Police said the man entered the store about 10 pm, flashing a carving knife and demanded money of the man in charge. The bandit was described as about 21. five feet, 10 inches. slim, with brown, Afro haircut; wearing blue jeans and green turtle neck Paul MC Nab, 77 Weldrick Rd. ; Joseph Pezzian. 185 Ruggles Ave.; Igino Colavecchia, 93 Spruce Ave.; Edgar Leno, 57 Rockport Cresc.; Patrick McMullon, 70 Lilloet Cresc.; Gladis Craker, 172 Colbourne Dr.; Michael Pickpord, 69 May Ave.; Frank Gallant, 452 Fernleigh Ave. RICHMOND HILL â€" An armed bandit, wearing a green garbage bag over his head, made off with $200 to $250 from Scarborough Fair, 460 Elgin Mills Rd. last Saturday, York Regional Police reported. Police said the man entered the store about 10 pm, flashing a carving knife and demanded money of the man in charge. C-12 â€"-â€" THE LIBERAL. Wedneday. November 17, 1976 Local store robbed by man with knife WITHIN WED. NOV. 17th STARTING SEPT. 15TH. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT If you are a qualified voter on Election Day and your name was omitted from the Voters’ List, you are elitible to vote, provided that you take a Declaration on the prescribed form before your Deputy Returning Officer in the polling subdivision in which you qualify, and that you satisfactorily identify yourself to the Deputy Returning Officer. If you have become a Canadian citizen since October 12th, 1976, and resided in the Town during the period September 7th to October 12th, 1976, you may also PERSONALLY obtain a Certificate to Vote from the Town Clerk, if you provide certification of citizenship but you cannot take the Declaration mentioned above before the Deputy Returning Officer on Election Day; If you are a Canadian citizen or other British subject, 18 years of age or on or before polling day will attain the age of 18 years and resided in the Town of Vaughan between September 7th and October 12th, 1976, or, having these qualifications, were a non- resident owner or tenant, or the spouse of a non- resident owner or tenant and your name was omitted from the List of Electors, you may PERSONALLY obtain a Certificate to Vote at the Town Cler_k’s Office, 2141 Maior Mackenzie Drive, Maple, between: (1) 8:30 o'clock AM. and 4:30 o'clock PM. Monday to Friday. [2) 7:30 o'clock PM. and 9:30 o'clock PM. on Thursday, November 25th, 1976 and again on Tuesday, November 30th, 1976. v v IHUHNHILL LIONS ( @â€" WBINGD MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS December 6th, 1976 VOTING CERTIFICATES THORNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE SPONSORED BY "†THORNHILL DISTRICT uous CLUB PROCEEDS TO THE COMMUNITY CENTRE FUND JACKPDT $1,000.00 TOWN OF EVAUGHAN BOOK NOW. 10 PERSONS PER TABLE FOR TICKETS CONTACT: ‘ BILL KENNEDY â€" 222-5213 43‘ JOHN GAMBLIN â€" 889-5940 BILL TROW â€" 889-5666 NOISE MAKERS: HATS, BALLOONS, STREAMERS HAVE YOUR HOUSE PARTY AT THE CENTRE X J REFRESHMENTS DRESS: OPTIONAL \\ $7 COST ORCHESTRA PETE SCHOFIELDS â€" THE CANADIANS RESERVED TABLES: PLACE TIME THORNHILL LIONS "NO ONE UNDER 15 YEARS ADMITTED" John St. and Bayview Ave. Thornhill 7:40 pm. Earlybirds 8:00 pm. Regular Games $27.75 per couple includes, champagne, dinner served after midnight 9 PM. - 2 A.M, NEW YEAR'S EVE THORNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE JOHN & BAYVIEW AVENUE Numerous break-ins Richmond Hill was also the scene of numerous break-ins last week, with t h e f o l l o w i n g homeowners reporting varying amounts of theft: sweater £22281 F.G. Jackman Clerk, NUMBERS ADMISSION s1.00 An unknown amount of damage was done at the former while a deposit pouch. containing some $14,809 in cheques. was stolen from the latter. Two business places, Steele Tire Ltd, 9631 Yonge Street, and Don Little Ford, 10414 Yonge St., also reported being visited last week. Margaret Casement. 