Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Nov 1976, C3

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NEWMARKET â€" York Potters‘ Guild will hold their second annual sale at the Upper Canada Mall Nov. 25-27. There will also be demonstrations on the wheel, handbuilding and a raffle KING CITY â€" Kingcrafts Studio will hold the first of three Saturday sales. Nov. 20 to include weaving, quilting, pottery. garden arts, copper enameling, leatherwork, batik and painting. A-I7,,IA n; lsouthern york region 3 scheduled events , 'fhe‘salgs Wiirlifiéiheld at the studio,-86 Keel’e St from 10 am. to 3:30 pm. Craft sales will also be held Nov. 27 and Dec. 4 THORNHILL â€" A Saturday morning film program for children of all ages will be held Nov. 27 from 10:30 to noon at the Richvale Public Library, 54_Pea_rson Ava. - ,1 a...) "nâ€"Aco ulvluAJ . - v..--v.. . V V Films‘t‘e be shown iâ€"nelude Laurel and Hardy Murder Case, The Great Toy Robbery and Hot Stuff. TORONTO â€" A Pret a porter slide presentation will be shown Nov. 23 at 5:30 pm. at the King Edward Hotel in Toronto. Tickets are $7. For information call 923-3112. SCARBOROUGH â€" SRVS (Save the Rouge Valley System) will hold-a general meeting Nov. 18 at 8 pm. at Hillsdale School. corner of Finch Ave. and Meadowvale Road. Topic of discussion for the evening will be the role of the Parkway Belt in conservation. For further information call 284â€"6478. Day care nursery TORONTO â€" Oxfam presents the sixth annual Ontario Craft Fair at the new St. Lawrence Market at Front and Jarvis Streets from 11 am. to 10 pm. Nov. 18 and 19. Centennial seminar Nov. 27 SRVS meets Nov. 78 ,SCARBOROUGH â€" Centennial College will present a seminar Nov. 27 from 9:30 am. to 4 pm. on “Mental Illness and the Law”. Topics to be included in the discussion are lawsuits and the mentally ill, consent to treatment, and mental illness and criminal law. The seminar will be held at the Holiday Inn. Don Valley Parkway. For registration call 694-3345. Oxfam holds craft fair Quebec cinema, Lefeb vre TORONTO â€" Meet producer director Jean- Pierre Lefebvre at York University’s Glendon College Nov. 24 at 2:15 pm. when he will speak about the Quebec cinema. Glendon College is located at 2275 Bayview Avenue. Fashion slides on view YORK MILLS â€" York Mills Day Nursery at 22 York Mills Road is now accepting children for day care from 7:30 am. to 6 pm. Children are cared for by staff with early childhood training. Fee per child is $40 per week. For information call 222â€"6878 or evenings 292-3030. Kingcraft studio sale Potters hold 3 day sale Kids films in Rich vale REEVES CHRIS T MAS ”0PE/V HOUSE "! HOURS: MON. » FRI. 8 AM. - 9 PM. SAT. 8 AM, ~ 6 PM; SUN 10 AM. - 6 P.M Hey, neighbours, it’s time for Beautiful Gift Ideas Gorgeous Plants and Our very own staff of “Living Dolls" Two days of ”good oldfashioned fun” Street people are feet people. They’re neat people who meet people. Why notjoin up? Take a walk. a *1 PERT/[lf’flIf/Dfl 3700 ISUIG‘I’ON Avmuf. NMTH (2 m’uhs not“ of High“) 7) SAT. NOV. 20 SUN., NOV. 21 Mons 85I - 22'75 Paar/[maman' < “'alk a block.Today. bCl'VIUC U] a lllcluucl un uu, . u. u v»..-. ._. . . . . . resment. Hospital’s Jumor Auxnhary. Presenting the p _ _ Hi|| Block Parents Meditation affords rest and silence over 250 members By E. L. Anderson. Pastor Richmond Hill Seventh-Day Adventist Church For at least 4,000 years man has been searching for serenity through meditation. In the 1970’s a surge of interest in a dozen or more varieties of meditation has swept the western world. How can the Christian best relate to the current blend of old and new? Debra Coles was the recipient of the Ina Pocknell Award last week, a certificate and $300 cash prize awarded for outstanding service by a member of the York Central Hospital's Junior Auxiliary. Presenting the Although Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s populist movement in Transcendental Meditation has been taking the country by storm in the 70’s, the Society of Friends dates its practice to George