Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Oct 1976, C8

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Residents seek more sewage allotment The - ratepayers were ' adamantly opposed to commercial development over the whole six acres. member of the Institute of Navigation and on the advisory council for air navigation of the National Ratepayer President Ernie Nyitrai appealed to the Markham planning committee last week to find the excess capacity for Craigmore to allow the development as it is now planned. Aftér extensive negotiationsv with ratepayers, Craigmore Construction Ltd. has found it can build only 10 of 61 proposed townhouse units. The company now says it will have to go back to its original plan for an open shopping mall if it can't get sewage capacity for the _whole developmeng. The compromise with the ratepayeré involved one acre of commercial development and the remaining five acres for residential. UNIONVILLE â€" Unionville Ratepayers Association is supporting a developer’s efforts to get al larger share of the area sewage eliotment. RICHMOND HILL â€" One of Canada's leading astronomers, John Frederick Heard, died last week at age 66. Services were held at St. Mary Immaculate Church in Richmond Hill. Heard, who lived on Cachet Parkway in Markham, was a former director of David Dunlap Observatory and professor emeritus in the University of Toronto astronomy department. # l I .L, He was born in St. Thomas and attended the University of Western Ontario and McGill University. He received his doctorate in physics at the University of London. Heard services held He joined the U of T staff in 1935 and later served as president and vice-president of the Toronto centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. He was a c-s â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. October 13, 1976 1975 Chevrolet Silverado 3/. ton Pick-up. 7000 GVW. Beautiful beige finish. Equipped with V8 engine. Auto matic trans, power steering, power brakes, air condi- tioning, wood grain trim, styled wheels, AM/FM 8 track sterio, tilt steering wheel, cruise control, 950 x 16‘5 tiresr License D 56474. PRICED TO SELL ON THE SPOT FINANCING TOP TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE. 1972 Mercury Montego 2 Dr. Hard Top. Green finish with matching interiOr. Economical 6 cyl‘ engine. Auto- matic trans, power steeting. 1 owner only, 28,000 miles License KMT 215. PRICED TO SELL AT $21 950° 1976 Jeep Cherokee 8. Beautiful 2 tone red Er white finish. Equipped with bucket seats Er centre arm rest. 360 2 BBL engine, automatic trans with quadra trac low range. Power steering, power brakes, power tail gate, radio, heavy duty cooling, roof rack and other extras. Low, low mileage. Like new. License KLX 969. 1973 Mustang 2 Dr. Hard Top Attractive red finish with black vinyl bucket seats. Equipped with V8 engine automatic trans with consul. Power steering, power brakes 8 radio. Only 31,000 miles. License AFH 662. 2 - 1976 Jeep Custom 4 Door Wagoneers. One White, One Yellow, Equipped with automatic trans, Quadra trac low range, power steering, power brakes, bucket seats, air conditioning, tilt steering wheel, wood grain trim. One has 401 engine. One has 360 4 bal engine. Many, many other extras. License KOJ 804 1973 Mercury Comet 4 Dr. Sedan. Glistening green finish with two tone matching interior. Economical 6 cyl. engine, automatic trans. Only 30,000 miles. 