SUb/ect of protest, much too common 10.00 am â€" Bible School Classes lorall ages 11.00 a.m â€" Mommg Semce 700 pm â€" Evening Semce Prayer meetmg Wednesday at 8.00 0m An Old Fashioned Country Church on the Edge of the City Everyone welcome to meet Dawd Rhind and his Robot ANGLICAN LUTHERAN UNITED By Rev. Cecil Rosenberger Gormley Missionary Church The subject of protest is EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Human sexuality SGI‘IGS Nov. 8 8842418 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 7, 1976 8:00 am. Eucharist 10:30 am. Worship Services Chumh School Kindelgarten 8. Nursery School WEDNESDAY 10 00 a m EUCHARIST 700 n m EUCHARIST PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH NY one parents meet 9 45 AM F0! Bus, er 11:00 AM. Admission is free at Fairview library, 35 Fairview Mall Drive just north of Fairview Mall Shopping Centre. The “Human Sexuality-lecture series-is designed to explore and providelexpert in- formation on various sex topics widely discussed in the ’70’s. ‘ BAPTIST Péychologisï¬Dr. Sheldon Geller will present the film “Rape Alert†and follow up with a diieussipn on the cAausesr and prevention of rape. WILLOWDALE â€" The North York Chapter of One Parent Families of Canada will hold a meeting Nov. 9 at 8:30 pm. at the North York Community Hall, 5090 Yonge St. Mr. Gorclon Britain, a gra'phologist, will be the guest speaker and will talk about “Handwriting and its Analysis". Admission is 50 cents for members and $1 for guests.’ DOWNSVIEW â€" The public are invited to get aquainted with York University during drop-in days Nov. _8 to 12_. During the week, participants will be able to listen to a wide variety of lectures and seminars and become involved in the many social and cultural activities which contribute to the university experience. WILLOWDALE â€" The first in Fairview library’s four-part lecture series on human sexuality starts Nov. 8 at 7:30 pm. with a program on rape. UNIONVILLE â€" The second in a series of local history talks at Unionville Library will take place tonight at 8 pm. when Axel Rinck, president of the German Canadian Council for the Arts speaks about William Berczy â€" the man and his achievements. One parents dance Richvéle) 889-6789 8:00 am. Holy Communion 10:00 am. Family Service David Rhind THORNHILL â€" The Richmond Hill Chapter of One Parent Families Association of Canada will hold a dance Nov. 6 at the Thornhill Community Centre at 8:30 pm. Yonge St. at Vaughan Rd Rlchmond Hull’ RECYOR Rev Bernatd Barrett 884-1394 Unionville talks Dropâ€"in at York Come: 0! Weldnck Road and Bathurst Street Rev 8.1 McSpadden Pastor Phone 8861859 ST. JOHN'S BAPIISI CHURCH 75 Oxford Street Membet. Baptcst C0nventlon ot Ontano and QuebeC) Rev DanaH Lamb 8 A , B D. Mlmster 0PM SI MARYS ANGLICAN For fufther' information call 667-3696 Admission is $3 for members and $5 for guests Rev Fted Jackson south york region scheduled events [he Ho 15 MacKay DerE WELCOME ‘ Morning W )NESDAY Id-WeebBIb NDAY becoming too common to our vocabulary and style of living these days. So prevalent is it. that we are finding ourselves Charismatic Services at Richvale Community Centre - Avenue Road. Pastor F. Bond. 851-0358 (All. with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada). 10:00 am. - COOKIE'S BIBLE HOUR 0 Lively Singing 0 Puppets and quizzes C Scripture charus I Bible stories. 