Specualmng m motor tune-ups anc electrical systems on all makes ant. models of cars and [tutu Over e decade of setvung this area All work guaranteed. Reasonable tales Robinson’s Tune-up Service Bookkeeping & Accounting Services BOOKKEEPING 5 INCOME TA! 881-3827 "‘ Franchise dealer {or John Inglis. General Electric Hoover Products. Black 8 Decker. Eureka. Service depot for Black & Decker. Hoover. Eureka Repairs [0 all makes. “" HANS BUTT Authorized Alcan Dealer Refrigerators. freezers ranges. dishwashers dryers. ‘ull Range of Services lN(‘().\ll~I TAX KENNETH .\l. P.~\L 8394377 [fol Janitotial Services Carpet Cleanirig J. C. HUGHES 883-1360 Car 8. Truck Repairs} 'Sldmg 'FaSCIa OAwnmg noon CLEANING APPLIANCE SALES 8; SERVICE LESLIE APPLIANCE BX YONGE ST. S. ;\L’R()R. THE SMALL BUSINESS SPECIALISTS PAUL'S Appliance Service 773â€"4592 W Refrigeration Appliances Humidifiers Air Cleaners Air - Conditioners Installation & Service Carpet-'7 Upholstery Cleaning BUOKKHEPINU Complete ï¬nancial Statements Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly Payroll Admin. For small busunesses SPECIALIZING IN REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 031mm Doers and Window 'Replacement Windows ALLIED APPUANCE SERVICES Repairs to All Makes 889-5683 Appliances Service Air Conditioning 1.1. Dilworth & Assoc., Aluminum Siding 8846477 I‘IVGS. XXLXZIT DAYS 773â€"5056 "520 Yonge St, Ste. 207. Richmond Hill 884-7530 8845807 Free Estimates Call 8894106 8844030 'Soflcl '[avestlough‘ 'Shutlels 7-83] I lfcl!) "(If "(JJ HcS t1c9 tfcl NW 18 I Contractors (‘L'STOM Bl'lLT HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS Free Estimates Excavation work Basements - Sewers Dumy Trucks cum a: comma loscelyn Laughlin Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants 10335 \‘ungo Street Nuru Richmond Hill. ()nt. KPH-“7+3 1H (ivnm'a Street St. (‘atharines. ()nl. ‘ 684-1177 SUN DECKS, SAUNAS, FENCES RENOVATION, ETC. Free esiimale or by the hour Heavy Machinery Moving. AURORA 727-5544 LEONARD R. ROSENBERG & .\SS()(‘L\TES (‘hartervd Accountants XXI-5720 - 88937“ X! Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario CHARTERED .\(‘(‘()l'NT.\\T IUZGS \‘ongo Street Phone: 884-865l-889-8275 Richmond Hill Contracting Co Ltd. H) ('ompetenl Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. ( Bob) Ross 11m (‘ontre 81.“: 8844788 CUSTOM BUILT REC ROOMS, MRS GARIGES, ADDITIONS PORCHES, CEDAR FENCING COTTRGES UNUSUAL JOBS All types of Carpentry wort and Home Impmvernems of al desuipï¬m 889-5762 Chartered Accountants Brian H. Cowen S. PAYNE Contracting Concrete Work K. A. SMITH CARPENTRY Alf Catenaro ('.\RPE.\'TER CONTRACTOR Additions. Ronnvatiuns & Rec. Rooms 8:! Rosovie“ ‘\\'o. Richnmnd llill. ()nt. Tel. 884-1171 FREE ESTIMATES Please phone 8844634 Before 1 pm. -Mter 5 pm Chartered Accountants MIDWA Y 884-2092 [0.3.36 Yungv St 881-0431 Benovaï¬om to home. ofï¬ce Cabinets. recrtion rooms. Meuo license 82385 QUALITY WORK Richmond Hill CARPENTRY REID & BRADLEY any a contract BOB ROSS CONTRACTING Addmous Runovaluot CUSTOM HOUSES FREE ESTIMATES GENERAL CARPENTRY 888-1005 I PRICE & SON 8848209 8847055 225-5988 "(l4 "cl awn "(:46 c4w18 tlc5 Home Services Alcan Aluminum Distributor ' Ahninum Siding 0 Sufï¬n 0 Fascia 0 Eavesuwgh ' Rooï¬ng 4 Insurance - Mortgages Fire. Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Telephone 727-9488-9 Rear 47 Yonge Street 5. .\urora. Ontario. RECREATION ROOMS. PATIOS WINDOWS â€" DOORS .Siding 05M“! .Shum-rs 0 Windows ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS Corner Agency Limited Excellent workmanship Gunar Construction CARPENTRY WORK ADDITIONS SEALED GLASS SLIDING DOORS lnstalled- 5300 889-5076. Typewriters - Adders Electronic calculators all makes. Sales - Service 495-6302 If: I I’IH‘ZI‘I PIS'I'I\|.