Violation of the home‘s rules and regulations brought solitary confinement and a diet of bread and water as punishment. But tï¬e point tHat Mr. Goodwin ~â€" the presumably responsible politician â€" wanted to make, was just how ir’responSible a reporter I was. Ithink it makes a charming wood box for my living room. I may be wrong. - I bought my bicycle at a garage sale in London. It only cost $7. But then I froze all the way home along 401 because the handlebars stuck out the window. It cost me $40 to get it on the road. I still don‘t really trust it. My husband thinks the trunk I bought for 50 cents would be perf_ect for_ the basement. .- 1- -,,4 “Mr. Irving, this is (Vaughan councillor) Terry Goodwin; you may or may not know _me . . .1†That was one of the few remarks of the practically onesided conversation I really feel I can quote verbatim, both because I can’t write that fast â€"â€" if I had wanted to take it down â€" and because I quit listening half way through. The story recounted the board’s action of two nights earlier in seeking Chapman‘s resignation. After noting that. some background material was added about some of the things the director had been criticized for in the past, such as his salary, the kind of thing essential to any story of that kind. Classier ju n k The most strategic position to have in this game of intimidation is that of carry out. The nicest thing about garage sales is you can go Thus, while the others are organizing downstairs, and look at someone else’s junk and think how much you get to look over what’s to go. , A,,A_‘_.__ LALï¬â€"J classier the stuff in your 01m basement is _ Mr. Goodwin, however, didn‘t think it relevant. In fact, I got the impression he didn’t find any of the story relevant â€" it not being in the nice news category â€" and would have suppressed it if he could. Or'ani I being presumptuous when I say that? Just as presumptuous as he was when he lit right in on- me, with all the diplomacy of an Arabian hi-jacker and started to tell me why I wrote. After several months of viewing farm properties a site was procured on Yonge Street in King Township. The county paid Michael Wesley $4,500 for 51% acres of land, complete with buildings. The original farnlhouse was nxovrgdrback on the property and the Industrial Home was erected by Walter Page for $17,000. It admitted its first indigents in January 1883. Most of the deaths were caused by advanced years, ages being from 75 to 112. The first “keeper†was Jared Irwin who received a salary of $300 plus board and lodging. His wife was the matron atia salary of $150. The medical practifioner, J. D. Rutherford, was paid $100 a year for his services. THORNHILL â€"â€" In Thomhill, we don‘t have gar- bage. We have garage sales. Last time out, I brought home two chairs, two pillows, a coffee top, five paperbacks and a trowel. My companion got a new old coat, a blouse, and some remarkably ugly vases. And all for the unbelievably low price of . . . That‘s the nicest part about garage sales. There’s nothing like the satisfaction of telling someone about the bargain you just got. .u- A, v l was sitting dozing at my desk the other day, trying to figure out why I had one red sock on and one blue one â€" especially when I was wearing pink pants and purple shoes â€"â€" when the phone rang and a non-stop voice exclaimed: Not because of anything I had written about him. No, this staunch defender of the little man wanted to go to blat for York County board of education director Sam Chapman, whom I had apparently treated unkindly in a recent front-page news story. At that time it was not only a home for the aged but ad'l‘nitted' anyone in negd,_xfggardless of age. By June 1883 a total of 87 inmates had been ad- mitted. At the end of the year 11 had died and 57 remained in the institution. In 1885 there-were 145 inmates and expenses were $8,619.53. "-{Jrifâ€"oâ€"rct’ï¬ï¬Ã©tyeï¬ :36an ever asks about the things bring home. Records sï¬ow several children were honed there in ï¬le early years. Some births were also recorded. In November of that first year of operation, county councils decided that if room was available, ap- plications for admission from outside the county would be accepted, Believing it would be more economical to care for the needy and homeless under one roof and under proper supervision, York County council in 1881 decided to build a home for indigents. Available for the project were Funds from the sale of the old county jail, according to an article in The Libel-2110f February 23, 1956. Older cliilaren were often “bound out†as, prentices to any lawful; trade, profession or employment. I wrote to get readers, he said, and for that reason only. If I really cared at all, I would never have “criticized†Chapman’s salary, which wasn’t enough for the job he had. Mr. Goodwin seem to equate money with caring throughout. He also blasted 'me forâ€"the headline on the story, which bore the hysterical legend: “Firing Chapman urged at closed meeting.