11:00 am. - PRAISE SERVICE 7:00 pm. - CHARISMATIC SERVICE ALL WELCOME. Presbyterian '- 271 Centre Stveel The Rev. 1.8. Bum; M.A.. 80., PhD SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 7m - 1111le 21 Adult Bible Class - 9:30 AM. Divine Service â€" 11:00 AM. (Church School Children in Church) Presbyteens - 12:15 PM. Short Evening Service ~ 7:00 PM VISITORS WELCOME Pentecostal Schoo THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1.3 DAUPHiNEE, PASTOR _ l a m ~ Sunday Chmch Schno ll 00 A M WOIShID Serwce 9 30 a n1 WCIShIp SGIVICE I 30 a m Sunday Chutch RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mlnnstet Rev William Wallace 8841831 Organvsl & Chou Durenov Mr Richard PhIIIIpS 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am. Morning Worship SI PAUL S LUTHERAN 10131 Bayvuew Avenue Monday - 6:30 - 8:00 pm Explorers Gmup Girls ages 9 - ll Sunday Evening Nov. 14 Gentlemen 8. Boys Choir of SL Simon's ZION lUTHERAN (2 mules south of Maple; Rev James S. Dauphmee Vnce‘Pastor â€" 8846264 ADVANCE NOIICE November 7th at 11 AM. ‘Things to Remember - and to Fprget‘ Remembrance Sunday 1976 insidiously enclosed by a very critica} di_spos_iti_qn. I’m not referririg to the labour unions, or to the ethnic groups, or the New residents and Visitors welcome THORNHILL â€" Betty Robinson, a well known Toronto psychic will lecture and hold an open seance at Heintzman House on Royal Orchard Blvd. Nov. 10 from 1:30 to 4:30 pm. and from 7:30 to 10 pm. Seance Nov. 10 9:45 am Fm free numbers. Tickets are $3 and refreshments will be ser- ved. Holly Fair bazaar WILLOWDALE â€" St. George‘s Anglican Church, at the corner of Churchill and Yonge Street, will hold its annual Holly Fair Bazaar Nov. 13 from 11:30 am. to 3:30 pm. GORMLEY â€" The Gormlev Missionary Church will celebrate their 103 anniversary Nov. 7 when Reverend Clarence Hunking, a former minister will be the guest speaker at the 11 am. and 7:30 pm. services. 148 Thomrldge Dc Thornmll Mmlstev Rev D VanderBoom M Th â€" 889-5225 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1976 Sennce at 10 30 a m and 5 00 p m 11:00 am. Morning Worship Service Nursery and childrens church provided. WedV 7:00 PM. - FAMILY NIGHT Activities for every family member‘ 103rd Anniversary MARKHAM â€" The York region chapter of the Society of Industrial Accountants will hold a dinner meeting Nov. 8 at 6 pm. at the Parkway Hotel, Leslie Street and Highway 7. Dr. A.K. Steigerwalt, professor of business policy at McMaster University will speak on “The Development of a Professional". Fee for the evening is $10. 7:00 pm. Evening Fellowship Haur Thurs. 9:30 AM. - Ladies Coffee Cup Bible Study. Accountants meet Women series The panel will meet Nov. 16 at 7 pm. at the Ashtonbee campus, 75 Ashtonbee Road. Admission is $1 and tickets are available at the door. A play for kids Reverend Hunking will also lead a Prophetic Conference to be held the evenings of Nov. 3 t0_ 5. SCARBOROUGH â€" “A Room of One’s Own" is the title of the sixth panel discussion in the Centennial College series “Let’s Talk about Women". DOWNSVIEW â€" Rachel Chapter of the Hadassah Wizo Organization will sponsor the children’s play, “Hansel and Gretal†to be performed by the Actor’s Trunk Company Nov. 14 at Minkler Auditorium at Seneca College, 1750 Finch Ave. Kmdergatten to Gr School to: Grade 7 an‘ Tickets are $1.50 each for performances at 1:30 and 3:30 pm. ‘ ‘A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU Other Denominations { SUNDAY 003m RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge 8. Centle Streets 884-1301 SUNDAY. NOV. 7. 1976 BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH RICHMOND HILL FREE MEIHODISI CHURCH 212 HIIISVIew DI 884-5029 Rev RobeItC Qulck 884M529 Sunday School bus service call above RICHVALE - BIBLE CHAPEL 4 Oak Ave V Ruchvale NOVEMBER 7. 1978 , ‘unday Schoo: 6 Blble aye student movements, or to the equal status â€" equal pay sections of society. You may add whatever other group to the above if SUNDAY. NOV. 7. 1976 103m Anniversary Services 9:50 am. Family Sunday School 11 7.30 pm. Speaker Rev. Clarence Hunking. Formet Pastm Singers: The Watchmen Quartet year-round greeting cards birthday cards notes 8; stationery â€" as unique as the children they help FOR A FREE BROCHURE Unicef Canada 443 MOUNT PLEASANT RD. TORONTO. ONT, M45 2L8 or your nearest UNICEF ofï¬ce 1100a.m.