A ISO-yr. old house, lull of beaulilul antiques & gm Ideas‘ The magic name m lamps. Authentic kerosene. electric mantle lamps and replacement parts. The Mantle Lamp Supply (20.. 33 Glencameton Rd.. Thornhill. 889 9853. cm}? There are still openings availabie in the 3 mornings per week programme. This programme rs for children between the ages 01 3 and 5, Programme rs offered Monday. Wednesday and Friday 9:30 â€" 11:30 am. $36 per month. Register at "Y" on 83 Dunlop Street, iull. All sues and Queens), Open all Keele 81.. Maple 3056, BRASS, Copper, antiques, repohshed Brass beds, etc, Bntex 755-7851. BRASS Beds BOOKKEEPER WIShES pamnme office wotk in Richmond HI“ area. 884‘ 4058. [HMS \{ Vanda Beauty -.‘ Counsellor An ¢pportunity for you to earn extra casï¬. Full or pamime. Vanda Beauty Counselm requires repreSentatIves m Richmond Hill and Thornhill. 294- 3757 Collect. c3w15 CLEANING woman wanted. Thornhill area. Own transportation. Reierences requured. 8895595. c1w15 WORKlNG assistant head housekeeper with experience. Opening for energetic mature person. Area resideni with own car. Permanent position. Call Mr. McLean. 881-2121. Parkway Hotel. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Thursday 0! Friday. small house. 320. Must drive. 833-5621. c1w15 THORNHILL home. Part time housekeepmg. Monday to Friday. 2 hours daily‘ 83‘ per hour. 8812383. c1w15 DAY care 10r2 small children. 5 days a week. 832-2402 Evgs. c1w15 NOON hour supervision, 4 days weekly. for 2 children, ages 6 and 9. Baywew Fauways area. 8890834. Evgs. clwlS HOUSEKEEPER to make up bedrooms at Parkway Hotef Call Mr. Latimer. 881-2121. c1w15 CLEANING lady required 1 day per week. Thamhiu. Relelences‘ 889- 5973after5pm. c2wl5 Regoslrahons St!†open for cmldren 2": to 4 YEBISV Mornings only. monthv 884-7012 or DAY CARE needed 3days a week tor 3year old giri. Preferably with other children‘ Kevswill Dr., area. 884» 3150. c1wl5 BABYSITTER, 1 child. Tuesdays. 8130 to 5:30 in my home. 889-5229. MOTHER tequires assistance with housekeeping and baby care. One day pet week. 889-6146‘ clwls Hows: Wed. ~ Sat. 10:30 - 5 pm Sunday I - 6 pm, (Closed Monday. Tuesday) Antiques & Gifts 8054 YONGE ST. THORNHILL 310 5‘“ Daycare Wanted Drop in â€"You'll Be Delighted Visit‘Thorntree Antiques 157 Main Street, W. Stouï¬ville Grandpa’s Attic 712Nursery School 884-4811. (Across from Kinney Shoes) 88l-2199 5‘“ Domestic Help Wanted ANTIQUE HUNTING? Top 0’ The Hill Co-operative Nursery School 5‘“ Help Wanted Mrs. Morrison 5‘5 Employment Wanted 884-6742 Antiques & Art Aladdin ' PLAY SCHOOL a country state styleuincludmg weekends. 9994 8322567. 936- awlï¬ c2w14 c3wl3 clw15 c1w15 Cir: 15 It: ‘5 Wanted 14 years experience. Flee esnmates Brighton Janitor Serwce Applicants must have some piactlcal skills and experience but necessarily in plastics. Far warehOuse located In Bolton record and steel EXDEHEHCE. Over $6. per hour lor lully skilled thermoplastic fabricators and ï¬breglass laminamrs an interesting and varied custom work of top quality for the chemical processmg industries. REQUIRES CARRIER SALES PEOPLE Plastics Fabricators - Willing to work shifls - Must be fluent in writing, reading and oral EngHsh UnHornL photograph and trahï¬ng provided. 17 MAIN ST. NORTH NEWMARKET Alcore Fabricating Ltd. Applications now being accepted for various locations in York Region and District. Applicants must meet the following qualifications. Age-10-13 FOR NEW AND ESTABLISHED ROUTES Janitor Contracts EARN TOP DELIVERY COMMISSIONS DON’T BE LEFT OUTH 884-0981 881-3373 Evgs SECURETY GUARDS 2 10 3 years manufacturing experience In woodwoflung gigs and luxtures. Bluepnnt reading an asset. Exceuent opportumty for advancement Salary commensurate wnh expenence. King City 833-5210 889-1769 65 Newkirk Rd., Richmond Hill Reliable Tower 884-5581 TV Towers AM 8: FM Radios Designed, supplied & erected All types & sizes Richmond Hill Company requires Skilled Factory Help MON. TO FRI. 9 A.M. TILL NOON 8.] RM. To 3:30 P.M. Call Bolton, 857-0790 or Toronto 241-1126 311“ Eihtral Circulation Department To deliver Steel 505 Help Wanted ’2“ Miscellaneous Driver 63†Today 889-4923 clwlS require chauHeur’s IICBHSE. clear INSTANT PRINTING The Printing Place 883-1307. FREE COFFEE WHILE YOU WAIT Photo Copying â€" l0: Prunhng 00 every descnmmn CIwIS c2w14 Clw 15 ï¬c? not for plastics laminating plant located Hwy. No. 