John Spanner dies at 85 RICHMOND HILL â€" A 20-year-resident of Rich- mond Hill and commissioned minister of Richmond Hill United Church, John Spanner, 85, of 212 Mill Street, died Thursday. uuvvu, my». -.. -_,V Funeral serviEes wide held Monday at Richmond Hill United Church. "'iievi'sYJrv'iGéï¬'B‘y his wife, Martha Walker, and daughter Mrs. J.H. McMahon of Halifax, five grandchiidrerLaiig two great-grandchildren. _____ Il.._L.â€"..:‘II.‘ b.-..w-...._--.. we , v ' Born in Chaffey Township, near Huntsville, Spanner left school early to apprentice to a printer at the Huntsville newspaper. After finishing his ap- prenticeship, he worked as a printer for newspapers in the Toronto area.. In 1921, Spanner began a career as a printing teacher at the Ontario School for the Deaf in Belleville. After seven years at that post, he tran- sferred to the Western Technical School in Toronto, where he worked until 1956. Upon retirement he purchased a home in Richmond Hill and spent his summers at a log cabin called Loon Echo on the shore of Fox Lake in Muskpka._ “63.33% interests was his church, where he was a lay assistant, an elder and an unordained minister. Hill United Church honored Spanner, when, upon completion of the Christian Education Building, the congregation decided the chapel would bear his name. Spanner was also interested in music and organized the school choir during his employment at Western Technical School. In his youth he was a member of the Huntsville town band. N0 deductions for United Way AURORA â€" A motion calling for the staff of York County board of education to hire people on a tem- porary basis to make payroll deductions for the United Way campaign, was defeated last week at a meeting of the board. . nu 1,5“. u._A Defeat of the motion backed staff’s claim that hiring part-time help to make up for the 28 days it would require to implement the program, was im- practical and would necessitate overtime payments LL- _A.._-]! rerun-“n ---â€" "vâ€"v unwrrnr - - A staff report said that, at present, the payroll department operates eight different payrolls to accommodate “all the different ways we pay staff . . . and prepared 145 payrolls during a 12-month period. - “Currently, we are paying about 3,650 people and are maintaining active files for 5,460 people,†the report said: ‘u ---,A I , , _ _ _ . _ _ _ .I “rm- -_-_. United Way director Bob Higgs, who appeared before the board last month, said that because the board was the largest employer in York with 3,650 employees, it could be an example to other em- ployees. -- -- u :- Il,,,l,l._>4 .I:__..L-A r":iix'hswtee Chris McMonagle of Markham disputed the board’s contention that 28 days were necessary. A check with other boards showed that it took them two to four days in extra staff time, she said. Walkathon Sunday RICHMOND HILL â€" Local politicians have been challenged to join with students and others in a 20- kilometre walkathon Sunday. ""r'iié‘iééikétiiaa’ié’spbnsoéed by the York Central branch of Canadian Progress Club, in cooperation with York Region United Way. It_starts at E) am. at Hillcfest Mall THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October 20. 1976 TO ALL INHABITANTS OF THE TOWN OF VAUGHAN ENTITLED TO DIRECT TAXES FOR SCHOOL SUPPORT PURPOSES I am in receipt of a list supplied to me by the Assessment Commissioner under Section 23 of The Assessment Act, R50. 1970, as amended, which shows the school support of every inhabitant who is entitled to direct taxes for school support purposes. The list was publicly posted in my office on the 25th day of October, 1976. You are hereby requested to examine the list for any errors or omissions in my office at the Municipal Offices, 2141 Major Mackenzie Drive, Maple. The last day for the filing of applications for revision of the list is November 5th, 1976. I shall attend at my office on the 27th day of October, 1976 between the hours of 8:30 am. and 4:30 pm. for the revision of the list and shall continue to do so from day to day, except Saturday and Sunday, until all applications filed on or before November 5th, 1976 have been disposed of. October 20th, 1976 John Spanner was active church member NOTICE FREDERICK G. JACKMAN, Clerk, Town of Vaughan, 2141 Major Mackenzie Drive, Maple, Ontario 832-2281 Anne Fowler Correspondent 832-1204 MAPLE â€" The 106th anniversary services of Maple United Church will be held Sunday at 11 am. and 7 :30 Church anniversary servrces on Sunday lWi‘he choir at the evening service will be the Scarâ€" borough AOYS Men’s Choir, which has been very well received in the past. Guest preacher for the day will be the Rev. John Leng. HUMBERTOWN CENTRE HILLCREST MALL 1537 STEELES E amen sv DEPARTMENT STORES ETOBICOKE 23943574 ’[mlm nvww " 7 RICHMOND HILL 883â€"1210 7 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU Keele St and Lawrence Ave WILLOWDALE 221â€"5787 NORTH PARK PLAZA STEELES The annual fall rummage sale will be held in the church hall on Oct. 30 at 1:30 pm.’ All clothing and households goods for sale are to be left at the church prior to noon, Oct. 29. ACW has annual bazaar St. Stephens ACW annual bazaar will be Nov. 6 at 2 SHOPPING HOURS MON-FRI 10 A.M.-10 PM. SAT- 9 A.M.-10 P.M. I It will feature baking, jams and jellies, aprons. knitting, flower arrangements. white elephants and a tea room 561 MT. PLEASANT 622 SHEPPARD W DAVIavvlLE CENTRAL 484- 9016 3.." VAKD DOWNSVI EW 630â€"2643 DO IT YOURSELF AND SAVE UP TO 60% II AT N THE THORNCLIFFE MARKET PLACE 45 Overlea Blvd SCAREOROUGH 431â€"1933 551 MARKHAM RD HA5 f'iâ€" (KRAFT SAD“) DRESSING 16 FL- OZ- MIRACLEWHIP SHOP 'N SAVE AT: ‘ ASSORTED FLAVOURS - CHAPMAN S \_ Lice CREAM $3; W_ :E3'3%22“eé%on 22:2â€" 29:. (WI? L145; J WE RESEFLVVEWTVEE RIGHT TO LtMIT QUANTITIES RED ROSE TEA BAGS ORANGE PEKOE FRESH, PARTLY SKIMMED TOWNE & COUNTRYE SQUARE onge 8- Sfeele 3 OT. POLY BAG 99¢ 119