Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Nov 1976, B10

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8-10 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. November 10. 1976 5"" Help Wanted "’5 Articles For Sale ~ 2‘” Snowmobiles ’_______â€"_â€"___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" - TIRES. Mazda 2 Semperit radial Pri nter WANTED ATTENTION itfblmiirliii?irrfiie‘talf' w‘ Ercellentcondrtron $850. West off Keele St.. East off Islington. North of Hwy. No. 7 “5 5m” ‘75 “35 "'ep'm “50' I- -3 07' Corner of Rutherford Rd. Pine Valley Dr. 8843409 Am! 6 p m CMQ 8 CNN BEGINSQA.M.. FR|.. NOV. 12 one:'r.:.:rri::;;é.xrigs Free Draw Furniture - Dining room surte. Roxton Maple iAlmo) Spanish style WOOdS 15 Cult F000 "8919' Experienced. For offset and letterpress. Full Lime, To assrst in training at rehabilitation Arc Ind ustries T R U C K M ECHAN l CS l n n To maintain our fleet of trucks at our terminal on Keele Street North of bedroom suite. Peppler Queen size (almost newl Large Admiral Steamer Trunk 884-2704 c1 19 Refrigerator (2 yrs old), sofa bed 8. chair. 2 yrs old 21‘ “the wee! Sweatm' N0 purcnase cabinet TV. stereo set. 2chesterfields and chairs. Lazy Boy chair com lady‘s 14 Blue suede Zip our 2:368:5an Up.t°PDel:' 1'5! grincogflact' ' es rices', a s or a, . 2 antique wash stands Coffee table. end tables. desk and posture chair, freezer chest, etc. MISC. Table lamps, floor lamps. 16 gauge M'd' coat we 16 325' 59"“99103" “13"” Kenneth Boat-Sr lvor Johnson shotgun. 32 Remington Pump Rifle. Xmas decorations ' “"19 1153 K800“! Rd. Scalbowuflh- tires, fishing tackle, toboggan. etc etc. _ 3“ Articles wanted No. 7 Highway. Permanent positions involving non-rotating shift work FOR INFORMATION CALL 759-9300 czwig with days off not necessarily on weekends A W *â€"â€"‘â€" [C e er RUPP AND Applicants must be bondable. possess valid chauffeurs license and able to 200 amp- I’Dortabl; 6881:1339” Good P0LAR| S . - meet com an skill and medical re uirements. SNOW tires. (2). Shell Polar Bear. ‘ c°"""‘°" "5- ‘° Requued Immediately. " y 9 region Belted Hrs . is. :35. Old Furniture 889 2 SNOWrggstgoglggst E II t I r Rates $6.74 Per hour. plus shift differential. 8892100 “w” agl'g‘fs' ""'”“‘”3C“ and '9 16 “m Bl” Walls. Bethesda â€"â€" an n s. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- M “St be bondable' Xce en 38 a y' P _ l. t d t 1 lâ€" 14" tire and wheel. Dodge. F78 x Evgs. HIGHEST cash prices or- trade‘yaiue" . . . . rev10us app man s nee no app y. 14 889-3924 nc1w19 *paid far houseful of furniture nd.. ...... ‘,-“,_u "“5 commISSIODS and frlnge beneflts- Y â€"â€" c1w19 appllances. Brice's Furniture. 3363-. 1973 yTMAHA 433. A1 condmm ‘ APPL IN PERSON 76 EDITION Colliers Encyclopedias. 1954- "‘13 New engine. Electric start. 294 N0 preVIOUS experlence necessary. OR WRITE T0: CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS case 4 Medical volumes, 10 volumes Teakwood PIAVNowâ€"anted. Aprirmatjynoo- 3072. clw19 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Junior Classrcs. $350. Stereo, dual Duecmomlm orteym'hure $150. 222-7088. rim _____.