“"9 Tenders Sealed tenders plainly marked will be received by the undersigned until 12 o‘clock noon November 17th 1976 tor the purchase ol Part Lot 1. Plan 1445 located at the northeast corner at Wootten Way and Church Street in the Town of Markham The lot IS approxrmately 50' ii 123 42', Tenders forms may be obtained at the Town ol Markham Clerk's Department Ollice 8911 Woodbine Avenue. Markham. Ontario Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Diane E. Whetter, Town Clerk. 6ԠLegal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF REGINALD MORNING All persons havrng claims against the Estate at Reginald Morning. late at the Township ol Stugog. in the Regional Municipality of Durham. who died on or about the 27th day 01 June 1976. are hereby notified to send particulars ol same to the underugned on or before the ISth day of November. 1976. alter which date the Estate Will be distributed. With regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. and the undersrgned erI not be liable for any person 01 whose claim she shall not then have notice DATED at Richmond Hill. this 15th day of October. 1976 Minnie Alberta Morning. by her SOIJCJIOI. Robert H Blackburn, c/o Messrs, Stong & Blackburn 10350 Yonge Street. Suite 206. Richmond Hill. Ontario. MC 388 ciwir NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE [STATE OF HAROLD W. MORTSON All persons having claims against the Estate ol Harold W Morison. late olI 'the Town of Richmond Hill. in the1 Regional Municrpality of York. who died on or about the 20th day of Septembbr. 1976. are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of November. 1976. alter which date the Estate will be distributed. with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. and the undersigned will not be liable for any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. Dated at Richmond Hill, this 13th day ol October. 1976 TheodOra Evelyn Mortson and David R. Mrllen. Executors of the Estate of Harold W. Morison. by their solicitor. Robert H. Blackburn. c-o Messrs. Stong & Blackburn, 10350 Yonge Street. Surte 206. Richmond Hill, Ontario. * LAC 388. c3w16 ‘55 Deaths ASHBY, Alice Muriel At Yurk County Hospital. Newmarket, on Tuesday. November 2nd, 1976 Alice. beloved wile ol the late William Ashby of Oak Ridges. Dear mother of Bob Chambers. Judy (Mrs. Bill McIntosh) Debbie (Mrs Ed Arnold) and Stephen Ashby. and grandmother of lottery. Jill. Wendy. Paulette. and Jennette. Dear srster of Lloyd and Edward Cook and the late Harold. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home. 10366 Yonge Street, Richmond HIII. Servrce on Friday. November 5th. 1976 at 1:30 pm. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. CRAIG, Mildred Ruth At St Michael's Hospital on Monday. October 25. 1976. Mildred Ruth Craig. wile ol the late Harrison Craig and the late Thomas Easton. mother of Stuart. Stella, Victor and Hanison. Sister ol Roy Smith. Stella (Mrs. C. Steward) Gladys (Mrs. J. MacCaull) Jenny (Mrs. R Nowell). Daughter of the late William Smith and Joanna Ladner. Also survrvived by ten grandchildren. Friends called at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home. 7783 Yonge Street. Thornhill. Funeral was held in the chapel Wednesday. 7 pm Private interment. HAMILTON. H. E. Stanley (Retired C BC.) suddenly 'on Monday. November Ist. 1976. Stanley Hamilton beloved husband of Eileen Hamilton ol Thornhill Dear brother ol Ruth and Robert. Cremation A memorial servrce will be held at Emmanuel Anglican Church. Richvale. on Wednesday. November 3. 1976 at 2 pm In lieu of llowers those who wish may make a donation to the Salvation Army. STANFORD. Harry At Richmond Hill on Monday. November lst. 1976 Harry Stanford. beloved husband ol the late Elizabeth Evans dear lather oI Catherine Carter and Gladys (Mrs Cecrl Smith) dear grandfather of Margaret Helen Susanne. and Ruth. and great-grandfather oI Eddie. Freddie. and Christopher Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond Hill Funeral service will be held in the chapel 01 St Mary‘s Anglican Church, Thursday November 4th at 2 pm interment Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Cemetery MacDONALD. Sarah Suddenly at Number Memorial Hospital on Friday October 29 I976. beloved wile ol the late Thomas of Winona Dr dear mother of David and Thomas. grandmother of David. Linda Darcy Darlene and great grama ol Paul. Survived by Sister Mary Funeral service was held from the Jarrett 'St Clair Chapel Interment York Cemetery (2le8 SALE 5“ Deaths WILSON, Margaret At York Central Hospital on Tuesday. October 26. 1976. Margaret McLean beloved wife of Harold 0 Wilson ol Maple. dear mother 01 Harvey. Michael. Betty (Mrs. G D. Varley) Doris Wilson and Ann. (Mrs. T. Buncehall) Loved by her six grandchildren and her sister Mrs. Minnie Watson. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond Hill Sewice was held on Friday alternoon. Interment Maple Cemetery. _ king city «’9 Bill Sheppard of Elmwood Manor Nursing Home and Maude McCord of Centre Street a member of the Over 60‘s Club look over the Halloween trinkets at a ghost and goblin party held at Elmwood Manor Friday. Thank you for soccer ByJancSteI RICHMOND HILL The executive of the Richmond Hill Minor Soccer Association wound up its year with a big “thank you" to the sponsors of the various teams who contributed to the colorful uniforms worn by the boys and girls. The association executive added thanks to all the converters. coaches. referees. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. November 3, 1976 â€" B-ll assistant manager. supporting parents and everyone else who assisted in any way for their valuable time and effort this season. The sponsors: Minor Athletic Tournaments Incorporated; Kinsmen's Club. Deciantis Con- struction. Ratcliffs (Canadai Ltd. Dynes Jewellers. Scholastic Tab Publications Ltd. Lions Club. Richmond Hill; coaches. Letters Thanks for helping H. E./_.P. Dear editor: The HELP. board of directors would like to thank The Liberal for the excellent coverage given the recent Penny-wise Sale. Even though the sale was held only one day. $640 was raised. This will aid HELP. in its ser- vices to the community. We greatly appreciate the continued interest and co-operation given our organization. Grateful thanks goes also to the many volun- teers. some of whom worked many hours sorting items prior to the sale. These include Klein- burg Scouts who helped move the articles to be sold. the Woodbridge Girl Guides who pr0vided refreshments. the Woodbridge Scouts who helped in the clean up. And of course. thanks to all those who attended the sale. ELVA WILLIAMS. H.E.L.P. Secretary. 132 Woodbridge Ave. Woodbridge. Ont. Lions Club. Richvale. linesmen, Cadillac Bait. House League Boys; Cadillac Bait. TRT Bantam Girls; Cadillac Bait. TRT Bantam Major Boys: Travelways. Dan's Auto Service. Dave Sanderson Gulf Centre. Royal Canadian Legion. Branch 375; Baymar Sports Ltd. Flair Upholstering Gamma Foundry Ltd, Peter Excavating and Grading Ltd. The Liberal. Globe Travel. A.E. Jakma Ltd. Midas Muffler Shops. Concord Food Centre. Mutual Life of Canada. Don Deb Construction. North York Trophies Regional Sports. Caesar‘s Palace Barber Shop. Give Heart Fund (9 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 375 "FALL DANCE †SAT. NOVEMBER 13th, 1976 TIME 8 pm. to 1 pm. "LOCATED OHIO ROAD" DISC JOE/(EV PAT MORLEY MUSIC-BUFFET-PRIZES-REFRESHMENTS $500 PER PERSON ALL PROCEEDS GO R.C. (AIR) C. 778 SQUADRON neyvs‘ New Year already? Correspondent Donna Matthews 832~1579 KING â€" Plans are already under way to greet 1977 at All Saints' Anglican Church. Tickets are $35 a couple for a dance, including refresh- ments and table favors. Doors open at 9 pm. dance from 10 until 2 or later to the music of the New Roads Dance Band. A buffet will be served at 12:30 a.m. Tickets are available by calling 833- 5200. 833â€"5488, Or 859-4187. This evening is sponsored by the Men of All Saints‘ King (MASK). Christmas bazaars This coming Saturday seems to be a popular day for Christmas Bazaars. There‘s one at King City United opening at 1:30 pm. Conveners are as follows: Candy-Mabel Hall; Sewing-Marilyn Munroe and Elsie Beynon; Gifts Flora Scott and Marg Ferguson; Plants and Dried Flowers - Mary Barker: White Elephant - Joy Roseblade; Books - Dorothy Findlay; Kid- dies‘ Area - lCGIT) - Joan Rossiter; Knitting â€" Arlene Clift; Christmas Decorations - Betty Beaton and Jessie White; Delicatessan - Kay Brooks; Baking - Wilma Cooke; Tea Room ~ Joyce Glass. Bazaars also take place today (Wednesday) at St. Stephen’s Anglican in Maple and Christ Church, Kettleby. Energy Alternatives A special collection of slides from the Planetarium and two short films entitled “Bill *Loosely's Heat Pump" and “Energy Carol" will be shown at King City Library Thursday. through Saturday at 3:30 pm. This is Energy Conservation Week. Women's Institute Women's Institute meeting is next Tuesday at 9 at the home of Doris Willoughby. CWL Fall Dance The Catholic Women‘s League of Sacred Heart Parish is holding a fall dance on Nov. 13 at the King City Community Centre. All are invited to enjoy a buffet. spot and door prizes. It is convened by Tammy Pessarjuk. For tickets call 833-5265. Luncheon Served Free baby-sitting is provided when yoiu come to the “Luncheon Is Served“ afternoon at All Saints' Anglican Church on Nov. 16. at 12:30 pm. There will be an unusual number of door prizes plus a craft and bake table. Tickets are S2. available by calling 833- 5432 or 833-5488. _7w#_ 1 Feeling Iistless? Out of sorts? Fight it! Take a walk. “.vIIr .- Ninli Ii.|.u mum-mar "an, I‘ Are you ignoring more than 26,000 reach them? potential customers? If you’re an advertiser, let The Liberal take you where you want to go. After all, when more than 26,000 adult buyers receive and read this news- paper regularly, can you really afford not to - If you read this far, we've reached you! Call now for advertising rates and deadlines. D18848177 or 881-3373 and ask for Coin Forsylh.