\'I'ES .l(b|l.\ \lucl’lll‘II-I 8848506 85 (‘I‘ZVI'RI‘I ST. E. l{l('ll\l(),\'l)llll.l. N Home Improvements Basements Waterproofed -Residenlial 'Commacial OAImsnong OManninglon Mills Weep'ngflesinstaled 8842560 em MacPHEE ALUMINUM LUD ELECTRIC OService, Maintenéncer and Installations Insurance J.S. Adams Flooring (30., 884-2031 Mmro Lit. P2737 Free Estimates Days 895-5516 Evgs. 88¢1068 RHSIIH‘IVTIAI Cushion Flooring ('OMMERCIAI 0 Fair Prices 0 No Job 100 Small |.\'l)l'S'l‘RL\l Free Estimates 884-6162 Electrician Afterï¬p.m. Electricians 669-1321 884-4135 Flooring I Dunn 493-0754, Mike Custom Made Draperies .Hau-s .Fasciu 0A “nin‘gs Ol{;lili11;_'~. One stop drapery centre Oxford Plaza 884-0139 10620 Yonge SLN. Richmond Hill SAVE up to 30% CM" "(32 "(36 "C ‘8 "('49 Draperies WW ‘3 I Optometrisfl 5? CLARK Plam & Decoralwe Plaslennq REPAIRSA SPECIALYV Specializing in tire screens and tools, room dividers. cafe doors, railings and spiral staircases Reasonable Rates Free Estimates Fully A. W. Kirchen, 0.0. 255â€"4222 E. ROSE ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS TYPIâ€"IWRITERS .\l)l)l\(2 .\1.\(‘lll\'ES SALES- RENTALS l..H‘ SIMS xx Baker .\\'(*. Richmond Hill â€" KPH-INS Plastering - Thornhill WALKER CONSTRUCTION BUILT AND REPAIRED Free Estimates Expert Workmanship 20 years‘ experience Typewriters Adding Machines Sales 8‘ Sewice Alf ’3 Ofï¬ce Machines Richmond Hill 881-1997 LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE l Landscaping I Specializing in Railings Made to Measure 86 Spmce Avenue, Richmond Hill Man will do Exterior Painting Tree Removal and Pruning Custom made Registers Electronic 488-7521 $893185 FERTILIZING PLANTING GARDENING PAINTING FI. LaFOND Suilt' 21H l’ruh-xxiunal Bldg :2 l{l('ll,\ln\l) ST l{l('ll.\l()\l) llll.l H} uppuinlnwnl Plastering CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES Grounds & Building Maintenance Moving and Storage HANDYMAN Wrought Iron 1/2 Ton Truck Iron Works Office Machines MOVING 889-4277 Evgs. 294-5066 Handymen 881 -5829 8843962 Ma§9nry Tree cutting Camge Small moving etc. 88‘ 2882 Cash 833-5040 Esl-males 884-0293 Fully Insured 259-1672 "cos "C10 ï¬clu lfcll "cu "€45 Hal m: H m5 RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL Painting Wallpapering Stucco OPAINTING 0 PLASTER REPAIRS PAINYING 8. DECORATING Free Estimates PAINTING 8: PAPERHANGING Painting and Decorating Kafl Bundschun 884-4832 C & L Painters 884â€"9026 PAIN Tl/VG MASTER/IVE FIN/SHED BA SEME/V TS Peter Elliott PAINTING Altypesafremvaï¬a's "Charlie The Painter" 8847269 4944988 Brighton Janitor Service 884-1060 Evgs- and Paperhanging Free Estimates Done on Weekends Good work 889-2163 John's Home Maintenance New Is The Time! INTERIOR 0R EXTERIOR I-lomes, Cottages 0r Industries All Work Guaranteed Act quickly and phone day or night 14 years experience. Free estimates A†War/r Suva/need Reasonable Rates PAINTING R.E.Dunn 727-3303 889-3858 Evgs. EXTERIOR PAINTING Reliable Tower 884-5581 D. LYON Janitor Contracts Wanted Painters Ask for 8840 to leave message TV Towers AM 8: FM Radio Designed, supplied & erected All types & sizes anytime 727-5538 Painters and Decorators 226-4040 Janitorial Services T.V. Towers ï¬cl9 "()9 "($0 "cu ï¬c14 TF6 IE If: I! I Bookkeeping I Accounting Service Bookkeeping Complete shop 8 wading service. All Station Rd., King City 833-6577 24 Hour Service Payroll Income Tax Italian and German Majnteqance Welding Call Lorne Bridal 884-1712 cw TANDEM BL'SHINGS Aurora 727-3121 n Open 4 p m 8 p m ALL DAY SATURDAY 8M0293 86 SPRUCE AVENUE. RICHMOND HILL 8899398 Snowplawing DEAL SERVICES Walter Fleming Welding Tree Cutting I York Spring Service 889-7250 Singularly at by contract 