0! items as donated to King City Lions Club. "You Name It. We May Have It". To beheld at King City Arena parking lot. Satutdly, Odolm 15m 1pm. ..No 3 Newmarket (St. Johns ishwasher, Ironer. boat and Uailer.. fireplace accessories. toys. books.';dishes. etc. 2 door hardtop. 8 cylinder automatic, power steering, power brakes‘ Very good condition. Certified. In the Town of Richmond Hill at 405 Mill St.. turn west at Canadian Tire (Wright St). Go to first street. turn north to Mill St. go west to construction detour, go north one street. go west two streets. turn south Mill Street again â€" go to 405‘ The property of Douglas Barbour. List to follow next week. Terms Cash. Victoria Square Community Park Oct, 23rd, 10 am. Proceeds to Boy Scouts and Cubs. at Carrville United Church on Rutherfond Road (formedy Camille) just west of Bathurst on Wednesday October 27 from 4:30 to 8 pm. Lots of xutkey, vegetables. salad and pie to: 3400 adults and $2.00 under 12 yeaâ€. Clw15 OCTOBER 20, Wednesday. The Naomi Chaptel ol the A.C.W. of Holy Trinity Church invite you to its card party in the Church Hall, Brook St.. Thornhill St. Gabriel's Church (comet Bayview and Crosby Avenues) Saturday. Octobet 16th at 8 pm, Tickets $2. Prizes and refleshments. For tickets and information call Helen Begs. 889- 7192, c2wl4 GOOD SELECTION OF QUALITY RECONDITIONED V.W4's SpeCIaIizIng In VOW, body WOIK and general repairs. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Sat. Oct. 30th. 9 mm. to 2 pm. Contributions of saleable items' accepted. If pick-up required, call 640-3244 or 640-4943. 72 Ford L1D Brougham Excellent condition, awcondmoned powel dlSC brakes. power steering vmyl top. radio. Asking $1.650. Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 889-0353 ":29 4 DOOR sedan.220 SE. Manual shift. Low mileage, Mechanically in good condition, but needs some body work Best offer. Phone belore 10 pm. 889-3573 c2w15 D300 with open stake body. ldeaI for farm or small contractor; As IS. Good engine. Needs body work $125 884-4773 My, 65 Ford Galaxie. ESTATE AUCTION SALE 68 Ford GalaXIe Stouffville United Church DOHERTY MOTORS 727-3322 TURKEY DINNER 65 Mercedes Benz VOLKSWAGEN SALE ‘55 Cars & Trucks Sit. Octolm 23m It 12:30 Sharp HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Mammoth Auction Sale Auctioneer: Col. H. F. Johnson “5 Coming Events Building Fund Alvin 5. Farmer. Auctioneer 8875311 Turkey Shoot Auction Sale GORD ORR, Auctioneu. 67 Dodge 1 Ton SILOCL 16 12 noon. RUMMAGE SALE Auction Sale 309 10 am, â€" 12 noon. clwlS 884-3446 884-0397 889-1739 Auctions c2wl4 clw15 clwm clwlS c1w15 c1w15 clw15 c2w141 c1w15 c1w15 ":29 PEARSON, Judith Ann Suddenly, on Wednesday, October 6. 1976. Judith Barker, beloved wife of Ian Pearson, of Richmond Hill, dear mother of John and daughter of William E. Barker and the late Mary Barker. dear sister of Pat (Mrs. F. Mason), William and Robert. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond Hill. Funeral Mass was held in St. Mary Immaculate Church on Saturday morning. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery McClGUE. Margaret Agnes At Riverdale Hospital, Toronto, on Mondangctober 11, 1976. Margaret Gee. in her 102nd year. beloved wife at the late George Arthur McCague, of Victoria Square, dear mother of Heber De, Margaret (Mrs. L Cummings), George A, Laurine (Mrs. S. Embling), James A‘, and the late J. J. E. McCague. loved by her seventeen grandchildren and twenty- seven great grandchildren Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge St, Richmond Hill. Service on Wednesday, October 13, 1976 at 2 pm. Interment Victoria Square Cemetery clw15 At York Central Hospital, on Sunday. October 10. 1976, beloved wrfe of the late Harry Holland. dear mother of Herbert and Alice Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Service was held on Wednesday morning. Cremation. c1w15 HOFLAND, Clam Will be held at Victoria Square Community Hall, 33/: miles north of Hwy. 7. 