Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Oct 1976, B10

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3-10 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October 13. 1976 Company, with the ability to handle calls from engineers eic. Some typing ability an asset, Alcore Fabricating Ltd. 65 Newkirk Road, Richmond Hill Tel: Must be bondable. Excelient salary, commissions and fringe benefits. No previous experience necessary. Hallmark Packaging Machinery Ltd. Ontario MINISTRY OF REVENUE - REGIONAL ASSESSMENT OFFICE MACHINIST Salary: $142.00 - $164.22 Wk. The successful applicant will prowde typing and receptionist services to the Regional Assessment Office: perform a variety of routine clerical tasks. Qualifications: Grade 10. preferably Grade 12, or an equivalent in education and experience; good typing and responsible office experience. Draftsman 1 Salary: $136.06 - $215.57 Wk. The successful applicant will be responsible for the preparation of land ownership maps for the Region as well as the carrying out of a variety of other related duties. Qualifications: Grade 12 standing preferany Grade 13 mathematics. or an equivalent combination of education and experience; several years responsible drafting experience; knowledge of survey practices; knowledge and experience in the use of Leroy Lettering equipment is essential. For afternoon and midnight shifts. Apply at office between 9 - 5 pm. ASKFORzKENaMANAGER. a VGA, Formold PIastigs of Canada Limifed 95 Newklrk Rqad, Richmond HI” Requires Interested persons possessing the necessary qualifications are invited to write to Mr. Ian w. McClung, Regional Assessment Commissioner. at above stated address. enclosing a complete resume at qualifications and work experience. This competition closes October 25. 1976. APPRENTICES Clerk Typist Receptionist: (Clerical Typist 2) (These competitions are open to both Men and Women) Machine Operators Clerical Stenographer 2: Salary: $145.82 â€" $169.30 Wk. The successful applicant will supply clerical and stenographic services to four members of the management team. Responsibilities include dictation, typing. handling all correspondence, making out reports and maintaining tiling systems. Qualifications: Preferably successful completion of a four-year secondary school course of study, plus two years clerical experience: ability to communicate orally and in writing. excellent typing and shorthand. good organization skills. To operate small Shop. Only experienced applicants need apply. RECEPTIONIST CLERK Life Insurance Sales Person AND 3RD AND 4TH YEAR MECHANICS Required Immediately. RICHMOND HILL Remuneration and company benefits excellent For appointment. 881-4465 889-4923 889-7714 required by 495-1387 CLASS A WANTED Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 3X6 APPLY 460 Oak Street buyers, salesmen clw15 c1w15 clw15 c2w15 ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE (Duration 25 weeks) Commencrng Saturday, October 16th, 1976. 9:30 am. - 12:30 pm, Teachers wrshrng to apply contact: Mr. Victor Gallo 351-2871 or 851-2872.- JJ‘ McDermott J, Zupancrc Chairman Director Richfiond Hill â€" Markham Area Extension classes (or children Social Studies. 669-1920; .3Qualifiedleachers Apply: 147 Centre Street, East, Richmond Hill BUTCHER MEAT CUTTER Sunday service and week night practice Box 104 “The Liberal” Fringe benefits for th: applicant. 