Fox’s insight in 1646, and the Zen enthusiast dates his to Bohidharma who lived 1,400 years ago. The Old Testament records Isaac. the son of Abraham practicing some form of meditation as early as the 19th century 8.0 (see Genesis 24:63). Around for centuries If various forms of meditation have not only been around for centuries and have spanned vastly difâ€" ferent cultures, why the sudden interest in it today? One plausible answer is the meditation affords a short space of rest and silence in a society filled with tension and noise. Rhythmic relaxation promises to renew the exhausted body and spirit. Dr. Herbert Benson of the Harvard Medical School in his book “The Relaxation Response" documents lowered blood pressure, lowered metabolic rates, decreased levels of blood lactate, and decreased drug use in those who meditate. No one today denies the physical benefits of regular meditation but what about its spiritual effects? Whatever technique is used to achieve this personal emptying, it waves a red flag in front of Biblical Christians. Jesus warned against attempting spiritual growth merely by emptying. Meditation forms derived from non-Christian cultures have attempted to de-religionize them by removing many of the specific trappings of eastern cultures. Nevertheless, transcendental meditation etc‘ assume a view of reality that is at odds with Biblical religion. Reality perceived For example, practitioners of most forms of eastern meditation are taught that reality is truly perceived when the human soul is freed from the body, its material prison. A blending into oneness of existence is stressed and the things that society strives for are childish. Further,' he is taught to empty himself of his own desires and feelings. His cryptic parable of the displaced demon (Matthew 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26) certainly implies that an evil habit cannot be conquered simply through negatives. Biblical mediation does not in- 10.00 am. â€" Brble School Classe » lor all ages 11.00 a m â€" Mornrng Servrce 700 p m â€" Evening Servrce Prayer meetrng Wednesday at 8 00 am. An Old Fashioned Country Church on the Edge ol the Crty Advertising: ANGLICAN LUTHERAN UNITED 884-2418 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1976 8:00 am. Euchanst 10:30 am. Worship Services Church School Kindergarten & Nursery School WEDNESDAY ' 10 00 a m EUCHARIST 7000 m EUCHARISI 945 A M. - Church F01 Bus Mmlstry. call‘ 1100 A M, ‘ Morning WEDNESDAY PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Comer of Weldnck Road and Bathurst Street WWWM Yonge St. at Vaughan Rd Richmond Hull~ RECIOR Rev Bemald Bauen 884-1394 SI JOHN‘S BAPTISI CHURCH 75 ouom Street Member, Baptist Convention of Ontauo and Quebec} Rev Dana H Lamb 8 A . B D ‘ MINIStEf BAPTIST Rev. 81 McSpadden Faster Phone 8841859 makes it perfectly clear! ST MARY'S ANGLICAN Rev Fred Jackson .4 - Mudâ€"Week Bib SUNDAY Bible School C|asses Ina Pocknell Award Winner 930 am Charismatic Services at Richvale Community Centre - Avenue Road. Pastor F. Bond, 851-0358 (All with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada). 10:00 am. - COOKIE‘S BIBLE HOUR 0 Lively singing 0 Puppets and quizzes 0 Scripture chorus 0 Bible stones. 11:00 am. - PRAlSE SERVICE 7:00 pm. - CHARlSMAllC SERVICE ALL WELCOME Presbyterian SUNDAY. NOVEMBER let- Irinity 23 Adult Bible Class - 9:30 AM Divine Service 11:00 AM (Church School chlldren in chutch) Presbyteens 12:15 PM Short Evening Semce 7:00 PM VISITORS WELCOME The Rev. J.B. Burns. MA. 3.0.. Ph‘D‘ Pentecostal 030 ll 00 A M WOIShID Semce THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J S DAUPHfiNEE. PASTOR RICHMOND HILL PRESBVIERIAN CHURCH Minister Rev William Waliace 884-1831 Organns' 8. Chou Duertor Mr Richard PhIHIDS 9:45 am. Sunday School 11:00 am, Morning Worship ST PAUL S LUTHERAN l013l Bayvuew Avenue Monday - 6:30 - 8:00 pm Explorels Group Girls age; 9-11 ZION lUTHERAN (2 miles south of Maple) Rev JamesS Daupmnee Vice-Pastor â€" 384-5264 a m Worsmp Sevvxce am Sunday Church 271 Centre Street