24 hour answeting service. - Connplete Ttee Removal I Trimming - Pruning 0 land Clearing 0 Fuewood Ftl Sale FREE ESTIMATES PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulx 884-1650 Snow Ploughing Welding Plumbing & Electrical E. ROSE Plumbing ligating 884-0824 c4w18 773â€"4138 del "(:41 "(I tfclfl IFC I! tfcl8 Two y'OUâ€"HK'hIéI-I anth' 'truc'ksV are willing to move you, clean yards, basements etc. Please call 884-5179 or 884-8267. tic 20 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Specializing in custom work. Experienced in additions & building houses. 884-0501 I‘ TV Service .' IFâ€" CARPENTER Quality home improvements and electrical work Call Now IT ALL STARTED WITH THE WORKS IN THE DRAWER PROXY VOTE APPOINTMENTS may be obtained from the addfess below and must be certified by the Returning Officer up to 5:00 p.m., on Tuesday, November 30m, 1976. York Home T.V. For peisons who expect to be unable to vote on polling day in the'polling subdivisions for which their names appear on the polling lists rRepairs to all makes of T.V.'s, Appliances & Vacuums Sweetheart Peter Er Beaver Bernie Home Improvements Between the hours of 1 1 :00 am. and 8:00 pm. for the election of the following offices as required: 3. One Councillor for each of the Wards: one, two, three, four, five, six and seven to serve the area municipality of the Town of Markham far the years 1977 and 1978 and also Per the election of the following offices as required: 7 MOVING? CLEAN UPS? 881-1130 Tom's 884-8890 Industrial sites, apartments, driveways, plazas, schools, etc Saturday, November 27th, 1976 from 11:00 am. to 8:00 pm 3. Four members for the York County Roman Catholic Separate School Board 2. One Separate School supporter for the York County Board of Education 10610 BAYVIEW AVE. UNIT 13. RICHMOND HILL 881L111 65 ASK FOR TONY 884-0307 m 20 1. Mayor 22mm Tom's Handyman N0 JOB T00 SMALL Repairs Er Altetau'ons Homes 8 Ofï¬ces Light Pickup & Deliveries 2. Malkham Arena, 12 Wellington Street, Markham Advance Polls will be open at FREE ESTIMATES Two members to be elected at large for the combined office of Regional and Local Council to serve fur the years 1977 and 1978 Area 1 (Wards 1, 2 and 7) Area 2 (Wards 3 and 6) Area 3 (Wards 4 and 5) NJ & D Snow Plowmg Five members for the York County Board of Education Thorhill Community Centre, 7755 Bayview Avenue, Thornhill The Municipal Office, 8911 Woodbine Avenue, at Bunonville NOTICE NICIPAL ELECTIONS Regular Polls Will Be Open On Monday, December 6th, 1976 Snow Removal PROXY VOTE APPOINTMENTS tfc 20 TFC 20 "C 20 TOWN OF MARKHAM THE LIBERAL Spaciaizing in currsspmdance, m sumes. IspOrts. ï¬nancial statements. IBM Selecuic II. Dictation via tek- pfme tramctim. Advertising... 2 members 1 member 2 members ADVANCE POLL WARD 4 COUNCILLOR Secretarial Service lntergst paid Annually Mm amount $500 makes things clear. interest paid Semrannually; Monthly (Mln or Compomded apd paud at malumy 630-7335. days 681-0839. evenings , Wednesday. November 17. 1976 Secretarial Service Hal-tax. Montreal. Quebec. Onaan Iomnlo‘ London. wnnmpeg. Reguna. Saskaloon. Edmonton. Calgary. Vernon. Whne Rock. Vancouver. Vnclona Toronto: 199 Bay St‘ (416) 363-4132 (Mr. Keith Brymer) Rates sublecl to change Without pnor notice Member Canada 03909! Insurance Covpovalm Sen/mg Onlano smce 1881 Assets In excess 0' $800 " DIANE E‘ WHETTER, CLERK AND RETURNING OFFICER 8911 WOODBINE AVENUE. MARKHAM, ONTARIO. tfc 20 NW 20 CLAUDE HENDERSON DECEMBER 6th VOTE Expedemed mainly in ull'vorsity (tinsis) work. Fast service. Mann's. fulv experiemed to trial balm-ca CA reference. Dss'ns mm film ptsitim Will also mi from I Bookkeeping I Bookkeeper Typing done at home 887-0930 8846753 shot 5. on Car $5000)