7 and Keele Street area. No typing required but an aptitude for mathematics necessary Some telephone work involved. We ate lookmg for a competent person to handle a very busy service desk Job involves preparing service papers. expediting and maintaining the files H you are looking for a chaHenge. please call' GENERAL CLERK With Mould experience required for tool room in Rexdale Injection Moulding Plant Required for challenging position with a steady growth, dynamic seed company. Must be self-motivated, shorthand, dietaphone skills required. Varied duties including traffic and brokerage relating to international shipments. Apply in writing. stating work history and salary to: Box 126, Richmond Hill, Ontain Toronto Dominion Bank 7085 Woodbine Ave., near Steeles For Injection Moulding Plant in Rexdale 669-2420 Liberty Furniture (Steeles- Keele area). EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS Starting salary $559 per month. Please call sales office, telephone, typing, Mouldmaker Maintenance Mechanic SENIOR SECRETARY ChaHenge! Prestigious office iocated Required immediately Pleasant capable person, at Keele and Hwy. N0. 7 PICK SEEDS PART TIME F. Goodfellow 743-5741 743-5741 495-6291 Call 669-4811 661-2351 Ext 42 R. Balofsky Expenenced Teller C1w15 c1w15 clwlS clvnS clwlS Clwl5 clwlS Minimum 2 years experience. Must be willing to work shifts‘ Must have valid chauffeurs license. Salary range $4.30 to $510 per hour depending upon experience. Apply' In a medium suzed steel fabrication shop, Applicants must have at least 2 years related experience. Prelened applicants will have a strong electrical background. Apply: . _ Stran Steel Bunldlng Systems The following positions are available Ye Olde Country House Tavern Experienced painter â€" to and decorating in the Hospital Light duty cleaning â€" some weekend work required Temporary and part time casual help required. Apply to: Personnel Department York Central Hospital The other way to build m W Dr phone - 889-7691 Attn: Mr. A. Crawford Stréri 889-5435 Ext. 52 o Waitresses/Waiters 0 Short Order Cook ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Wilson Niblett Motors York Central Hospital Ronalds Federated Graphics 10481 Yonge St, Richmond Hill Required to maintain Roll Formers, Press Brakes, and Overhead Cranes, etc., Busy flat rate shop In Richmond HIâ€. Top wages for right person 85 Bowes Rd., Concord 669-9969 Personnel Office. Full or Part Time Weekends off Apply in person Fork Lift Operator Expenenced Must be licensed. DELIVERY AND TRUCK DRIVER FOOD SERVICES Required for food distributor. Fringe benefits. 10 Trench Street, Richmond Hill 883-2250 884-9121 Body Person 5ԠHelp Wanted 887-5804 PAINTER to do all types of painting Div. of WesteeI-Rosco Limited 105 Industrial Road Richmond HiH, Ontario L4G 4Y8 \ICE clwlS clw'5 c1w15 Clw IS c1w15 c1w15 THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, October 13. 1976 - 8-9 Duties will include taking phone elders, sewing customers typing and tiling. Applicant must be neat II'I appearance, have excellent telephone personality and demonstrate, ability to Mill with others. Excellent opportunity for the right person. Our Head Office Statf cafetevia located at Hwy. 7 and Keele Street lawn}; a working supervisor. Duties Will include the COHUO| and Supemsuon cl Cafeteria. feeding 300 persons per day. Required for our Real Estate Office at Yonge - Steeles Pleasant telephone manner and typing aBility a must. For appointment please call App|icants shou|d have some busmess background. have a knowledge of {cod purchasing and preparahon. be aggtessive. pohte and weHAgroomed. Hours are 8 â€" 4 Monday â€" Friday. Starting salary IS competitive with excellent employee benefits, Bookkeeper Receptionist Required for law office Experience necessary. Typing required. Hours 9 to 5. Order Department Wilson Niblett Motors Greenaway & Leitch Willowdale 225-1123 WORKING SUPERVISOR 669-1810 Ext 244 CASHIER For staff cafeteria 889-9111 for interview. Medical Secretary for X-Ray Clinic Receptionist requires the services of a matute nelson to: their At our Concotd store (Keele and Hwy Body Prep Person Requires a Part Time Doncaster Medical 889-5435 ï¬ 884-9293 Busy flat vate shop In Richmond Hull Must be hmihar mm acrylic paints 226-0803 669-2298 Deb McCulloch Expenenced Please can Mr. Wmstone Part time 3183 clw15 1w15 wlS w15