21/2 miles south of Gormley. Goods below are from 2 private homes, Over 75 articles are antiques in good condition. Will try to list the main articles. Gent's chest of drawers. Sideboard, Unique carved walnut Chesterfield with wing chair. Carved oak barometer, Several mirrors. Mantel clock. Number of oil paintings, Several pieces of Royal Dalton. Vacuum cleaner with attachments. Sunbeam. Wooden ladder. Several tools, case ol cutlery. several jelly moulds, 2 crystal ash trays, antique chair, single bed. mirror made to order, Rock Maple. several candle sticks. glassware. china cups and saucers, garden equipment, electric lawnmower Black and Decker. good garden hoes. brass candy yar, all kinds of articles not mentioned. piano stool. high chair. brass light fixtures. 2 bedroom chambers, 6 oil lamps, various sizes, French mantel clock. Marble, copper boiler, brass jelly pot, 1878 brass bell, beaver jars, crocks. brass umbrella stand, carnival dish, signed N iBrass horn Carlsberg beer bottle. Porcelain top. 2 copper kettles. heavy brass jelly pot. lions head butter dish, Circa 1885. All kinds of antiques that are not mentioned. Try to come to this sale. I will sell you something. Sale at 6:30. Goods on display from 5:30 until sale time. Alvin 5. Farmer, Auctioneer 887-5311 Gormley. THE $29.95 RADMAN FALL SPECIAL Househoid Fumitun l. Antiques Ines. evening Oct 19th 6:30 pm. Sharp! 10087 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Auction Sale For Most Model Cars V V WE WILL: 0 Remove, boil and clean the Radiator 0 Flush the Engine Block 0 Remove Test Er Reinstall the Thermostat 0 Check all Hoses and Clamps 0 Check all Belts 0 Flush the Heater Core 0 Check the Water Pump & 0 Pressure test the Rad Cap 0 Paint the Radiator with a unique corrosive resistant paint used exclusively by the RADMAN 0 Re install the Radiator O'Add antifreeze to the system to bring it to a A â€"34° performance level. A Call Gord or Jim 884-7170 ALL THIS FOR ONE LOW PRICE OF $29.95 INCLUDING ANTIFREEZE. We guarantee all work done! 309 65" Deaths Auctions clw15 c1w15 JENSEN, Allred At York Central Hospital in Richmond Hill, on Sunday, October 10, 1976. Alfred Jensen of Richmond Hill. beloved husband of Irene Hansen, dear father of Arild, Philip, and the late William Jensen, grandfather of Peter and Jerry, greatgrandfather 01 Holly Lynn, dear brother of Katrine Pedersen. Karen Jorgensen, Ingeborg Johnson and Christian Jensen, and the late Niels, Harold, and Olal Jensen. The funeral was held from the Danish Lutheran Church, Finch Avenue, Willowdale, on Tuesday, October 12. Interment Aurora Cemetery. PEIZETTI. Guiseppe At Toronto General Hospital, on luesday, October 5. 1976. beloved husband of Concetta, dear father of Vince, Emilio, Frank and Ida‘ Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond Hill. Mass was held in Our Lady Queen of the World Church, on Friday morning. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery FORRESTER. Henry 1. (Harry)- Suddenly at Branson Hospital on Tuesday October 5, 1976. Harry Forrester retired from Dept. of External Affairs, beloved husband of Peg, dear father of Audrey (Mrs, M. Shewan) of Sault Ste. Marie and Brian of Ottawa; brother of John of Hamilton. Rested at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge St. (at Hwy. 78) Thornhill. Service was held Friday, October 8th, Cremation. iHEARD, John Frederick (Professor Emeritus, Department of Astronomy, University of Toronto.) Suddenly. on Tuesday. October 5. 1976, John. beloved husband of Margaret Glintz, dear lather of Judith (Mrs. Barry Cutler). Powell River. B.C., Martha (Mrs. John Pluscauslras), Toronto and Janet (Mrs. James Plaxton), London and loved by his eight grandchildren. Rested at St. Mary Immaculate Church. Richmond Hill. Funeral Mass was celebrated on Thursday morning. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. In his memory a donation may be made to the York Central Hospital Memorial Fund. c1w15 I WOULD like to tender my sincere thanks and appreciation to my many relatives, friends and neighbors for their kind expressrons of sympathy, floral tributes and memorial donations, during my recent bereavement in the death of my dear husband, Harold. My thanks also to Reverend Robert Shorten for his consoling words; to the Marshall Funeral Home for their kindly and efficient service; and to the Victoria Square U.C.W. for so graciously serving refreshments to visiting friends. â€"Evetyn Mortson, clw15 At Toronto, on Saturday, October 9. 