74 Mill St., told police that someone had fired a blast through her front window, which later turned out to be two .177 calibre pellets. Schools. too There was also con- STRETCH CANVAS UXBRIDGE 1-852-7714 Finished for Oil Paintings Sizes ’76 DA'I'SUN 3-210 4-DOOR SEDAN IO 20 x 40 8x10 Break-ins and minor thefts were also reported at Walter Scott Public School, Markham Rd., and Our Lady of Christian Help, Bayview Ave, both in Richmond Hill. Those getting rocks through their windows and the damage: Franklin St. Public School, Markham, $200; Mackenzie Senior Public School, Kleinburg, $300: Kleinburg Public School, $250; Aurora Heights Public School, $75; E.J. Sands, Thomhill, $60. siderable activity at area schools, with rock throwers leading the way. BROADWAY DATSUN WARE N9 0113 CAM Dams}: ume P12I0_E9 BATHRflflM TIME @793 cresf' TOOTHPAS‘I'E . we RESERVE THE RIGHT TO L/M/T GUAN fir/557. PRICES IN EFFECT 70 OMS/MG NOV. 20 I'll. SIDE BACON o SWIFI'S - wmswwr JZINDLESS suceo Everything you want in a new car, except a new price! BONUS COUPONS, $300 off Z's or $100 off all other models are available at participating Dealers, redeemable on new 1976 Datsuns, over and above the best deal you can make. Offer expires December 18, 1976. Monarch CAKE 8 PASTRY IOOâ€"ML ï¬Jâ€"BE 1 LB PKG 77 LB EAG TIFFANY (RICHMOND HILL) LTD. Free Fall & Pre-Winter Tree Inspection. Be sure you're all ready for Winter Storms. The following work can be completed now or during the Winter months. Pruning, thinning, balancing, bracing, cabling, fee- ding, planting. Tree 8 stump removal, lot clearing, fruit tree Er orchard pruning. Ask about our Winter Discount. ï¬ll“ EIIIIII IIIIIE RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE AND FORESTRY co. LTD. 8847774 TREE AND SHRUB CARE Let Us Help You Keep Ontario Green Mayor of Richmond Hill On December 6th. BANANAS I 0% GRADEFRII IT 9 (EACH MARGARINE ' SIPLOIN ° ROUND STEAKS alga ° IVE W CROP FLORIDA WHITE FROM 77/5 fPOP/CS'... Golden Bell 1 LBPRINT fl“l|l|||||IHill|“Ill!lllllllllllllll|llllllllNIH|“Ill!IWilliH|||||l|lllllllIll"!II"INWilli“HIM|HINHIIIHIHINIHIH(IllllHIM|llllllll|lllll!lNIHHHIHINWINlMINIlllllll|lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllï¬ 10427 YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL - 8890972 Don't compromise on quality... iflSiSt O“ @ MICHELIN ‘ALL IfEMS’ SUBJECT TO STOCI< . Drovigo CHOCOLATE CHIP 0 CREAM SODA 0 LE MOM LIME ' GRAPE ‘ SOFT DRINKS LIME . ADADC BEEF STEAKETTES 00’ ll(IHINIIHIHIIWIIIW 9076 YONGE ST. THORNHILL 881-3838 s When it comes to quality" DMICHELIN makes no compromises! Isn't that the kind Of tire yo_u want? 24 x1532 TINS Du ri +9 ALL PURPOSE RICHVALE TRUCK CENTRE 3'1 1'. \h “A? 1 LB BAG WINTER BADIALS 39 LB WI LSON'S mummmumum NOW OPEN MONDAYS. 10341 Yam 8!. Hidlnoml HI LBBAG: IWUU!WWWWWMUN!â€HIM!NIIWNHHIHIIFMINIHIINIIHIHIMMUNE See the Yellow Pages ior the Da!sun Dealer nearest you. Manulaclulev's suggest: ' Ida-I pncev local Ive-gm meMWY msDeChofl and Pym-natal lanes exlva A dealer may sen Ia! less 0 Rear wmdow detogger and tinted giass all-round. 0 Heavy duty electric system ‘ o Rally-proven 1.4 litre engine, 0 Outstanding gas mileage (40 m p g. City/Highway E P.A, your mfleage will vary), a Full carpeting. contoured cloth seats, package tray 0 Reclining front bucket seats DATSII SAVES Ill-IF]. mammal Ill-"’1 “ï¬lm-III. ise I1 LINZ: uIALS quality" akes WWI I WlmVlll?HIM‘WHHHJIHWHHHW IHHHIHWWW 1 I Of tire WWIWNWIIWHWWW STATION ‘ E WWWWWW IN