1973 Hornet Sportabout. Beautiful beige finish with matching interior. Equipped with 258â€"6cyl engine. Automatic trans, white wall tires 8 wheel discs. Immaculate. License KPR 811. PRICED TO SELL AT $279500 MERCURY COMET 1973 Mercury Comet 4 Dr. Sedan. Equipped with economical 6 cyl. engine. Automatic trans, reclining bucket seats, radio, white wall tires, wheel discs. Gleaming red finish with tan vinyl interior. BUY 969. PRICED TO SELL AT 31 99500 MUSTANG HARD TOP PRICED TO SELL AT 50° MONTEGO HARD TOP PRICED TO SELL AT 1974 Hornet 4 Dr. Sedan. Gleaming soft beige finish with matching interior. Equipped with an economical 6 cyl. engine. Automatic trans, radio, power steering 8 rear window defroster. License BCJ 870. PRICED TO SELL AT 3289500 HORNET STN.WAGUN 1976 Jeep Cherokee S. Beautiful two tone orange 8 white finish‘ Equipped with 360 2 BBL engine. Autoâ€" matic trans with quadra trac high range. Power steering, power disc brakes, power tailgate, roof rack, tinted glass and many other extras. License KSZ 924. PRICED TO SELL AT $1 99500 MERCURY COMET 1974 Buick Apollo Coupe. Beautiful brown finish with two tone matching interior. Equipped with 350 V8 engine, automatic trans., power steering, power brakes, radio Er Michelin tires, Immaculate AXZ 080. Sfiigfsiiid'ro SELL AT s349500 CAMARO LT PRICED TO SELL AT 1973 Camaro ZDr, Hard Top. Gleaming red finish with black 8 grey check interior. Bucket seats with consol. Equipped with 350 engine, automatic trans, power steering, power brakes, radio, rear window defogger. 1973 Mercury XR 7 Cougar Convertible. Gleaming dark green finish with black nylon top. Equipped with V8 engine. Automatic trans, bucket seats with consol, power steering, power brakes, radio. Absolutely immaculate. This car has never been driven in winter and has no rust. All original. License KNK 880 WAGONEER DEMO'S SELECT USED CARS D TO SELL AT $349500 HORNET SEDAN CHEROKEE-"S" JEEPS CHEROKEE "S" BUICK APOLLO CHEV. TRUCK COUGAR _ CONVERTIBLE PRICED TO SELL PRICED TO SELL PRICED TO SELL s3495‘ Savings for Builders MINERAL WOOL INSULATION HWAY and Build-it-YcLurself People_ Research Council. Heard is survived by his wife Margaret, three daughters and eight grandchildren. Burial was in Holy Cross Cemetery. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE LOCATION OF THE GALLANOUGH LIBRARY IS ON THE WEST SIDE OF YONGE STREET. AND NOT ON THE EAST SIDE AS WAS STATED IN A PREVIOUS ADVERTISEMENT. Planners will be on hand to provide information and to answer questions John M. Dewar, Director of Planning THE THORNHILLâ€"VAUGHAN COMMUNITY PLAN (USIOMEIS, NOTE: Due To Transporlalion or Production Delays, elc. Some Regularly Stocked Ilems Temporarily May Be Oul Ol A Slore's lnvenlory. In such cases, Every Ellorl Will Be Made To Supply The Item As Rapidly As Possible. I0 DEALERS. PLEASE" The Gaflanough Lrbrary is located at the south end of Brook Street. scuth of Arnold Avenue west of Yonge Street rn the Thornhill area of the Town of Vaughan, I (In accordance with Section 12(1) (b) of The Planning Act) The Plan, text and supporting decumentation. will be on display at the Gallanough Public Libvary on An Amendment to the Official Plan of the Town of Vaughan Planning Area has been prepared for the area bounded by the Parkway Belt West on the west and north, Yonge Street on the east. Steeles Avenue on the south from Yonge Street to Duttenn Street, Duftenn