____ N0 TELEPHONE 8:30 A.M_ T0 “:30 A'M‘ ONLY turntable. floor speakers. receiver. ‘ open tpl” 9 axle ouse' m0. affirm 73 BOA SKI My." 11 “400' 36 M" 88 1 -4 5 ENQUIRIES MONDAY To FRIDAY Etatrl‘d acceshsolires. Assligng DSIIOO. ErNAR CLAUSE” UMHED picked up wompny- r705_43§.24-21' Excellent condition. 82343846.1 19 a room 5 evrng. . rapes, H .7. B I . '- ‘ - ; c w m ROOM 1203, 20 YORK STREET, l44”x95". iustcleaned.$50 2m wryaoonLZTraefatb7bgribzii3155 3.3131032; rigiditiclili"al‘ricg‘iiq~ " ' . TORONT , . cha s. 310. each, S 11 I' . 881-0000 ‘ ' ' - ' ‘ 455 For appOI ntment. “.19 ‘ 0 0mm” MIL. a. C....."Ԥ. 3°3.'?";§; infigm‘ it; me. Cars & Trucks HOUSE I 1 IN Lamps. 2 for $20. Ski Doo surts. “5 ' modemczitgggpozljggvavfiite man's large. $35 Lady's medium. Let Fuller Brush help you with your Fan“ Equlpment Cordoba v $20. 88411050. c1w19 - . ln Siifionsgf‘l): Tglellreeacezzlrd Efcoglmgt â€"~+ CthStmaS Shopplng MH35 GASIRACIOR Excellent condition. New radials. e e e e wages and company benems Sofa and chair 3100. Queen size box . .l Must 58”. available For appomtment call 884- and mums 375' mm” mm 8‘ 4 Every phone mdel memes FREE 6‘ t FORD 3000 DIESEL WITH LOADER i a e 0 9m ' elm chairs $75. Child's bicycle $10. Glrl 889_0827 m7 $3 950 ' EX erienced ’ Guide uniform. size 14x $10. NUFFIELD IOGO'OIESELTRACTOR “M9 . . Brownie accessories, rust rug 9 x 12 y y V p . ReqUIreS FUHtlme $55. nursery drapes. Ironing board Classic Chevrolet Requrred immediately. Hours 7 am, to 5 pm. 5 days weekly. Good starting A I r s5 54-. box swing 510 Trade in your old tractor. “my. y In person P H w t d | to wmk ' ' One year old apartment size. Lesage Interest free deals 4door sedan. 37.000 original miles. I G A [an lrgnihurzn ear. aec'oupEefn $125 clwlg Diana New condition with bench. Rumble Tractor 6 cylinder automatic. In excellent . . . D W e a a ' $75oicOsmo Musiccom an. condition, Asking $2.150. Can be I. , r V and up Call 884-6971 9 am. â€" 6 Quantity 0' p ‘ Massey Ferguson Dealer seen at 30 Johnson RduAmm‘ . BayView & Markham Rd. Richmond Hill Clwlg p rn Tuesday - Saturday. C2w19_ "Humans NUMBERS CZWIB Gorm|ey “Mg 16 INTERVIEWING for Bench Mechanic. HYDRO Poms C” 16 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" -clwlg 0n job training. Apply In person to: Used steel display shelving. Various 1975 Cordoba. black with tan landau a 187 Steelcase Road, west, unit 5, ' widths and lengths. For more 230 c roof 8 interior, leather buckets. Markham, between 10 a_m,.2p,m. c1w19 information call Tamlpers 8 console with stick shift. cruise _ c1wl9 - _ [3| ers control, air. power S 8r 0. tinted - â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" INDIAN mg, 9- x 12g hem pastel FlreStone Stores glass. remote mirrors. AM-FM and O n 'MMED'ATELY Requ'red- FUH‘” pattern centre and edge. As new. ' ‘ new‘ MIChellnS. A DGIIECI Brush Dealers in your area. Part or 3450 3849474 “W19 ' c3w13 combination of luxury 111 sport. All full time. 895-6532. c2w19 . -- this plus 22 mpg at 70 mph. 35.495 This attractive position offers varied and interesting responsibilities wrth DRESSERS' the“ 0' drawers' dmene 2 d t 0' one" excellent opportunities for advancement. If you are interested in meeting 5er waShe' 59'" d'Ye'v lypewme'v en 3 63 l betweenti &7 pm. People. enloy a congenial working atmosphere in a small office and would , mum and Chan ideSk' baby One coffee table and high back clw19 like to get involved in mortgages. loans and dealercontacts call Requues all‘C'es- "me E'” 5 C'OIhmfi- . | sell“ NOW ON DISPLAY MRIBERRY Reasonable. 