get back into circulation. After all, what chance do we ‘oldies’ have when we know nothing about these new-{angled machines which probably are no more than glorified typewriters. derstanding'and to a grgater nation Barney’s colleaguw from Quebec, supposedly fighting “separatists" (really criminals), didn’t show much fight in World War II, at least not on our side. Barney has been in Ottawa long enough to have discovered the acâ€" tivities of Trudeau, Marchand and Pelletier during World War II. We are not going to build much of a nation through blackmail. No Canadians were given special rights or privileges 109 years ago. No Canadians ever should be given special rights or privileges. All Canadians are equal» 'Wiéris fighting-for the freedom of Canadians in Quebec? vu-that happehed to their rights uner the Canadian 513111 of Rights-”'2 “"féli'ihé school children in Quebec that no Canadian is being forced to learn French! Bill 22 is a national disgrace. _ u.-°. ..- h It is time Canadians woke up unless they enjoy being ruled by a minority group. (composed mainly of Hippy University Professors). (MRS) MARILYN RUSSELL, Box 72, Sharon, Ont. (MRS) JUNE SVENSON, 434 North Taylor Mills Dr., Richmond Hill, Ont. u."â€" :1 on and our iear heir She set up the Freedom from Fear Foundation, an organization that provides no treatment or self-help, but which directs phobics to doctors and therapists who can help. THORNHILL â€" When I met Mary Warr a few weeks ago she was holding down a full-time job. Help to fight agoraphobia She was able to travel on subways and buses, take vacation trips, go out to dinner in a restaurant, visit the theatre. Sounds like pretty amazing ac- complishments? Well, not to everyone. But if you. like Mary and thousands of other Canadians, have suffered for years with a frightening disorder called agoraphobia, it'll sound downright miraculous. Outdoor panic Agoraphobia is a word of Greek derivation that, literally translated. means a fear of open spaces. Most agoraphobics, however. find they’re afraid to venture outside of their own homes, into any kind of situation, without experiencing utter panic. Walking to the end of the street in front of their own homes is enough to produce dizziness, pounding heart, rapid pulse, and the feeling they’re going to faint or die or go insane. And for years these victims suffered alone, without help or understanding for their strange ailment. Most of them tried traditional psychiatric treatment, hypnotism, even acu-puncture, only to find they got worse instead of better. Help now Now there is help, the kind of help that got Mary back into the main- stream of life, and it’s called Behavior Modification. New organization It involves “desensitizing” the patient so he or she learns to venture farther and farther from home with less and less fear. At the same time, the trained therapists who administer the treat- ment teach relaxing techniques to lessen the tension that produces the panic symptoms. The foundation sends out a bi- monthly newsletter to “aggles” already in treatment, and to those who’ve expressed an interest in star- ting. Average length of treatment is six months to a year, depending on the severity of the condition, and has a success rate of 85-90 per cent. Often women Everyone, accordifig to Mary, is helped to some extent. The billions of dollars wasted on bilingualism could be used to eliminate poverty. A government department publication states one- quarter of Canadian children are living in poverty. A.._L_..’.. Strangely, women seem to be victims rn far larger proportions than men. There are no class or age barriers, though, and patients range in age from 14 to 70. Some have more than one problem â€" they‘ve become alcoholics or drug addicts trying to cope with their agoraphobia alone. mThtl’s-u Glouldi , solve Quebec’s problems quicker and better than the French language. Reaching out Canadians in this area are being denied the freedom of choice by the Canadian Radio and Television Commission. You will have to watch and listen to the programs dictated by the CRTC unless you have your own tower or pay extra for the programs you watch. “-A ....‘ Mary tells me she'd like to reach every one of you out there suffering from agoraphobia, or from any of the other phobias that restrict your life and make it miserable. She’d like to tell you there are trained personnel now, in private practice and in hospital clinics all over the Metro Toronto and suburban areas, who can help, A ALA Canadians have not yet unâ€" derstood this subtle form of cen- sorship. It is time Canadians had the guts to Speak out against Barney and his dictators in Ottawa. â€" Editor.) (William Busby. BA. 3 Scarborough barrister and solicitor. lives at 58 Laureleaf Rd., Thornhlll and signs himself as Canada Party president. She‘d like you to know a letter to the Freedom from Fear Foundation, Box 302, Willowdale, Ontario, could be the start of a bright new future for you. By Lynda Nykor a biâ€"

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