Street on the west trorn Steeles Avenue to the C.N‘R. tracks and the C.N.R. tracks on the south from Dutterrn Street to the Parkway Belt West. Thursday, October 21, 1976 Fnday, Octobel 22, ‘1976 Saturday. October 23, 1976 'I'APPAN MICROWAVE OVEN [00!” SAVE $8.88 NOW ON SINGLE DRESSER moo-n. Linn: PINE ROOF nouns BIRCH FURNITURE SPECIALS I WEEK ONLYI! Two 1imers including 15-Second to 5- Minum Timer lor snacks and lasI loads . . separate 30-Minute Timer for Turkey‘ Roast. Elc. Pushbuuon Control Panel. special 09‘ Nos! cycle. Salely Tempered Glass Win< dew and other mosi-wamed lealures Iilll STUD GRADE 1113' LII. n. SI.“ PEI PIECE No 25 Sens” N L C A “9‘0 GALLANOUGH PUBLIC LIBRARY FAMILY SIZEI BIG ENOUGH To HOLD A 124.3. IURKEYI N0 DEALERS PLEASE 2x4's Wm Randy Yo Pulnl 0r Slulnl All Suvlngs "mil 6 EM. I'uuduy Odolnt "th 2116's ‘36” 52110:: aw 2X8’S 16 SPRUCE DIMENSION WAYI 2x10's $19899 15"|or16"O.C.! Glass Flber MODEL NO. 56-0054 msuunon BAns Complete With Glass Tray ' ’ ' and 93-Page Cookbook! EACH \~~\ “.50‘ lllill F00" SMAll OIMI PIKES HIGHER SMAll OIDII PII‘ES HIGHER (NOTAT ALL YARDS) 118 13.2‘ [la n mo 16.5‘ mm lll2 19.8‘ tin H 10 son - Small OrinnAdd 24 2| .10‘ “REAL '00" 3|.20‘ llliAl F00" 13.9“ lIIEAl F00" 2198 In (I! In 813521993 19$ 234 00 M $735: PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE Prices in this secnsm'are based upon minimum orders lor 4.000 BOARD FEET OR MORE - or Square Foolages OI Ilems Combined - For Hous . Conage. Barn Jobs. 7 _. ‘ ..., ._ ru-.u \llhnn Thic Ul Ilel'l'lb bvlllunlcu ' i VI .. eic. Prices Are Those Thai‘iivér‘e' iiiâ€"éiiéol When This Adveriisemenl Went to Print and are Subjeci to Change MTHQUT NOTICE AT ANY TIME in accord wiih Markei Conditions. We Reserve The lg i To Limii Ouaniiiies. m. x ,, Condmons. We Reserve The NO DEALERS. PLEASEH 10:00 a‘m11010:00 pm 10:00 a1m.1010:00 pm 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. FOR YOUR HOUSE. (OHAGE AND BARN 1085!! TRUCKLOT,A$AY!N§§§ Sewing Richmond Hill, Aurora and Area from our location at Yonge St. (Hwy. 11) at Oak Ridges (ARTON BOOKCASE! SAVE $3.10 NOW About 25". cu: 10"x35" high. IE6. See This! m.» Hill ORDER PIICES HIGHER 4'x8' PLYWOODS UNDERLAYMEN'I' 5/16 3/8 1/2 5/8 5/!" SH!“ FIR MG 3/4 5/!" SH“! SPIN“ 1&0 OAK RIDGES 0 Full tamin size! Overall about 25-3/6" x16"x15‘/2". Weighs about 65 pounds . . light enough totaketothe cottage . . or totetothe patio” uPIugs Into any regular outlet . . no special installation required. CSA approved. - Salety tested and lully guaranteed. I/4"xl'x8'G.l.$. )I.‘ J/a“x4'xa' 01.5. $101 I/2"l4'18' G.I.S. $12.4 5/8"i4'x3' on. $13.! 3/4":4'18'G.I.S. $15.9 SHAH. OIDEIS ADD 1“ '0 3" SH!!! DEPENDIIG OI INKKIKSS l'xa' GYPSUM WALLBOARD 3/3" S2.94 1/2" S3.09 SMALL ORDERS ADD 1" ‘0 34‘ SN!!! DEPENDIIGOI INKIIESS Note! Spruce In Limllod Supply. Please Check AvallablIity. Gypsum Prices Varry at _Some Yards. SHALL OIDII PRKES "KNEE SAHDED FIRPLY $5.13 $6.65 $8.59 $10.90 $13.15 STANDARD SPRUCE ++f-H+O â€"£\T â€" GALLANOUGN $5.98 $6.88 $8.95 $11.24 $13.62 STANDARD FIR David K. Fraser, QC. Chanman Planning Committee ARNOLD, in 1975 RICHMOND HILL HYDRO EMPLOYEES TOKEN 421 s TEEL 55 gm 4'18 4'19 7/16” Asphalt lmpvegnaled '18' $2.98 #:9' 53.3.5 YCAMR "500" SHEAIHING BOARD HWY n 78 SMAll OIDII Pl KIS MINER $12.98 $11.94 $1.22 $8.19 SW.