†When I tried to tell him that he didn’t know what I had in mind at any time when I wrote and also that I didn't write the headlines, he sped on in his I-can- outshout-Ian Paisley-any-day-of-theâ€"week voice about my complete lack of responsibility in every department. Dozing at my desk red sack in hand :__ . regional viewpoint Chapman defense Reader grabbing 50â€"cent trunk From outside York Put in solitary Children too By JIM IRVING sharon By Sharon Brain yesterdays by mery dawson sunshine So the day before each Big Garbage Day our family descends to the basement to play “I Might Need It Some Day." The object of this game is to keep as much of one’s‘ own junk as possible, while convincing opposing players their treasures really are garbage and should be disposed of. This helped reduce the-costs to the figures men- tioned. An addition to the barn was made in 1887 at a cost of $500. A severe outbreak of diptheria and typhoid oc- curred about this time. but there were no fatalities. The weekly cost of keeping an inmate in 1885 was $1.22. In 1886 this was reduced to $1.07. By this time the farm was in full operation and mgpy 9f the jnmates sppplied the labor. That safne year a fire alarm system was installed and in 1898 electricity was used for the first time. In 71913 a new outhouse was added containing a smoking room and sitting rooms for males and females. First York indigent home built in 7887 A new barn and hog pen were built in 1905 at a cost of $2,686, and more land was added to the farm. In 1890 two members of county council were ap- pointed to act as a board of management. The members were called “commissioners†and held office for one year. Running wafer was supplied to the home in 1895 by connecting with the Newmarket water system. 7 The towh of Markham has, in its infinife wisdom, set aside three days on which we can throw out anything we wish. We can do it without incurring the eternal wrath of the garbage men. Any other day, only green garbage bags are truly acceptable. You also feel you are a cut above those rapacious neighbors who want to charge you $1.50 {or a shovel. This is because you know if you were moving into an apartment, you’d give all your stuff away. Thht‘s not trï¬e, but" that‘s {he way garage sales make you feel. Superior. The other great junk dispersal in Thornhill is a community festival known as Big Garjbage Day. By 1932, when old age pensions were introduced, the institution had become a home for the aged. The home received the old age pension, allowing the resident to keep a small amount each month for pin money. This helped to reduce the cost to the county. The name York Manor was adopted in 1954. The old building was replaced in the late fifties by today’s attractive and modem York Manor, a very pleasant place todlive. The home was rewired and a new heating system installed at a cost of $9,000. Radios first appeared in the home in 1925. The barns and outbuildings were destroyed by fire in 1920 and rebuilt the next year at a cost of $5,336. ‘ The original building was used for many years by the county’s emergency measures organization. ' Said Mr. Goodwin, who up until then had rather coyly, I thought, been wondering whether I knew who he was, “I wasn’t even going to bother to comment on it.†At the risk of being indicted for my conceit, perhaps that's exactly what he was doing in taking me to task for the news story. It was hopeless trying to point out to him what I had written was a news story; that, in filling in the background, I was relating what the public felt â€" not what I felt, even though I might be of the same mind. No, no, I was “editorializing†throughout. When I mentioned something about his own political responsibility, he said: “Oh, you know me, do you?†“Yes,†I replied. “And if you turn over a couple of pages, (Viewpoint) you’ll see I’ve even written about you.†In 1927 an addition was made to the home and a refrigeration system installed at a total cost of Maybe something of what I lamented about going for the easy buck at the expense of some of the quality of life, pricked his conscience a bit, and so he at- tacked me for this other thing. I really don’t know, because'I quit listening to him after awhile, holding the receiver well away from me, while he raced up in the background. 7 And I feel it’s better to walk away when the red flag starts flapping too hard in the wind. I have a very short fuse, especially when someone charges me with something, has already made up his mind I am guilty and finds anything I try to say on the matter, redundant. Later, when I detected a silence on the other hand, I picked up the receiver and was asked if I had been listening. “No,†I said, “I‘ve been to the bathroom.†Then I told him I felt it was hopeless trying to talk to him and that I was hanging up. After that, I said goodbye, teking care to replace the receiver with the minimum of show and maximum of care. Viewpoint is a column of opinion, based on facts. There was nothing factually wrong in the one referred to that Mr. Goodwin could attack me on, so maybe my comments on Vaughan council approving the rape of its greenbelt, got to him. But maybe he was right about my “editorializing.†After all I did add that line at the end of my story, saying that Chapman’s staff was undivided in its loyalty to him. 'In the interests of objectivity and responsibility, perhaps I should have left it out. Hidé éhiithiï¬rgï¬yâ€"oï¬'tï¬ly treasure behind New management Pensions began Basic strategy E ditoria/iz/n g Garbage fest/val Opinion only Silence fell Big fire Excitement begins to mount as the first car slows down. “Look. Someone’s stopping.†Differences forgotten, we crowd around the win- dow “He’s taking that chair." “Someone really wants those steps?" “I told you that lamp was worth saving." We go out for a walk and survey other garbage. heaps. Sometimes somethirlg catches our fancy. Ohe’s prestige in the neighborhood is measuréd by the number of cars stopped? at one’s house. After dark the professionals come out in their pick- up trucks. By morning, our clear of debris. I used to think that the Big Garbage Truck came very early. Now I know there is no such vehicle. The tovin of Markham knows us better than we think. When I was a child, the Headford Dump was alive and flaurishing. On the days it was opened for business my father would load up the truck and head On garbage day, men who were not strong in their resolve would find themselves sheepishly making a quiek return trip. ._ .. . .- u- off He went alone. Garbage was men's business. Three hours later he would be back, smiling hap- pily. The truck was not one bit emptier, but the junk was someone else’s. Pa’st games have featured such highlights as a tug of war between mother and sen over books of piano music, the piano having long since disappeared, and squabbles between husband and wife over whether 61‘ not tin funnels could really be converted into hanging planters. ‘ By the time the game is finished, no one is speaking. Everyone retires to lick his wounds. making sure he has a good view of the junk heap. TThere was a Humor floating around Headford that the stove that heated our skating hut had been bounced from five other homes in the community. If left to its own devices, a community will take care of its own. After all, one person’s junk is another person’s . . the garage un_til the_ danger" is gas? Where we are _ and where we’re gomg. After one year, the anti-inflation program is doing what it set out to do. ‘ The most important achievement has been the drop in the inflation rate. A year ago, consumer prices Were rising at a rate of 10.6% By August 1976, that rate oi increase had dropped to 62%. This fall some unavoidable increases in energy costs and municipal taxes 'will allect the rate of inflation. hi spite of this, the first year target of an inflation rate of no more than 8% will be met. Increases in all forms of incomeâ€"wages, salaries, lees, profits, dividendsâ€"are also being successlully restrained On the average, prices have gone up less than wages this year. This means that most Canadians can cope a bit better, we have more buying power than we had before the program began. In our kind of market economy, prices have to be able to move up and down to some extent. But the antivinflation program does put an effective restraint on prices by controlling profit margins In the second year, the price and profit controls are being changed to make the rules simpler and to apply restraint more fairly among different companies. They also include important incentives to encourage the investments the country needs to make the economy grow and create new jobs for Canadians. New int/estment credits will make allowances for company profits re-invested to boost production and productivity. The goal of the second year oi the anti- inflation program is to bring inflation down even further, to no more than 6%. This can be achieved only it increases in everything slow down together. In the area of wages and salaries, the second year Guidelines limit increases to 6% as a protection against pn'ce increaseswith 2% more added as a share of national productivity. Iï¬ Excitement mounts Headford dump THE ANTI-WON PROGRAM "Whole populations of drivers will live for years with this car, strongly impressed by its generally nimble disposition and its sensitive feel of the road through the steering wheel and brake pedal. lt slips through city traffic like a bicycle and thrives on the parking-space rem- nants most cars pass by. You can stuff enough groceries for 0 football team through the rear hatch while the back seat folds and pivots forward out of the way. The only thing you'll need a trailer for is obiects too heavy to boost across the high lift-over." After a year of controls, inflation has come down. Progress has been made, in protecting Canadian jobs and improving Canada's well- being. The success of the anti-inflation program so far has depended a great deal on the co- operation ot many Canadians. With continued co-operation, we can all look forward to sharing a more prosperous and growing economy. This Guideline is designed to protect and improve the real income of working Canadians, while bringing down the rate of inflation. All governments are restraining their expenditures. The federal government is limiting growth in its own spending to keep it in line with the overall growth of the Canadian economy. This means that every day hard choices must be made to limit new programs and trim old ones. These Choices are painful. But they have to be made if the government is to restrain its costs and avoid contributing to inflation. Inflation has to be cut down to protect our personal buying power, our savings and pensions, and jobs for Canadians. If last year's spiral of rising prices and incomes had continued, Canadian-made products would soon be unable to compete in world markets. Imports could easily undercut goods produced and sold here at home. It's especially important for us to keep our prices and costs competitive with the United States, and on both counts the US is still doing better than we are. Finally, inflation also hurts investment. And when investment goes down, unemployment goes up Nobody likes controls. Not the people whose private decisions are affected by them. And not the governments that have to enforce them. But controls were and are needed, to bring inflation down and to assure a growing economy. The program will be terminated by the end of 1978. Until it is ended, the government is committed to making sure the controls work hard to bring about a continuing reduction in the rate oi inflation “rm: ANl'l- |_ MON PROGRAM _YE1Aâ€" ' â€"R' SNE LL! W it P MOTORS W a I' IVIUIUHD LTD. 10440 YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL 889-7701 0 884-6561 THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October 6. 1976 â€"â€" A-5 APRIL 1975