Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Oct 1976, B5

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} CAR FRAMES Spmallzung In moto: tuneups anc’ e|ectnca| systems on all makes ant. models 0! cars and tlucn Ovet i' decade of semng nus avea All work guaranteed Reasonable rates Experienced bookkeepe: to do your books at your convenience. Robinson's Tune-up Service Bookkeeping & Accounting Services - Air Conditioning 881-3827 Franchise dealer {or John Inglis‘ General Electric Hoover Products. Black 8 Decker. Eureka, Service depot for Black &. Decker. Hoover. Eureka Repairs to all makes. "" | BookkeggLng | BOO/(KEEPING SERVICES BOOKKEEPING E INCOME YA)v And other accounting in: small business and individuals Refrigerators. freezers ranges. dishwashers dryers. PAUL'S Appliance Service 773.4592 m BOOKKEEPING Full Range offivnicos INFONIE TAX KENNETH .\l. PAL XXSHIUI 1ch by a Professional Accountant Refrigeration Appliances Humidifiers Air Cleaners Air - Conditioners |nstal|ation & Service SPECIALIZINO IN REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING Is your car frame rusting away? .\l’l’\.\’(‘E SALESS: SERVICE LESLIE APPLIANCE 058 YONUE ST. S. AURORA J. C. HUGHES 883-1360 889-0277 7-16!” Small business Opportunity For small busnnesses ALLIED APPUANCE SERVICES Repairs to All Makes Financial Statements 881-0621 £ng Appliances Service Accounting Services 8896683 l-ZV'GS. sen-x217 DAYS 773 '056 884-9697 Try us Up to trial balance Wi|l Pick Up REASONABLE 884-6200 8845807 884-7530 Ht!!! XXII "(If find the service you need for home or business in this tch "<33 WM m H Hcl I Contractors I ('l'STOM BL'ILT HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS Free Estimates BV‘ (‘umpelenl Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) Ross 130 Centre SI. W. - 884-1788 Excavation work Basements - Sewers Joscelyn Laughlin Harper, Tory & Associates Bum!) Trucks (Inky Cl contact SUN DECKS. SAUNAS. FENCES RENOVATION. ETC‘ Free es'imam or by the hour (‘harlvrcd Accountants 102x53 \‘onge Street \urtl Richmond Hill. 0m. 884-4474-5 9| (k-nm a Street St. ('alharines, ()nl. 684-1 177 CHARTERED .\(‘(‘()L'.\‘T‘\I\'T MEGS Ynnge Streel Phone: 884-865l-889-8275 CUSTOM BUILT REC ROOMS. BARS GARAGES. ADDITIONS PORCHES, CEDAR FENCING COTTAGES UNUSUAL 1088 All types at Carpentry wort LEONARD R. ROSENBERG 8; ASSUHATES Chartered Accountants Heavy Machinely Moving. AURORA 727-5544 Alf Catenaro (‘.‘\RPENTI€R (‘UNTHAFTOR Additions. Renovations & Rec. Rooms 83 Rnsm'iew A \'E. Richmond Hill. ()nt. Tel. KPH-“7| Chartered Accountants Btian H. Cowen Richmond Hill Contracting Cn Ltd. K. A. SMITH CARPENTRY and Mom Inuavements FREE ESTIMATES Please phone 884-1634 Beiore 1 pm. â€"flflel 5 pm Carpet- Upholster Cleaning Janitorial Services Carpet Cleaning LEONARD’S FLOOR CLEANING S. PAYNE Contracting Concrete Work Chaftered Accountants 887-5720 - 839-2' 84 Yonge Straw BOB RUSS CONTRACTING I02]; Yungv St MIDWA Y 884-2092 CARPENTRY Carpentg Addm \urora. ()mariu REID & BRADLEY Richmond Hill ofaldesétipfim 881-0431 GENERAL CARPENTRY 8895762 CUSYOM HOUSES FREE ESTOMATES I PRICE & SON 88¢8209 888-1005 8846477 7H HCSI awn "(It "(I "(46 "£5 paint & varnish from furniture. Repairs Er Refinishing of Antiques Er Fine Furniture. Stained glass restora- tion Er custom design. Traditional Er modern up holstery. 