“ $12.51 $14.96 $1.98 $10.64 $12.41 $13.88 $15.95 FORTIETH WINNER SELECT FIR 4-Hlbâ€"Hâ€" one block | 6 l WEEK ONLY! SAVE UNTIL 6 P.M. TUESDAY 0“. I99“! DUI IE6. $31.15 Canadian-made. CSA approved! Complete with iank 1inings. PLUMBING SPECIALS! WM"! PlASllt S SEAI ‘ (OVER "A" GRADE WHIIE Reverse Trap Model $3233.. COPPER 1/2" PIPE PER 12-". LEIGH" POWELL PLUMBING SUPPLIES LTD. Your Duro Dealer: 881-2468 468 ELGIIII MILLS RD. EAST. RICHMOND HILL 2.98 lEIGIH You never had it m...“ so SOFT! SHOWER CABINET Wilh Metal Base! Ideal lor Conage or ma! Basement Apanmem. Includes Fauce‘s. Soap Holder and Curtain. Packaged ready toassembleu SAVE $10.00 ON OUR REG 556.89 30x30“ White Enamelled Steel SAVE 20% ON ""5 BAR SINK PACKAGE DEAll! Separulely, Pieces local 538." NEW “COLONY CLUB" A Firsl quality Printed TAK-DYED 100% Nylon Carpel on medium-density loam back. Colours as available. First qualin Needlepunch Carpal. 2 colours as available. See (his lor Rec Room. Collage, etc. INDOOR/ OUTDOOR SPECIAL PURCHASE! 883-1616-7 Complete with 84001 3-con- duclor grounded power cord. Motor is rated for continuous dulyv CARPETINGH Foam-backed for indoor use SAVE! ‘3 H.P. $39519“ San“ WWII SYIAIIERI You gel stainless steel Bar Sink. aboulld‘rz"x12‘2" plus chromed 4" cenlre laucel with populav gooseneck spout! Value lrorn Cashway! GATEWAY PLAZA WELLINGTON ST. WEST AURORA 773-5591 A fully automatic water softener, elegant enough to stand beside modern appliances right in your kitchen, even on broadloom â€" What more can you possibly ask for? A continuous supply of soft, soft water naturally! You’ll get it from Duro‘s CA-20,\the fully automatic softener thsgéomes in an attractive cabinet. If water quality is poor, due to iron rust, clay, sé‘diment, bad taste caused by chlorine, or even bad odour, Duro can supply awwa‘ter filter that will \elimginate those problems. Far softness‘qnd pu ity rely on Duro wakrs‘qftenerga filters. 20-13. BOX. Walerproohng White cement paint for Concram Block, Ma- scnary Walls, elc‘ Covers ap- prox. 400 Square Feel. 2 Locations to Serve You. REDUCED! SAVE NOW ON NEW [OWER PRICES!! "EASY-0N" Bolh Slyles Also Are Available In While Enamel Finish A! 5525 Exlra Pei Window, (NECK OUR Low, Low PRICES RIGHT NOW!!! 87~1/8101DO $13.41 #103}: ovm uoo uunm mum ADD or uumn mm We Make to Your Size Order in Side Slider Or Centre Bar Styles.Combinalion STORM & SCREEN 38-1/8 to 49 49-1/810 59 59-1/810 74 74-1 /8 to B7 UP TO 38 Pumps & Softeners, Limited Branches throughout Canada UNITED INCHES ALUMINUM WINDOWS SQUARE YARD 49 SQUARE YARD BOX Frames pre-drilled lor easy Installation, Screens supplied are Flbveglassi Frames are regular mlll linish Aluminum. Order now. Bring us your measure- menls. One wldlh plus one height are required lo delermine United Inches. $13.25 $15.30 $11.49 $19.58 $22.35 $25.41 CENTRE BAR STYLE UNIT 'Qazlilzg‘ 4'x4' WHITE Scored inlo 12"x12" squares to simu lalethe look of ceillng tiles” Painted Particleboard Canon 0! 96 Sq. Fee! Splines included. Coverége Quality Siding! square supplies 100 Sq. F SORHNGI "REYNOLDS" 8" Horizontal White OUR SPECIAl PRICE SORRY. Waler-resislanl glue. CMHC approved tor underlay. Use also for panelling. elc. ECONOMY 2x4-8's I.AP SIDING m", c no 3mm EA!" l/4"x4'x8’ PARIICLEBOARD "ABITIBI" 12" White Hardboard $5 I 523". Spvuce Or Jack Pine 96"01 P.E.T.92-5/8' $14.48 $16.51 $18.60 $21.l5 $23.15 $26.95 fflmo/ $583.2 SIDE SLIDER STYLE UNIT SAVE ON OUR low PIKE! SHEE'I’ PANEL (AIIOII

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