887-5804 THE YORK REGION ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Expenenced RECEPTIONIST General Practice Medical Group Reply by letter to Box 106 “The Liberal”, Richmond Hill Organist 1890 HwyA7West,Conc01d,0nt Grading Room Concord Floral Co. Ltd., EXPERIENCED LATHE OPERATOR For meat packaging plant. “5 Help Wanted Help for Required Requires For J. Zupancnc Duecto: cm 15 the right c2w15 c1w15 clwl5 c2wl4 c1w15 c1w15 Assistant wanted for store in shopping mall I" Richmond Hill, No selling involved‘ Must be responsible and able to work shifts. Commumty based treatment centres havr rmmedrate chrld care stat! and trainee past trons avarlahle In Earner Halrburton. Mrdland Newmarket. Peterburough 3. Thunder Bay We otter excrtmg opportumtres to work and t: learn as part at a team at protessronal and non-prolessrona| persons Ihe posrtrons entarl the Iunctronal parentrng 0! problem chrldren tram Dre-schools through adolescence‘ In smal lamrly unrts In the commumty, Requrremenls Include 8A good sense 0! humour and an abrlrly to Involve and share wrth chrldren and tamrlres Reply In wrrlrnz wrth resume to Brown- tale. Marsha Hardy. PO Box 2204 Statron 'P" luronto‘ Ont M58 212 or call 923-7430 Some experience With woodwmknng machines. $3.00 per how to start. Accurate typing, excellent English language skills. Relieve on reception, Variety of responsibilities. Congenial working conditions. Aftemoons and night shift Weekends “"889-2028. WELL known company requrres ambitious persons for part and full time work Day or evenings. Car necessary Earn up to $6. an hour. 8956532. c2w15 WAITRESS-WAITER, for first class diningroom, excellent working conditions Also one opening for lounge eveningsi Own car essential. Call Mr. McLean, 881‘2121. Parkway Hotel. Hwy. 7 and Leslie. clw15 For pleasant Concord Company to operate easy computerized SWltChboafd Small office in Richmond Hill. Partlime‘ General Insurance experience helpful but not essenlial. Box 107 “The Liberal" WORKING assistant head housekeeper with experience. Opening for energetic mature person. Area resident with own car Permanent posrtion. Call ML McLean. 8812121. Parkway Hotel. HOUSEKEEPER to make up bedrooms at Parkway Hotel. Call Mr. Latimer. 881-2121. c1w15 SECRETARY A-l Employment Agency 884-6944 Licensed. requited. Specualty shop Mechanics heIper Downsview Light factory work 661-9611 Sewing Machine Operator Bookkeeper Dress. shirt experience 881-6093 HELPER WOOD SHOP 884-2359 No license req Wed 33.50 â€"$4 per hom Ask {or Ricardo 881-0051 Help Wanted Automotive Mechanic Congenial Receptionist-Typist Nurse’s Aide BORWNDALE 889-9885 Part time Nights. No experience necessary. No experience necessary Call Miss Currie 832-1368. 883-1441 c1w15 clw15 ClwlS EMS c1w15 ClwlS ClwlS clw15 Cir 15 Plant your Terrariums or decor- ate your hom_e at reasonable pnces Hee advxce. We are going out of business. We have several thousand tropical plants, succulents. cacti, vines. ivys and flowering plants. PART TIME opportunity selling Sarah Coventry jewetlery. Very good earnings. No investment. No delivery. No experience necessary 1-640- 4026. c1w15 ll you pass ave hued by Tax lime and walk tw Apnl 30th anvrvallv great opportunity h students valued persons or homemahevs PART TIME, Service station attendant, evenings. weekends. Experience preferred‘ Neat appearance. Apply: Seymour's Texaco, 7161 Yonge St, Thornhill, commissmn Starting In 01 remnants or. two J‘houv sea be establushed Fm details and regusnahon phone 416-844-7580 01 wnle For all makes of water softeners Prompt Free Home Delivery‘ FIGHT INFLATION WITH A SECOND INCOME BENEFIT FROM A 12 WEEK SEASON! EXPERIENCED carpenters and buck layers required, Must have transpor- tation. 884-9379 or 8892075 um 13 NH lnwcta Dnve Oakvllle Ontano L6H 2R2 Regusteved As A Male Vocational School Unde‘ Ihe anale Vocahonal Schools Act 1974 Oct 16 10 a.m.- 4 pm. l9 ChlflCh St. 5.. Richmond Hill‘ Opposite Bad Boy's Parking Lnt. CZwH MOVING to Florida‘ Must sell. 2 steel belted snow (“'85 HR78 x 14, 1 yr. old. $75. 