1976. husband of Carmela, father ol Marla, Marguerita, Alberina, Antonio and Danotor Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond HIâ€. Funeral Mass was held in Our Lady Queen of the World Church, Wednesday morning, Interment Holy Cross Cemetery c1w15 ZICCARDI, Mattia (Next to Richmond Inn) 660 Cards of Thanks “55 Deaths clwlS clw15 Consumable supplies Cowan, Dr. W‘ Cameron. passed away Octobet 15, 1968. Sadly missed by wife Ruth and Family‘ c1w15 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robbins are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter. Linda Eileen to William Cowan, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Cowan of Rexdale. The marriage to take place October 30, 1976 in Bracebridge: c1w15 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK TENDER FOR REPLACEMENT OF ROOF OF HEALTH UNIT BUILDING CONTRACT NO- 21-76-44 A celtlfied cheque to: not less than fifteen percent of the value of the tendet will be furnished by the Contractot when submitting the tender. Specifications, Information to Bidders, Tender Forms and Tender Envelopes may be obtained at the office of the Engineering Department, The Regional Municipality of York. Don Mills Road, one and one-quarter miles north of the Aurora Road. Tender documents may be purchased for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per set. NO REFUNDS ARE ALLOWED. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Tenders shall be delivered to the Clerk's Office. 62 Bayview Avenue, North Entrance â€" 2nd Floorl Newmarkel. Ontario. L3Y 4W9A SEALED TENDERS properly marked will be received by the Regional Clerk until 11:00 am. E.D.S.T. on for replacing the roof of the Health Unit Building. 22 Prospect Street Newmarket. Ontario. Garfield E. Wright CHA|RMAN Sealed Tenders clearly Identified will be recewed up to 4 pm. local time‘ November 2, 1976, at the York County Board of Education, 60 Wellington St West. Aurora. (PO Box 40), Douglas Allen Chairman BEA '-- ' ‘ LIBERAL AD WATCHER Tuesday, November Z‘ndé 1976 555 In Memoriam The York County Board of Education Request for Tenders No.339 6‘5 Forthcoming Marriage Details and bidding instructions are available from the Purchasing Department 609 Tenders USE FIRE CAREFULLY S.L,G. Chapman Ditector of Education clw15 Robert N. Vernon REGIONAL CLERK c1w15 The race was co- ordinated by Ken Hamilton, Physical Education teacher at German Mills Public School. Marshalls were to be posted at corners to mark the course for the visiting students, but because of the weather, Mr. Hamilton had to lead the way during both races which were between 1 mile and 1'2 mile in length. Aside from some students falling in the mud, there were no mishaps. Awards were handed out in the school gym to the soggy but smiling students. Individual first for senior boys was Randy Lothrop of Woodlands Senior Public School, the school also coming first in its category. By Doreen Livingstone THORNHILL â€" Pouring rain did not dampen the enthusiasm of students from over 10 schools in area 4 who participated in the German Mills Cross Country Race last Thursday. The event was held at German Mills Public School on Simonston Blvd. in Thornhill. Laura Campbell of German Mills Public School ran first in the senior girls division with German Mills also first. Church has anniversary For Junior Boys, Park- view Public School student Jeff Mannibusa ran first with E.J. Sand Public School first. Junior Girls Debby Berger of Stornoway ran first and Parkview Public School was first in that division. THORNHILL â€" Thornhill United Church will be celebrating its 173rd anniversary on Sunday, Oct. 24 at 7:30 pm. with a musical presentation. The Junior Choir will sing a modern musical, It’s Cool in the Furnace, about the faith of Daniel. The adult choir will sing modern and traditional