Sunday Chuxch Schnol award above is Barry Hayes, chairman of the board, on the right Lois Jempson, president of the auxiliary and on the left, Joan Paton, past president. Morning Worship- 11 AM. Novr 21 CATHY PACE will preach (Infant Nursery and Church School for young people 3 to 14 years) 7:30 - 9:00 PM. ‘Praise and Practice' Evening Worship and Study for Adults New residents‘and visitors welcome Pastor E. L. Anderson . meditation benefits the spirit voive stripping the mind and leaving_it naked Further, the body is seen not as a prison but as the essential part of man which allows him to enjoy the wonderful things God has created. The Bible speaks of the body as being the temple which is not to be defiled but used to glorify God (1 Corinthians 3: 16, 17; 6:20, 11 Cor. 6:16). The Bible supports human industriousness and condemns only that which violates the law of love for humans and for God. And the Biblical God is intensely personal. 148 Ihornndge Du Thomhlll MlnIslev Rev. D VanderBoom M In _ 889-5225 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER-21. 1976 Semce at 10 30 a m. and 5.00 W“ 9:45 am. For free numbels, Wed. 7:00 PM, - FAMILY NIGHT Activities for every family member 11:00 am Mornrng Worship Service Nursery and childrens church proVidedr 7:00 pm Evening Fellowship Hour Thurs. 9:30 AM. - Ladies Coffee Cup Bible Study. from the churches SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1976 ‘A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU Other Denominations RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL 24 Oak Ave Rlc'nvale SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1976 ndelgarten to Grade :hool for Grade 7 and up 003m RICHMOND HILL UNIIED CHURCH Yonge & Centre Sheets 884-1301 BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODISY CHURCH 212 HIllswew DI 8845029 Rev RobeItC Qulck 8846629 Sunday School bus service call above Bible Study and Praye‘ Ihe Lord’s Suppel Family Bible Hour Sunday School. to Grade 6 BINE Evening Semce SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1976 year-round greeting cards birthday cards notes & stationery â€" as unique as the children they help FOR A FREE BROCHLRE Unicef Canada 443 MOUNT PLEASANT RD. TORONTO, ONT. M45 3L8 Unicef or your nuns! UNICEF office 1100 am. â€" Bible Study and Morning Serwce 700 pm 7-Commumon Semce WEDNESDAY 8.00 p m â€" Bible Study Watch "The Herald of Ttuth TV Channel3 Barne CONCORD CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Rd 8. No 7Hwy A Chulch of Ihe New Testament Olde! A E Atkinson Mlnlste! a 669-1831 A Young â€" Sec 669-2784 SUNDAY SERVICES 9:50 - Sunday School 11 am. - Worship Service 7:30 pm - Hymn sing IHE MISSIONARY CHURCH GORMLEY Rev Ceml Rosenbmget SUNDAY 12.30 p rn A WARM WELCOME IO EVERYONE 8876846 (Latace photo) RICHMOND HILL â€" Renovation to the original hospital building at York Central Hospital is expected to start by the end of the month as the Ministry of Health has now made $900,000 available for the work. The hospital will be responsible for raising $450,000. $900, 000 for renovation at YCH This portion of the renovation will include the change in the mechanical and air handling equipment in the penthouse and vertical shafts in the original building which are now worn and obsolete, providing new locker rooms and completely updating our labour and delivery areas. Later. as money becomes available. the balance of the building will be completed, including the areas for the new services of audiology and the in- vitro part of our nuclear medicine RICHMOND HILL â€"â€" After four months of operation, the Block Parent Program in Richmond Hill now has passed the 250 member mark. ' Applications are still being received as the program spreads to Oak Ridges, Hillcrest and Richvale. Block Parents are concentrating on informing children as to how the program works while the program’s education committee has supplied area Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 39 of The Municipal Elections Act, (1972), as amended, that the last day for