8' green and gold chestetfield and chair 3150‘ or best oller. Blond coffee and end tables, arbonte $25. Aqua Wet and dry Vac 340‘ 1 pc‘ telephone table with seat 315. C.G.E. Electric lawn mower and grass catchel$75. 884-2171 plwlS I Hardwood Firewood 3 in 1 Garage Sale Bus 180. Oak Ridges Reconditioned softeners for Sale tfc13 305 Selling Out LOW $80 FEE 25% REFUNDEDU K.N.Woo||ey Ltd., Unable to relocate Delivered $30. per cord 833-5667 Evgs TAX TIME SERVICES LIMITED (Basnc Income Tax Course) Displaced by l‘Tew Airport J. Greftegreff Greenhouses 773-4203 294â€"5634 Articles for Sale Corner of 17th Ave._ Markham - Pickering Townllne Rain or Shine Salt TAX v option by 1 weekly 10v 8 10 0| clw15 c1w15 CJWIS c1w15 c1w15' "C47 Illecl 141 Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill Fn. Oct; 15. 3 to 6 pm. Sat. Oct. 16. 10 to 6 pm. Antique oak Pndgeon hole cupboard. furniture, clothing. house plants. etc. Clw 15 C0!oni31 Pine Furniture & Gifts Avallable to vendors of all kinds of load In a very busy. well established Farmers Market Apply Saturday only to Flowenng Maple plants, 2' to 5'. Also COHECUOH at other house plants. Organ WarehouseI Gold crown. slate. Immaculate condu- IIOI'L cues & 2 sets of balls. Many vanehes. a" $3. per ha” busheL flee wagon ndes. Appw museunuand kHChen.Enmy afamfly ouhng 887-5979 SNOW TIRES. 2, 675x14. mounted on Ford rims. 315‘ 884-5482. clw15 York Farmers Market, 7509 Yonge St, Thornhill or phone Ed Gladding at 887-5435 anytime Sat. Oct. 16th, 10 AM 410 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL THOMAS Organs are pleased to announce that our new warehouse showroom is now open! New organs with one finger chords 8. rhythm start as low as $450. Large selection of the complete Thomas Organ line as well as used organs at reduced prices. Thomas Organs, 60 Doncaster Ave, Unit 5, Thornhill (V2 mi. north of Steeles; east off Yonge.) Wed. Thurs, Fri. 2 porn. -9 pm; Sat. 9:30 am, a 5:30 pm. Cooking apples $4.50 bushel 889-4172 Saturday Octobel 16m. 10 am. 32 Denham Drive. South of Hlllcrest Moving from house to apt Grade 1 Maclntosh $6. bushel Chesterfield and matching chalr. Oversued. Spanish-style. Also occa- SIonal them Like new. Open for offers. Sales Space 6 Scott Dr., Thomhlll (4 blocks south of Hillcrest Mall) Garage Sale . Oct. 16 & 17 257 Harrygan Cres Richmond Hill , ._ House Plants GARAGE SALE Loughlin Lumber & Prefab GARAGE SALE Beds repaired & repollshed 8118 Yonge St, Thornhill 881-4072 3440 Phavmacy Ave.. Unit 12 Scarborough, 497-7833 Just Arrived Luxaply Panelling 7 Brand new colours for ’76 From $7.42 Billiard Table Brunswick Pick Your Apples at Woodbine Nonh to Vandorf, eastl miA Brass beds All sizes Horton’s Garage Sale Garage Sale 773-5909 889-9692 After6 p.m Freezer. stove 89 Ruggles Avenue October 16th 104 pm, 889-1109 447-8458 Apples Come On In 881-5725 773-4091 c1w15 tic ll c4w14 c4w11 c1w15 Clw 15 c1w15 clw15 c4wl c1w15 c1w15 South Oak Ridges Teakwood Furniture RADIATOR PERMANENT ANTIFREEZE $4.65 per gallon 4 gallon minimum. Pickup at 134 Doncaster. UnItG (rear), Karbln Sale Inc c4w15 FOR Fuller Brush merchandise in the Thornhill area, call 889-0827‘ c1w15 INGLIS washer and dryer. Fireplace accessories, call evgs. 889‘9259‘ ANNEX heater, wood or coal. $75. 8" cement blocks, .25c each. 5' bath tub. nght hand. $10. Automatic washer. 