AURORA â€" Three performers making their first appearance at Aurora‘s non-profit coffee house will be featured at Friday’s edition of Folk Night at the Factory. Ray 'Sare, Joe Brewda and David Sud will be performing at Folk Night for the first time, while Cathy Stanton will make? _retl_1r_n_appegrance. Dobrs open at 8 p.m., with host John Lott's warmup set beginning at 8:15_p.Arn.r C~6 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October 13, 1976 The Eoffeevhouse is ï¬eld in the Factory Theatre on Henderson Drive. Any home new or old can be fully insulated to cut costs and conserve energy. Our trained installation crews can blow cellulose fibre insulation into your attic without dis- rupting household routines and insure year ’round comfort for the entire family, Call us and we will be glad to show you how you can begin saving money and energy the easy way. @Uni-tlonc IRADE MARK 0f NORTH AMERICAN STONE CO LTD Your Home with our High Performance Fibre Insulation Now is the Time to Insulate Folk Night Friday INSULATION LTD. DISCO DANCING FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL: 884-5230 0. 884-3905 PRIZES GALORE Monday's Ladies Night Tuesday T.V. Night Wednesday Disco Dance Contest Appearing Thur. Fri. & Sat. Completely Installed with Wood Ties 0R WRITE LEON PAGE CO. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 85 King St. East, Toronto, Ont LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Phone 895-5178 OTHER PIA/VS TO CHOOSE FROM â€" ALSO CUSTOM EXTERIOR DESIGNING FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 100 SQ. FT. PATIO CAM SPECIAL Ken Edwards ..... worried by Ottawa ONLY FEA T URI/VG 364-7011 $ 28950 Auto suppliers hit tax plans RICHMOND HILL â€" Future trade agreements with the US. and recent tax proposals in Ottawa are worrying Canada‘s automotive aftermarket industry, according to Ken Edwards. Central Ontario chairman of the Automotive Industries Association. Edwards, of Borovoy Auto Supplies in Rich- vale, made his comments in a press release last week. He was referring to the Canada-US. auto pact and to a proposal to apply Lrven up a bare wall and add a little extra storage space too' MIX or match open units, cabinet door or drop~leat styles. Buy one. two or three. Anyway you save. Handsomer engraved 'chkory' viny1 veneers accented with antiquedbrass cotour hardware. Units about 24" x 12" x 72". It‘s beautiful, practical and a great buy! DOPEN WALL UNIT. . . . . . . . . . . . $94.99 DeIivered. E BOTTOM DOOR WALL UNIT. $114.99 Delivered. F DROP DESK WALL UNIT. ....S104.99 Delivered. NOBODY BEATS BAD BOY FOR QUALITY, VALUE AND SEEI’IOE! WATCH FOR THE SPECIAL ‘GREATEST SALE’ TAGS. ..THEY‘RE THE MARK OF THE GREATEST VALUES OF '76! For These And 1005 More Super Values. Hurry In. To Your Nearest Bad Boy Store. It‘s Your Chance To Save Big. Don’t Delay! Remember Christmas Is Just Around The Corner. NOBODY BEATS BAD BOY FOR QUALITY, VALUE AND SERVICE! federal sales tax at the wholesaler level rather than, as at present, the manufacturer level. He explained that the 700-member AIA represents an almost $3 billion dollar industry which, in dollar volume and direct employees, is comparable to the vehicle manufacturing industry itself. Most cars, he said have relatively few parts manufactured by the auto makers themselves. The original equipment manufacturers supply the Delivered s299 CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED i . l l parts which are assembled into the finished new car while AIA members are in the business of manufac- turing and supplying replacements and ac- cessories, and supplying services. tools and equipment to the retail trade. “More than 90 per cent of automotive replacement parts Edwards said that if the replacement parts in- dustry was included in the pact, this would eliminate tariffs. Sale Price Only Save Your Cash. Use Credit. Convenient Terms Arranged! Remember Even At These Low Sale Prices You Still Get Free Delivery! “Our position is that if tariffs were eliminated, manufacturing would virtually disappear because few Canadians can compete Openly on a cost basis, and only US. owned re-distribution centers would remain. “Although the Canadian motor vehicle industry has become more productive, Canada‘s ability to manufacturing in Canada is owned by US. parent companies established in this country for that reason," he explained. IT'S OUR SALE OF THE SEASON N0.1 FOB SELECTION! no.1 FDR SAVINGS! The pedect combination for your apart- ment. den or even your livrngroom! Beauti- ful 75" sofa by day. . . a comlortable bed by night. Braemore quality and craftsmanship throughout brings you leatures like: TV headrest for reading, relaxing 0r vtewmg TV. Saddle seat-looped springs and re- cessed bar gives natural seating comfort at both ends He cited countries such as Mexico and Australia which require a majority of “local content“ in vehicles produced in compete is still not suf- ficient to eliminate the automotive deficit on a long term basis." Edwards said the Canadian parts industry needs the help of the government with provisions of adequate assistance compensating for the competitive dif- ferences between the two countries before total free trade can be allowed. 10165 YONGE ST., RICHMOND HIL Diect Phone Lines: 884-9125 0 881-1320 0 773-4512 Otherwise. said Edwards, the automotive aftermarket is a healthy business and “one of the few still offering great those countries CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD Sale aale Price 3 9 9 Only Delivere Advertising serves by informing. FOR THE EXISTENCE 0F UNIONS IS TO HELP WORKERS ACHIEVE A BETTER LIFE...BUT THE UNION MOVEMENT AS A WHOLE DOES NOT EXIST SOLELY ON A SELF-INTEREST BASIS...UNION MEMBERS RECOGNIZE THEIR OBLIGATION TO CHAMPION THE CAUSE OF JUSTICE AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL... TIME OFF THURS ....... SPEND SOME WITH BAD BOY...AND SAVE. THE FUNDAMENTAL REASON HAPPY LABï¬ilfl DAY! opportunities for the individual entrepreneur." He said he hoped more young people would consider the various branches of the industry as a potential career. Delivered CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED