Bride Michele, a graduate of Thor- nhill Secondary School is employed by Northern Telecomm while bride Richard Fulford, a graduate of York Mills Collegiate, is a salesman with Kenscott Ltd. while David Fulford, a graduate of York Mills Collegiate and Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, is completing studies in accountancy. Sister brides for two brothers THORNHILL â€" In a wedding ceremony held at St. John‘s Anglican Church in Willowdale on Saturday, two Thornhill sisters married two brothers of a Willowdale family. Heather Michele Du Quesne Connell of 26 Vanwood Rd. became the bride of Richard Alan Fulford of 168 Lord Seaton Road in Willowdale, while her sister, Marcelline Lucille Du Quesne Connell became the bride of William David Fulford. The brides are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Connell who have been residents of Thornhill for seven years after moving here from England. ' The grooms are'the sons of Mi. and Mrs. William Harold Fulford, Willowdale residents for 21 years. @1119 II DIRECTOR ~ Wagï¬N s 4 v < .mmvtxrrysvm'x,«r& ANGLICAN BAPTIST LUTHERAN W N <* ' owxmsw 4 «AN! 936% as wavy. 271 Centre Street The Rev. J.B. Burns, MA, 8.0., ND SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10th - IRINITY 17 Service for Thanksgivmg - 11 am. All Church School Children Visitors and New Residents Welcome in Church - 11 am Ptesbyteens - 12:15 pm. | Reception Room 950 Family Sunday School 1100 am - Marmng Worship Family Service for’ThanksgwIng @mmï¬hmh gm SUNDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1976 THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ‘ON BEING THANKFUL TO-DAY SUNDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1976 Mr. and Mrs. David Fulford (left) and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fulford were married in a double wedding ceremony held Saturday at St. John's Anglican Church in 8:00 am EUCHARIST 10:30 am. Baptism Service Nursery and Church School Yonge St at Vaughan Rd Richmond HI“ UNITED ST MARY'S ANGLICAN RI_CHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge & Centve Streets 8844301 Rev Belnard Bauer! WEDNESDAY 10 00 a m EUCHARIST 700 D m EUCHARISI October 10th at 11 AM w.M.S. Thank Offering Service THE MISSIONARY CHURCH GORMLEY Rew Cecfl Rosenberge A WARM WELCOME IO EVERYONE Rev Fred Jackson 8842418 Wed. Family Night DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK 8841394 RECYOR 887-5846 1000 am â€" Bible School Classes for all ages - 1100 a m â€" Morning Semc 7.00 pm â€" Evening Semce Playe! meeting Wednesday at 8 00 pm An Old Fashioned Country Church on the Edge ol the cm Presbyterian PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Corner of Weldnck Road and Bathurst Street Rev 81 McSpadden Pastor Phone 8841859 SUNDAY 945A‘M ~Church School or Bus Mmlstly, call 881-28 1100 A M -M0rnmg Worst: WEDNESDAY ST JOHN‘S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxtovd Street Membet Baptist CODVEMIOH of Onlano and Quebec) Rev Dana H Lamb 8 A B D . Minister Olgamst & Chou Duet Mr Ruchard Phlihp‘ 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am. Moming Worship Monday - 6:30 - 8:00 pm Explorers Group Girls ages 9 - ll ADVANCE NOIICE Friday Eve. Oct 22nd Family Night Variety Show Sunday Evening Nov. 14 Gentlemen & Boys Chou of St. Simon's RICHMOND HILL PRESBYIERIAN CHURCH Minister Rev William Wallace 884-1831 P M - Mud-Week Blbkz St ' [he Hours of Wovshm WELCOME Marcelline has just completed a nur- sing program at St. Joseph's Hospital affiliated with George Brown College. The ceremony, which took place at 3:30 pm, was conducted by Reverend Canon O’Neill. Music was played by Morris White, director of music and organist at St. John‘s Anglican Church. Bride Michele was given in marriage by her father while bride Marcelline was escorted by her brother Nigel Connell. Both brides wore organza dresses with stand up collars, a scalloped bodice delicately embroidered with alencon lace accented with chrystal beads and lustre pearls opague. Richard’s best man was Dave Marshall, 3 friend from Willowdale, while David’s best man was Dr. Jon