325‘ Wall oven, stainless steel, $65. Assorted wheel rims, 33‘ each. 832-1342. c1w15 GIRL'S clothing, size 810, shoes‘ long dress. coat, jean suit, ski doo suit‘ 884-3650‘ clw15 Seasoned [filled hardwood. Manitoulin white birch. Pickup 0! deliveryv 884-9626 FURNACE with coMrols, hot air oil. 140.000 BTU output $100, 884- 5759. c1w15 DININGROOM suite, 9 me Mission Walnut, Krugg 60 years old with 6 antique Victorian Side chairs. upholstered in blue and silver. tufted brocade silkt Very elegant 32,200 2552619. c2w14 Doors. wmdows, awnings‘ railings, S|d|ng, sofm systems. trough. Free estimates. Ron Woods 8844514. Leading Manufactuvev and dlslnbu- (or has above gmund Aluminum Pools left over from 1975 season, 'hPRICE, guaranteed Installation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect. MISSIssauga days 0r evemngs‘ 416- 625-8819. maz COMMERCIAL polisher and cleaning equipment, like new. $500. Hoover spin washer. $60. Airmnditioner, l0‘000 btu's. 3200‘ 727-5466‘ IEAKWOOD buffet. pewter handles. munt condition. Cost $350. Sacrifice $125. 33" x 39" x 19" 889-1430. GIVE away bargains. Crown mason iars, antique chair, portable sun lamp. Golf shoes, men's 91/1 Bird cage and stand. Toilet and tank, like new 1/2 hot motor, set of business management books, Iadies' winter coats size 12 - 14, like new. Astre or Vega tires, snow or wheel and new Goodyear A78 x 13. John Deere garden tractor with lawn and snowblower attachments. Real buys. 881-1828 clw15 GUITAR, Mann, copy of a Telecarter. Wlth case and cord, Like new. $95. New 16' aluminum Deep Fisherman boat. 3699. Used Tom 5 M), "ding mower, 3300. 884-7716. c1w15 Olympia, cost $830. Sell $650. 884- 9221. c2wl4 TEAKWOOD Burma Scandinavian fumlture, bedroom, dmmgroom, Ilvmgwom. coffee tables. Brand new. Very reasonable. 1-247-4377. tfc30 ACCORDIAN 120 has Pmctically new. Call after 6 pm 884-9846. CHESTERFIELD. French Provmcial. 6' beige and fruitwood. Excellent condition. 5200. 884-3122. clwlS Dll'ect from Impur‘ers warehouse Open ml 9 pm EINAR CLAUSEN LIMITED Hwy. 7. Bramalea. 791-2355 79 Doncastel, Thornhlll 831-0000 TYPEWRITER, electnc, 1 year old YORK ALUMINUM â€" Free estimates Aluminum siding wmdows. doors‘ awnings. 884-4558 or 832-1319 if 305 TEAKWOOD â€" LIvmg-Dlning» Bedrooms. DeSIgns In Teak. 457 Markham Rd., Allencourt Plaza, Richmond HIII ~ 884-3750. TYPEWRITERS, adders, calculators. sales. serwce. rentals; Newmarket Busmess Machines, 497 Timothy 51., Newmarket. 395-7621. m 36 100 BRASS beds, brand new, all sizes. No reasonalbe otters lefused. Call Harry, 4881911. 3368 Yonge $1., Ioronto. c4wl3 100 SEIS bunk beds. brand new. all sues. No reasonable offers wiused. CaII Hany. 488-7911. 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. c4wl3 BEDROOM suite. lovely 8 pc solid walnut. Hepplewaite style Gibbard, 65 years old. Twin beds, very elegant $2,000. Also 6 pc. mahogany Andrew Malcolm bedroom suite. excellent condition. $1.000 Private 255-2619. CZNN Articles For Sale SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE Firewood ALUMINUM €le clw15 tfcll clw15 c2w14 c1wl4 [our fic\ llcd ":46 GARAGE SALE Clothing, toys, games, books, etc. Baked goods. Saturday, October 16m. 10 am. â€" 12 noon. 10 Perth Avenue. Woodbnne and Hwy‘ No. 7 (opposne Mill Outlet) CONTENTS 0! new Toronto home. 2552619. c2wl4 USED blcyc|e4 convelts to exercise bike, 1o|ds up‘ 4 chairs. 2 swung. 2 chrome. Continental bed. 884-2711. clw15 WOODWORKING Power Tools, Hobby type. 8846660. clwld Fuday. October 15‘ 3 pm. â€"9 pm, Saturday. October 16, 9 am. - 4 pm. Antiques, collectors plates. green depressron glass. crafts, toys 4 Dela" Crescent, Thornhrllt (Steeles and Henderson) HIGHEST cash pnces or trade value paid for houseful of furniture and appliances. Bruce‘s furmtute‘ 363- 19542 was PIANO wanted. Approximately 3100 $150. 222-7088. [1:22 DEAD or cnppled farm animals. packed up pmmptly. 705-439-2421. Call anytime, Ed Peconu 8. Son.. Woodville, Ont. Licerce No. 324066. fic29 1973 YAMAHA 338, Plus Double Aluminum traIIeL Like new‘ $700. 