anthems. ‘Gordon Fleming, director of music, will play several organ selections and the evening will be rounded out with congregational singing. Kids race Bus amalgamation starts on Nov. 28 School board staff prepared to strike Inter-city buses from Barrie via Highway 11 and from Sutton will operate express to Toronto from the GO terminal in Richmond Hill. The balance of GO's Yonge Street services will operate from York region Julinot Twill present an illustrated demonstration of hydroponics â€" the art of soiless gardening â€" to the Thornhill and Distrtict Horticultural Society at 8 pm. Oct. 19 in North Thornhill Com- munity Centre (Heintzman House). NEWMARKET â€" All-through bus services on Yonge Street, south of Newmarket, will be amalgamated into the GO Transit System, starting Sun- day, Nov. 28, York Region Chairman Garfield Wright said this week. Wright is tï¬e region‘s representative on Toronto Area Transit Operating Authority. (TATOA). The decision to bring the services of GO and Grey Coach Lines together is expected to save $250,000 annually. as well as improve service and bring about better use of crews. It will also provide more frequency of service and extra seating capacity in the well-travelled corridor between Newmarket and Finch subway station THORNHILLâ€"They might not be as strong as last year’s undefeated squad but the Thornhill Secondary School girl’s senior team is doing all right so far. Ninety-three per cent of Local 1734 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees voted in favor of a strike last week. They will be in a legal position to walk out Oct. 20. Union representative Nick Vollebregt, however. says a strike would be “a last resort." The strike vote means there will now the North York board of education be negotiations involving the ministry received $9,000 in 1975, he said. of labor. “Nobody wants this kind of Vollebregt said schools will not be thing," Vollebregt said, “but because laffected directly. “Where it would hurt we work for politicians. . .One of the the most is the payroll department problems with politicians is there is no where the payroll would be affected consistency." along with the day to day operation. Refreshments will be served in the Society’s usually tasteful manner, and visitors. of course, are always welcome. The Naomi Chapter of Anglican Church Women has organized a card party for 8 p.m. Oct. 20 in the parish hall of Holy Trinity Anglican Church. The team, featuring high-scoring Karen Cushing at centre, and Suzanne Manning at guard, has won two games and lost one in league play with a win over Langstaff Secondary School of Richmond Hill and a loss to Richmond Hill by 34-31. One of the more impressive displays under coach Kerry Thompson was in the recent Collingwood Golden Girls’ tournmanent which saw them winning their first two games before losing to the number one ranked team in Canada, Ancaster. AURORA â€" A strike is possible among administrative, secretarial and technical employees of York County board of education. During this last fruit and vegetable show of, the season, all regular features of the monthly meetings will be in- cluded: library facilities, draws for garden supplies, and plant sales. More grants from Win tar/'0 Growing without soil is topic of demonstration Marilyn McDonald Correspondent 889-4668 THORNHILL â€" Soil is not necessary for a successful garden. So says Helm'ut Julinot, head of hydroponics at Green City, Mississauga; Thornhill’s girls win 2, RICHMOND HILL â€" Those Wintario grants keep on coming. Richmond Hill Arena Association will receive $5,925 to assist in the purchase and installation of a Rotoratic sport- stimer. The association is also to get $2,250 to construct a dressing room, washroom and shower facilities, with whirlpool bath and trainers‘ table, at Bond Lake Arena in Oak Ridges. Richmond Hill men's fastball league will receive equipment and trophies valued at $1,662. The town parks and recreation The town parks and recreation department will get $737 for bleachers. drinking fountain, fencing and public address outlets at Crosby