922-3339 Toronto DISCUUIVTI/VSUM r/a/v calm, 221 3097 OService, Maintenance and Instal|ations 0 Free Evaluation 8 Estimates ' Special discount for Senior Cifizens. ' Save 30 ~ 50% on heating 8 air conditioning costs 0 Highest "R" value per inch. 0 Don't pay more when you can have it done for less. Mr. Stripper PLUMB|NG & HEATING Roger Proulx 884-1650 884-4135 8844827 889-4508 Evgs. 884-3479 222- I792 specialists in removing Sterling Building Service Janitorial swig“ ‘ . .WINDOW CLEANING . OFFICE CLEANING . OFFICE MAINTENANCE . CARPET STEAM CLEANING Modern Blown Method Over 10 years experience to serve you. For free estimate call Sundance Farms Commercial - Residential CALL CDLLECY ALLEN TRAVERS 0R FRED CELSIE 884-8765 Home Maintenance Specializing in 0 Roofing 0 Insulation Custom Made Draperies The Furnimre Doctor Duality wovkmanship al leasonable prices‘ Roofing If yau have a leak - we have due care! Free estimates All work guaranteed For reasonable price call Plumbing, Heating Furniture Stripping 10 'Years ’ Expefience One stop drapery centre OxfOrd Plaza 884-0139 10620 Yonge sue. Richmond Hill Insulate SAVE up to 30% Electricians Insulation : 669-1687 Draperies Roofing "£49 "(I ‘1: ll Electrical DEAL SERVICES 3899398 773-4138 Free Esiimates 255-4222 I Landscaping FERTILIllNG PLANTING GARDENING PAINTING R. LaFOND Grounds 8 Building Maintenance LOCAL 8 LONG DISTANCE LUD ELECTRIC Plumbing it Moving and Storage IH‘ISIIH‘ZNTIXI Metro Lic. P2737 519-941-8229 Orangeville (‘OMMERCIAI lNDt'S'I‘Rl/U MOVING 669â€"1321 Reasonable Rales 833-5040 Fully Insured 259-1672 mu "(31 I-1672 mas "(l5 Wu H cw“ 1ch PAINTING RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL C & L Painters 884-9026 Painting Wallpapering Stucco HANS BUTT Authorized Alcan Dealer . Siding I 50"“ O Shulle 0 Winde RECREATION ROOMS. PATIOS WINDOWS â€" DOORS ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS PAINTINGS DECORATING Free Eshmales Excellent workmanship Gunar Construction CARPENTHY WDRK ADDITIONS SEALED GLASS SLIDING DDDRS Installed . $300 889-5075 Kafl Bundschun 884-4832 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R.E.Dunn 727-3303 Home . Improvements 88435118 x:. ('l-IN'I‘RE 51‘. H. I(|('Il,\l()\'l)llll.l, "<16 'Sldlng OFaSCIa 'Awnlng‘ Peter Elliott CHIMNEY REPAIRS CONCRETE PATIO 0R PRECAST SLABS PORCHES - STEPS I’RI‘ZI-I ES’I‘I MATHS JUIIN \IM'I’IIEE "Charlie The Painter" 884-7269 MacPHEE ALUMINUM Done on Weekends Good work and Paperhanging Basements Waterproofed STONE WORK SIDEWALKS PLANTER BOXES Free Estimates 889-2163 081mm Doors and WlndOWS 'Replacement Wmdows Weeping tiles irstalled 881L256!) Evgs. EXTERIOR PAINTING Al War/r Guamreed D. LYON 727â€"5533 0 Plumbing 0 Heating Chris Dean 884â€"0141 PAINTING Aluminum Siding G. ROCKETT Plumbing Heating Painters 884-6162 Afterfip.m. 889-4729 anytime 0 hours Flee Estimams Call 3894106 Lic. 3342 osmm *Eaveslrougm ‘Shuttets .l-Imvs .Fascia {\“nings O Railing“ "(50 "()9 EM H "<36 fic14 "€41 Ifcll It" l|c9 [Optometrists I I Iron Wbrké Specializing In fire screens and tools, room dividers, cafe doors. railings and spiral staircases. ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS Man will do Exterior Painting Tree Removal and Pruning A. W. Kitchen, 0.D. 88 Baker .ho. Richmond llillâ€" KPH-ITS?) Typewriters - Adders Electronic calculators all makes. Sales - Service 495-6302 'Hesidemial OCammglchl 'Amstmng OMannington Mills Insurance - Mortgages Fire. Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Telephone 727-9488-9 Rear 47 Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario. Typewriters Addiqu Machines Sales 8 Service A/f's Office Mach/hes Richmond Hill 881-1997 Specializing in Railings Made to Measure 86 Spruce Avenue, Richmond Hill HANDYMAN Custom made Wrought Iron Corner Agency Limited Now Is The Time! INTERIOR DR EXTERIOR Homes, Cottages 0r Industries All Work Guaranteed Act quickly and phone day or night J.S. Adams Flooring 60., 8842031 Cash Registers Electronic TYPE“RITERS \l)l)l\'() .\l \(‘lllNES SALES~ RENTALS l..ll. SIMS Suite 201 mevuinnal Bldg‘ 2‘.’ l(|(‘ll.