Selley, his brother-in-law. Thé wedding was attended by 125 people who later met at the Thornhill Michele was attended by matron of honor Jane Selley, her groom’s sister while Marcelline was attended by matron of honor, Wendy Connell, her sister-in-law. of WOVShID Maple 3812818 Worsmp The Fulfords lay I 11:00 am. Thanksgiving Communion 148 Ihomndge D: Thovnhull Minister Rev D VanderBoom M Th â€" 889-5225 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1976 Servvce at 1030 a rn, and 500 p m Service Nursery and Children's Church Pro vided. ' 7:00 pm Family Fellowship Hour MD 7:00 pm. FAMILY NIGHT. Activities and Study lot the whole family. THURS. 9:30 am. Ladies Coffee Cup Bible Study SAT. 7:00 pm. Youth Activity Night 9 30 a m â€" The Lmd's Suppev ll 00 a m â€" Famuly Bible Houv 1100 a m â€" Sunday School Kmdergatten to Grade 6 Bible School for Grade 7 and up 700 p m J» Evening Semce IUESDAY 8 00 p m â€" Bible Study and Prayev 9:45 am. Sunday School Free Bus Call 8846629 Other Denominations RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL 24 Oak Ave Richvale SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1976 11.00 am. - Bible Study and Morning Semce 700 p m --Commumon Serwc Watch "The Herald of Ivuth .T V Channel 3. Same CONCORD CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Rd & No, 7 Hwy A Chquh o! The New Testament Older A E Atkinson Minute: â€" 669183] A Young â€" Sec WEDNESDAY 8'00 9 m â€" Bible Study SUNDAY OCTOBER 10, 1976 BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH FREE METHODISI CHURCH 212 Hillsvnew DI 8846029 Rev Robert C QuIck 88-16629 ST PAUL 5 LUTHERAN 1013! Baywew Avenue 669-2784 SUNDAY SERVICES SUNDAY 12 30 p m RICHMOND HILL DAUPH day NEE Willowdale. The brides are sisters and the grooms, brothers. PASTOR second ignition. It also stops instantly on shut-off lfyou‘rev building a new home, or your furnace is on its last legs. give serious thought to this amazingly efï¬cient furnace. Ifyou pay $450 a year for fuel oil, it could mean a saving of $45! Our dean-Start Burner-has other'advantages, [00. A higher furnace efï¬ciency than provnded by older gun-type burners. And this efï¬ciency can be maintained throughout the heating season. It also reduces 5001 emissions to the atmosphere: LEFT: The large, irregular flame from an old-style gun burner. RIGHT: You can see the Clean-Start Burner has a more intense and stable flame. It is also cleaner so there’s less accumulation of energy-robbing soot. Chart shows average efï¬ciency of old-style burner-furnace units in a recent survey of Canadian homes. You can see that over 95% ofthe units were working below the 82.5% efï¬ciency of our unit. In fact, 40% were working 10% or more below the efï¬ciency of the thermoshell unit! (The average efï¬ciency of all the homes was 72.5%). Now you know why we say that this amazing burner- furnace unit could reduce your fuel oil consumption by 10% or more! Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fulford will spend their honeymoon in Quebec City and return to their home in Weston while Mr. and Mrs. David Fulford will honeymoon at the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania and return to their Willowdale home. Country Club for a dinner reception given by the brides‘rparents. Cut fuel oil costs! How much fuel can you save? Clean-Start Burner in action! A more efficient design The amazing thermoshell Clean-Start Burner can reduce heating oil consumption by as much as 10% it’s just one important way we can help control your heating costs. Free fuel economy guide This informative thermoshell booklet is ï¬lled with useful hints to help you cut fuel bills and keep your home comfortable. How it saves fuel. Your furnace goes on and offthousands oftimes each winter. Every time it does, some fuel is not burnt efï¬ciently. Result? Smoky flare-ups with energy-robbing soot deposited on burner, furnace interior and flue pipe. When'it‘s shut off some oil may leak into the combustion chamber. too. The thermoshell furnace overcomes these problems with adelayed start-up that allows a Stabilized air flow/oil pressure to