Park soccer field. A variety'of gamés wilf be played and GOT A QUESTION" NEED A SERVICE7 WANT TO HELF HELPMATE INFORMATION WILL PROVIDE:- GOT A QUESTION? Where do I get job retraining? Where can I play chess? When do the Lions meet? Where can 1 ï¬nd help? I feel as a parent. that I am losing control of my anger NEED A SERVICE? I need a credit counsellor. Where can I find one? I'm 15 and pregnant. Where do I go now? WANT TO HELP? I like children and have some spare time. What can I do? My kids are all in school now. What should I do? York Central Hospital - Trench St. & Major Mackenzie, Richmond Hill Call 8832234, 8832235 HELPMATE INFORMATION THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October 13. 1976 â€" B-ll everyday proL‘ In 1975, trustees gave themselves a 100 per cent raise to $6,000. Wages of a Level 1 clerk were $4,960 and went to $5,900 in June, 1975, but the clerks were still $100 behind the trustees, he said. The loss was a 48-26 decision but Thornhill was the only team not to have the score doubled by the powerful Ancaster squad. The school trustees received a $3,000 honorarium. Moreover, a secretary working for the North York board of education received $9,000 in 1975, he said. Vollebregt said schools will not be He said that in 1969 a clerk working for the school board at Level 1, the lowest level, received $3,440 for working seven hours a day, five days a week, 49 weeks a year. A $3,000 grant goes to Whitchurch- Stouffville public library and $2,000 to East Gwillimbury public library for the purchase of Canadian books, films and periodicals. Aurora minor football association will get $250 to buy uniforms. 'Vaughan parks and recreation department will get $4,340 for its summer physical fitness program there’ll be prizes and refreshments Admission is free anâ€"d all are welcome. Centre Cushing led the Thornhill attack with 12 points. Karen also netted 20 points in the opening 46-26 win over Stayner, then came back with 26 points in a 40-25 tournment win over Langstaff. Thornhill won the York County and Georgian Bay finals last year under coach Thompson. Karen, guard Suzanne Manning, and forward Lorna Cox are all back from last year’s squad. Patsy McLean and Shannon Sheath round out the starting five. King Township receives $14,285 to construct a new community hall above the existing Schomberg community and agricultural arena. bus terminal, north of the Finch Ave Subway station. Other attractions are: an auction featuring such items as an oil painting, appliances and quilts, and display booths selling Ukrainian embroidery, ceramics and home baking. Several other grants for projects in York Region were announced last week by the province‘s culture and recreation ministry as part of its Share Wintario program. The Newmarket route, serving Newmarket, Aurora and northern portions of Richmond Hill, will operate semiexpress through southern Rich- mond Hill and Thornhill. Local GO service will replace the present T'I‘C bus Operation in the latter communities. Call Helen Bogg, 889-7192, for the $2 tickets. Gorge on good food and great fun at this year’s Ukrainian Mini-Caravan and Bazaar. Borsht, cabbage rolls, perogies, sauerkraut and sausages will be featured in the licensed cafe. With the introduction of the latter, free transfers will be operated between the GO and any one of the three municipal systems â€" Richmond Hill. Markham and Vaughan Transits. The three municipal systems and GO‘s local Yonge North service, south of Elgin Mills, all have the same singleâ€" zone fare, with an adult cash fare of 35 cents. All new timetables, effective Nov. 28, will be listed in G0 Transit ad- vertisements, appearing soon in area newspapers. Sponsored by the parish of St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, the annual event takes place from 3 till 10 pm. Saturday, Oct. 30 in Thornhill Community Centre. 7 There will be a draw after each show, and a big draw â€" for a color TV â€"â€" after the final curtain falls. A dance’and song-filled show will be performed live, at 4:30, 6, 7:30 and 9 pm. that day. denhal nature of