\l(),\l) ST RH'IIHUVI) HILI B) uppoinlnu-nl 1/2 Ton Truck Tree cutting Cushion Flooring Free Est/Mates 881-5829 Insurance Handymen 889-4277 Evgs. Office Machines Ask for 8840 to leave message Flooring 294-5066 ARMAND PAVING it CONSTRUCTION CO. 889-4672 Small moving em. 8843962 Painters and Decorators Ask for Armand Ucci E. ROSE Over 15 Years’ Experience 884-0293 FOR A BETTER PAVING JOB 226-4040 "cal "(10 tfcld m2“ Paving m: 14 CORD EX CA VA TING 832-2416 I Contractors I [v’AMohiIe Wgsjj , Tree Removal I "S. 8 8. Mobile Power Wash" Washing and degleasing of: -Tlaclors » Trailers Truck Fleets Heavy Equipment Aimafl » Wale! Haulage PROMPT 24 HOUR SERVICE 7 DAYS A WEEK Complete shop E: wehfing setvice. All Swim Rm, King City [Spring Service I Maintenance Welding WALKER CONSTRUCTION BL'ILT AND REPAIRED Free Estimates Expert Workmanship 20 yea rs‘ experience Q Baum-mus I‘Ilm Trees 0 ‘rimming â€" Pruning 0 Land ('lvaring FREE ssnmnss TANDEM BUSH! NUS Aurora 727-3121 u Call Lorne Bridal 884-1712 W R CLARK Plain a. Dt-(orahve Plasterunq REPAIRS A SPECIALTY Frt'e Eshma‘es Bookkeeping Services 884-9084 evgs ALL DAY SATURDAY 884-0293 as SPRUCE AVENUE. mcumnu mu CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES Plastering < Thornhill Walter Fleming Welding and Dump Truck Open 4 pm, 8 pm York Spring Service 488-7521 - 889-3185 Plastering French Translations Secretarial Service 0 handing ‘General Camacting Welding Mass!an 833-6677 24 Hour Service Back Hoe E. ROSE Services 884-2882 8336417 C4wl4 "CAI mu dw M "cal cdwl Hc9 "c! It was pointed out that when the present building THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October 13, 1916 â€" 8-5 Councillor Peter GrOSSkurth had questioned the fact that the library was adding five employees but only three parking spaces. Councillor Walter Grieve suggested a basement which would allow more floor area for expansion. Councillor Walker agreed with the staff that the library parking could spill over into the lot next door. An elevator will be incorporated in the design in accordance with the t0wn policy for public buildings and as requested by Councillor Bob Adams. She added that neither the veterans or any other grOup in town seemed particularly interested in the cenotaph. It looked so shabby at one point that she and her daughter had painted it themselves. But library board member Isobel Cattanach said she had discussed the problem with Paul Mingay, who had been part of the group who put up the cenotaph honoring the town’s war dead. he had been agreeable to the move. “Otherwise we would have a big square in the middle of the building." she said. Councillor Alma Walker objected to the board moving the town cenotaph to make room {Or the addition. “So many people worked long and hard to put the cenotaph where it is," she said. “There are things buried under it and it was suppOSed to stay where it is for 2,000 years." BUTTONVILLE ~ A proposal for a $600,000 addition to the Markham Centennial Library received the qualified support of council Tuesday. A committee was suggested to work with the library board, but some councillors would like to send the architect back to the drawing board on some aspects of the plans. A new feature this year will be an old glass and china booth, and during the afternoon there will be an exhibition of Scottish dancing. Refreshments will be available. Also on Saturday is the Open House at the Gallanough Library between 1 and 4 pm. to celebrate the library‘s first birthday. Besides a slide show of the Gallanough’s progress, a puppet play for children and adults performed by TV. Puppetree, and craft demonstrations, a demonstration of selfâ€" defence for women is planned. Other attractions at the fair will include a doll