895-2434‘ clw 15 CAMPGROUND At Pigeon Lake‘ 50' x 60' sues Wlth 3-way hook-ups swimming pool and playground Reasonable rates. KING CITY TRAILERS TRAILERS IN STOCK MAPLE LEAF TRUCK CAPS Ultra Lune Truck Campers most complete trailer servuce centre SALES. Patts, Accessones. Re- palrs‘ Hitches, Roll-up Awnings 8. Storage. Complete wuntenzlng. . $25 Sleeps 6, Wlth frame hitch. add-a- room. 3-way portable indge. $1250. :or certuhed ca}. KX 250 Kawasalu. Excellent condition, GATR 100 Kawasaki, 10 speed. 1,140 miles. TENI trailer. Soft top, 3335, 884 5292, 773-5186. c1w15 20 ft. With hauler Like new‘ $4200 TRUCK CAPS SALE $229 UP Custom Camper Conversion 13262 Yonge St. Oak Ridges "5 Boats & Supplies 311 Chrysler Boats Chrysler Outboard Motors m Motorcycles fat Sale KING RD‘ 4 MI. E. OF HWY. 400 1-773-4260 96mp%_nq1@i*e[?. mCKENZIE 2‘” Snowmobiles SNOWMOBILE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Bill Walls, Bethesda Reid Mower, Marine & Sports 884-7716 881-2384 15' Cabin Trailer méfi’fi‘a. 20’ Tandem flat bed trailer 669-2215 889-8588 LARGE VARIETY OF USED 230 Articles wanted Truck Kaps $239. & up All sues and colors Old Hwy. 7 and Bayvuew THORNHILL c‘1w15 889-1831 '77 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Sa|e or trade 773-4473 RUPP AND POLARIS SALES & SERVICE 888-1998 884-6831 884-3362 GARAGE SALE Sail Boat Mariner Campers & Traile:s Best offal mornings clwlS clw15 c1w15 clw15 Clw 1‘ Clw l5 ClwlS lchS Showmom 67 Camaro mam. 69 Olds 88 Sharp! As Is Specials 71 Toyota - $229 69 Chev Belair $449 9212 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill‘ 889 5571 or 745 2519 aner houm. c1w15 70 Dodge Challenger 71 Plymouth Duster 454 automatic. All powel featmes. Sun roof, air-conditioned. mag wheels, T-A radials, AM-FM stereo. luggage tack. Shomoom condition. 2913848 days, 881-3718 evenings. c1w15 Come In and Make an Olfer 4dom. reicondmoned. certified. LIC AFA 574. 6 cylinder, Needs work on body. Good motor and transmissmn. Best °”°" 883-1509 M 4 speed. Only 30,000 m REEOI'Idl‘ honed. cemfued. LIC‘ JHK 345. Reconditioned. cerfihed. Llc. HYX 96 4 Wheel drive. Oiiginal owner, Completety loaded with all accessories. 40,000 miles. Custom condition. 36,000 or best oflei. Gary $2,695 _74 LTD Squire Wagon 2 door hatdtop, 28.000 ml. Recbndi‘ honed. cemhed. LIC. HZW 965‘ Super Cab‘ V-B, automatic. power skeering, power brakes. 2 to choose from. LIC. P 51688. D 55187, Reconditioned. certified. 8 Cyllndef. Reconditioned. ceEtIfled LIC 052754 $2,695 75 Pontiac Astra Wood panelled wagon. 4 cylnnder‘ automatic. Only 19,000 miles. Re: conditioned. Certified. Li'c. NO 411. 1600 Standard shift. 35,000 miles. Good condition. Please call Mam II, stahonwagon. 2.000 engine. 46,000 miles. 8 cylinder. Good running order‘ Uncertifued. Best offer. 25,000 miles. Excellent condition _72 Plymouth Satellite Best 73 Corvette coupe Automart - Toronto Car Sales $1 ,795 74 Pinto Stationwagon convertible dirk shift 1974 vw Super Beetle‘ Excellent condition. 889-2742. clw15 $1,000. 68 Buick Skylark. 6 cylindel. automatic, new transmissmn. As IS "5° 881-0470 m 40,000 mules. 7 wheels. 1 owner Very good condition. Certified. 73 Toyota Corolla 1973 Land Rover 4 speed‘ Like new. Best offet ‘55 Cars it Trucks 72 Datsun 1200 $2,995 Ormesher Ford Sales Ltd. 884-0955 727-1358 $3,195 74. Buichgentury 72 Toyota Corona 884-3192 Evgs. $1895. 72 Renault 12 889-8588 $4,395. 74 1_ton pickup In good tunmng ordel. As is ofler. 832-1043 71 Chevy Nova Fast back, Automatic 72 Ex Taxi 120 Yonge St. N., Aurora 72 Ex Taxi $3,995 75 Ford F100 884-6541 67 Ponflac 884-0350 Automatic. radio 76 Ford 350 883-1509 961-5300 73 Vega $1695. I 1262 VONGK 51 Like new 318 motor. Automatic. Rally wheels. As Is 773a“ Days‘ c1w15 c1w15 C1w15 clwlS c2w15 c1w15 c2w14 c1w15 ClwlS

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