“Altogether I have nine partners," Laurie says, “but Jeremy is my favorite." She orders the dum- mies from a New York dealer and dresses them to suit her own ideas. Laurie aims for TV career Laurie's first public performance was in 1975 at a Don Head School open house and fashion show‘ For this occasion she had a partner named Hiemy, who did the announcing while she walked down the aisle modelling clothes. Later she entertained at the Richmond Hill spring fair and went on to make television appearances on CITY-TV and several cable stations. She is being promoted by Talent Search Produc- tions, which has already put her through a series of modelling courses and acting sessions. This mbnth, she is auditoning for television com- mercials and variety shows on the CBC network. “I named him Jeremy Knight, and in the act he’s my little brother. For myself I bought a beautiful red, country-style dress and set my hair in ringlets around my face, in pigtails." "I was told I was good from the start,“ Laurie says, “but at first I was just like any other ventriloquist. I decided I needed a gimmick more than anything else." So one of her dummies (partners, they’re called) she dressed in a pair of overalls and “patched up a little hat for him. I thought ‘country‘ would be best; it’s so cute. She hopes to find a career in television, but for the meantime at least she is available to perform at That was at the Kleinburg Binder Twine Festival in 1974. and Laurie, then 14, got her first dummy later that year. She’s now a third-year student at Don Head Secondary School and with a couple of years†work behind her is already on her way to a career in the entertainment business. By Peter Logue RICHMOND HILL â€" As soon as Laurie Knight saw her first ventriloquist, she decided right away that she would become one, too. c.1o â€"- THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, October 13. 1976 Listening while her “Partner†Jeremy does the talking, 16-year-old Laurie Knight is shown in a practice session for her ventriloquist act that You are invited to attend the 2nd. annual Art Exhibition of paintings by Pan T. Lew RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY from Oct. 1st. to Oct. 30th. 1976 LIBRARY HOURS Income. For over 30 years Canada Savings Bonds have been the most popular investment in Canada. Literally millions of Canadians have used Canada Savings Bonds as a way t2 build a solid ï¬nancialbase. _ They're simple, straightforward and easy to understand. They’re a great way to save. Here’s why. Security. Canada Savings Bonds are secure because they're backed by all the resources of Canada. They pay good income, an average annual interest to maturity in 1985 of 9.13%. Each $100 bond begins with $8.50 interest the ï¬rst year and then pays $9.25 interest for each of the remaining 8 years. ART SHOW On all ° It wheiexfégggulï¬g‘nyk 0r mvesto Laurie and Jeremy Laurie’s home is Kleinburg, but while attending school during the week lives with the J.G. Butler family at 46 Cartier Crescent in Richmond Hill. children’s parties, weddings and other social events has already launched her on an entertainment career. Laurie is a student at Richmond Hill’s Don Head Secondary School. Two Kinds. Flexibility. A.Fully registered bonds. These bonds are registered as to both principal and interest. The interest is sent to you automatically by cheque each year on November lst. They are available in denominations of $500. $1,000 and $5,000. B, Coupon bonds. These bonds are registered as to principal and have annual interest coupons payable to bearer.They are available in denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1,000 and $5,000. anlfl» They‘re flexible, because you can buy Canada Savings Bonds in various denominations, for cash or on instalments wherever you bank or invest. And they’re cashable anytime, at their full face value plus earned interest. This year, the purchase limit has been set at $15,000. Flushing of Watermains Starting October 12th, 1976, the Richmond Hill Waterworks will do the semi annual Flushing of Watermains from Tuesday to Friday. This might temporarin disâ€" colour your water, please check the colour of your water before doing any laundry. M.L. Perkins Maintenance Manager Icofleuttn 'vose Average Annual Interest to Maturity TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL (Photo by Samila) Sponsored by the Markham Family Life Centre, the course will stress practical methods of coping with problems and creating a good home atmosphere between parents and teens. UNIONVILLE â€" A new course that could help parents communicate with their teenage children begins Thursday evening at Franklin Street