and toy booth, knitted and handsewn items, home baking, nearly-new clothing, white elephant stall and plant table, to name but a few. Here is another chance. There will be a 25c fee to see these photos, all proceeds going to the church. Of special interest to Thornhill residean will be an equally large exhibit covering much of the history of Thornhill since the turn of the century. This display was sh0wn in the Village library last fall and many expressed disappointment at having missed it. Markham okays library addition The theme of the fair, which will be open from 10 am. to 4 p.m., is ‘nostalgia' and will in- clude an extensive display of photographs depicting the history of St. Patrick’s church since it‘s beginning in 1953. As a special gesture, Oct. 16 â€" 23 is amnesty week at the library. It means that if you have some overdue books, you may return them without T H O R N H I L L â€" Saturday is the day of the Heritage Fair to be held at St. Patrick's Parish Hall, 1087 Lillian Street, Willowdale (just south of Steeles Avenue in Willowdale). Open house Heritage Fair on Saturday Without the addition, the library would have only .29 books per capita, less than half what libraries consider they should have and “good service Would be impossible to maintain" according to the board. But Councillor Stan Daurio was satisfied 0! the need for the library expansion, a previous concern. The town will have to find the money to fnance the project next year. The completed building would have a floor area of 14,300 sq. ft., housing a collection of 42,500 volumes and 2,500 films and casettes was constructed, there were two feet of water in the basement at the time probably because of an underground believed to be in the area. There was also, said Councillor Hi Lawrie, water coming through the roof. Professor Cumming will be talking about the followup report to the Berger Commission Inquiry of the Mackenzie Valley Pipelines hearings held in June. “Native Land Rights' is the theme of a talk by Professor Peter Cum- ming at Thornhill United Church next Wednesday. at 8 pm. Cumming is a law professor at Osgoode and is Director of the Canadian Arctic Resources Committee. Author of the book ‘The Native Rights in Canada'. F o l 1 o w i n g h i s presentation, there will be a question and answer period and light refresh- ments. The evening is being sponsored by the Mission and Outreach Committee of Thornhill United Church. Students are now seated 0r grouped in accordance with a plan devised by the teacher with the individual’s academic and social requirements in mind. The scheme seems to be working out very well, says principal Tom Cober. Seats arranged A pre-designed. but flexible seating arrangement is one of the results of this particular P.A. day. Native rights In this way. teachers would know something about their new pupils from their former teacher, and would be able to develop their program according to the individual child's level of instruction. NEWMARKET St. Jam's Cathie Cinch 414 Ontario Street Wednesday. 7:30 pm. What actually happens on professional activity days at school? At a spring P.A. day at E.J. Sands school, teachers received in- formation about the students they would be having in their class the next term. and passed on information concerning the students who would be leaving them to go on to another grade. AURORA Aurora Community Centre Aurora Heights Drive Thursday, 7'30 p.m. Hillcrest Mall Wednesday, 7:30 pm. In Ontario call 1-800-261-0573 paying a fine for this week only. RICHMOND HILL counrerweight. PROUDLY CANADIAN Now There IS a class near you' the I he lo 10m are now grouped in with a plan the teacher

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