ensure split- Perhaps you thought one furnace burner was much like another? Well, that’s certainly not true anymore! Compared to conventional models, the new thermoshell furnace with Clean-Start Burner can reduce the amount of fuel you burn by as much as 10%. This advanced design is the result ofour continuing program to ï¬nd ways to conserve fuel. (Photo by Samila) Hours sum/mo uvmc: (mam: Ill (ONIIOlLED ulomon st How much fuel can you save? Health is well being RICHMOND HILL â€" Good health depends on the condition of a person‘s spirit. Think of the many people whose physical health has been shattered by disease, or accident, yet whose resiliant spirit have kept them ‘healthy’. Physically, we in the Western countries are the healthiest people in the world, but in areas of social, mental and By Mrs. Shomais Afnan 5th generation Baha’i Faith 'A-VERAGE FURNACE EFFIUUKV OF "ONES SURVEVEB 8234 YONGE STREET THORNHILL 881-2791 HELP us CELEBRATE OUR 5TH BIRTHDAY * Pool Covers 5 year warranty with water bags VERY SPECIAL PRICE 1% Pool Closings Complete cleaning 8 ready for Winter Workmanship Guaranteed * Special Pool Prices for this Fall or Spring installations All show room pool 8 patio furniture, chemicals, games etc. at Special Discount Prices POOL N' PATIO SHOPPE of THORNHILL POOL N' PATIO SHOPPE spiritual health, we have fallen ill. Weakening of the family unit is one major factor in our declining social health. Lack of the sense of identity and security that good family relationships give lead to mental and emotional problems. In Africa hundreds of thousands of people are living what seems to them from the churches You can pay for your thermoshell fuel oil, and any ofthe products and services described In this advertisement, In convemem amounts on our Equal-Monthly-Paymem-Plan. . The [hermoshell Chronotherm Thermostat by Honeywell can help cut your annual fuel bill by up to lQ°/o.‘ Just lower the temperature setting before you go to bed. In the morning, the Chronotherm automatically returns your home to daytime com- fort. So you save fuel while you sleep and still wake up in comfort. You can install the thermoshell Chrono- therm Thermostat yourself in a matter of minutes. Phone or mail coupon for full infor- mation about this fuel saving device. Comprehensive Protection Plan: One low price gives you protection on vital parts ofyour heanng unit. Emergency service 15 available should your system develop trouble. With feaiures like these, our Comprehensive Protection Plan could soon pay for itself in lower operating costs and peace of mind. ‘Estimates of fuel savings from the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources book, "100 ways to save energy and money in the home You also get one annual furnace clean-out and burner lune-up That‘s an important service in itself. According to the govern- ment‘ an efï¬cient furnace-burner can cut your fuel bill signiï¬cantly. Avoid maintenance problems Gentlemen: I am Interested In conservmg energy and so reducrng my luel orl costs. Please send me mlorrnatnon about the lollowmg and enclose your FREE Fuel Economy Gunde. C] Furnace wrth Clean-Stan Burner â€" Equal-Montth-Payment-Plan Chronotherm Thermostat [j Comprehenswe Protectron Plan [ll 3 Please have a representative phone me to dlSCUSS your complete thermOshell program. [3 I am presently a thermoshell customer Toronto thermoshell Centre 3975 Keele Street Downsview. Ontano M3J 1T1 .(416) 661-2111 NAM ADDRES POSTAL CO‘ More mileage for your heating dollar These pvoaucts and semces avmlabb wlthm lho delwery 0an 0! a lhormosholl Comm Save while you sleep! THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October 13. 1976 â€" C-3 normal lives while being afflicted by any number of undiagnosed diseases. In terms of mental, social and spiritual health we are the same way. Pay by the month STAY ON TOP \>: (IF WIN TER Phone or mail coupon today! I’d/"Inflatflflfl *1 ’[ Ila/7 Please punt PHON PROV Please have a representative phone me to dlSCUSS your complete thermOshell program lam preseme a thermoshell customer Shomais Afnan ...... promotes good health §§ RV