More fertilizer for ya ur la wn .7 Yogurt Mr.F.L., Thornhill. You should fertilize one last time before winter, but I’d suggest a different lawn food. Cookies Colonial Choc. Chip 2 Lb gainsbogough Frrozen 10 oz Luceï¬e Assl‘ 8 01. cm Pie Shells H602 ) flighlinev Frozen Ocean Cookies gas! Asst. 2 Lb. Pkg Paper Tovyéls Get one with a low nitrogen content (the first number.) Dear Marion: Should I fertilize my lawn before winter? If so. can i use the same kind of fertilizer I've been using all year? The formula is 10â€"10-10. C-12 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. October 13, 1976 By Marion Bluegrass Rec] Gelicious Can, Fancy gal-do} Delicious Can. Fang! Apples \_Na§hington _Appl_es washington Fancy Lettuce Endive or Escarole Stewing Beef Boneless and'Cubed Chuck Blade Steak Cut Fvom Can. Grade A Beef QutHUp Chicken Fresh Whale U S a 0 R .m 0 .I. Can. Grade ’A’ Eviscerated 299-4 Lb. Avg “59 Bel Air Frozen Cogcentrate FRESH CHICKEN (Zroll-Z Ply 5.1.49 “59° 1.19 1.49 1.09 You want potassium and potash to get a good root system going‘ Go back to your 1(HO-10 in Nitrogen encourages the growth of the blade of grass but for the winter, you don‘t want this. aéssc 3§89° 3M. region gardener Fl. 02 Work Socks (1 Paid Calgonite Quaker Oats Asst. Ready To Serve 9 02.43 oz Johnson‘s In The Shell 16 oz Baby Food Gerber§Strained Meatless 4% oz Cat Food Bandy Vittlgs Asst. 500 g DishwEsher Detergent 50 oz Peanuts 69° 98° 88° 'I‘ I‘V‘A Mushrooms Canada Fancy Grade For A TEtyTre?! Eggplant ORANGE xj (N01 Available m All Slaves “,1 .29 Bone In Roast Cut Fvom Can. Grade A Beef Chuck Cross Rib Roast, Cut From Can. Grade A Beef Purl} Chops Flesh Cdn. Pork 'Family Pack Chuck Short Rib Dear Marion: l have a tree with a broken branch. Actually. one of the larger branches is splitting away from the main trunk. What can I do to prevent the damage the spring when you want the grass to green up. PORK SPARERIBS ‘f‘f;.21° “99" 51.99 81.49 Fresh Canadian Pork 5. 59¢ “89" Tide Tampons; SoapiPads Swing Tea Bags Playtex Deed-30's Powder 5 Lb s.o.s,'10's Orange crystals Pkg. of 4 x 3% oz Cookies 'et|ey 0.P. 134's Purchase some tree- wound compound and apply to the whole ex- posed area generously. Make sure no faw wood is left exposed. Mrs.KiH., Richmond Hill Yes, this definitely needs attending to before winter. Otherwise, the break will not only get worse, but the tree will be susceptible to insects and disease in the wound. getting worse over the Then, using a piece of winter? fabric (1 find this best) or Mrs.K4H., some other flexible Richmond Hill material, loop around the Yes. this definitely branch and the trunk. Betty Crocker ,‘ ,» L Assorted Var. 14oz.-1502. Pkg. «.- ,4, m. 1.48 u..1.18 u,.83° u, 99¢ 3 89¢ M49¢ 52.29 “45" BBB" £1.19 [12.19 5.2%â€. Schneiders Bologna Schneiders Wieners Asst. 16 oz. Vac‘ Pac Schneuders Asst. 6 oz. Vac, Pac Asst. 1 Lb, Vac‘ Pac Luncheon Meats 99¢ Lb. PORK BUTT ROAST The “bandage†should end up roughly in the shape of a figure eight around the trunk and branch. Tie it tightly enough to pull the branch in to the trunk, the way it was before the breakage occured. Leave it this way till spring, or longer, depending on when the Fresh Canadian Pork rPeanut Butter rKgaft Dinner Redpath Fine Granulated 2 Kg. Bag SNACKIN CAKE Kraft Smooth or Crunchy 3 Lb. Jar . . .. Macaroni and Cheese 7% oz. Pkg. . Ea WHITE SUGAR O uantltles I n y. Yonge St. 8. Traybom .7171 Yonge St. 8. Doncastet IN THE GEM CENTRE RICHMOND Hlll THORNHIll branch seems firm enough not to break away again. LIBERAL READERS - BUY 73¢ 39" 89c Sunnylea CaFada Grade A1'Do;en. . . h I U I I III.‘ (Plus Jug Deposit) Lucerne Partly Skimmed 3 Qt. Jug or Pouch Pak. 2% Milk Large E998 Liberal advertised brands J.19 Side Bacon Meat Chunks Cottage Rolls Schneiders Asst. Luncheon Maple Leaf or Him of Maple Sliced 1 Lb, Pkg . . . . . , ‘ . Maple LeaTCrv-O-Vac PORK BUTT CHOPS Chunk Tuna 2% Milk Lucerne Partly Skimmed 3 Qt. Jug or Pouch Pack Sliced Bread Ovenjoy White 24 oz. Loaf . . . . . . . . . Ea. LU "w Prices Effective Oct. 13â€"16. Sales In Retail Quantities Only Starkist Light6’/2 oz ................. Ea.19 Fresh Canadian Pork Plus Jug Deposit m_1.09 a. 1.69 m 1.39 snow STAR ‘ \ICE CREAM w Asst. Flavours 2 Litre Ctn. 66¢ “,1 .69 Sauerkraut Polifsh Sausage Pillers Rings Polish Loops SChDEIGEYS Schneiders 2 Lb} Box PORK LOIN CHOPS Fresh Canadian Pork ¢ 4 £8.99 , 79¢ £11.19 31m “99° 1.19 “79° mm“-