884-7610. clw19 Chem 2 anmue amps‘ I g . . ' ‘ ' ELECTRIC fd o t or map. 884 7721 FIFTH WHEELS Twm ri ge an sove. ... - 1 19 P a panadlan Acceptance corporatlon perfect condition. Very reasonable. -â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"CL - I . . ' ' ' 8321138. (:1le Apply In Person to. m“'°“‘°5""'°'"“°“‘-”"' For Mldmghl Shlft ___â€"â€",â€" Bed PURCHASED Used Truck Centre 1 ' ' 884-4458 Full time YORK ALUMINUM â€" Free estimates. Junior. Colonial. mattress. springs. LARGE VARIETY OF USED S C n V I I This job requires typing and some knowledge of office procedure although Aluminum siding WindOWSr d00'5a Ingl's dry” Kenmore w'lnge' TRAILERS IN STOCK Car 0 Van - we give you on the job training covering our methods of operation. awninflsr 384-4553 0[ 8331319 N»,- wa5h°‘- Be“ 0"“ MAPLE LEAF TRUCK CAPS Uc A 9235 Yonge Street W” â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€", Ultra Line Truck Campers ' mm TEAKWOOO â€" LIVIng-Dlnlng ' clw19 MOST COMPLETE 75 F100 Bedrooms. Designs in Teak. 457 Markham Rd. Allencourt Plaza Richmond Hill - 884-3750 Refrigerator TYPEWRITERS. adders. calculators. 1 . sales, servrce, rentals. Newmarket Stove' M years Old' Wh'te' 5350‘ or Busrness Machines. 497 Timothy St.. be“ 0”“ Newmarket.895e7621. tfc 36 €1wa Richmond Hill. Ontario M Parttime Secretary 10 to 20 hours a week TRAILER SERVICE CENTRE SALES PARIS ACCESSORIES REPAIRS MITCHES ROLLVUP AWNINGS 8r STORAGE KING CITY TRAILERS KING RD. 2 MI. W. 0F HWY. 11 773-4260 £11419 SLIDE IN UNITS V8 automatic. power steering. radio. Explorer package, Only 19,000 miles, Lic. M4886 75 F100 V8 standard. radio. rear step bumper. Lic. A68017 Part Time Female or Male For typing from direct dictation, correspondence and general clerical tasks. Convenient hours. Location: Close to Royal Orchard Plaza. Apply in writing. Parttime Garage Sale 3 For Vans & I - giVing experience and hourly rate desned. [equned for s N 13“ McKenzie mum Ltd" Hwy. 7 a‘ v.8 standard, mm. m, step ” . H . 31, av, I B ‘ ' 1h 'll' . t ‘ bumper. Only 13.000 miles. LIC. a e I 1 1 5 FOOd SCIVICES 213 Kuk D“ Thomh.“ come, of coloured bath and vanity. 2 electric “new mm 889 lsalclwlg 057243 “Mg and Royal Orchard and Kirk, 9 am. to 4 510m- Bes‘ 0”“ TWIN HILLS . Envrronmental Services P-m- c1w19 7736116 MUST be able to be available I01 â€"â€""â€"â€"â€" ClW19 mun multilinan mimIAim-II-w' e n a earlvevenineand weekend shifts. â€"â€"â€" Reserve Now chm N U R S A I D Apply to; R D NEW large Franklin stove, with doors r0, wlnre, Horldaysi and log grate. $100. Pine church Personnel Dept pew. refinished. 6‘ long. from Bond YOIk Central Hospital D Head Church. $75. Provincial style, 10 Trench St” coffee table. $20. Electric clothes WINNEBAGO 0R MIDAS 11111110131 191158 ,o‘tto'llflo, To call on established acc0unts for a record and tape . . HealthCaeA'des ' ' . distributor. No experience necessary. Full training program. r I requ'ledfmpam'me employmem Ideal for an ambitious self-motivated indiVidual wrshing a ' ' ' ‘ ' dryer. needing minor repairs. $25. WLEAS'NG LLD CAR SALES rewarding career in the record industry. Salary and carallowance. Cholce 0f Shlft. ' relief per cord Pllilséiéiamfgoluls small items priclzd ltg Wigbzlgéglglglliggl 71 Chorce of location . Private Duty ' m... DI, ed Se" I ' C w â€"â€"â€"m3 runiloaded ' ' Call between 9 am. and 5 pm, V 9”” . _ Apply in confidence to P M .305 . . ...........w....... Diamond Coronation 72 Chveue Malibu BOX . ara- ed Personnel Articles For Sale 884 6603 Pendant Camping Centre Highpmmm Clww WASHING machine. portable. 4 cycle c2w19 Heartshaped. full carat, ruby centre, Yonge St..0akRidges Vega HatChbaCk Kenmore. 1% years old. $200. Evgs. Beautiful piece. Sacrifice at $1.800. “The Liberal” 889-4404. nclw19 Mr. Snider. 223-7982. c1w19 1977 Taurus for AM-FM radio. standard M BOOKKEEPER/ APPLES . . LADY'S grey lamb jacket. size 12 MINI Bikes. 5 rip. and 4 iip. 1976 prices 74 Maverick Deluxe l 3150' “when table 48 X 36 mm outboald mom" m h'p' 28” lady's Also Palomino campers . leaf. dull arborite. 4 matching vinyl bicycle with child's seat. 115 “um mum 5-aut0iwstwooled ‘ - chairs, green $125. 2 â€" 3/i sofas d 0th . Ar Record.45's.773-447l. Clwlg ' _ . [I For small OTTlce near green. $75. each. Corner arbonte giggles“ as flfl AS IS SpeCIalS ' a fit H 7 step table. S40. Matching arborite ' LADY'S leather jacket. 36" length. woods - . W I kidney shaped cocktail table 340. beige. size 18. Zip-in lining. Worn . , N v Lazy boy chair. deep maroon, onlyrltimes.Reasonable.884-3032. Camplng TTalleT Mercury ' Naughahide $75. Frigidaire clw19 d t l d » _ Reqwres ‘39 Car ii r or. coronation: $499 fireplace screen. log basket. 4 pce. CHILD'S deluxe spring horse. 0”“ Dodge Dart 223-1785 chili; $399 15 gallon $15. A” complete Willi 1 pr.aE78x 14. on Ford Comet rims. ’ rt ' 669- 2 6 60 fire set 5100. 3 fish tanks one â€"5 n Excellent condition. 320, 884-8777. N I C2W19 gallon $10. one 10 gallon $12. one T clwl9 Campinglaileeé _ . _ . 100 SETS bunk beds. brand new. all , ............ ___ ______. ................... ' ' waltTeSSES/Walters gravel. filters and heater. 2 skidoo used 1 winter. $50. pair. sizes. No [eawnable onus mused? 9212 Yonge St.Richmond Hill . helmets$25.each859-3807. Can “any 488.79“ 3358 Yonge . 33955711» 745-2519After hours. u G u a Evenings. Experienced only. €1W19 - clwlg St” Townto‘ CM” r . clwlg EVENINGS A -6 PM. i KITCHEN table. used. coffee table SNOW mesl used one season El 0 r n cvcnr OTHER WEEKEND I I - 7 F T. m Must be neat and ambitious and like and bullet 889'6477' “"19 I m m I n g Goodyear G78v15 Suburbanit; 4 SquireVlalon â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" h. 89-1690. 18 , U I e u meetmg maple. DININGROOM suite, table. four ply $25 eac 8 ' c w Up_ Power steering. power brakes. V8. A I In PCTSOTI chairs and buffet.$45.889-6070. P I IONE IBM Selecmc typewnter Like O'clll‘sizesand colors :ul’omlattic. ratio. tallvcolldll‘loned. 1 1 . . 7 w res. ean roug ou. pp y l person HUMBER VALET C W 9 ‘new.$400.7755682. c4w17 lloflmfiawe a '3 ' “mm S PING Pom; table' 1"” maybe“ table CONTENTS of small apartment. Some‘ ' 8394831 c1w19 0“ casters L'l‘e new- 545- 8896070 Fanta'sea' 16' x 32' Bland new antiques. Viewmg Sat. Nov. 13. 