School. Parent-teen course offered Address What ,should your will say? That's for you to decide together with whoever draws it up, To help you give thought in advance to some of the questions that your lawyer (or alternatively in Quebec, your notary) will ask, Sun Life of Canada has prepared a‘ booklet that can assist you in your thinking. It's called "Planning Your Will" and it's yours for the asking. Please _show me how life insurance can guarantee the realization of my plans for my family’s security, and be sure to bring my copy of "Planning Your Will". To get your copy, simply call me or complete and mail the coupon below. Name Sleep more peacefully tonight with the Sunbeam Smoke Sensor alarm system Why every home should have a smoke detector Which de‘ector to choose With so many smoke detectors avan- able, how do you choose? These tacts might help you‘ The sooner your smoke detector IS able to sense combustion and scund the alarm, the more time you and year family have to escapemand the more Ialth you can put in it.You want a unit as reliable as modern science can make It, wuth every possiblecheck and countercheck builtm Sunbeam safety facts Firefighters and fire prevenhon author- ities aII recommend the use of smoke detectors in private homes. The reason: most fire vuctlms die of asphyxiation. not burns And close to half. these experts say. might be saved by early warning of ï¬re. The smoke detector‘s job IS to provnde this early warning-before smoke. flame or fumes are even apparent. And that's how a dependable detector can give you almost priceless peace of mind. The new Sunbeam SMOKE SENSOR alarm system us engineered With the seven advanced performance teatures “5th here .They're well worth studying Helen Adams correspondent 881-1621 Above all. note the Sunbeam SMOKE Do you have a will? I. RACCO, C.L.U. Ste. 601, 1183 Finch Avenue West, Downsview, Ontario M3} 2G2 Office: 630-2661 ...its flashing power signal is just one of seven advanced safety features Among the points to be discussed are “con- structive rebellion" and “bridging the generation gap')! The course is als offered in StOI Tuesday evenings Fees are $25 for singles, $40 for couples and the organizers are asking for registration by phone. Call 294-2371. unionville Tel. Number is also being Stouffville The Sunbeam SMOKE SENSOR alarm system mounts unobtrusnvely on your cellmg, Modern‘ neatly styled in soft white. It blends wuh any decor. You can Install It yourself with Just two screws; no wrring or special hardware IS needed. lnconspicuous, easy tpiipstall SENSOR alarm uses a "dual Ionization" system, It senses combustion at the ear- liest stage of tire-often before you can see or,smell smokeâ€"to give you the earliest possible warning, Test button. Tests the entlre system bat- tery‘ cnrcult. sensing chambers. alarm Low-battery slgnal. Sounds mtevmtttent warning for 7 days when battery us low. Operatan light. 60-second repeating light shows umt us getttng power Alarm. 85-decvbel horn gwes powerlul "wake~up" alarm Dual lonlzatlon. Accurate. stable. sensn- tlve to earliest stage ol combustlon Solld state. Advanced Clrcwtry IS trou- ble-tree. dependable Battery operated. Sell-contained. works even when house power latls. UnIt comes complete thh spemal.12 6- volt Mallory Duracell‘ battery Consider all the sater teatures Sunbeam offers The third and final Markham blood donor clinic of the year takes place today (Wednesday) from 2 pm. to 8 pm. at Grace Anglican Church. Babysittiig serVié; fig CALL 221-9097. DISCOUNT INSULATION 0 3O - 50% on Heating and Air conditioning costs. 0 Highest “R†value per inch with cellulose Fibre oDon’t Pay more when you can have it done for less. SPECIAL DISCOUNT FDR SENIOR CITIZENS Donor Clinic 14 pt CO. LTD. By Modern Blown Method save FOR FREE EVALUATION AND ESTIMATE INSULATE available. UCW bazaar 14 pt Donations are now being lined up for the annual Christmas bazaar sponsored by United Church Women at St. Andrews in Markham. Now at department, hardware, appliance, auto supply stores and home building centres. Smoke Sensor" Make this your season tor tamin safety Consuder the months ahead..,the sea- son for home heating. enjoying the fire- place. entertaining, Christmas trees and lights. What wuser tume to sateguard your tamin With the Sunbeam SMOKE SEN- SOR alarm system. For under $50. in- cluding battery, it oculd be one of the best investments in family security you'll ever make‘ Listed and labelled by Underwriters Laboraiones of Canada O Sunbeam Anyone requiring in- formation or wishing to make a contribution to the white elephant table may call Nancy Rowe at 294-1719. The bazaar takes place Nov. 5, starting at 6:30