making application to the Town Clerk for a Certificate to vote by Proxy is November 30, 1976. Applications for such certificates may be made at the Town Clerk's oifice during regular office hours, 8:30 am. to 4:30 pm and until 5:00 pm‘, on Tuesday, November 30, 1976. C.D. WELDON TOWN CLERK Only persons who are entitled to vote at the Municipal Election and who expect to be unable to vote on polling day in their respective polling subdivisions may record their vote at the advance poll. 0.0. WELDUN TOWN CLERK. November 17, 1976 MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 AM. TO 4:30 P.M If your name was omitted from the Preliminary List of Electors and you were unable to attend at the Revision of the List, you may now, if qualified, obtain a Certificate which will entitle you to vote by applying, in person, at the office of the Town Clerk, Town Hall, during the following times: A person entitled to be an elector if, at any time during the period commencing on September 7th, 1976 and ending on Octobet 12th, 1976, he or she is: C.D. WELDON TOWN CLERK (a) resident in the municipality; lb) 3 Canadian citizen or other British subject, and (c) of the full age of eighteen years, or will attain the age of eighteen years on or before polling day. If you have become a Canadian citizen since October 12, 1976 and have the above qualifi- cations, you may also PERSONALLY obtain a Certificate to vote from the Town Clerk if you provide certification of citizenship. You cannot take the Declaration mentioned be- low before the Deputy Returning Officer on Election Day. (a) is the owner or tenant of land in the municipality or is the spouse of such owner or tenant (b) a Canadian citizen or other British subject, and (c) of the full age of eighteen years, or will attain the age of eighteen years on or before polling day. If you are a qualified voter on Election Day and your name was omitted from the Voters’ List, you are eligible to vote, provided that you take a Declaration on the prescribed form before the Deputy Returning Officer in the polling subdivision in which you qualify, and that you satisfactorily identify yourself to the Deputy Returning Officer. between the hours of 11 am. and 8 pm. at the following locations (n'la't-one TOWN OF ‘ r" RICHMOND HILL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS PROXY VOTING MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ADVANCE POLL VOTING CERTIFICATES Cn-‘a-roâ€"c OR IF NOT RESIDENT IN THE MUNICIPALITY; TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 10266 YONGE ST. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1976 it“? ‘ Pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act an Advance Poll will be held on: THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. November 17. 1976 â€"â€" C-3 DECEMBER 6. 1976 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL program. The balance of this program at the present time is estimated to also cost approximately $1,350,000. The renovated building will meet all the current standards taking into ac- count all the changes in the laws since the building was opened in 1963 and the changes and improvements in medical knowledge and technology. Building activities should be completed by March 315t. 1977. The balance of the building program will take about six months after the final authorization is received to proceed with it although it can be broken into six or seven separate small projects if the need so dictates. When the original building is renovated the hospital will have 401 beds with the services needed to maintain them. schools with teachers manuals to in- struct students about the program, Block parent booths can be seen this month at bazaars around town and information sheets are available at banks and grocery stores. Volunteers for the program are still needed. Interested persons are asked to contact the public or separate schools in their area or contact a local Block Parent representative. November 17, 1976 November 17, 1976

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