10- t . C Iete “"19lmellgeljseaaSt‘lleglwgaedecokmpmst 1. 28 Richmond Street. Richmond I I ’ Hill. clw19 ‘ssooo. new Sell $2.500. 72 Pinto 2“) Snowmobiles 3 door runabout. 2.009 Cc. Radio. automatic. Needs body work. Best K-Mart Tavern KING cnv LARGE crib, car seat, high chair. 10300 Yonge Street Hillcrest _ Richmond RichmondH'“ l stroller,Bestoffer.832-1062 c2w19 100 BRASS beds. brand new, all offer _______â€" ‘ - rr a» ANTIQUE sofa. Good condition. Cane ‘ SILIaerIS‘Hra‘llylWATTS-37$ll.j 375358020038! 5 1 1 Clwlg back. Beautifully carved mahogany. r sproronro. c4w13‘ About 70 males long' 88918821 10 SKATES. boy's beginners. size 11. $2. .-- W r 2 7 Girls figure skates, Size 3 3. Doom wmddwsi awnings. Wings. Manual adding machine $5. Speedo F sdin . soffit systems. trough ree pnnt phmo comer 325' Bmkcase elstirngates Ron Wood5884-1514. Snowblowers like new, New radial tires. Must sell. 389-2175. cwl‘l 884-0724 BINDERY c1w19 Hl Part time Experienced person MINUM “ AL” SALES & SERVICE Reid Mower. WRINGER washer. good condition. 315884-5282 c1w19 _ . m bed. no mattressSlS, 884 6720 has one a ew Collatingvtipping. stitching and 51"”9’ , (ET. scandmamnI Manne & Sports "ansmwon' Make Ofler' Days' V‘ OFFICE ASSISTANCE ' general bindery work in Thornhill. LAD'ES w'me' coats (2) 5'19 “'16 TEMWUOD “'ma . r Gibson 8832290. Evgs.482-2316. $25 635” Tweed- one W“ l‘“ SOFA bed and matching chair.$125. fum'ture' bffmgg‘les 2223:? nclw19 . ’ ‘ . .1 mm ee . v - __________ 10084 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill To serve patients 889-2971 “.19 collar>8891729v “Militias-7398 c1w19‘lz'SEIZZOMbId12474377. mo 3 /_______ We have an opening TOT in local hospital Firewood. l‘ $325.0“, coppertone swarm Snow Thrower 75 DATSUN 8210 Off' M Seasoned mixed hardwood Sunbeam 18" electric. Brand new. . I _/â€"-â€" - a n ReqUired TOT M e realm?” While bmh PM” all. POOL table! x8completewrth rack ggamills'lms‘fe W4" MW“ Cassette stereo. Rustproofed ' ' - ' c l and cabinet 5250. Piano upright, ' Ad l I ll "1* Dental Office 884'9626 “Lu. 32507734334. c1w19 787-9331 c1w19 884-6903 F f B n H " W” " ” ’ """" ’ in Kitchen cabinets and vanity doors. _ . r VLWWfiVWHVCELig or engineering um, 11 onvi e ' AI kt h b is d t ' I r The successful applicant should have experience in Personnel. Purchasing, Mall complete resume 1° r9228; en ca me an yam leg on SHELLEY AND GAIL Ambassador ’74 _ Skldoo Cars & Trucks E of ,Co . P tEI o IGft t25 xpe ring sting etc SeCretarial skills would be an asset BOX Larry Taylor .rggeger :gnutsgrlescorllg‘itnacorl‘essze us 327 cu in Power steering. power gleam Start New engine and track Versatility isthe key terms well paying challenging posrtion . Thursday 7‘gpm and Saturday H Wakes, 521000 Oflfllnal "‘"95 Very ugellgnt condition 5900 . Many other permanent and temporary positions available. Hemmer new“ and plumbmg The leeral 4 pm r55 Smonsmn Blvd 3;? cond't'on cemf'ed $600 or Top Prlces - ill Th hll 889.2928 ' ‘ 884-6970 884-6782 riser-oasis . Richmond H after 6 ' 884-7040 6 889-0353 c1w19

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