â€" Bible Study and Morning Servnce 700 p m. ~Commumon Serwce WEDNESDAY 800 p m â€" Bible Study Watch "The Herald 01hth TV Channel 3 Bame CONCORD CHURCH OF CHRIST Concerd Rd. 8. No 7 Hwy A Church of The New Testament Order A E. Atkinson Mlnrster _ 669-1831 A Young â€" Sec 6692784 SUNDAY SERVICES Unicel Wed‘ 8 pm. Family Night IHE MISSIONARY CHURCH GORMLEY Rev Cecnl Rosenberger SUNDAY 12 30 p m A WARM WELCOME TO EVERi‘ONE 887-5846 your wish The essence of concern, which I have, is resident to a degree in the above groups. However, the greatest problem is not the groups but the in- dividuals and their at- titudes which comprise the groups. In addition to this we add the “boiling†people, who are ready to explode, who belong to no grogp. 7 The Holy Scriptures relate to us the amazing change which took place in the life of the Apostle Paul, a former protester. Paul himself declares, “. . .for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content". (Philippians 4:11.). Just in case you’re thinking that, he let the world run over him. he also said, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me†(Philippians 4:13). rTHE DADMAN i Call Gord or Jim 884-71 70 ALL THIS FOR ONE LOW PRICE OF $29.95 INCLUDING ANTIFREEZE. \ We guarantee all work done! 10087 Yonge St. Richmond Hill An award winning hair cutting specialist. He comes to us from some of the best known salons in Toronto. Make an appointment with Vito and bring in this ad for 20% off DISCOUNT GOOD FROM NOV. 3TO NOV. 18 SPECIAL STUDENT HATE THE $29.95 RADIVIAN FALL SPECIAL For Most Model Cars V V WE WILL: 0 RemOve, boil and clean the Radiator 0 Flush the Engine Block 0 Remove Test & Reinstall the Thermostat 0 Check all Hoses and Clamps 0 Check all Belts 0 Flush the Heater Core 0 Check the Water Pump & 0 Pressure test the Rad Cap 0 Paint the Radiator with a unique corrosive resistant paint used exclusively by the RADMAN 0 Re install the Radiator 0 Add antifreeze to the system to bring it to a â€"34° performance level. A L’EQUIPE WASH, CUT BLOW DRY VITO MEET 8288 BAYVIEW AVE. BAYVIEW LANE PLAZA THORNHILL 881-2781 , But the Apostle Paul was not out to “get†the world for its inhumanity and mistreatment to himself. He had ex- perienced the life- fulfilling entrance of Jesus Christ into his disturbed, explosive, and misdirected situation. The words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 6:33 had taken hold in his life, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you". The issues of life took on a different perspective after Paul personally met Jesus Christ. A contemporary illustration of this is found in the experiences of Mr. Charles (Chick) Colson who was President Nixon’s right hand man. Mr. Colson writes his story in the book entitled “Born Again" (Next to Richmond Inn) $800 HAIR Rev. Cecil Rosenberg; Gormley Missionary Church YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATIONâ€"PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORTERS (Five to be elected) YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION â€" SEPARATE SCHOOL SUPPORTERS (One to be elected) YORK COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD (Four to be elected) Nominations will be accepted during normal office hours (8:30 am. to 4:30 pm.) Friday, November 12th and Monday, November 15th, 1976 (8:30 am. to 5:00 p.m.). NOMINATIONS MAY BE FILED at the office of the Town Clerk at the address given below for the following Municipal Offices: WARD COUNCILLORS (Seven to be elected) TOWN OF MARKHAM MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS MAYOR (One to be elected) REGIONAL COUNCILLORS (Two to be elected) CLERK AND RETURNING OFFICER, TOWN OF MARKHAM, 8911 WOODBINE AVENUE, MARKHAM, ONTARIO. DIANE E. WHETI'ER, Area1 (Wards 1, 2 and 7)-2 members Area 2 (Wards 3 and 6) â€" 1 member Area 3 (Wards 4 and 5) - 2 members THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, November 3. 1976 â€" C-: 895'2366 Iéromo; Hwy.11, Newmarket 364-7917)